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[Closed] The Impeachment of Donald Trump

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I am going to put this on our prediction page but I think our community just had a hit.  

Did we help manifest this today?  ( I don't even really know how to articulate what I am trying to say and what I am feeling).  

  • Angels/Guides are as tired as we are, but they say to keep going, keep fighting to defend the light. (Laura F) Predicted 11.11.19 for January 2020.

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Yes this is a hit.  A good hit.  :-) 

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Posted by: @herondreams

...I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light...


@herondreams, at the risk of appearing to fawn, I feel compelled to tell you that I have a lifelong kindredness with the heron (my totem), and a nearly lifelong relationship to Wendell Berry's work. In fact, I have his words tattooed on the inside of my forearm. Those are from a different poem, but the one you shared saved my life many years ago. 

Here's a poem from a different poet, whose words feel especially vivid right about now:

For the Children
     – Gary Snyder

The rising hills, the slopes,
of statistics
lie before us,
the steep climb
of everything, going up,
up, as we all
go down.

In the next century
or the one beyond that,
they say,
are valleys, pastures,
we can meet there in peace
if we make it.

To climb these coming crests
one word to you, to
you and your children:

stay together
learn the flowers
go light



Now, in other, more offbeat news, when I saw the news earlier about Alexander's 'no' vote, I suddenly heard Cypress Hill, circa 1993, singing through my brain:

"When the ship goes down, ya better be ready."

Now, I'm not one to get prescient musical downloads like several of you here, but I'm pret-ty sure this one is a psychic diss track for the future of the GOP. ;)

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That's lovely! I know Snyder is a Buddhist, and "go light" echoes "make of yourself a light" which folks here sure are doing!

Do you know Sharon Blackie's work?


I just love the songs that come for people. The line (not a song) that keeps running through my mind each time I catch an update on this impeachment mess is "It ain't over until the fat lady sings." 



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Lamar is one my cowardly god-awful senators. I found myself so upset and feeling so defeated last night and let him know it on his FB page too. Many others did the same. It’s incredulous that this is the norm - and there’s no telling what King orange one will do now. The amazing thing was as I looked up at the clock, I saw it was 11:11.......and at that moment I understood that this is what was meant to be — and the long game will be OK. Thanks to everyone on this site for holding the light - I just appreciate so very much - a community of like-minded souls is invaluable in these dark times. 

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Agree in all ways about the Heron and the poets who walk within its shadow between the veil of this world and the next.

I shared the Wendell Berry poem with someone I loved who'd already faced unbearable loss. It got him through another decade but after a terrible accident he passed through the veil  to join his beloved wife and young  daughter lost 17 years before. 

My copy of the poem had been shared with many by then and it was found again and was read over the three graves as I weeped for all standing there in even deeper mourning.  But most of all for their two remaining sons as I stood watching their newborn grandbaby in the arms of their youngest son and his wife.

Nature's heart and ours are all so entwined they truly feel woven into the very depths of the Celtic knot.

I know @@Jeanne-mayell is in there too as she also has posted and shared this poem as so many of us now have.

Those energies run more then deep. They are an intrinsic part of all of us. Fawn away dear V as I do in my heart now for all of you who are part of the energies greater than all our sums combined.


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Perhaps the harm IMPOTUS is wreaking on the environment rolling back protections and stripping the Earth of resources has AA Ariel on the case as well.


another angel ... I love that!  I didn't know about Archangel Ariel.   We desperately need Ariel's help.

@lovendures and all, I don't know what drew me to Eve Turek's photograph of Michael.  Last fall we were visiting a gallery at the Outer Banks, and I was so moved by Michael's presence that my husband purchased the photo for me as an anniversary gift.  I hadn't focused on the lion's name until yesterday, after our meditation.   Really powerful.


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Bless all of you bringing in the poems, the prayers and the messengers of light by evoking the angelic realm now and always holding space here, there, and everywhere within us now.

