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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Just seeing the overhead projection behind M is alignment with the feeling that people will see what the report uncovered during the investigation. I like it. :) It's a great way to focus myself during all of this and flow my focus where I want it to go. :) 

Jeanne Mayell, polarberry, lenor and 3 people reacted
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Thank you!  I've been saying this for a long time.  It just makes sense.  Traitor Don and his spawn are all indicted and have been for a long time.

It's all going to come down to Wikileaks.  They work for Russia.  Traitor Don and his team knowingly and willingly worked with Wikileaks.  Conspiracy against the United States.

And you also have "terrific guy" Epstein, all of which will come out, and has Twitler just a tiny bit terrified.

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My take from the testimony today was that Mueller's hands were tied on obstruction but he was clear that it did occur to a crijminal level. He also believes there was a conspiracy between the campaign and Russia, however, so much of the evidence was hidden or destroyed that he would not have been able to prove it in court to a level that wouldnt separate this country even further. I think ultimately, he felt that if he had to choose between letting Trump slip thru his fingers and pray congress did their jobs to impeach, or try to convict Trump himself and risk sending the country toward civil war over it because too many high ranking people were involved in the coverup. He believes he chose the road that was best for this country.

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There is a Pelosi & company press conference soon

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A few things stuck out to me in today's hearings. Mueller went into this knowing he couldn't file and indictment against a 'sitting' president. He did note that once mango is out of office, charges could be filed. He laid out in his report that all three components of obstruction (a felony) were present in several instances. He was asked about the statute of limitations and he noted that could be an issue. While he didn't make any major comments about the statute of limitations, it came flooding back to me later in the hearings when he was asked about why he chose not to pursue actual testimony from Cheatolini when even the written answers to questions were evasive, incomplete, or not honest. He noted that it would take so much time to work through the court system to get to depose the man, therefore it wasn't worth holding up the report. He had enough information already on the obstruction to submit the report. The thought that he considered that if he waited, they'd lose the ability to prosecute after the accused was no longer shielded by DOJ policy. He had to pass the baton to congress. I also think that the conspiracy issues were not fully investigated because of the same stonewalling, and here again, do you postpone passing the baton and risk facing your slam dunk to the statue of limitations? 

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I think you summed that up very well!

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Did anyone notice mueller seemed to have a hearing impairment/confusion? Is this perhaps why he was reluctant to testify? 

Jeanne Mayell, TriciaCT, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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I found Adam Schiff's opening statements, questioning, and closing exchange with Mueller all very impressive. He spoke from his heart. He noted that while they didn't have the smoking gun to indict on conspiracy charges, he clearly noted that what was done was unethical, immoral and unpatriotic. Our country was thrown under the bus for mango's attempt to land a real estate deal in Moscow. I love that Schiff has no problem stating that in clear and concise terms. He's got clips of his time at the hearing on his Twitter feed. They are worth watching. 

While Mueller could not make judgments about filing charges, the closing exchange is telling. It won't be something viewers see on faux news. 

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@jaidy, To me Mueller looked exhausted and very sad.  But I agree it also seemed that he was physically challenged in some way.  I also agree that might be why he didn't want to testify.  He handled this investigation for the past 2+ years,  and God only knows what pressure he was getting from the WH and the DOJ.   Just the toxicity of it.  That can take its toll on anyone, especially someone who is 75 years old.  And I find it nauseating that after his testimony, some Rethugs were making fun of him.  

@cindy, I've always liked Adam Schiff.  I agree that he was quite impressive.  


