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11:11, Pennies, Rainbows and Other Symbolic Signs from the Heavens

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For as long as I can remember, during even my darkest, saddest,  loveliest, depressing or most challenging times-- the Universe has sent me gifts of hope.

Little signs, symbols, rays of meaning, hope, and magical communication from another place, belief system, or state of being-- most often seen as heaven.

A way of standing outside and apart from fear, sadness, grief, or depression and living (even for a moment) in hope and the promise of something--especially  better days ahead.

For me, the most common is the sign signature known as 11:11. I can't even remember when it started but decades and decades ago. Possibly even during analog times but only seen and noticed as being remarkable during our digital beginnings.

When the digital sequence of 11:11 or 11/11 is noticed and appreciated as magical--every single day and often twice a day (a.m. and p.m) then you really expand your belief system as to what incredible and magical things happen.

The 11:11 digital time code phenomenon is the term generally used to describe the experience of noticing, seemingly by chance, the digits 11:11 on digital time pieces, time and temperature signs, and so on.

Some people report having had this experience so often that it begins to feel like it "means something". A number of ideas have emerged purporting to explain what it means to have this experience.

Some Wikipedia contributions at different times (including my own) so I'm expanding my ".. " just in case 

"Numerologists believe that events linked to the time 11:11 appear more often than by chance or coincidence. This belief is related to the concept of synchronicity. Other authors believe it is an auspicious sign, and others that it signals a spirit presence. 

There are many who believe that just like a computer, whose entire programing is based on just two digits "0" and "1", and increasingly complex variations of their patternings, that our own perceived reality made is also ordered by mathematical probabilities of numeric codes.

There are, in fact people who believe that human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. And that these codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness.

And so, to many, 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of our DNA. A gateway to other possibilities or magical improbabilities.

In mathematics, 11 is a double digit. It is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In Numerology, 11 represents impractical idealism, being visionary, having to do with intuition, revelation, and artistic and inventive genius. Eleven is considered the higher octave of the number two (1 + 1).

It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies."

For those of you who are superstitious (as I can be) many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code or an alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches.

It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories. Simply because 11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time and thus are symbolic and can be seen as a metaphor for reality or as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience.

The most interesting quote from wiki is "this can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time."

It doesn't matter how big or small your experience is. It's all yours and it's magical even if experienced by others in seemingly bigger or more frequent ways.

It you notice it and it touches or transforms your beliefs it's equally wonderful, useful and remarkable.  

And "pennies from heaven"?

Not "just an old fashioned love song" but another amazing phenomena. For years spent in depression or pain or deepest grieving, I found them over and over every single day. Many, many signs and symbols that changed me in so many ways.

Initially, it was after the sudden death of two of the closest people in the world to me in one horrific accident, one of them a young child. I heard (in my mind) "feed the birds" from Mary Poppins and found a penny under a rock I moved to open the gate to get the birdseed to feed my best friend's beloved wild bird friends . I found pennies from then on. Outside, in streets, in stores, inside socks in the dryer, in stores...on and on and very, vety often in very strange and improbable places-stuck in moldings behind furniture, under bricks, rocks etc.that I moved. I literally filled a big big  pot with them over the decades.

Rainbows we all see as magical and it's no accident we see them on the darkest of days as signs of hope and promise, Seeing a double rainbow or the other odd versions that I can't remember the names of, even more amazing.

I know @lynnventura finds pennies, she asked (in another thread but i started this one) if others find them for their stories.

@deetoo has been finding spider webs. I love those being her magical symbol now. Dee, I have my broomstick ready at all times for a "magical mystery ride", do you or anyone else care to join me?

I have a huge spiderweb at the corner of my front door right now. Everytime someone new comes in or out, i point it out and tell them I'm decorating for Halloween. 

All magical, all meaningful, all so filled with fun even when your tears are more spontaneous than your smiles.

Keep on believing,  hold the hope and the promise in your heart--especially during the darkest, deepest, or most challenging times.

It's all part of the whole, this weird and magical place called earth in this weird and magical place called life in our bizarrely complex state of being called em-bodi-ment in whatever the heck we are experiencing.

Love you all. Please share even your smallest magical experience here:



?Everywhere else I must someone,  something else..hahahaha. Grabbing my broom, my pot of pennies, my baskets and baskets of heart rocks, and flying over her spider webs and down a brand new yellow brick road-- trying always to hold on to my hat and my smile ?

