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@baba thank you for sharing your dreams.  Remember when T said California needs to rake and social media was not taking it.  Of course I don’t feel like anything will cause his followers will change their minds about him but the raking could be symbolic of T’s own medicine or power play could come full circle and come back and bite him.  He has to the best and the strong man and if Pence or anyone else are acknowledged or retains more popularity, he’s not going to have it.

Your strawberries dream had me looking up where it’s grown and these are the states that came up:

California and Florida by far, with North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.


So perhaps these are the states we should focus on and look out for.  
Just a thought; thank you for sharing.


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@share @baba  I just had a strong response to your post @share. Trump announces all of his shenanigans ahead of time so "needing to rake the forest" could be an announcement that he has plans to damage California (was that about CoVid or something more).  He announced in advance that he'd damage the Post Office, invite Putin to interfere, and on and on.  So, could this be a sign to send light to California?  Also, all of the states where strawberries are grown are so important.  Actually, I think they're grown widely in Michigan too.  My thinking feels fuzzy here, but I do think this means something.  Maybe I'll go out and rake some leaves to see if something comes to me--except it's raining right now.

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@share @baba

Just another note about strawberries--- the place in Florida especially famous for strawberry growing is the southwestern part of the I-4 corridor between Orlando and Tampa. The I-4 corridor has also been noted as the "swingiest" part of this swing state.  People are very "moderate" there--- and the state tends to tip in whatever direction the I-4 corridor goes. 

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@ana @seeker @baba


all these states will rake the orange doo doo out and then after we all shall have some strawberries margaritas to celebrate; this is my wish;)


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@baba, trying to clean a mess left behind by those whose station is above yours which is the life of the Trumps -- others have always cleaned up their messes, not just the grass cuttings, but the messes they've all been making these four years as their apologists and enablers, the cabinet, the GOP, and the people at FOX keep doing for them.  

Meanwhile you overhear the Pence compliment and laugh because you do not respect T and see him for the petty vain boy that he is.  One thought I had was I wondered how T's WH staff feel about his weak ego.  I wonder if you picked up on the disrespect T's servants have for him.  

Then there is the part about what Trump did to Euro nations - the damage, a chip which isn't too bad but connotes the kind of abuse that an ignorant foolish and unworthy world leader has inflicted on long-built delicate diplomatic relationships. 

In the end, the dream focused on what matters most to Donald Trump, his status, his looks, and it is such a pathetic commentary. 

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I've recently had a few dreams about a friend from college that I've not really been close to since college.  In college, we were friends and hung out together a little bit.  I had the biggest crush on him.  He always made me feel special when he was around.  Sometimes, he even seemed to flirt with me, but maybe he did this with everyone.  Somehow, whenever I would dream about him I'd run into him on campus the next day.  It was one of the first clues that I could have premonitory dreams.  I finally told him of my interest, but he had just started dating someone else and things got really awkward fast.  In those days, I was very naive and persistent, so that didn't help anything.  He dropped out of school the following fall, and I always felt the other guy (I'm gay, if you haven't seen my introduction elsewhere on this forum)... anyway, I always felt the other guy was going to hurt him really bad and even had a dream about that to... so I always felt something happened there that spurred him to drop out of school (though I know he also dealt with homophobia from his dorm mates).  The last time I ever saw him in real life, he and his boyfriend came through my line over the summer at a local retail store (okay, I had graduated and was a cashier at Walmart... that's what my liberal arts degree got me).  Anyway, it always seemed odd because it he was still acting very awkward and it felt like the boyfriend dragged him to my line - perhaps trying to help restore our friendship (I really don't know.  I at least like to hope that.) but the interaction was very cordial.

After college, I tried to reach out to him a handful of times to no avail.  He'd moved back to his hometown in Louisiana, and eventually moved to California (and I've always been in Virginia).  Finally, years ago I found him on Facebook and was happy when he accepted my friend request. ...