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I didn't watch the entire hearing just exerts.  I can't handle the anger when I watch the Reps ? a man who has more intergrety in his little pinky then they have ever had in their entire bodies.  I do think he did exactly what he came to do.  He made it clear that the only reason he did'n indict was th stupid statue that forbids indicting a sitting president. He made it quite clear that the Russians interferred and continue to interfere with our elections.  I was extremely impressed by Adam Schiff.  There is a man who has a brilliant inner light.  As for Muellers physical appearence I agree this is a man who endured Viet Nam and a long life in  law enforcement and here a traiter of a joke president, whom he knows was elected illegally, is trying everything to deminish him.  I think he is tired and I,m sure the stress has been unsurmountable.  As for the hearing problem, I have one too.  When I'm in a room with a lot going on I can't always hear clearly.  Moron Jr, that spawn of Satan, is trying to push a conspirasy theory that the man who testified was a look al like put forth by the evil Dems and the real Mueller is locked away somewhere because he found Moron to be the sonof god or some such.  These people know no bounds.

With the exception of the moron minions, I believe the majority of the people of this country are disturbed by the truth of this report.  When I was a kid the worst thing you could call anyone was a commie.  Russia may not be communist anymore but they are worse now then before.  Putin isn't a leader who canbe admired.  Morons minions seem to forget that he was the head of the KGB and was and still is an assasin. He has stated openly and gleefully that he is targeting the US and is set to distroy our democracy.  I truly believe he has something on Moron that is  life distroying.  At least treasonous.

This testomony is only the beginning to a longer fight.  THe DOJ sent a letter this morning to Pelosi stating that Barr and the other guy whse name I never can remember will not be subject to obstruction charges.  How can the DOJ state that when Barr is the head of the DOJ.  It don't believe it means he can't be impeached though.  I could be wrong on that.   The last pic I saw of Barr he looked really bad physically.  He may think his loyalty to Moron will make his career but I think he is way off base.  I believe he will end up losing everything because  of his loyalty to a sociopath. Serves him right karma is a pitch.

On another interesting note, lost in the news of the day yesterday, a group of 120 coal miners and their families traveled ten hours by bus to meet with Mitch to discuss their health care.  I didn't know until I read the article, that there is a tax per ton of coal that is paid into a fund to help cover miners with job relate heath problems.  This fund is being cut and these miners are worried about their care.  Mitch showed up and gave a breif two minute statement then left.  The leader of the miners group discribed him as rude and uncareing calling the trip a totle waste of time and effort.  I think Mitch might have just lost the miners vote.  I sure hope so!  Bye Bye Turtle!

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After all the underwhelming morning Mueller testimony, I think it's important to point out that the afternoon though did have a few good things. They impeached Clinton for lying about Monica, well Mueller did say that Trump's responses to his questions were generally false/didn't match up. SOOOooo, doesn't this now give Pelosi and the dems in congress more ammunition to go for impeachment? Perhaps this is ONE of the reasons Pelosi is taking her time in impeaching DJT? That and the money trail....   I'm thinking this now gives her the beginning ability to go for impeachment.  I predict she will do that in the near future (not sure if it's days/weeks or what exact timing it is).  Does anyone see this too?

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Cindy, your link to Adam Schiff's questions are worth repeating.  While Mueller would not agree to many characterizations of his report, he agreed to the points Schiff made.  So lest anyone come away confused about what Mueller found, here it is:

The Slam DUNK: 

1. Schiff: During the course of this Russian interference in the election, the Russians made outreach to the Trump campaign, did they not?

Mueller: That occurred. [. . .]

2. Schiff: The campaign welcomed the Russian help, did they not?

Mueller: We report indications that that occurred, yes. [. . .]

3. Schiff: The president himself called on the Russians to hack [Hillary Clinton’s] emails?

Mueller: There was a statement by the president on those general lines.

4. Schiff: Numerous times during the campaign, the president praised the releases of the Russian-hacked emails through WikiLeaks?

Mueller: That did occur. [. . .]

5. Schiff: Apart from the Russians wanting to help Trump win . . . Donald Trump was trying to make millions from a real estate deal in Moscow?

Mueller: You’re talking about the hotel in Moscow? Yes.