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Here is a story that I don't often share, but it is relevant to this topic.  It's a little long so bear with me.


In the early 1970s, my dear mother began saving Kennedy Half Dollars in a jar she kept under our kitchen sink.  She always said that she was saving the coins for "something special."  

In 1995, my father died suddenly and unexpectedly and soon after my mother was diagnosed with a rare neurological degenerative disease that is always fatal within a few years.  We decided that it would be best for her to move to California, closer to me.  While we were cleaning out her house for the move, the last thing she did was reach under her kitchen sink and pull out the jar of Kennedy half dollars. 

She gave the jar to me and said, "save these to use for when you need something happy, and whenever you see Kennedy half dollars, think of me."

She died in 1999.  About five months after she died, I fell into a deep depression.  I missed her so much.  One day, I was driving to the supermarket and I just started sobbing in my car.  I got to the store, parked, and sat in my car for a while trying to compose myself.  I opened the door, and there on the ground, right by my car was a Kennedy Half Dollar coin!

Of course, I immediately thought of my mother.  :)

But, the story doesn't end there.  You see, for the last 20 years, every time something major is about to happen to me or my kids, I receive a Kennedy half dollar from out of the blue.

Just a few examples (I can't list them all because there are too many!):

- My daughter needed major surgery when she was in high school and was in the ICU for two days afterwards.  I took a break from sitting in her room and went to get something to eat in the hospital cafeteria and was given a Kennedy half dollar coin in change (my daughter also says that when she was coming out of anesthesia, she clearly saw my mother in the room, smiling at her)

- When I dropped both my daughter and son off for their freshmen years at their respective colleges, I received Kennedy half dollars in change on the day I dropped them off.

- I found a Kennedy half dollar in the parking lot of the hospital where I had just had a biopsy for suspected cancer (turned out to be a false alarm).  

- Two days before my daughter's wedding, I received THREE Kennedy half dollars in change from three different stores on the same day!

I've also found and received Kennedy half dollars on vacations, when I bought a new car, and when I was struggling with personal decisions or filled with anxiety about some change coming.

Kennedy half dollars aren't rare coins, but their circulation is very limited compared to other coins.  When was the last time you received one, or found one in a parking lot by your car? 


I know it can just be coincidence that I've gotten so many of these coins right before big events in my and my kids' lives and at times when I'm feeling very anxious or depressed but I feel deep in my heart that my mother is sending them to me.

My mom always did things in big ways.  Why send me pennies from heaven when she can send me Kennedy half dollar coins?   :)


But anyhow, this brings me up to what happened yesterday.  On Tuesday, I was feeling very overwhelmed by everything happening with Trump.  I went out to my garden and did a half hour of meditation-slash-prayer and asked my mother if she could please put in a good word or two  for the country.

Because I have arthritis, I can no longer carry a purse comfortably, so I've taken to just tucking a small pocket sized wallet into my jeans when I go out.  I just cleaned out that little wallet a few weeks ago, and took out all of the change.

Anyhow, yesterday (Wednesday), I went to put that little wallet in my pants and felt something hard in it.  I opened it up and there was a 1971 Kennedy half dollar coin! 

I have no idea how it got into my wallet.  I don't remember getting it in change since I cleaned out my wallet at the beginning of the month (I would have noticed getting it in change).  I thought maybe my husband had put it in there as a surprise but he said he didn't.  

This was the first time in 20 years that a Kennedy half dollar just appeared in my wallet inside my house with no explanation.

My mom usually sends them when she wants to let me know that she sees what is happening and is still with me.  I'm not sure if this was a message from her about Trump and America, or if it was about something that's coming for me or my kids personally.

 Or maybe, mom was just saying hello.  :)


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Oh, I also want to share something else weird that has been appearing in my life.

For the last six weeks, every where I go I am coming across wild bird feathers!  I even found one in my car the other day.  I'm not talking one or two feathers.  I'm talking DOZENS of bird feathers from all sorts of birds, including owls, hawks, wild turkeys, and others.

Not sure what that means, but I've never found so many feathers in my life!

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Thanks for directing us to the 11:11 topic.  I'm loving these posts!

This is a reposting, from "Situation Unraveling ..." thread:

A few weeks ago I posted on this site about a large spider web that I discovered on our front porch.  I saw the web immediately after I was feeling very despondent about T.  I received the message that he and his minions would be caught in their own web of deceit. 

