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[Closed] Joe Biden

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@frank Thank you for adding to the richness of our visions with yours.  I love thinking there is a coalescing of our visions into one truth. I also love your Collective Chakra idea.  The earth has chakras too and it would be interesting to read them. 

Back in 2008 and then in 2013 & 14 Spirit showed me several predictions for 2027/8. The first was a cactus for 2027-8 that I saw in 2008 superimposed over a map of the U.S. heartland.  

It appeared on my inner screen with great solemnity.  It told me it was the beginning of an epic drought. The second came in 2013 and 14 as a time when a Collective of U.S. progressives would rise to new heights, led by two women. So earth troubles giving rise to a  matriarchal leadership to begin a new era of recovery. 

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Senator Amy Klobuchar just announced on Lawrence O'Donnell's show that she was withdrawing her name for consideration as VP.  She called Biden last night and told him he should choose a woman of color to be his running mate.


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 Were you watching Lawrence too?  Anyway it works in both threads, especially as it pertains to "...rebuilding a progressive America in the Future."  I was really happy to hear Klobuchar's announcement, although I never felt Biden was going to choose her.  Plus Klobuchar's record as former Minnesota prosecutor was facing a lot of scrutiny.  I have felt for some time that Biden would be choosing a woman of color.  I'm still thinking it will be Harris, although I'd be equally happy with Demings or Abrams.    

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@avon We have a lot of work to do for sure! I would put emojis of soap, water, pails, scrub brush, well you get the picture......but it will be daunting. The difference will be able bodied individuals that don’t have to kiss butt and steal money to do it. They will be thinking individuals who understand the Constitution and serve THE CONSTITUTION! PRAISE BE! LET US GIVE THANKS FOR THE DEMOCRATS WHO SERVE WE THE PEOPLE!

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@jeans3head I'll add bleach and disinfectant to your emoji list, haha. Deep clean with extra elbow grease!

I'm excited about the Amy Klobuchar news as well, I really hope Biden and the Dems in general are on the ball this election. Seems like we're heading in the right direction, I have hope.

It's really wild how Jeanne and others predicted the 2020's would be a decade of change, then literally BOOM as the decade started everything seems to be in an upheaval and ripe for change. Blows my mind, it's a bit of a scary transition, but so exciting at the same time. 

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@avon @share @frank @allyn I just finished reading an article by Michael Tomasky of the New York Review of Books that tracks Biden's move to the left, which he believes is genuine. I would be interested in people's reaction.

First of all, he feels the dems have learned from mistakes of 2016 that they need to work together, which he says is why Bernie Sanders stepped aside when it was clear Biden was winning the nomination, something Sanders did not do in 2016.  He points out how the dems are now coordinating their efforts to have a united front. 

"One of the oldest truisms of presidential politics is that candidates run to the left or right (respectively) during the primary and to the center in the general election. But since he became the presumptive nominee, Joe Biden has moved left."

Tomasky credits the hardship and trauma of the pandemic,  the murder of George Floyd, and the reality of Sanders' and Warren voters who need to be wooed.

But he also believes that Joe Biden is genuinely questioning the structure of our society that has upheld the neo-liberal economics that have reigned since Reagan. 

That's when I perked up:

 "Biden might be now willing to depart from the economic principles that have governed policy-making in this country over the last forty years: the so-called neo-liberal principles of free markets, little government intervention or investment, wariness about deficits [except when it comes to giving money to the rich - my insert], and more. He might be willing to cast off the values and policies that have given us our era's raging inequality, this uber class of billionaires, this ethos of the deserving versus the undeserving."

Wondering if we can count on Biden delivering. I was not a Biden fan in the past,  but would like to hope.  Also Biden can only deliver if we can deliver a blue sweep in the Senate.  There is little a president can do with a red Senate. 