6. Schiff: When your investigation looked into these matters, numerous Trump associates lied to your team, the grand jury and to Congress?

Mueller: A number of people we interviewed in our investigation, it turns out, did lie. . . .

7. Schiff: When the president said the Russian interference was a “hoax,” that was false, wasn’t it?

Mueller: True. [. . .]

8. Schiff: In short, your investigation found evidence that Russia wanted to help Trump win the election, right?

Mueller: I think, generally, that would be accurate. [. . .]

9. Schiff: Russia committed federal crimes in order to help Donald Trump?

Mueller: You’re talking about the computer crimes charged in our case? Absolutely.

10. Schiff: Trump campaign officials built their strategy, their messaging strategy, around those stolen documents?

Mueller: Generally, that’s true.

11. Schiff: And then they lied to cover it up?

Mueller: Generally, that’s true.


This confirms the basic outlines of what the investigation has been about all along. The president and his advisers expected to gain from a foreign attack against our election system — one undertaken to elect Trump in 2016. Trump and his advisers repeatedly sought to coordinate with those efforts, in the full knowledge of who was behind them — the Russian government. Trump secretly pursued a lucrative real estate deal, with Kremlin involvement, while voters were choosing the Republican nominee. Trump and his advisers repeatedly lied to cover all of this up. --


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Most of you have probably heard that Turtle blocked two election security bills that were introduced in the Senate.  This occurred only hours after Mueller warned about continued Russian interference in U.S. elections.  The question is, why?  Senator Mark Warner, who had introduced one of the bills, stated that the Thugs are too afraid of going against T.  But I believe most voters would welcome the extra security, so it really wouldn't matter what garbage T. tweets about them.  

So again, why?  There's gotta be some really dirty stuff going on, that has yet to be revealed.

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I want to know, is there anything that the Democrats can do about election security?


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I watched 95% of Mueller's testimony. On the one hand, it was good to get it on TV since most of us will never read the full report. On the other hand, the Dems continue to place too much faith in the Mueller-as-Savior narrative. Which part of "I did my job, now do yours" do they not understand??
It has now become imperative on all of us to find out if our Dem MoCs are in favor of impeachment or not. We all know it won't result in 45's removal, but it's the right thing to do.  If you live in a GOP district, don't bother calling any Rethuglicans. They all drank the kool-aid, it's a waste of time. If that's your situation, I recommend searching for Dem representatives from neighboring districts, who remain on the fence/who are in obeyance to Pelosi. Get a zip code. Use that zip code to call their local offices and demand that impeachment inquiries get rolling. Also call Pelosi's Speaker of the House office (202-225-0100 - but if you can't get thru go to her Q">contact form and do it by email).  And here is a link to a list of Q">representatives in favor of impeachment .
As usual, I'm providing a script for you to change up and use however suits (below).  I also want to encourage/remind everyone that in 2020, in fact it is more important to flip the Senate than to win the presidency. If Turtle McC keeps his hold on our government, we are doomed. We plan on donating to Dem candidates that are running against the GOP cabal, wherever they are (CA is majority Dem, so no need to contribute here). Consider doing the same, or volunteering to phone bank next year.
Hello, my name is _________________, I reside in zip code ___________, I do not require a response to my comments. Today I am calling to let Representative ______________ know that while I appreciate the efforts undertaken by Congressional committees to shed some light on the Mueller investigation, I believe that it is absolutely the job of Congress to take action and impose consequences on any members or associates of our current executive branch for what are clearly high crimes and misdemeanors that are undermining our democracy. The longer no action is taken, the less chance there is to restore rule of law in this country.  The constant engagement with the false equivalency that just because Pres. Clinton was re-elected post-impeachment is exactly that - false. Those of us who voted you into/back into office did so because we believed you all would do the right thing and pursue justice in the name of your constituents and the American people at large. Failure to even try may and should result in any lollygaggers getting primaried and/or voted out of office in 2020. I respectfully demand that the representative consider the will of the people and behave accordingly, before it's too late. Thank you for passing on my message and have a great day.
For Pelosi, you can add that one of the reasons she (and Feinstein) were re-elected and supported is because we all thought "best not to knock a queen off the board" - but if she's gonna act like a rook, maybe it's time for her to go home and let a new generation take the reins.