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... I tried a few times to start a conversation with him on Facebook, but he never really responded.  I was happy he had accepted my friend request and didn't want to push my luck much further.  He really didn't seem like someone who spent a lot of time on Facebook and his wall and feed show this.  I was just happy he was doing okay and back in my life in at least a small capacity.

So last month, I had this dream where I was telling him that my love for him was always unconditional and that his friendship was important to me.  I think he may have responded positively in the dream, but I didn't write this one down and don't remember.  Then this past Sunday night, I dreamed that I went to a college reunion and he was there and we caught up telling each other what we'd been doing since college.  Then after the reunion I went to look for him and he was gone.  Monday morning I decided to look him up again on Facebook to see what he's been up to.  Two dreams about him recently made me feel the need to check in.  I was devastated to find out that he had passed away in May of this year.  He had contracted meningitis and something called PML in  2019 and it had a debilitating effect on him.  He was only 45 at the time of his death.  I was always slightly older than him as he came in as a freshman during my junior year.

I'd always worried that I'd run off his friendship in college.  I feel that in the dream he may have been reaching out from the other side to let me know that we still are friends. 

Learning about his passing has hit me really hard.  I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, so no more dreams, but I've also seen some other signs related to him since finding out.  Often spirit sends me messages by sending me coincidences that are to coincidental to be coincidence.  I turned on the news last night and someone with his first name was being highlighted.  I've seen his middle name twice today - once on a street sign and once in a song playlist.  A few other signs have come up.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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@melmystery, what a sweet story about how he became a piece of the fabric of your heart and soul. You can cherish the memory of him and the mystery of wondering what might have been. But if you feel the need to move on, consider having a ceremony, perhaps burning some sage, and speak a few words to him while releasing him to the light and universal love.

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@melmystery what a sweet story! Thank you! I have had a very similar experience of young unrequited love that was innocent, pure and unconditional. Just change the pronouns to she and your story would be mine. This person also passed away and came to me in a dream. My dream was so profoundly moving, and the love that was expressed towards me was so deeply felt that I began to cry. It was very real and I woke with tears streaming down my cheeks. She whispered to me, "I did not know". Which told me she was honored by my deep love for her. I also did not know she had died until after this moving dream. When I searched for her I found out she had just passed of cancer. 

This is my take on your dream. For whatever reason, whether it was fear or karma or a moment to teach, your friend could not access your love for him in life. When he passed away he felt the love coming to him. He felt the beauty and unconditional purity. He came to you in dreams to say thank you. Thank you for the friendship and love. He came to tell you, keep loving! 

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You're story is very moving and sweet too.

I've read that when people die they connect with everyone they touched in life for good or ill as part of their soul review.  So what you say makes sense to me.  I hope I get to meet him again in a future life and that the barriers between us won't be so huge.

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So...on another note...a couple of nights ago, just before waking I had a dream of don the con all tangled up in himself, struggling to free himself. The more he struggled the more frustrated and angry he got. He was flailing his arms and legs like he was caught in a giant spider web. Then I heard the word, KARMA, real loud. Not normal for me to dream of such matters as I am not a fan of politics.

Just saying...Karma is a b_***. 

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Hi I'm still new to this forum, in my life for the past 9 years I have been getting an increasing amount of spiritual experiences, dreams, visions, encounters. It began when my Great Grandfather visited me in a dream in 2012. I never met him as he died the year before I was born, but we share the same name. I got the impression from that dream encounter that he was telling me that he would always be around me, and since then more and more spiritual experiences have occurred, but for now I am just going to focus on dreams for the purpose of this thread.