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@jeanne-mayell What a great article, thank you for sharing it! I agree with quite a few of the points it made. I've long felt Biden was that "perfect" middle of the road candidate that doesn't polarize either side too badly. I feel Biden tries to do the right thing by the American people, when he speaks, I can see/feel the empathy that he has. I am anxiously awaiting for his VP and cabinet announcements, I think this will make all the difference on his win. But like you said, a blue Senate will be like a life and death situation for our recovery timeline. 

After Biden won Super Tuesday, I loved how almost all the candidates eventually stepped aside. This really was them coming together to unite and support one person. They absolutely did learn from the 2016 election and they're still trying to evolve to all that 2020 is throwing at us. I hope they continue this journey farther to the left. 

I read an article just yesterday, although it's from April (4/20), it discusses how Biden could win even more swing voters by supporting Marijuana. I think if he tweaked his stance on a lot of issues, even just a hair to the left, a lot of Sanders/Warren voters would be a bit more enthusiastic about his middle of the road history.  Here's the article if anyone is interested:

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  • @jeanne-Mayell love the article, thank you for sharing.  
    I have many younger sisters and their friends(very progressive) and they’re very angry at what’s going with the injustices within our system as well as the failure to protect Mother Earth. I feel the Burning intentions of this new movement from the younger generation and therefore Biden should strategize on the unity message.  This new generation are elevating awareness and they need to be heard just like what T did during the 2016 election with his supporters. Biden need not only win but it’s time for him to listen and stay aware of everything that’s going on within the collective.  He has to reach Warren, Pete, Sanders and all the other running candidates’ supporters.  I feel like he’s leaning left by working with each and everyone of these candidates and bringing back unity within the party.   It’s time for Biden and his team to give the respect, connect, and listen to every running candidate; they will provide different perspectives and Ideas which will allow him to learn, strategize and reach more voters that are ready and yearning for that change.  




  • Below was my Thoth card reading for Biden on June 15. 


6. Strength: Indolence
He’s been successful with everything he’s focused on but he feels like the material success does not fulfill his spiritual quest.  He wants to spread more spiritual growth and ready to water the world with love since there’s so much sadness and pain which he’s gone through two major painful experiences and that’s given him a different outlook.

7.  Near future: prudence
The fruitful tree of life, he’s growing in a beautiful and spiritual way.  He wants the world to see the different flowering colors and welcomes growth, sunshine and love.  He’s a powerful and kind spirit and he wants to nurture the natural beauty and give back in abundance.

8. Something else about you: valour
There’s self doubt at times but there’s so many smart and wise people around him that will help him get through any upcoming battles.  Use his voice to reach out, be willing and be more progressive. The curvature in the middle stick shows that he’s ready to bend and change and ready to take on the fire that’s ready to explode.

9. Environment: victory
He’s taking a backseat while allowing his opponents to light themselves on fire.  It will all correct itself and he will come in and take the victorious hand.  People are waging war on him but the ammo is weak and the flames will burn itself out.

10. Hope and dreams: the Chariot
He’s ready to thrust Forward with conviction.  Nothing will stop him coming forward for the throne.  His gold armor claiming victory and holding the colorful globe shows that there’s so many supporting him and he just need to keep going and keep flighting.  The animals in front represent his advisors and I see there’s a strong woman of color whom will stand tall and strong for him.  She will be his watch god and the one that will lead him to the finish line.  There’s nothing that will stand in his way, he’s focused and geared up.  He’s been practicing and nothing will take way this moment of his.

11. Outcome: ace of wands
Taking the reign putting out the previous fire.  With all the fire it’s time to RE build and focus on the nurturing element.  Connecting the bridge and and holding everyone in his hands and heart.  All the fire in the previous card have destroyed so many beautiful things but now it’s his Turn to glue all the gaps together. He’s bringing forth life, love, compassion and RE-building with kindness.

12.  Who will be his running mate: The art
A powerful, intelligent and strong woman of color.  She’s going to be the winning factor for Biden.  Yin, yang element, Hope and love and will bring healing and peace back to the collective.




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What a beautiful reading for Biden.