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I agree with you. If all of the dems were following the cue of the Squad, I'd feel our democracy was safer. 

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just to add to notes on the mueller hearing for those who might've missed it. 

There were actually a few super important pieces of information that he revealed to us that were previously not confirmed...

I know one user previously mentioned how the mueller probe lead to a whole set of other investigations (including SDNY, with a potential for sealed indictments)- but what I hadn't *personally* known about were FBI counterintelligence investigations from OTHER countries, and also that there were even FBI counterintelligence investigations to begin with. investigations, which, were started directly from findings of the mueller report.

There is an attorney/professor/author called Seth Abramson who's twitter I regularly follow, who live tweeted the hearing. Hes written over 15 books, but most recently a book called "proof of collusion: how trump betrayed america" and has been very dead on in understanding what is happening with this, and sometimes calls how events will play out before they have happened. I believe he calls himself a journalistic historian or something (i am paraphrasing here) which basically means he reviews news/press from history and pieces together a lot of information through a sociopolitical framework to inform us about the past and the present. Anyway- I highly recommend following his twitter account if you're on there, he's great, and very smart.

Part of what he mentioned that I found really notable that not many news outlets are reporting on was that Mueller indirectly confirmed that there are, as we speak, ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigations looking into election interference by Russia, but also by Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Israel-- and those countries ties to Trump and his campaign/foundation.

This is info was previously suspected but unconfirmed, and also not widely reported on in mainstream media. Beyond this, Mueller confirmed that events involving the trump campaign and Israel were "outside his ambit"--- indirectly confirming that potential links to  trump campaign dealings with Israel (regarding election interference) are currently being investigated by the FBI Counterintelligence. 

Seth says this-- "A very good rule of thumb in trying to understand what's happening: obstruction can and may lead to impeachment; but *only* revelation of the counterintelligence evidence now being held by the FBI could lead (and indeed should lead) to Trump's conviction and removal from office"

Another great nugget of info: Mueller said he "can't speak" to whether Trump was or currently is compromised by possible BLACKMAIL. seth states- "why? because its in the counterintelligence report. either we begin demanding that information or we continue to guess whether the president of the US is compromised."

Mueller told congressman Hurd (R) that going into 2020, "many more countries" are involved.

Seth says, "Mueller is correct, and those three countries are *Saudi Arabia, Israel =, and the UAE*"

 when asked about Trump and other countries having potential blackmail on him, Mueller stated effectively- "i cannot comment on other ongoing investigations"-- basically tells us that yes, blackmail on trump is suspected, it is info mueller found that was passed off to the secondary counterintelligence investigation, and its now being looked at for proof.

so while its not known forsure as we havent read the files on these investigations, its almost inevitable that this wouldnt produce results. mainly because we know that there are forsure foreign entities that know about trump and his family's shady business dealings and his lies.  their knowledge of any of this, even their knowledge of any lying on Trump's part- can and maybe already is being used against him. in short, the FBI is trying to prove that our current sitting president is compromised. thats big.


in summary...

Mueller a) confirmed there are ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigations going on to determine the level of 2016 election interference by not only russia, but by other countries like Israel, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, and that those investigations are also determining their current capacity for ongoing or future election interference. i did not know this. 

b) that theres a potential that these countries (russia, israel, UAE, saudi arabia) have blackmail on donald trump- not only the potential, but that is under the scope of what is currently being investigated by the FBI- and if there were, it would either be redacted in the report or referred to the other investigations, and we would not yet know about it.