Then last week during our vacation at the beach, I saw another spider web, shortly  after hearing more distressing T**** news on MSNBC.  Photos of that web are attached.

Maybe you had to be there, but I found this spider web magnificent – especially when I first saw it through the sunrise (second photo).  To me it reinforced what I felt a few weeks ago about T., but more importantly, it signified the hope and faith of a new day.  I hope it uplifts you as it did me.



I'll be curious to see if there are more spider web "messages" in my future!  And @michele-b-here-in-the-forum -- I'd love to accompany you on a magical mystery ride -- I need to dust off my broom!



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Oh Rosieheart! For sure it's your mom saying hello! OMG as I typed that I got dizzy...seriously...and flushed! wow.

My mom passed away suddenly in 1983, Feb 12, we buried her on Valentines day. I was 22 yrs old & devastated to say the least.  I was pretty sad for most of the year. I used to go into my mother's dresser and touch her "unmentionables" as my dad called it. Her silk stocking pouch was beautiful and it was a gift from a relative. I used to examine those stockings and that pouch and sit on her bed as a way of connecting I guess.  Months went by and it was December. I was sad to think of Christmas without her so I sat on her bed when i was home alone and cried out that I didn't know how i was going to afford to get my brother and my boyfriend new boots for Christmas because they needed them. I suddenly heard my mother say "look in my stocking pouch - there's a $100 for you!" I had goosebumps! (my dad never went in that pouch). I opened it up and there was a $100! (I know it was not there before!)

The same week she died, I felt her propel me to go to an interview with a company I worked at for 35 yrs. I actually walked an hour to the interview. I heard her tell me they would hire me (very large company that had her same initials lol) They did. She's been doing things like that for me ever since.

I am a believer.


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Love love love your Kennedy half dollar stories!

Amazing. Improbable and exactly how miracles and messages of communication beyond this world and this dimension of reality works!

Wow, great great example! Bless you for sharing ?

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Yes. Yes. Yes. Feathers are awesome messages from spirit! When i find one i look up what the bird's symbolic meaning is from any animal spirit,  animal totem or power animal site and there's always a message I receive that is right on.

The same with an animal sighting--a deer in the back yard, a raccoon on my deck, whatever. Bunnies, horses, pigs you name it, they come as messages and messengers to me. Yours are coming is abundance! Wonderful blessings and gateways to spirit. Wonderful!?

Awesome @@rosieheart!

PS i also find heart shaped rocks, at least one per outing. Of course I've learned to keep my eye out for them, increases my odds as well as my collection...another message about how this all works!

Also watch for feathers, pennies...but my gosh I'd love your half dollars (definitely a politcal message to me...go dems ..hahaha)


Or Tricia's $100 bills just as much ? well, ok. Probably love finding them more.


Big big big hugs on your loss of your mom. Know how it is, how deep it hits and how long it takes to not cry and yearn for a very, very long time. We really never get over close bonds of love and heart connection ?

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Thanks for reposting your spider web tales and photos. So great and so symbolic really. Spiders and the ancient spider woman of native cultures weave the web of the world, are the keepers of our dreams and protectors from the darkness of our nightmares.

 Look it all up...Spider woman as dream weaver etc. I love the stories and symbolism and keep the commonly seen woven dream weavers by our beds.

Here's a good starter site of spider's symbolic importance

Especially followed up by second link here

And I'll get my broom dusted off as well and we'll be off riding the moon beams of the celestial realms ⚡☄⚡

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Ps i was missing my image pf my pennies from heaven penny pot but my link for adding an image in finally appeared here!

Why it was missing before is beyond me. The great trickster was having too much fun with me as usual.  Ha!

