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[Closed] Feeling just so angry! What to do with this. Feel free to vent here. And help the venters.

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Relentlessly appalled, my mama bear's feathers ruffled, I'm feeling my inner witch.  I have been sending prayers full of comfort and hope to those in the detention camps but sometimes imagine myself an avenging angel protecting others from harm such as, tonight, "the squad."  Just scooting out a little light in front of and around them.  

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Can he go any lower? Maybe he will start spouting every derogatory name in his

little vocabulary. And the republicans will say nothing. Trying times. 

Hell has come to America. Maybe cuz it was invited?



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Grace singer,  

Good idea. Surrounding the beloved squad with protective me-too warrior power.   It swirls around them together and individually and then shines outward in all directions.

 The women of the earth receive this great energy and join hands in solidarity. They glow with an electric power and In turn send an even bigger and stronger wave of protection and power to these four women.

 It swirls around the four women again and again and blasts outward to all people of color and millions of light-workers whose hearts radiate love and reverence for all people.

The squad becomes the hub of a great wheel of progress that takes us to a new era of love and tolerance.  

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Hey Pacosurfer.     I am also angry w people in my family who support Schlump.  I can (possibly ... maybe... someday...) forgive them for making that mistake- ONCE- but if they  do it again , i am OUT!  Because now they can't say that they didn't know who he really is.  And anyone who supports someone who openly encourages the pollution of the air and the water, is no better than the creep at the bar who drops something into your drink when you aren't looking.

And yes, liberals do cry.  Let them mock us for being human.   It may just be the only chance they ever have to laugh.    Laughing.  At us. For crying. Because we give a shit.  Gah!    And everybody knows, republicans can't dance. Because even the Electric Chair has a safety belt.

 All i know is, that anybody who could cough up a spare heart should be crying right about now.   So cry! Cry Out Loud! Cry in your houses and Cry in the streets! Cry on the radio and Cry on the teevee!  Cry for every baby  in every cage! Cry for every bee who will never make it back to it's hive! Cry for every fish that has lost it's ocean , and every forest that has been robbed of it's trees! Every bird that has lost it's will to sing! For the LOVE OF GOD , AND ALL OF CREATION!  CRY OUT!  CRY!


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Nice TEDx talk on anger by an anger expert.   It's 13 minutes. 

He talks about the important purpose of anger and how we use it to fuel action.  

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I apologize if my post upset anyone. It looked like I was throwing a temper tantrum.

I made the mistake of going online to see the news, and that sets me off. I absorb the energy of what the mass media put out, and if they are outrage, I will become outraged as well.

I recommend the book “It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis. The language can be tough (I think it was written in the 1930s), I had to look up many words.

But if you read it, you’ll think a time traveler wrote it. The parallels are amazingly accurate and awful.

I sometimes get so annoyed at being a “spiritual person.”

Why do we have to be the ones to forgive and take the higher road? Why are we the ones who are called to do this? Why can’t I be a narcissist and a bitch and not care?

I am being dragged kicking and screaming to enlightenment.


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@pacosurfer, how I loved your last post.  You didn't upset me.  I'm often losing it at home; fortunately, my husband and I take turns.  I've given myself permission to let loose.  Seriously -- I allot myself a period of time to rant.   I'm no saint, nor do I want to be one.

And although I think that your question is a rhetorical one, I would say -- because your eyes are opened.  Because you know too much.  And because that's who you are.  But more importantly, you always have the choice, and you continue to choose to take the higher road.  And God bless you for that.

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My inner child wants to pout, but my higher self knows this is necessary.

Just as we need to vomit the poison after eating bad food, we need to purge the original sin of racism this country is based on. There is only one group of people who should be yelling "Send Her Back," and that's the Natives.

Trump is making us face the karma of over 233 years of raping and pillaging the Natives, enslaving the Africans, and everything else we did.

I love the promise of this country. All men are created equal. The welcoming of the huddled masses yearning to be free.
But we also have major karmic debt. This isn't me talking; this is listening to other psychics, tarot readers, this site...

Jeanne talks about the coming of the light...we can have that until we reach the bottom of the darkness, and we are only now facing it.

