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[Closed] The Great Unraveling and the Great Turning - Rebuilding a Progressive America in the Future

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What you think and what you feel are just as important as anyone else's beliefs, thoughts and feelings. You are of the same value as anyone else on this planet --including any leader, scholar, pope etc.  You are special and have the same value as everyone on the planet.

My only wish was that every human knew that and understood that not only about themselves, but one another.

? ? ? ? 

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Posted by: @unk-p

@carmen the crazy-making thing about ridiculous conspiracy theories is that, whenever there really *is* a criminal conspiracy in the government, it just gets brushed off as another whack-o "Conspiracy Theory", case closed.

Besides, why would the government, an entity that loves tax money, kill off its citizens? That's less tax money for them, lol.

  A: Maybe because dead people cost the govt. less than long-term health care and Social Security benefits for the elderly.  Also the fact that people of color are disproportionately affected by the disease could outweigh the loss of revenue, for an openly white supremacist administration.  Add to the mix collusion with a hostile foreign government, and it raises the possibility that they really do want us all dead.

  A vaccine that tracks people is a conspiracy theory.  Covid-45 is real, and has been weaponized against the American people, either purposefully, or negligently, or some combination of both. 

I didn't think about that! Thank you! :)


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The threads in the unravelling are nearly tattered shreds at this point, but this is a great 7 minutes of government in action.  At least until Barr starts talking.  

I wonder if this is a partial hit on this one for August of 2020.  It's definitely not all of it, but couple that with Trump's team being accused of campaign finance violations today ( ) it feels like these are all possibly parts.

  • I get the messages “Progress is made bringing Trump to justice” and “Briefly there is a sign of hope.” (Arianne)Predicted June 6, 2019.


TriciaCT, Unk p, lenor and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @dannyboy

“Briefly there is a sign of hope.”

Sorry to be a downer here, but that says to me that there actually isn't any real hope, but it might seem that there is for a short time... *sigh*

I apologize, but the more I read about how the Orange One and his minions are doing everything in their power to mess with the election, the more pessimistic I get.  I'm reading the numbers of people on the D side who plan to vote via that method as opposed to the numbers of R's planning to do so, (51% D to 20% R) then seeing him and his minions planting the seeds of doubt about the integrity of mail-in and absentee voting and then intentionally handcuffing the USPS to slow down the mail, and I just wonder how in the world any of this can be countered?

There is one ray of hope for me, and that is Volume 5 of the FBI's investigation report (a separate, secret FBI investigation that was *not* handled by Mueller and is not about the obstruction charges...this one is straight up saying that T himself may be a compromised Russian asset) was released back to Congress from the ODNI yesterday.

The ODNI is the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and is gov't office that vets reports for potential national security information and redacts them as necessary before they are released.  There are some very informative threads about this on Twitter from people who have been following this very closely since the Mueller investigation started, and one of the things that stands out to me is that the Senate Intelligence Committee did their own redactions before submitting it to the ODNI, and basically told the ODNI that if the report that they submitted was more heavily redacted than the one they kept, they (the Committee) would release their own copy of the report.  They could legally do so simply by reading the entire 1,000 page report into the Congressional record as is their Constitutional prerogative, and there's not a damn thing Orange Man or Billy could do about it.  Once it's in the Record, it's open season, and apparently there's some pretty damning information in there.

Aside from that, I am trying to remain hopeful, but it's getting more and more difficult.

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@tgraf66 I GET this!  I do!  And honestly, nothing is going to change the minds of the ones who are so entrenched in his tenure as president.  I try to go for the positive in that I look at my mom, a life long union democrat who voted for Trump in 2016.  She's spent a great deal of the last 3 years buying into the narrative that the media is out to get him.  But after spending a week with her recently, while she still half heartedly defends him, it's getting tougher and tougher for her to be able to shrug it off -- and she's surrounded by crazy in her rural neck of the woods.  I read positive in this from the standpoint of people like my mom who are now ready to see this end.

Though if I hear her use the "yeah, but my stocks..." one more time, I'll lose the hope completely.

I had a conversation with a friend who, on the surface, is as across the fence from me politically as humanly possible last night.  Honestly, we're both independents.  I lean one way, she leans the other.  That's important to remember about a great many of us.  I met her through a temporary work project where we needed volunteers from around the state and picked her for my team because she was the only person who said "I'm a registered _______" in her application materials.  Through the three months of this particular project, we became friends.  She's a dear person and not crazy at all.  Last night she was talking about her neck of the woods, which is generally a SE Michigan region that is solidly conservative.  She's seeing them flee the ship and supporting groups like Republicans Against Trump.  

