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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Hey There -

Reading through this thread made me remember a couple of remote viewing meditations from some months back. 

One exercise was to view Trump's last day in office. I saw the exterior of the White House, west wing side, looking from the south side. Gray sky. Trump was walking towards a waiting black limo with Melania. He was wearing a long dark overcoat. He looked pissed off and also kinda ill. He stopped and gestured abruptly and widely with his right arm, a movement meant to keep Melania away from him. He might have had a problem with his left arm. He was barking at her, turning his head slightly but not looking at her.  She regarded him with a frozen face, but her eyes expressed concern for him.

The limo was meant for him, alone. I don't know where he was going, but it wasn't anything like an Inauguration ceremony. I'm not sure where she was going to go next, but it was not in his car. Then I looked up at the main White House building and saw it was filled with people. The "candlelights" were on, but it all looked murky inside. No one was watching Trump. I had the sense that Pence and McConnell were both there.

The other exercise that came to mind was regarding the Election Day, 2020. I focused on the specific date, and then the Saturday following that date. I also focused on Lafayette Park, directly across from the White House. Election Day was chilly, gray sky again. I had the sense of high, intense energy from the crowd that had collected in the park and along Pennsylvania Avenue. I saw some women wearing MeToo pink hats. There was a young man who was either leaping up in exuberance or was angrily throwing something over the fence towards the White House. I was hearing "California Dreaming" during all this.

That following Saturday, I saw more crowds there. Protests. A woman wearing a white hat, not a MeToo hat. It felt like people were angry, they had been robbed, schnookered. But I could not determine which side felt that way. I couldn't sense who won.

Since then, I've had more of a sense that there will be a Harris/Buttigieg ticket against Trump/Pence. But I also sense that Trump may not make it to the election. He wins his nomination, but he goes down in some way - maybe health - so that the Repubs have to select someone else on the double. 

Someone like Nikki Haley. And she tabs Tom Cotton as her VP.

All bets are off, then, and it's a wild finish. I haven't really focused/viewed this, it's just an intuitive guess. I really should do things the right way and Remote View the 2021 Inauguration and the week afterwards.


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There was mention in the news recently that T was floating the possibility of dumping his current VP for Nikki Haley for the next election. I’m sure the current VP would not be pleased about that!

Maybe we should do a coordinated remote viewing on a couple of topics involving the next election and see what we all come up with currently.

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Re 2020:  Attached are two photos that my husband and I took the day before Obama's first Inauguration.  (Sigh ...)  I like these photos because of the empty seating, so I've decided to use them as I meditate on 2020.  (It sometimes helps me to look at actual visuals, if I have those available.)  Thought I'd offer them to you.

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I was there for Obama's inauguration. It was so freakin' cold that my friend and I stayed indoors to watch it on TV.

I remember feeling so hopeful, especially after Bush left. I remembered seeing an older African-American woman crying. It felt so special, like we were going to be okay.

Who would have though that Bush was just a prelude.

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@pacosurfer, how wonderful that you were there!  It was freakin' cold, but boy was I happy!  My husband and I lived in the DC Metro area at the time, so we decided to check things out the day before.  The air was electric -- strangers were smiling at one another, it was wonderful.  I know how horrible it feels now, and I know we can't replicate that hopeful feeling of the inauguration of the first black President -- but I also believe that we can feel that joy again.   And I don't believe that joy will be fleeting -- I think it will come because we will have learned some painful lessons about ourselves, and will come to appreciate everything we have.  I believe in one of your posts, you called  it a "reset"?   

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Yes, I’m always looking for a reset; which is why I have embraced minimalism. I’m always trying to shed the energy I am absorbing

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What kind of narcissistic sociopath is this orange turd. How can he go to q place where something horrific has happened and take this kind of picture with big smile. Not even a normal smile but a demented smile

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Reminds me of the Joker in the 1989 Batman film; the one with Jack Nicholson.

this was a strain of a laugh; passive-aggressive. He did not want to be there

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There was a picture posted of T and his wife at the hospital in which T has his hands on an injured girl’s stomach - which has become a meme for “congratulations on surviving a massacre”. He had that same crazy looking grin on his face. I actually had a physical response of being punched in the gut when I saw it. I don’t want to post it because I find it that disturbing but if someone wants to see it it was amongst the pictures on the New York Post website in the article about their visit.

