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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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That's funny, somewhere on either this post topic or another I commented that I felt when I look at him it reminded me of weekend at Bernie's too! I love it when we are at times in sync! ?  It was also a really funny movie.



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@jessi1978   agreed! Vote Blue no matter who..starting with your home state and counties. I strongly feel... The shitshow that IMPOTUS is.. isn't going to change.... he is a puppet being managed by handlers .. who capitalize on him as a figurehead for their propaganda. I see so many expending their precious energy on being angry and upset by that pig Rush Limbaugh getting medal of Freedom award while pseudo recognition of Black Americans present as well as "reuniting military families and honoring preemie babies and advances in medicine" ticked off selling points while pouring gasoline on white racists to act on tRumps behalf flew across the airwaves... not all are fooled :    Medal of Freedom? Rush will never be free and Karma has come calling with cancer taking him out in a painful way... his hatred eating him up from the inside out. We? remain calm... and work quietly work "behind the scenes" and vote at every election... for those who do not align themselves with the current administration. We "may have lost the battle..let's not lose the war"


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I couldn't agree more! I was depressed about last night too, until I picked myself up by my bootstraps today (an hour ago)....Also, think about what he would be like (if God forbid he actually made it through the election which I do not see) with a blue senate and blue house!  The GOP are going down!  100,000,000 Americans did not even vote in 2016! 

Out of the 100M those are mostly dems and independents who did not like either T or Hillery. So when they are now offered an opportunity to vote for someone who wants to provide healthcare for all, a better environment, job growth that is real (not fake like his talking points), protection for social security, medicare and medicaid, a living wage, better education, they may come out for this election.

The war is not over, do not fall for the FOX news and GOP talking points and gas lighting. We need to stay strong and FIGHT! You fight with your mind, your words, your light and your love. You fight the dark with the light because when you are in the dark you turn on a light and the dark is dispelled. Light is stronger than darkness. They want you to give up. Don't give them what they want.

I still see Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete on the podium (not sure who is VP). I'm not giving up. ? ? ?



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re: the polls

I agree we cannot worry about the polls. I've given up on listening to them, for several reasons:

1. Polls told us that IMPOTUS would be handily defeated in 2016. While he did not win the popular vote, he still garnered way more votes than polls would have had us expect.

2. Polls, as far as I know, only call landlines, not cellphones. This means a large portion of the population (especially younger voters) goes unpolled. What 24-year-old has a landline?

3. Many people do not answer the phone (landline or cell) for unknown numbers. Again, this means a great portion of people, especially younger people, goes unpolled.

4. How many people who DO answer are dishonest? How many people who do answer are elderly? (Those who answer an unknown number on a landline leads me to think many poll responders are older, and most of them skew conservative anyway.)

5. Polling populations are often small. When a poll says "56% of persons polled...." that's great and all, but what was the number of people polled? If the total number of people polled is fewer than a thousand or fewer than 500, then 56% is meaningless. Often poll results do not indicate the total number of individuals polled; therefore, the data is misleading. Gallup polls 1000 people, I believe -- not a large sample size when considering the number of voters in America. 

At any rate, let people believe the polls. Hopefully it will be a kick in the rear to get everyone out to vote in November. If it looks like he's going to be "handily defeated" (as in 2016), then many might stay home, thinking they don't need to vote. We need all hands on deck, regardless of what the polls say.

Agreed the Senate is essential. The battle is far from over, regardless of what the GOP/FOX crowd wants us to believe.

Take hope! 

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Also I see my post went through at 11:08 -- the number "108" has been one of my "godwinks" for twenty years. So I'll take that as a good sign :)

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Agreed! and you might be surprised how many seniors only have a cellphone and no landline...being on social security you have to pare down expenses as much as possible and having both can be cost prohibitive so many cut loose from landlines. Yes.. most of us with cellphones do not answer calls we don't recognize the number of.... that is what Voicemail is for :-) Many of us choose not to participate in polls and the data is subject to being skewed by the poll takers... so.. polls are to be taken with a BIG spoon of salt  I would think. Of course the media is going to be skewed as well. Grassroots is where it is at...and starting at home and working up to state,nation,global is the way the way the focus goes.