Attachment removed

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I love this topic !  Without even being aware of the number 11, it suddenly became a constant occurrence in my life starting decades ago.  It would appear as an important date- 11/11 or the birth of my son 1/11, or closing for our house on our 11th wedding anniversary etc.... All of our houses or apartments had the number 11 attached to them- 1111, 551 ( 5+5+1=11), etc..  Then recently our daughter and son-in-law wanted to purchase a house, but the bidding was starting the next week. In CA houses go for several hundreds of thousands of dollars over asking price typically. They had a budget and placed an offer. They asked to have the ability to counter the offers.  The bidding started and they received 5 offers, then 8, then 11- that's when I knew they would get it !  But, it didn't stop there. The offer countered back with an 11 in it ( not typical ) and their house # 18338 (8+3=11). Pennies are always at my feet and I know my father is sending his love and presence. My granddaughters look for them and whenever we look at the clock to see 1:11 , 2:22 they say "Angels are here "   Thank you for such a fun topic ! Blessing to everyone

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Thank you Michele for starting this new thread and for sharing your story. It's so profound and meaningful to read how the universe communicates with you, and all of us, if we just pay attention.

Recently I was taking the subway to a court hearing for a client. The hearing would determine whether she and her son would remain in the US or be forced to return to a place where their lives would be at risk, and I was very concerned about how it would go.

When the train arrived I got in to one of the cars, sat down, and closed my eyes. A moment later I opened them and looked up across the car to the ads that are posted near the ceiling of the cars. The ad I read said: Relax. You and your team are supported. I did in fact have a team working on this case, and yes, we were supported, by an unseen force that was protecting us and the vulnerable person we represented.

I pray to this force often, to give me strength and lead me in the right direction. It answers often.

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I'm not too sensitive to the 11:11 phenomenon. What keeps happening to me is I will glance at a digital clock and the numbers will be in an ascending sequence (1:23, 2:34, 3:45, etc). Also, in one of my favorite books, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, there is a memorable passage in which the author Annie Dillard recounts hiding pennies in her neighborhood as a child with clues written in chalk so that the penny could be found by unsuspecting passersby. She goes on to write: "It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won’t stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted in pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get."

And to add more synchronicity to this discussion of synchronicity, I was just (2 hours ago) reading a chapter in a book on holistic medicine about how synchronicity in physics, especially at the quantum level, can explain stories of healing that confound modern reductionist medicine. 

But now for the greatest mystery of all: what is the universe trying to tell us when our socks disappear in the dryer?


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Whenever I am worried or having a difficult time, I find dimes and I always know that it means everything will be alright. I never knew why it was always dimes. Then about 2 years ago, my cousin who was doing a family genealogy showed me a picture of a dime.  I asked her what that was about. She told me that when my father’s dad died, (he fell down icy steps and broke his neck) all he had in his pocket was this dime. I now know that my guardian angel is the grandfather I never met. 

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The answer is in those wonderful stories, questions and riddles in the end. The socks are like cats, They are in their time traveling cardboard boxes all lined up waiting their turn to transform from here to there in material and non-material form as part of a great experiment.

In the end we will discover that it was all those cats' belief systems and need to rule in the end. They either took the socks as time traveling sock launderers in catsinoes and pyramid schemes grinning their heads off and appearing and disappearing from view as Alice popped her pills in her Kardashian dress and Ivanka shoes while the Melania jewelry failed once again to materialize from the wreckage of the golden Trump towers of fake manifestation.

In the end, the cats have 9 more lives and one phenomenal sock collection they snagged beyond being or not being in any or all aspects of interdimensional existence.

I'm curled up with two dogs right now, but I also love my cats. And yes I still am looking for my missing socks and look for them everywhere I go. I know I will eventually find them.  At 11:11 on 11/11 as I find a penny, a feather, and a heart rock all in my dryer at the same time.

It will be golden. Ok so I am still human and covet your time sequences. That's beyond time of all times in my book of ages and stages of conscious evolution and development. The answer to that amazing symbolism is even more complicated!



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Oh this brings me to tears once again! A beautiful, tender and incredibly sad story of the symbolism of your dimes.  But such a message and revelation of meaning and love passing on the very meaning of everything to me at once.

It's all amazing isn't it? Connections and meaning and communication through time and states of being. Messengers of the gods in many ways of energetic forms of agency. Money is currency and currency is a form of energy and in their own ways all things are agency.

One thing leads to another. 



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Fabulous and great bidding magic fun! Love this!  Angels indeed.  Surround us, are a part of us (layers and layers) and are there when we need them.

We just need to pay attention just as you did for the signs and symbols

A bowlful of blessings back to you,  Molly. Signed, sealed and delivered with love!