There have been several times lately that I have had this same punched in the gut feeling, including when the details of what happened to Jamal Khassogi came out and when the details of family separations and SM’s part in them became public. 

I think this is my body’s reaction to being confronted with pure evil. ?


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I was just saying this to a friend a few days ago. Lately (past year or so) ive had this intense physical reaction to certain photos/ videos. I have many emotional reactions to horrible news- as do many, but these ones are different. I told a friend it was like seeing photos from the holocaust camps when we were in school studying that era. Then it clicked- it was because i was being confronted with not just horrible sadness, it was literal evil. It feels the same to me, that kind of evil.

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I couldn’t stop laughing when I read the headline!

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There's a worse pic out there [trigger warning]:

Drumpfs Pose With El Paso Orphan

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Yeah thumbs up to the baby who lost his parents by an attacker who was inspired by me!

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@laura-f, before Drumpf made his visit to El Paso, someone from NPR interviewed the baby's uncle, Tito Anchondo.  Tito said that his family has always been Republican conservatives.  He understood why many people are reacting negatively to T., stating that "And yes, maybe he [T*] said things in bad taste. But I think people are misconstruing President T*'s ideas."

Tito said that his brother was very supportive of Drumpf.

"I want to see his reaction in person," Tito said. "I want to see if he's genuine and see if my political views are right or wrong. And see if he feels maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he's made. I just want to have a human-to-human talk with him and see how he feels."

Yes -- we all see how Drumpf feels by the shameless photo-op.  

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Wow.  I wonder if he still supports him?  He still might.  It is difficult to admit you have been drinking the Kool-Aid.

You know, now that I think about it, how in the world did Kool-Aid survive after Jim Jones?  How is it still in existence?  

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Yeah, talk about a PR nightmare!

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@lovendures, I don't know if he still supports him, and I'd rather not know. I heard the interview, and Tito sounded like a very measured, thoughtful, caring guy.  It's baffling.  This is no longer the welcoming, immigrant-friendly party of Dubya.  

About a year ago my husband played in a jazz trio with a guy from South America.  He couldn't understand any Latinos supporting T****.  He believed that many who do feel resentful about the Hispanics entering illegally, when they themselves went through  proper legal channels.  He also believed that some of it is a macho thing.  The way some people, men and women, still define strength in a man is a crazy headscratcher to me.  

It seems that, in general, Repubs fall in line.  They are party-loyal, no matter what.  But I am happy that some Rs have left the party and become Independents.  That's why, when they conduct polls and it states that approximately 80-90% of Rs support him, I'm not too surprised.  What's left is no longer the old Republican party. 

And as far as Kool-Aid is concerned:  as long as people drink the Kool-Aid, they'll still be making it.


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As a hispanic it is true about hispanic peope being resentful about illegal immigrants coming here when they themselves most likely came here illegally. I dont understand why but it is very true. My ex-husband apparently voted for the Turd. His wife could not understand why but he did. The best part is that he too came thru the Rio Grande and thru the Arizona Desert. He is only a US Citizen because I helped him when it was possible to fix your status here about 21 years ago. He was lucky.

It works both way for hispanic immigrants. They are either to good for the ones that have illegal status and then you got the ones who are resentful to the ones that are green card holders or citizens. 

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I'm hispanic, and can say that hispanics are a diverse group of people who (sometimes) share a common language but often little else.  Different nationalities tend to dislike others. There's racism within hispanic culture, as well as colorism. All the problems, prejudices and dumbassery that exists in the larger American culture exists among hispanics. There are those who want acceptance into the larger culture and will identify with the oppressor in order to get it, or a chance at it. It would be great if all hispanics saw poor people fleeing oppression and thought there but for the grace of God go I, but that's not how it works, sad to say. It's so much more complicated.

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