I see HOPE here, even if it is brief. 

There'll be another distraction any second now.


Tiger-n-Owl, jsr78, Unk p and 9 people reacted
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@tgraf66  And also, it was totally not my prediction so you could be 100% right but I used to be good at commenting with possible hits and it's been almost two years since I last did so, so I went through today and tried to find some for @JeanneMayell :-) 

Unk p, Jeanne Mayell, lenor and 3 people reacted
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 Apparently, some states don't allow women who take the bar exam to bring feminine products with them on exam day. Yeah, that is going to change pretty quickly.

What other $#%& rule hindering women is still being implemented in this country??

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@tgraf66 I understand that seeing the situation makes it hard to stay hopeful, but people have gotten through much worse than this. We can assess the situation and think wrongly that the situation is doomed.  We think wrongly because logic doesn't prevail.  Something beautiful and unseen actually prevails.  We think wrongly because we don't see the whole picture.  We can't.  There's too much to see.

Having eyes open like you do is good.  Then we can open them even wider, and let in more light.  Then we see that it is going to be okay.    Monsters come and monsters go, but they don't stay.  This country is never going to take Donald Trump lying down. 

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Well he who shall not be named tweeted that the election should be delayed.  Just heard on the news. In case you haven't heard...

Trump calls for delay to election, claiming mail-in voting will lead to fraud

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Im sure there is some seriousness in his comment, but he's also trying to distract from the announcement (a few minutes earlier than his tweet) that the US GDP fell 9.5 percent, "the fastest pace on record." He has no shame in floating some unconstitutional nonsense to incense democrats and distract from his total and utter failure.

In more hopeful news, John Lewis asked the Times to print an opinion on the day of his funeral. It is full of hope and encouragement.

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Herman Cain died from Coronavirus - one of the Tea party Orange nightmare supporters who was at the Tulsa rally!

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@meliaamal the US GDP fell 9.5 percent, "the fastest pace on record." 

According to the Guardian, actually the GDP fell 32.9%, "The annualized figure is the largest drop in quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) – the broadest measure of the economy – since records began in 1945."





MMA, lenor, TriciaCT and 3 people reacted
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As much as DT projects literally everything, I've always had the feeling that the whole "Hillary pizza place pedophile ring" was something that Trump was aware of or involved in himself. Then came Epstein and Maxwell and Trump wishing her well after Epstein is almost certainly murdered and the anonymous court doc drop. Now we have Trump seemingly randomly hawking a pizza place on twitter. Am I the only one who feel these can all be connected? 

I'm not one to chase conspiracy theories but those are a lot of dots that are definitely capable of being connected.

lenor, Unk p, TriciaCT and 5 people reacted
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I think it's all distraction.

As for pizza - don't forget that the pizzeria in DC didn't even have a basement, let alone a pedophile ring operating in it. (I have been in that pizzeria myself, long before "Pizzagate".)

Correlation is not causation.

ghandigirl, lenor, TriciaCT and 5 people reacted
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@triciact  Saw that this morning.  I'm wondering if Republicans might begin to be more serious about the virus if they start seeing their own dying. Numbers don't seem to touch their hearts.  I understand that Louie Gohmert's contraction of the virus along with his practice of walking around in Congress unmasked also made Republicans angry not to mention his staff who were required to be in the office.  It feels like it's all falling apart for them on this issue.  My state, MD, just put a pause on reopening and Hogan's been careful here.  

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Masche Gessen, a Russian born journalist who won the Pullizer prize for her reporting on the Russian state, has penned this article comparing Trump's U.S. to post soviet Russia.

I believe we will survive this lowest point in U.S. history, but it helps to see with open eyes what Donald Trump is doing.  

TriciaCT, lynn, lenor and 11 people reacted
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Love Masha Gessen.

She was recently on Samantha Bee's show.

Best takeaway quote [paraphrasing]: "It's not to late to fix this, I have hope. Don't f*ck it up."

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@triciact  and have you noticed? Not one word from the impeached one..not one.

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@mas1581 @journeywithme2  Herman Cain was the CEO of Godfathers Pizza.  So on the day he dies, his good friend Donald tweets about supporting some other pizza joint.    Way to hit a guy when he's, uh...   down.

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