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and the one about it being a Godwink number  at 11:11! There ya go!


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Actually, if the polls showed T winning in 2016 I truly believe there are some that would have come out to vote that didn't. It gave people a false sense of security!


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Very funny.  I often reference Weekend at Bernies' lately, mostly to say that a corpse named Bernie would make a better president.  I'd vote for him.


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Ok call me crazy BUt I believe in my gut that the orange man is going to implode.  That video of how he was orchestrating during the national anthem - looked like the people in a memory care facility.   He’s got dementia or something.  Also,  I work with those who voted for the nut and they are not paying a lot of attention.  One surprisingly - probably prompted by Fox News -  was appalled by Nancy Pelosi tearing up the his speech.  They work for $11 an hour, most work 2 jobs, don’t have healthcare and in many cases don’t have the time or bandwidth to pay attention.  They are simply trying to live.  

Let’s not get stuck in the muck and mire if it all but instead vision a Democrat in the White House surrounded by ethical people who are going to clean up this mess with divinity ease and grace.  I set that intention and am going to just keep seeing it.  ❤️ To you all. 

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I agree about the polls – I don’t trust them, for all of the reasons that have been stated here.

About allowing this garbage to pull us down – I realized last night that, although I never even watched the SOTU, I was still hit with the dark energy of it. As if some animal had flung their feces on me (sorry for being so graphic, but that’s how it feels whenever I am exposed to T, even in my thoughts.)

So I’ve decided that when I wake up, before I go to bed, and whenever I have that heavy, despondent feeling, I will brush off all of that nasty stuff from my being – literally brush it off with my hands, starting from my head and down to my feet.   (Physical expressions seem to initially work better for me than visualizations – it takes me longer to get to the latter.)  Once I am feeling lighter, I will, as @frank (thanks, Frank!) suggested under the “If you need support …” thread, “imagine a shower of white light cascading over your body from head to toe, washing away any darkness or heaviness until you feel light and refreshed.”   I don’t care how many times I need to do this within a day – I refuse to allow this darkness to take me under.  I might be a sensitive gal, but I am stubborn as hell.

And if THAT doesn’t work … well, I’ll be asking @lawrence to step in with one of his short, grounded, step-out-of-the-weeds, no-nonsense, hopeful posts. ? 

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I Find it hard to believe that Warren or mayor Pete will be on the podium. Also take a look at the turn out in Iowa. Everyone thought the Democrats would show up in droves. They didn’t.

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Posted by: @deetoo

I don’t care how many times I need to do this within a day – I refuse to allow this darkness to take me under. 


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@suspira44 and others who are feeling fear, frustration & discouragement right now:


In 2004 could we have believed Barak Hussein Obama would be elected POTUS, much less by a wide margin?

The turnout at the primaries may not be an indicator of what is to come in the general election and we have MANY months to go. At the rate things keep happening, that's a long time. At present there is as much reason to hope as there is to despair, and I choose hope. I also took my disgust over the farce of a SOTU address and made inquiries and a commitment to work in my area to help get more people, particularly those in marginalized communities, to the polls in November. 


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I totally agree. The dark energy and sadness is palpable, and I want to physically brush it off and clear of that energy. I have done that before and I will also do the white light shower that @frank mentioned.  So glad to hear you doing the same.

I truly believe you all in this group are buoying me up! I still feel that thought of "hold! hold steady!" that keeps coming to mind (like in war movies when the troops want to go, but the leader is waiting until just the right moment...) It is so dark right now, but we must hold! And we have to keep refreshing ourselves in the light -- so many others need us right now.

A good friend of mine rewrote the lyrics tonight to the Don McLean song, American Pie and posted it on Facebook (see below.) It expresses the frustrations of so many and it is just so sad. We have to keep pouring on the light. This too shall pass. Am I putting my head in the sand? Maybe, but you all make me feel so much hope that better things are coming. We must hold steady. 