All of this beauty amidst such great personal sadness among so many has reduced me to weeping -- or perhaps I should say lifted me higher to -- weeping and  about to turn into sobbing-- for all the sadness within the veils of all the beauty of this world and the next lying here (but so thinly and yet deeply part of us all)  the Angels gathered around us, with and among all here now.

Now, as we all hold hands and feel one another's hearts in this great circle and pray for this world, our loved ones gone, here now, or to pass yet ahead for all of us to yet bare, yet share words and worlds of comfort, joy, loss, sadness and great great hope.

I weep for this world as I continue to bow down in the prayer, itself deeply present yet totally and fully yet expressed by our mourning, yearning world.

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It can seem cowardly, on the surface but yet I think its not. There's a whole lot wrapped up in his statement and most of it I actually agree with him on. Maybe I can u wrap it a little for you.

My mother has a saying-"give them enough rope and let them hang themselves." That is what he just did. He handed the GOP all the rope it needs.

He said he doesnt need to hear from witnesses because the house has already proven their case with a mountain of overwhelming evidence. That's flat out true. The case is proven and witnesses are not needed from a judgement standpoint.

He said Trump's quid pro quo is improper. Again, true and not what Trump wants to hear. There goes his exoneration. 

He said it's not for the Senate to decide and leaves it for the voters. This I do disagree with in this scenario, however Trump wasn't getting removed by 20 GOP senators even if he walked in chambers and defecated on Roberts' lap on camera so nothing changes by him saying that. 

He knows what he says or does has no effect on the ultimate outcome so this changes nothing. He knows a trial without witnesses 75% of the country wants will always be seen as a coverup and sham. He knows that the WH is trying to block Bolton's book release. 

If he votes for witnesses, we hear from Bolton that what the House said is true(which he already confirmed himself), we have a "real trial" that appeases public sentiment, Bolton's book gets forgotten about and never released, and Trump still gets off with the ability to say he was exonerated. 

If we dont have witnesses or documents, we have a sham trial that goes against 75% of the public, Bolton's book becomes even more in demand and even if blocked, leaks fully, Trump gets off but with a sham trial hanging over it forever, and 75% of the voters take to the polls in November believing this. 

The only reason Collins is voting yes is because her vote doesnt matter now and she needs cover for reelection. Murkowski isnt stating what she will do because she is safe and needed to see if the vote will pass on her yes before she votes, so her yes vote is only dependant on it not passing with her. 

Alexander just confirmed Trumps guilt, had no effect on the outcome either way, and trapped the GOP into a public relations nightmare(if it's possible in today's age), all while having Trump/McConnell to lap it up and claim victory. 

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Wow - I'm so glad you are ok now. You are very right about it, they will not allow witnesses and they will acquit. But it will destroy the GOP for a very long time - they may have to eventually form a new party. There is a huge flood of evidence and more crimes that will come out about him like a dam breaking in a then another etc. That's my feeling anyway. So they chose the wrong path, well eventually it will benefit the democrats and everyone else.

Funny but I also used to smoke. I quit in my early 30's (many years ago). One day I woke up, I had someone "tapping" on the window behind my bed and I felt like I was going to choke. Every time I had a cigarette this would happen every night and morning. Finally my good friend (who was a psychic/medium) told me that my angels would keep doing that until I stopped. So I stopped. And I didn't wake up choking anymore. ? 

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I was angry last night.  I'm angry this morning.  I was angry and crying last night.  When do we get justice?  Justice seems dead.  Even our "Chief Justice" sat there like a potted plant.....and I think potted plants should be offended by that comparison.

I got about 3 hours of sleep. I woke up at 1:30 am, angry.  I left for work at 6:30 am angry.  I got my breakfast and when I went out to my car (Prius) it won't start.  Small victory is that I'm already at work AND it isn't raining.