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

 "Biden might be now willing to depart from the economic principles that have governed policy-making in this country over the last forty years: the so-called neo-liberal principles of free markets, little government intervention or investment, wariness about deficits [except when it comes to giving money to the rich - my insert], and more. He might be willing to cast off the values and policies that have given us our era's raging inequality, this uber class of billionaires, this ethos of the deserving versus the undeserving."

There are so many exciting and nerve wracking statements in here :-).  

On Thursday I had a falling out with a good friend over a lot of "junk" that has accumulated in our relationship over the last few years.  It was a heated exchange via text message, which is not how I wanted to have the conversation (I've been putting it off for months) but it's how it went down.  She wouldn't accept any of my invitations to talk in person via Zoom or over the phone.  We haven't spoken since this went down on Thursday, but as I continue to ponder both the conversation and "why Thursday?" it dawned on me that we're both terrified.  We're both terrified for a lot of reasons about the state of the world, and we're both trying and failing to think about how massive changes in our professions, the world, etc. will affect our lives long term.  And it's that uncertainty that keeps sending her into fight or flight. When I see her tomorrow on a Zoom meeting I'm running I'm holding onto that, no matter what ends up going down.  I'm only a little farther down the path of acceptance than she, and I'm hopeful we'll catch up to one another again.

On to my major point:  When I think about the fact that my entire life (I was born in 1979) has been under the system you described in this quote, it's terrifying to think about something coming in and replacing it.  It's the "devil you know" -- and no matter how terrible it might be, it's better than the uncertainty of something new.  I could dwell there.  But I don't want to.

But it's a broken system -- And while it can't be rebuilt overnight, is it better to live with a broken system, or accept the growing pains associated with ushering something new in?  If there's ANYTHING I'm thankful for from this administration, it's that I finally woke up to how broken everything really is. least, the alarm is going off and I'm stirring.  10 years from now I'll know which. :-) 

As painful as departing from the economic principles that have governed policy-making sounds, I'm going to try to stay focused on how profound a change like that could be for positively impacting the future.  Thank you for this insight Jeanne!

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@dannyboy I wholeheartedly agree, I'm also in my early 40's and was born into this broken system, it's all I know. Change is scary, I'm not a fan of it myself, but in the end it will make us stronger and healthier as a nation. I know we can do this! I too wonder what we'll look like in 10, 15, 20 years from now, it's a scary and exciting thought! 

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@avon This is why I've lurked on this site for years (and only recently started posting more) -- With the accuracy rate of these predictions it's nice to know things can actually turn out well, as long as we keep moving toward making those positive predictions reality.

In fact, my favorite prediction is one I definitely won't be alive to see.  @Jeanne-mayell's own:

  • I see men with beards and suits. We are still here! (Jeanne Mayell)

I'm hopeful if she takes everyone farther ahead than the 2020s at the next read the future night that I am able to see some of these bearded suits too to see what they're up to and what things look like :-).

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@dannyboy. I very much doubt that we're talking about so much change that you'd be afraid of it.  What they are suggesting sounds more like it was in the 1970's when the minimum wage was high enough that you could afford to get your own apartment when you got your first job, and when CEO salaries were not 50 times higher than the lowest paid employee but more like 5 times higher. 

When I think of how much departure from the forty-year system they are talking about, I think of Roosevelt and the New Deal.  Roosevelt added Social Security and health care for the elderly and disabled. Before Social Security, the elderly had the highest suicide rate  of any group. It dropped after Roosevelt.  He didn't create a socialist system, but a capitalist system that was equitable and had a safety net. We've lost that in the last forty years.   

In today's world  it would mean more government investment in infrastructure, like a public transportation system that is efficient, accessible and affordable  so that most people would prefer hopping a train to driving a car to get somewhere.  I remember skiing in Switzerland in the 1970's seeing hundreds of Swiss families in their ski boots, polls in tow, hopping off the trains for a day skiing adventure.  The trains were that good, that accessible, and that cheap that it was easier than driving. We could move in that direction in this country. 