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I agree that a lot of things are coming to light even if it feels slow. I was thinking about why things are moving slowly. Nature takes time to bring everything to life. We are a part of nature and we need to move a bit slowly in order to tune into our own gut responses so that we can discern what is in alignment for us - all of us - and what is completely just bunk that will not serve us. We have gotten away from that in far too many areas to be sustainable. What I feel is happening is that we have given up our own guidance system in areas in favor of allowing others outside of ourselves to tell us the shortened version. Example - go to church, listen to what the church wants and then you are told to ignore what you know your gut is telling you - that something does not feel in alignment with the higher good for all of us. So we ignore that and ignore that and ignore that and then we have all of these imbalances that ask us to go back and not ignore our gut feelings. Each area of "scandal" - if you will - is an area that we just ignored what has been going against our gut for far too long. I firmly believe that it is getting us all in on our own alignment with our own connection to nature and one another on how we are interdependent.  I also think that things move slowly so that it will ring loud and clear as a clarion call to everyone no matter how or where they listen to it - what format or station.  

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Yesterday, I was thinking about what is it that I could do to find my own grounding and center as the energy of all of this moves around me and I reminded myself that I love doing Tai Chi. It helps move the energy "coming at you" while you center your own energy into your gut and stay in your center of gravity. I believe it was such a lightbulb moment because this is what warriors have used over the years to stay centered when they are being bombarded and their opponent is trying to knock them off guard, out of balance, off-center so they have no inner equilibrium and are confused. This is how I am coming to understand the tactics being used throughout our media systems by the team that makes up the messages to turn us from our own unification.  It's a visceral attack on the nervous system and gut and then you lose grounding and it disrupts your nervous system and your ability to discern the truth for yourself. I think that is why so many of us are feeling sick to our stomachs lately with all of this, or heart weary even. We need to stay grounded and centered and Tai Chi helps you feel like you are moving and doing something productive while dispelling some of the negative or stagnant Chi coming at you or around you.  I was happy that I remembered that and wanted to share that with all of you as we get ever closer to all of the swirling dervishness that is coming for information chaos. It helps us feel what is right and who is centered and clear to bring us together and not lead by fear. 

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Gaining clarity,

There is a reason why I binge eat while looking at any news; it’s all the energy coming at me. It’s the only way I know how to protect myself. 

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@gaining-clarity, thank you for your wonderful insights.  So true about the disruption of the nervous system, and the need to stay grounded.  My entire autonomic system has been out of whack the past 2+ years.  Also, thanks for sharing about the Tai Chi.  I had totally forgotten that I used to do Qi Gong!  I don't know why I ever stopped, but I could sure use it now.   Duh ... sometimes I make things so complicated for myself!

@pacosurfer, I can totally relate.  I've been binging on dark chocolate.  

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Im grateful for where this post has gone in regards to media. Right before I got on, the morning news had turned to The View. Just the intensity of their arguing makes my stomach start to hurt, my heart rate increases and I feel a LOT of anxiety. 
Funny enough, my husband and I were just discussing this yesterday. It seems that more now than any time before, this space of "transition" is purely filled with talk. These people who have an open and public opportunity to make fundamental changes, use that power to fight...not do. Where is the doing? Some days it feels like the far right makes more progress in their belief system because they DO instead of TALK. Almost like a "Do now, ask for forgiveness later" mindset, minus the forgiveness part. The left, (while I understand democracy being the forefront in their choices) seems to just talk....
It's times like these when I wish we as the left JUST DID. For the betterment of the country. 

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The tai chi and qi gong references make so much sense (thanks Gaining clarity and dee too!) I also took qi gong years ago, pre-kids. Time to refresh my memory!

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I find my House Representative is vile and dark.    I did not vote for Debbie Lesko and vocally supported her opponent who is a light worker.  I disliked Lesko's actions while she served locally for our state. too.   Her US Congeress predecessor ,Trent Franks, was pretty dark and had to resign while in office due to a scandal.   I frequently feel hate and darkness from Lesko when she speaks in public. She is a climate change denier, made the border wall her central election issue , is very pro charter and private schools at the expense of public schools and opposes universal health care. I know, these are typical Republican views.  She is just very extreme and dark about it all. She is also the person who put up "fake doctor" signs next to campaign signs of her opponent. .  Her opponent is and was a REAL doctor.  Lesko was raked over the coals by the Arizona Republic for her actions and the Arizona Medical Association yanked their Lesko endorsement after that stunt.  