I'm tired.  I'm tired of "small victories".  I'm tired of this rampant corruption.  My ego is dreading the fallout from this.  Trump will spend 24 hours gloating about this.  His supporters will gloat about this for the remainder of his presidency (which now has no end time....).  The day after his acquittal, Trump will be on the phone to China, Turkey, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and any other country that is willing to tamper with our elections....just like he did with Ukraine after the death of the Mueller report.

I am not happy with our "small victories", while the other side is cheating with both hands and grabbing wins illegitimately.  Why should I trust spirit?  Why should I keep up hope?  Every time I get my hopes up, they get dashed.  I suppose it is my expectations, I expect things to be fair, honorable, honest and they aren't.  I expect that laws will be obeyed and they aren't.  I expect that THIS TIME the light will win....and it doesn't....yet again.....

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I am in the position of needing to run to get to work now, but I wanted to tell you that I hear you. I just wanted to offer the small comfort of witnessing your words and holding you in my thoughts. 

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@codyroo, I hear you and also feel that anger, profound disappointment, and exhaustion.  It's a daily act of hope and faith, which sometimes feels like a waste of time.   But on some level, I know that it's not.  Even though we are venturing into unknown territory, this story isn't over.   I know this in the core of my being.

I'm happy you are sharing your feelings with us.  Just take care of yourself.   Do those things that give your life meaning and make you happy.  That will elevate you and all of us.    

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Another leak on Bolton ‘a book:

Trump directed John R. Bolton, then his national security adviser, to help with his pressure campaign to extract damaging information on Democrats from Ukrainian officials, according to an unpublished manuscript by Mr. Bolton.

Mr. Trump told Mr. Bolton to call Volodymyr Zelensky, who had recently won election as president of Ukraine, to ensure Mr. Zelensky would meet with Mr. Giuliani, who was planning a trip to Ukraine to discuss the investigations that the president sought, in Mr. Bolton’s account. Mr. Bolton never made the call, he wrote.

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    Based on what I'm hearing now on CNN this could be the absolute worst day in all of American history! Thanks to the Republican party we now have the makings of a full-blown dictatorship with no accountability whatsoever in the White House. CNN believes that the senate will soon block witness testimony and documents from presentation in the senate. They will also let the president off the hook with no accountability whatsoever for his actions. You can bet that this will embolden Trump to far more brazen acts of moral turpitude and lawlessness.

    If the senate Republicans are going to do exactly what CNN believes, we have forever lost the very freedoms our ancestors fought and died for.  The constitution is nothing but a meaningless scrap of paper thanks to the hyperpartisan Republicans who refuse to do what they know is right.

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Unless something major happens in favor of Democrats, we are now a dictatorship.  He thinks he is above the law, and rethugs have made it crystal clear that they don't intend to hold him accountable for anything.  I think the next thing he will do is cancel the upcoming election.  I want to be hopeful about all the predictions of T's downfall, but I don't see how they happen at this point.  I hope I am wrong more than I can put into words.

Editing to say we don't stop fighting.  "Give me liberty, or give me death."  Patrick Henry

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Forgive my french but holy crap.  Parnas' attorney just publicly released the letter he sent to Mitch McConnell this morning in which he lists all of the things Lev Parnas could testify too, including the names of Republicans involved in both the Ukraine events AND the cover up.

You can read the letter here - save a copy to show your grandchildren some day.

 (P.S. I have reason to believe that there is MUCH more that Parnas can testify too then just the events in 2019)

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Dems need to subpoena Parnas and Bolton.  Now.  Public hearings.  No rethug participation or opinions required.

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Holy crap is right. He just added a new name to the coverup. Lindsey Graham just got blown up in that letter and no one had connected him yet.

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That letter is going to come back and haunt them all. Once Barr/Trump release control of the justice department, we now have a clear cut conspiracy case and Graham/Nunes go down in flames. The better hitch their buggy to the next President really tight if they want to survive this one. 

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