My takeaway was that Schiff (sits on counterintelligence committee-could actually be the chair? im not sure) fully intends to demand at the very least congressional/ committee, or "gang of 8" access to these investigations and what they have discovered. Keep in mind that if there were to be a congressional briefing on this, it would likely be behind closed doors, we wouldn't know about it, and that something to this level would almost certainly be kept quiet until fully sorted out.

Think about it, if the FBI learned that our current sitting president was compromised by blackmail and thus, a national security threat- they would not be telling us outright. it would be very backdoor, high security clearance only and very carefully directed, with the potential for sealed indictments. any of these investigations actually would never go public if they did have a sealed indictment, and the likelihood that our country would publicly arrest or charge the president in broad daylight is highly unlikely. They could seal an indictment like is said, or use it as leverage for his resignation. honestly, a lot of people in the intelligence community would be freaking out and it would have to be very, very meticulous, primarily in that this has never happened before in the history of the united states. I feel like we (as citizens) keep waiting for this big moment when trump goes down, is arrested, etc... and what I think we all need to remember is that there is no chance it would be some big show with military escort, etc. the likelihood we'd even know about it or have any level of transparency is also very low. if there is behind the scenes stuff.. which it seems like there is (perhaps why mueller was so reluctant to elaborate on well, literally anything, and very careful with this words), we wouldn't know, at all. not until every last step and procedure was completed. the kind of corruption we are all witnessing.. well it would be bigger than anything our country has ever dealt with, and it basically already is. we know now definitively the president and his campaign knowingly welcomed foreign interference into the 2016 campaign and the lied about it- and that already, as is, way. way bigger than watergate. 

sorry if i sound like a bit of a conspiracy loon, but I'm pretty bad at explaining this stuff. so please go listen to Seth. 

considering trumps business dealings with these countries spans over decades..Many- and I mean many have already said that its nearly impossible they DON'T have blackmail on him. in the hearing, it was stated that another country's knowledge of trump lying or doing something like say... money laundering.. *cough cough* would be grounds for not only impeachment, but conviction in that a sitting president is compromised by a foreign (and even hostile) country.

another cool thing-- the steele dossier has already been proven to be 80% true. back upon its release in 2016, many did not believe any of it, but after release of the mueller report, we've found almost all of it to be accurate. what else is in the steele dossier? a whole lot of knowledge that Putin/ the kremlin have a whole lot of blackmail on Trump. 


how neat


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You do not sound like a conspiracy loon.  Thank you for any digging anything you can to affirm what we all know is true. It is not libel if it is true.

I am not surprised about UAE, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Since the AG Barr has put in writing before he became the A.G. that he is dedicated to protecting the president from any kind of criminal accountability, he uses the ongoing investigation smoke screen to cover up information. 

We now live in an upside-down world where truth is called lies and lies are called truth. We need to continue to call out the real lies that we know are being told. 

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Trump needs to go, but I want to ask everyone if they see Mitch McConnell getting re-elected and do they see the Senate going Blue in 2020?  My feeling is we need that as much or more than we need the presidency to be blue. 

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Hi everyone! I've missed you. Been crazy busy since the winter (still am) but I had to pop in here a minute to share some things that came up for me the day-before-yesterday. 


As I shared with Jeanne, whenever I get downloads like this, they're weirdly specific and detailed. I've learned to trust them on the whole, even if later, I realize that I misinterpreted one or two pieces of any particular vision. I believe in the clarifying power of collective intelligence, so maybe some of you will be able to hone in more clearly and share your thoughts. 


Much love to all. 



Trump — Now thru 2020


  • Trump's energy shows up to me with what looks like the cascading impact of long-term amphetamine toxicity. His erratic nature and chaotic temperament are nothing new, but the family and those working closely with him in the White House are growing increasingly alarmed.


