Biden's First 100 D...
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Biden's First 100 Days in Office

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I feel, a new thread is in order (Waves wand to redecorate the "Great Hall" like he's Albus Dumbledore)

Today I threw cards again, with two goals in mind:  One, to wean myself off the resource materials that go with my deck by doing a "DannyBoy" read and a "Book Read" of each card in order.  And Two:  To have the answer to the following question:


Question:  What is the general mood of the majority of America at the end of Biden's First 100 Days in office.  Several replies below to read the results.


I'd love OTHER PEOPLE's read on this as well.  Here goes:

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Card 1: Current situation - King of Spears - King Pelinore (reversed)
Card Read: It’s a man, obviously of power, but in it’s reversed meaning - I got the sense that people mistake the gray hair to mean old and feeble. The illustration of the Spear on the card looks like a sword in his hand stabbing downward.

Book read: Authority - has shortcomings but sincerely does his best. There are more meanings but they don’t’ seem to fit this read.

Card 2: Positive forces in their favor - Six of Cups in Ectors Keeping
Card read: It’s three women swimming with a dog, and a clothed woman watching lazily in the distance. I think in this position it’s really indicative of the relief much of America feels right now at how soon the nightmare will finally end. Things are pointing in a positive direction.

Book read: Nostalgia, a time of reflection and reliving fond memories. Wow - this one almost completely matches. We’re looking backwards but we’re looking forward.

Card 3: Message from spirit - Ace of Sheila’s Eva Leach’s Sword (reversed).
Card read: This took me a minute. Finally I realized that the shield was white (with a Red Cross) and that light was pouring into the window underneath it in the non-reversed read. Reversed the light looks like it’s coming up. Either way, Spirit prevailed - though not as much as they (or we, I’m not sure) would have liked to, they aren’t leaving us alone just because the light is back.

Book read: The reversed meaning on the book read isn’t great - Greed, Corruption, materialism, wasting resources, wealth and money. I think this pairs with my read - this stuff hasn’t gone away just because Biden’s in office now - but the shield fought it back, and will continue to do so.

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Card 4:  Underlying undercurrent - Ten of Shields - Camelot 

Card Read:  Interesting card - It’s Arthur and Gwen - but Gwen is far more prominent - Arthur is pale, further back from her - they’re welcoming guests to a banquet, but she has two small people - a man and a woman pulling on her dress.  Possible read:  There’s a lot of people who want to see a return to moderate politics and a lot of people who want a hard left - I think Biden is focused on leading, but Harris is focusing on the big picture - what’s best now, what’s best later.


Book Read:  Decent enough match with the book “celebrating the victory of success” stands out but that’s hardly underlying undercurrent :P. 


Card 5:  Past events and influences - Two of Shields - Castle Pendragon (reversed)

Card Read:  When reversed, this almost looks like the roots of a tree that have pushed through bedrock.  I can’t see the tree, it’s the roots - and there’s a lot of rock there.  I’m seeing this as how divided we’ve been being an obstacle the administration is going to have to grow through and around to reach the surface - but these roots look healthy.  (Interesting how you can see something so very different than what’s there when the card is upside down!)


Book read:  Disharmony, and an erratic phase.  There’s a small bit on inability to adapt and meet new challenges - the first part matches my card read perfectly - the second one might be some disappointment that we’re 3 months in and still not tackling anything “new” - still cleaning up messes.


Card 6:  Relationship to others.  King of Shields.  Utter (Reversed)

Card Read:   Utter appears here almost like he’s playing at being a shepherd, but - the regal red cloak gives him an air of lordship - I think this is pointing at his relationship with some of the long time senators as he comes into a new working arrangement.  Trump has changed them - and while he may find some unlikely new allies, he’s not going to be able to rely on everyone he’d like to.


Book Read:  If the card IS pointing to the senate, the majority is still going to have a lot of greed and corruption to deal with.  I guess we’ll see the first stages of that today in DC.  I know Biden would want higher than 51/50 voting on his agenda, and I think in the short term he’s not going to have that.

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Card 7:  Current psychological state - Major Arcana - the Horned One 

Card Read:  Lots of little flashes there - Cernunnos is holding a snake in one hand but I hear “The snake is whole” - think of the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag - this is the opposite.  Nature is watching him carefully - his interests in climate change?  He is a force though - he is all in for this and ready to take on the job.  Oh my god, I feel so good after seeing this card.


Book Read:  Similar - some differences that may or may not fit - while generally neutral (this card, it is explained, channels into all the others) this line at the end says “A more traditional interpretation of the card:  violence, controlling relationships, promiscuity, and drug abuse” - the part that stands out to me is drug abuse.  Maybe he’s also very worried about Hunter - how is Hunter handling his name being plastered?  This is a time when addicts can relapse easily if they’re not careful.  He wants to be Cerrnunos in the picture, but he doesn’t want the attention on Hunter out of fear for his well being.