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I am so loving this thread! I have had a number of experiences over the years, including the 11:11. Like @molly, we have had apartment/house numbers with 11 several times. When our current home was up for sale, (it also has 11 in the house number), the timing wasn't good for us, so we decided to wait. I drove past it all the time and thought, if it was meant to be, it will work out to get it later. The neighborhood is a very popular one, so I was surprised it didn't sell. They took it off the market over the winter, made some additional repairs/upgrades and we were ready when it went back on in the spring. Our realtor was in contact and as soon as the preview was ready, we got to see it -- on April 11, at 11 a.m. :) I had seen 11:11 all over the place in the months leading up to that.

Earlier that same year, my brother had a terrible health crisis (a brain bleed) that we were not sure he was going to survive (he did, and recovered well, thank goodness!) At the time, I had to make a 4-hour drive by myself to see him and be with my family while my husband stayed home with our girls.I was beside myself with worry, but as I drove (a route I have driven many times), I happened to glance up and across the highway, on the other side, off of the road in a clearing was this sign that said "Miracles". Later in my trip, as I came nearer to my destination, there was a huge bulletin board that advertised stroke recovery and rehabilitation. Both signs I had seen caught my attention and served to reassure me about my brother, even though the situation was quite dire.

Later, after we were waiting in the waiting room, my mother and mother's cousin and family were sending out prayer requests (basically trying to get all the positive energy as we could for him) and I was trying to research a saint (we are Catholic) and I had searched for patron saints of head injuries. The first one that popped up was Blessed John Licci. I was reassured and reading through his story and finding the prayer, etc. Then I stopped cold when I saw his feast day - Nov. 14. My brother's birthday. 

Ok - random aside...I wanted to make sure my details were correct as I typed this -- and I just pulled up a bio on John Licci that mentioned he lived for 111 years. He did on Nov. 14, 1511. WOW. I did not know that until just now. The universe is awesome.

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What a great story so glad your brother is ok! I love this number and miracle thread too. My husband wanted me to mention something about him ? He has an affinity for the # 8. He just loves that #. He grew up on 539 Marlet Place (5+3+9 = 8 in numerology). He wakes up every morning at 5:39am!  My husband is a real estate agent and he grew up Catholic too, and apparently he believes when you want to sell a house you bury a little statue of St. Joseph in the front yard, upside down, facing the house to help sell it. He says it works like a charm...So funny....


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Oh, yes! The house we were in before this one had trouble selling and had been on the market for 2 years. I found a St. Joseph statue in the yard after we moved in. I think I still have it on a shelf around here somewhere. :)

That is fun about your husband's 5:30 connection! 

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Double numbers and double real honest to goodness signs!

You reminded me that a LOT of us see and are comforted by the reappearance of signs--billboards, license plates,  bumper sticker messages whatever.The more the miracles appear the more weook for them during hard times when tbey most often seem to appear...your brother, my brother, sister in law, mother, father, many dear friends. We are all so much alike in so many ways ?

One day I was feeling especially challenged. I realized my multi-tasking issue as pointed out to me by the"Are You an Empath" test in that thread made me realize I might actually be a bit of an OCD multitasker who ignores the warnings along that slippery slope--doing 1 thing in one room, suddenly remembering I needed to do another thing in another room with an object or related task--creating a crazy woman "Family Circle" path of invisible footsteps from room to room.

Pete and repeat as I misplaced my phone, my water glass, my coffecup, my fuzzy duster or trash baskets all over the entire house carrying this ridiculous entourage of inefficieny.

No wonder cleaning or laundry or craft or hobby days became lost object days instead. Crazy woman looking for signs of them and missing a lot of bigger pictures. Yeesh. Might be my only OCD like repetitive behavior but I developed it very well!

Almost 70, raised Catholic, still pray regulary, have a rosary and crosses all over my house, believe in saints, miracles, make my own holy water during full moons outside in the magic glow. Lapsed in one religious/church practice but believer in my own alterations of all that still resonates. Oh the incense and bells too and monks chanting. Love them all in my DNA/past lives/things that truly are part of us.

See signs, symbols everywhere/ everywhere.   Numbers too. I once told a mobile booth/cell phone fellow I couldn't accept an assigned new phone number  because they were numbers that didn't  resonate with me. He actually understood and put up with a number of suggested randoms to please me. Oh my, bless him!

Often my signs...well the pennies and feathers...literally fall from the sky. Feathers are logical but a penny from the air above me clattered down...and it was my birth year.

Hope my endless stories trigger all of you patient readers here ?


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