  • I believe he's been hearing voices since sometime after he moved into the White House (some of which may be real, if not entirely corporeal). The voices are becoming more insistent and Trump seems to be losing the capacity to keep their presence a secret. (I get the sense he feels constantly followed or surrounded.) He will be repeatedly overheard arguing “with no one” in the Oval Office and the Executive Residence.  


  • I see Trump losing partial use of his left hand/arm for a period; the fingers are curled. It feels like the result of a stroke-type event brought on by an underlying cardiovascular condition (which may have been exacerbated by amphetamine overuse, if he indeed uses these substances). I see this happening in a period of months following an initial gastrointestinal illness, which I see developing in Sept/Oct 2019. (I hear someone whispering, “He literally just *?@$# his pants.”) 


  • This creates a resultant period of unusual quiet from Trump. The energy of the Executive Residence feels dormant. Mar-a-Lago appears tightly guarded. He may have to be put under general anesthesia for some kind of surgical procedure (bowels?). I see Pence stepping forward during this, then disappearing again behind a thick velvet curtain (…which come to think of it, pretty well describes Pence’s energy generally.)


  • A media figure Trump already speaks to regularly has been working behind-the-scenes with a member of the president’s staff to prepare a damage control strategy in the event that Trump’s condition leaks to the press: disinfo, disinfo, disinfo. They will accuse Dems of outright inventing or greatly exaggerating his condition as a dirty political tactic, which of course is what they themselves did with Hillary Clinton. I don’t sense that the public will learn the full truth about the nature of Trump’s mental and physical health crises until well after he leaves office.  


  • While Trump is down, certain GOP lawmakers who see the writing on the wall appear to secretly strategize some kind of public separation from him. (Koch influence looks like a boa constrictor squeezing a clutch of Republicans; their faces are strained and red.) I hear the sound of the Party ripping forcefully and unevenly down the middle, like a torn garment. Or a torn flag.   



The U.S./World 


  • A shocking piece of video will be leaked to the press which appears to implicate someone powerful. Certain conservative lawmakers will aggressively decry the footage as a “deep fake.” In the course of the coverage, some kind of documentation will be presented as evidence of deliberate wrongdoing on the part of a respected news organization. I see a journalist (maybe two?) being hauled to jail—a dark turn indeed.


  • Unfortunately, I can’t discern whether or not the footage actually is fake—or whether it’s legitimate. Something feels very blurred about it. But the "evidence" presented to prove journalistic wrongdoing does NOT feel legit, and even there, I’m not certain that the conservatives actually know this. Honestly, the whole thing seems like a complicated mix of cyber op and social engineering, but that's strictly my analytical (not psychic) take. There’s just too much cloudiness and confusion around it.


  • As the news of this controversy takes over, the public continues to lose trust. Political accusations of “fake news!” turn into mass paranoia of fake everything. I see this hitting the EU as hard as it hits the US. An Australian politician may also be in the news for a similar exposure.


I see this confusion growing right through the U.S. 2020 election like a terrible kudzu vine.


Last fall, I wrote here that I was seeing people dancing in the streets. I could feel the celebration, which made me believe Trump would go and a Democrat would be voted in. I still see Trump leaving office before the end of his term, though I no longer know whether that means before 2021 or after. I have no doubt that an incredible blue wave will run like a tsunami over the country and that the (actual) popular vote count will be swept by Democrats, Independents, and frustrated Republican women. But that doesn’t mean that a Democrat will actually take the presidency, or that the election will go uncontested if he or she does.


In fact, as 2020 draws closer, I see more and more aggressive cyberattacks and continuing active measures—and Russia isn’t the only hostile actor. Post-2020, I see furious militias and alt-right aggressors taking up arms in the streets. My sense is that this may not calm down again until closer to 2026 or 2028. We're in the time of our country’s first Pluto return, and we are going through a dark crucible indeed. But so is democracy generally, wherever it exists in the world.


Some things have to be unmade in order to become more whole. 


By 2040, I see a very different world. One I hope to live to see with my eyes.

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