A long long time ago
I can still remember how
Patriotism used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That voting could make a difference
And maybe we’d have honest governance
But February made me shiver
With every post I saw on Twitter
Bad news in the Tweetstream
I couldn't take one more meme
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about his acquittal
Something touched me deep inside
The day democracy died

Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them Democrats were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

Did you write the book of Trump?
And do you have faith in Washington
If the President tells you so?
Do you believe in government?
Can voting save our nation’s soul?
And can you teach me how to buy the lies?
Well, I know that you're in love with him
'Cause I saw you rallyin’ in the gym
You both shouted at immigrants
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues
I was a lonely moderate votin’ buck
With a moral conscience and a pickup truck
But I knew I was out of luck
The day democracy died

I started singin'
Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them Democrats were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

McConnell whispered in a back room
Republicans off with Epstein’s lawyer
Eight miles high and falling fast
It landed foul on the grass
Democrats tried for a forward pass
With Bolton on the sidelines in a cast
Now the impeachment air was sweet perfume
While Pelosi played a marching tune
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
'Cause witnesses tried to take the stand
The Republicans refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day democracy died?

We started singin'
Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Them Democrats were drinking whiskey and rye
And singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

Oh, and there we were all in one place
A generation stuck in cyberspace
With no time left to start again
So come on Pence be nimble, Pence be quick
Mike Pence sat on a candlestick
'Cause darkness is dictator’s only friend
Oh and as I watched him on Fox News
My eyes saw human dignity abused
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Rupert’s spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Putin laughing with delight
The day democracy died

He was singin'
Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Them Democrats were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die


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I think I’m my case I have to get off of Facebook. I truly can’t take it anymore.


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I don't usually engage in politics, because the energy is usually so low it really takes a lot out of you.  However, there seems to be a lot of fear, anger and sadness here, so I'm hoping maybe this will help bring some peace and hope to people. 

A couple of weeks ago I tried doing automatic writing to get a sense of the outcome of the election.  This is the first time I've ever tried automatic writing for predicting the future, so take this with a grain of salt.  However, I have used it often to get general messages from Spirit.

Below is what I got:

"The scene on election night will be one of jubilation and fear. On the Democrat side will be jubilation. The cast of characters will include Donald Trump and Pete Buttigieg..."

Unfortunately, at that point it became garbled and I could not get anything else that felt right. I'm not really even sure about the Buttigieg part... However, when I asked why I couldn't get more, this is what came out:

"The noted dictation is here to give you only a brief glimpse..."

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I've been doing a lot of thinking about our founding fathers lately.  They've been discussed on this thread, and I love the thought that they were present at the impeachment trial.  So talking about feeling anxious and victory against great odds, consider this-

On December 25, Christmas night, George Washington crossed the Delaware with approximately 1,600 men.  There was supposed to be two other crossings, under two other commanders, but they were unable to launch due to ice.  The men were freezing, rain-soaked, hungry, ill-clad, and probably thinking they were going to get slaughtered when they actually got to Trenton by well-fed, well-trained and well-armed Hessians.  On top of that, a nor'easter hit them during the crossing! And then they had a four hour march to Trenton!!

I could go into all the many historical factors that made this night and what happened next so incredible, but the point is this.  These men knew fear, and they knew despair men-the soldiers who were there that night knew what they were facing; how daunting it was.  But they went. And they won.

There are many awful things that have happened in America's history, many things to not be proud of.  There are also many good things, and many good people who are not going to simply roll over for what is happening.  Fight, keep the faith and spread the light!

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I woke up last night at about 2 am and while trying to get back to sleep, i closed my eyes and asked my guides to show me what will happen to trump. I got a visual image of a grand room, which I understood to be somewhere in the white house. It was on the dark side, like an unlit room at sunset, flooded, with  furniture was floating around. In particular I noticed an ottoman that looked like maybe Louis XIV style, on it's back with its legs sticking up in the air. I took it all to mean that, for trump, there will be nothing he can do to avoid the flood that's coming.

I don't really ever ask for visual images of what's to come, so take this with a grain of salt, But the image came to me almost immediately after I asked, so I felt it was real.

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I think I accidentally deleted my post from yesterday. 

The Gallup poll is unimportant. Doesn't feel accurate to me. Flawed. 

Let the shortsighted GOP have its little ego party. It's about to implode on all of them.

Thanks Mitt Romney for speaking out. It's going to have a powerful effect and will drive T crazy for the rest of his life. It will also eventually benefit Mitt.

"Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.”  Gandhi 

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