Naturally, she felt the Mueller Report was biased against  President Donald Trump ( not a surprise as she is a huge Trump supporter).   Her evidence? The number of times the New York Times and Washington Post were cited as compared to Fox News. 

Vent over.  


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I'm so tired.

My soul is so tired.

Every time I think there will be a moving of the needle (Today's Mueller testimony), it seems like nothing changes. I know, I know...we have to be patient.

It's like we all know he is a sociopath, and those who support him are dark, yet it's like a game of inches...

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Look at history to see how far we've come. Shakespeare, Austen, Dickens-three different centuries of literature-the same themes abound. Class differentiation, abuse by the powerful, greed and judgement by the upper class, the marginalization of the poor. The poor were incarcerated for being poor-made to work in work houses. It's been just greater than a half a century since the civil rights act. In my lifetime there have been great strides made against racism, misogyny, homophobia, and in many other areas-like social aid to the poor. 

Yes, there were great protests in the 60's and 70's. How did those rebels and flower children grow up to be the Rumpelstiltskin loving baby boomers?  For the most part they're not. There were many more 'squares' than there were hippies-it's just that we know the hippies because they got more media coverage. I do know some hippies who are now Thumpers, but they gave up their youthful stances to turn into their parents in spite of saying it's the last thing in the world they'd do-and they are a small fraction of those I know. (I'm technically at the tail end of the boomer generation) 

Look at how technology has changed. Cell phones -from brick sized and several pounds, to flip phones, to smart phones-mini computers in your hand. Computers just to do math or print reports started out filling rooms. Home computers didn't even have hard drives. Things start slowly, and then evolve exponentially time wise. 

The same will be happening here. Some of us are just the early versions of this particular phenomenon. I was raised by a bigot. I overcame that training (not without holding some very inappropriate views in my early years). I brought up two very social conscious individuals, both of whom took the ball, ran with it, and then started teaching me. Unlike me, and the flower children I looked up to when I was young, they have many more peers who align with their beliefs. The younger generations are much more open to change. There are still those in younger generations who are not progressive, but those numbers are decreasing. 

Mueller today didn't produce any surprises or wowing sound bites-to folks like us anyway. He clearly said those in the administration were not truthful, no one was exonerated, that witness tampering and obstruction actually happened. However, he told those who only listen to fake news that yes, Virginia, our elections were interfered with by the Russians-and they're still meddling. We were told that it isn't out of the realm of possibility that once mango is no longer in office, there could be criminal charges pressed because the evidence was documented and preserved. For those who believed Barr's interpretation (or Cheatolini's) today was a surprising day. McGahn has been subpoenaed and congress is trying to get the courts to enforce those requests. Things will pick up speed. Don't lose faith!


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You're right. I'm ashamed that I get into these moods. 

It's a lesson I refuse to learn: That not everyone is like me, like us. 

We light workers are here for a purpose, and it's not gonna be pretty. It won't be comfortable. If we wanted to be comfortable, we may as well have stayed where we were.


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@Pacosurfer, don't be ashamed. We all get in our moods. We all have doubts. Then we all pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start again. 

Watch Adam Schiff's exchanges with Mueller. They're heartfelt, direct, and show that we're not alone. 

Or know that the rallies you see are carefully staged shows. People aren't chanting "lock her up" or "send them back" by themselves. The Apprentice is a showman-a con artist. Nothing is done by chance. There are people orchestrating these chants-and Omarosa disclosed that the VP's son orchestrates them on cue. 

If people read, they find out how weaponized the comb-over grifter has made our government institutions. The DOJ recently filed a law suit against her for failing to file required financial disclosure forms after her separation. The administration withheld her documents needed (according to her lawyer), then filed suit against her. This is how they operate. 

Not everyone will believe what they hear-from Adam Schiff, former employees, Robert Mueller, etc. The republicans at the hearings were shameful. Some will buy into their misdirection. That's ok. Many will eventually come to see what the truth is. 

Until then, vent when needed. That's what most of us are here for!

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@pacosurfer, I agree with Cindy.  There's nothing to be ashamed about.   This is very difficult to go through, especially because so many people are being hurt.  It can feel  unbearable at times.  That is what really rips me apart, and that's when I become spitting angry -- otherwise, I'd find myself in a fetal position.  What's important is that your eyes are opened -- you are awake and aren't numbing yourself to what's going on around you.  That takes a lot of courage.

@cindy, thanks for all of your wonderful insights!

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