Michael Cohen—will ...
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[Solved] Michael Cohen—will he flip?

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For the past few weeks, Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen is turning his back on Trump. I think he will assist Mueller. What can we expect?

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Just threw a quickie Tarot spread & got the following:

To Cohen, Trump is the 'King in the Clouds,' who has cultivated and manipulated Cohen through a kind of fantasy of proximity to a Golden King. Cohen paid too much attention to the small details and missed the big picture that might have let him see what Trump was really doing to him. Cohen has no integrity (psychological coherence), feels his situation is unjust, and suffers a turn for the worse in legal matters. He hates where he's at, is longing for something from Trump, but is unable to accept new opportunities offered him. (Prob. a deal with Mueller, that Cohen doesn't want to accept.)

The final card I got for 'Mystical Vision' was the King of Wands. This feels like a 'forceful, charismatic, and honest person' who operates with some sense of spiritual justice in this configuration. I did not see Muller when positing people who might fit the mold--but I did see Avenatti. It's possible Cohen requires a 'visionary leader' to aim him in the right direction, and Avenatti somehow kicks his butt into motion, maybe via the Stormy Daniels case.

My gut sense is that Cohen is a weak person who requires an external 'King' to give him direction.  

Timing wise, this feels to me more like a snapshot of where Cohen is in his process, than where he's going to ultimately wind up. R1

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R1, thank you for turning the discussion into a reading.  I was just thinking that I wanted to bring the forum back to the subject of this website which is using psychic/intuitive methods  to get insight, rather than just a political discussion board. So you are helping with this. 

Like you,  I threw cards on Cohen and Trump.  

Trump is watching Cohen from the corner of his eye, like he's keeping tabs on him while doing other things. He has confidence he can reel him back in whenever he wants.  Something is going on with Trump right now that is driving his confidence levels up. His manic depression has swung to the manic side.  Perhaps the Putin meeting has him excited that Putin will make him a supreme, invincible  ruler in America. 

Meanwhile, Cohen has been going through the stages of grief  over being abandoned by his Daddy.   He's dropping hints that he will flip: Removing Trump from his Twitter profile, saying family and country first.  He needs Trump to offer help and money and he needs to be able to trust that Trump will deliver.  But Trump's not been reassuring other than some gratuitous words in private that we are buddies for life.  

Cohen now realizes he has put his faith in the loyalty of a crime boss.  That loyalty only goes one way, from the minions to the boss. He's like a disillusioned child. 

I do see that if Cohen starts to show public disloyalty, Trump will go after him with all his guns.  I pulled the 15 Trump which is the Devil card. In my deck (Thoth), the Devil looks like a formidable foe. It's Trump saying to him that he will destroy him if he turns against him. That is terrifying to Cohen. 

I also see that Cohen is getting a lot of advice in all directions. It's hard to think straight. To know what to do. He wants to play it both ways - spy and counter spy, whatever way will give him the best future.  

So I'm throwing a card for Mueller.  He is going to offer him something but he doesn't trust Cohen.  He sees Cohen shifting in either direction, looking for safety. So he's going to be very tough with his offer. He can offer Cohen immunity, but he can't guarantee that Cohen will ever work again.  Cohen feels he is damned either way he goes.  He doesn't want to become the John Dean of our day.  He will in fact face a much worse fate than John Dean because the powers on Trump's side are far greater than they were for Nixon.  Compared to Nixon, who had little more than the powers of the presidency to protect him, Trump has on his side, an influential far right press,  a Congress  that is totally under the control of far right wing interests, and a Russian cyber machine that can deluge the Internet with bots and hack elections. 

So what's the outcome of this?  I threw a past-present-future spread. Present: Cohen is torn, fragmented, undecided, still some loyalty. But his loyalty is crumbing and his allegiance will regroup, searching for a new Daddy. However his new loyalty to Mueller will be weak and his loyalty to Trump will continue under the surface - a shaky  situation for Mueller.  As R1 said, Cohen is weak.  He's a child, who has never before broken from his Daddy. 

Outcome is fuzzy, undecided. But when I ask how Trump feels towards Cohen in December, I see that Trump  is devastated.  So it's pointing towards Cohen flipping.

The overall picture looks like a maelstrom or storm of battles.  Trump is trying to overturn Mueller. Mueller is trying to overturn Trump. Cohen is watching to see who will be on top, and who can save him. He is stoking public opinion to get to Trump to help him.  Trump is busy working his way to triumphant supreme dictator.

It's early to tell but I think Cohen is going to flip and Trump will be sorry he hadn't helped him earlier. 


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I think that the existential threat that Cohen poses to Trump has a lot to do with what Cohen has documented through the years - including recording phone calls. These files and recordings are now all in the hands of the US Attorney's office (and not Mueller). Much of this will inevitably come out and it might not matter if Cohen "flips" or not as the evidence could speak for itself.

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Re: flippers and squeals, if Flynn is working with Mueller, how in the many things profane does he think he could possibly join Stonington Global LLC? What alternative universe is he living in?  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/flynns-lawyers-say-he-hasnt-joined-lobbying-firm-hours-after-firms-announcement/ar-AAzTb4g?ocid=spartandhp .  

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Update: Just heard news that Cohen pleaded guilty, implicating Trump. He will expect fines and jail time. How will this affect Trump?

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Interesting tidbit on the moment of Cohen's flip: "Putin news conference drove Michael Cohen away from Trump".

Obviously, it isn't credible that Cohen saw anything at the news conference that he hadn't seen before from Trump. What was different this time is that Trump had every reason to try to behave himself and keep appearances, and he dismally failed. At that point, Cohen probably figured there was no way Trump would escape justice.

It also fits with the rough timeline I was getting for Mueller's investigation - once Cohen flipped, clearly the last bits of the investigation fell into place. It isn't official yet what he's said on the Russia probe, but of course indictments and court appearances happen after the facts have been collected.