One dream I had in April this year stood out to me (btw I always I keep a dream journal which is why I am able to remember them so well). I would like to hear from others what their interpretation would be of this dream(apologies for any weird formatting- this is pasted from my tablet):

My vivid heavenly dream
I awoke and found myself sat at a table in a room full of familiar faces. The people at the tables looked like they were busy, and I became quite aware nobody was noticing me.
To the right of me, I noticed a large 2 pane glass window which was the full height of the room. Through it from the distance, I could see beautiful rays of light which I felt drawn closer to observe.
Upon stepping over to the window to observe, I saw the most glorious scenery; lush green fields and hills, beautiful buildings and shrubbery. The most beautiful and scenic view I have ever seen in my life.
As I marvelled at the scenic view through the window, I became very aware that I was not where I should be and this was either a dream or some place else. 
If this were a dream I thought, then I must surely be unable to look up and down and side to side through the window?
So I began to look up, down, left, right, every detail was there to see and observe, and was just as real as any other place or environment I had known to be real.
But something else happened, I became even more aware that I was creating this - that all that I see and observe and interact with was my own creation - this place was mine. 
To test this further, I decided to think of a black American muscle car and suddenly one appeared and was travelling down the nearby road I had observed through the window.
I then turned to look back into the room I was in and noticed a footpath had appeared beside the tables that were in the room and decided to walk over to it. 
Beside the footpath was a tree and a small field of grass. Again, I thought if this were a dream then surely touching the grass and soil would not be possible? So I stroked my fingers over the blades of grass and picked the soil with my fingers and to my surprise that too felt as real as any grass or soil I had touched before. 
Still in awe after testing the environment, I looked up at the tree that was beside me. On the tree was some sort of plaque but it had my name on it and my details about me! But I looked different and the age it showed was 40 yrs old, which is older than I am now  and I looked healthier and happier than I do now. After seeing this I then started to cry.  I then thought that if this was as real as anything else, then what is really real? Where I was as real if not more than what I believed to be real. What did this all mean?
Then I woke up. Ah but only a dream I thought. But a dream I will never forget.
I want to also add, that at present, I am somewhat disabled by a neurological illness, and have been for the better part of a decade. It has been during this time that I have been on a spiritual journey. During each passing year the experiences have grown and grown, but I am still very inexperienced. My interpretation of this dream is that it is about my higher self coming through to communicate a message to me about my future and the possibilities available to me, but I would be really interested to hear from others what this also might mean. 

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@luminous truly mesmerizing dream.  The fresh and stunning scenery felt too real and that’s how I saw it.  We are sons and daughters of a higher spirituality and the doors to this world onto the next is but a dream’s away. The reality and beauty that we seek are all within reach yet we sometimes fail to acknowledge our gratitude towards the present and focus too much on the unknown.  The here and now and that door that leads to the alternate plane of higher spirituality are within. Focusing and leaning more on the spiritual teachings of this world is a colorful and powerful beginning to your story. You are luminous and gifted and your healing qualities are growing with greatness. Thank you for sharing your dream, it’s truly beautiful.


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Thank you @share

I have a whole journal of dreams like this and daydream like visions that I also write down. I would love to share more of them if people are interested in helping me understand them. 


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@luminous yes bring it on;)


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The other night I had two dreams, the first dream I had red marbles coming out of my nose, that's it. 

The second dream I'm at a concert in what looks like a school gym I'm in the front row and it's a full house and I'm not wearing a mask and nobody else is wearing a mask, and through the whole thing I'm wondering why I'm not wearing a mask. It was like I was watching but couldn't influence anything.

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@jsr78   I'll take a shot at it: The first dream  sounds like a warning about COVID (virus particles represented by red marbles). Either you are very (maybe excessively?) afraid of it, or it could be an actual warning.   The second dream sounds like you are feeling helpless in the face of the pandemic. 

Perhaps you should go get a test, just to check and and settle your mind.    

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Well, it's not a dream, but this just happened and I'm really spooked. 

I was responding to a tweet and meant to say "How would that be different from now?"

I was looking out the window and typing at the same time, and when I looked at what I had actually typed it was "How would that be different from pogrom?" I guess my subconscious has a lot of fear I'm not conscious of. I'm a Jew, and the word pogrom sets off warning bells, and subconsciously typing that word is just worrying on multiple levels. 

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I had no idea what that word even meant and so I looked it up.   Yes, it is worrying.  

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@pamp I had to look up the word as well and it sent chills all over my body.  We have over 243k death and those that failed to acknowledge this is a cover up towards a legal massacre is definitely concerning. Cases are rising and we have a current administration that lacks empathy.  


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