It means implementing a Green agenda, like AOC's Green new Deal.  Also he now advocates free higher education for kids whose families make less than $125K a year. So he's not advocating free higher education for the rich, but for the middle class.   And lowering Medicare to age 60, again, not Medicare for all, but for more people.  

It's not a huge change, but it takes the edge off of inequality. 

In other words, it is not the end of the market system you know, but a fairer system that allows people to gain some wealth, while also sustaining people at the lower ends of the spectrum. 

Now the more knowledgeable people can come in and correct me. I'm not a Biden expert. I never supported him before, but he's the nominee now and what I'm reading gives me hope. 

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@dannyboy that is a good one! Makes you wonder.

I've been a lurker for years as well and it's amazing to see some of these predictions coming true with crazy accuracy at times! The visions people have sound so beautiful, the pictures they paint of us loving the earth again give me the greatest hope. I know we'll be ok in the end, it's just the journey is downright bonkers at times. 

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@jeanne-mayell In the year 2020, everything is frightening :P.  Thanks for the explanation! I've been so focused on reading the final pages of both the election and the next school year, I didn't think to try and look down the paths a Biden Presidency could bring.  I'll see what I can see, maybe throw some cards and report back!

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@DannyBoy, I totally understand your fear. We have the same in Europe and felt frustrated because we cannot vote in the States while the US dictates a lot of global policies (think the climate or nuclear agreements with Iran).


I firmly believe that the downward spiral started in 2016. Not just because Trump was elected, but all roads led to that horror year. And in a perfect storm it all started to implode; only coming to a boil this year.

Having a structure, that has been in place for so long, breaking up hurts, but if we don't do it, it will fester. So yeah, here's hoping the breaking will continue. If Biden does it well I can see a different America on the horizon. One that has joined the 21st century. The bigots will still be there, but silenced by the majority.


As a child of the 70s/80s (I'm in my 40s as well) the US was a shining example for most Europeans in the 80s. We grew up watching TV shows that showed the US awesome and amazing in every way. In the 90s/00s that image cracked.

Here's to an America that *becomes* the ideal, the image we all believed in.

Stay safe.

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@jeanne-mayell @avon @share @allen  Biden was not my first choice, but in the last few months it seemed obvious that out of all the candidates, he has the strongest capacity to show compassion, empathy, and healing.  VP pick will be very important.  Also, considering that I'm close to Biden's age, I can strongly relate that he's fully capable of having taken all of his experiences, successes, failures, and lessons into a "constructed knowing" level.  I am hoping so.  

But, I have another concern and raise it because I don't know what to think.  Much is being discussed today about the Dems not being tough enough: not tough enough on impeachment, not touch enough in advertising and commercials.  Have also read that the Republicans laugh about the lack of willingness of Dems to get really strong and pointed.  So, on the one hand, I want them to be as strong as those who write THE LINCOLN PROJECT, but, on the other hand, am glad that they aren't as vindictive and cruel as the GOP and appear more willing to stand up on principle.  What do we need from the Dems right now regarding Bill Barr's corruption?  Trump's corruptions?  Impeachment for Barr now?  A second impeachment for Trump?  Or prayer!

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@share - I am just catching up on this thread. I love your reading for Biden! Much of this resonates with me. I particularly love the Art card for his running mate. I pulled for Biden and Harris on another thread and got The Lovers. A good partnership, perhaps? Thanks for sharing.

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@cc21 thank you for your kind words. Yes the lovers card is definitely suitable for their partnership.  I see them as both very honest and ready to take this professional relationship to the level of optimistic healing.



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I JUST LOVED your Biden reading! Thank you! ? 

While reading it and afterwards I suddenly started hearing "TURN, TURN, TURN" by the byrds. I feel that's the song that resonates with me as to why we have Biden as the candidate now. I also feel that when I key in on Biden that he didn't want to do this, but he felt compelled by not only his dear Beau's last spoken wish (that his dad would run for POTUS) but he sincerely wants to help our nation.

God Bless him... ? ❤️

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