Card 8:  Unseen forces - Major Arcana - Strength (reversed)

Card Read:  Little easier to read - more specific.  I first held it right side up and I saw both power and knowledge - a woman in red on a dragon like she’s headed to war.  A woman in white representing knowledge standing next to a lion.  When I reversed this those images almost appeared to look like a phoenix.  Instead of working against one another, they combine to form that image.  Maybe votes won’t be 51/50 for awhile - when I thought this I immediately saw Romney and Sasse talking with others - couldn’t see who, not Republicans.


Book Read:  And once again the book is telling me I don’t need it anymore.    It jumped right in and solidified Romney at the very least “Abandoning one’s own values”. “Being driven by impulses”. “Unjustified use of strength” - not in that Romney is going to do all of these things, but he’s really seen these things in his colleagues and sees himself as one of the only ones who can stand up and stop it.  Romney isn’t going to rubber stamp Biden’s agenda.  Romney will publicly oppose parts of Biden’s agenda.  But Romney is going to help what’s salvageable about his party return to the light.  


Card 9:  Hopes and Fears - Six of Spears - The Return of Ambrosius” (reversed)

Card Read:  This also came up in my Senate outcome read - and I think it might have come up in the exact same spot.  Will check later.  This time I saw the people standing on the roof of the castle, not as cheering but as protesting - but that’s only half of the people in the card  (And by being reversed, they were technically underneath Ambrosius) - the other half seem grateful, relaxed, and stoic in his presence.  I think his greatest hope (unifying and healing) is also his greatest fear (failing to win back some of the not too far gone) 


Book Read:  At this point I’m going to not use the book for Card 10 because it just told me I’m nearly correct through all of this :-)

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Card 10:  outcome - Major Arcana - the Star (Reversed)

When not reversed you have men on horseback by a lake with a shooting star crashing into the water - theyr’e all looking at it.  Reversed, I still see the men in the lake, but as reflections.  The shooting star looks like a burst of light coming up from below (Mother earth) and the fireflies in the grass around the men now look like bright suns lighting up the night.  You might not be able to read by this light well - but you are able to SEE THOSE LIGHTS.


In Summation:  Biden’s going to be more successful than I think he’s giving himself credit for during his first 100 days in office - I don’t think he’s truly realized how deeply we’re exhaling that breath we’ve been holding for so long.  Progress will be slower but steady and while we won’t have Medicare for all and free college tuition by May - we are going to be breathing in again at the progress that was made.


Side note:  I was hoping for something on continuing the student loan forbearance (that’s been its own stimulus here!) or canceling student loan debt, as well as that $2000 - either as a single or recurring payment.  I’ve mentioned before we’re doing fine financially and have weathered better than many.  But I often make almost 1/4 of what I generally make at my day job doing independent consulting work - and all of that dried up last March (for now!).   Because of that we’ve depleted the savings account on things we weren’t expecting.  We have a savings account.  In 2021 that’s an incredible blessing.  But  I think of what that money would mean for us if we had it — As I closed this and thought of that, I got a very distinct “Maybe, but that’s not even close to being the point of what we just told you.” from spirit ?

Fair enough spirit!  I’m grateful for what I have, and excited for where we’re going.

Other noticing:  LOTS of shields in this read.   LOTS of reversed cards in this read.  In reaffirming what the shields suit represents - the Earth Realm, and Security - well - lets keep building the lights in my outcome card - from above and below!

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@dannyboy Great read of your cards! Lots of insight and trusting your instincts. I took up your challenge and did a two card throw. Query was, "what is the symbol for Biden's first 100 days?" and  the same for Harris. (Rider Waite deck)

Biden: The World. He will be celebrated for bringing normalcy and civility back to the world. He will be lauded by many, but of course much of the right (and left) will fight his progressive ideas. The world is a very complicated place and can be world-wearying. But he has it all in hand now that Congress is majority Dem.

Harris: The Chariot. She harnesses the power of black and white and will travel a great distance. She will be the one driving the new direction. The fearless fighter, the victor. Projects wisdom like Athena.


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@maggieci There were a couple of places in my reading, particularly card 4 - I still see that image of Gwen and Arthur welcoming people to the feast - Gwen was the focus of that card.  I ultimately shifted it a little from my first gut read from something akin to "Kamala's calling the shots" - that isn't it exactly, but something akin to that - I took it out because those two already appear to have the Obama/Biden buddy cop movie vibes together but i think it's significant in both our reads to acknowledge that if Biden really sees himself as a transitional President, She sees the opportunity to be what's transitioned to - and this is her opportunity to fight to right some of the injustices she's both seen and experienced, while pushing us forward toward places the rest of the world has already embarked for.

Love the read!  Thank you!

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I was frantic at the thought of Biden not being the Democratic nominee because I thought then, as I do now, that anyone else would have lost to Mangolini. That is also evidenced by how hard he and his thugs tried to set up a phony scandal, and why he committed treason to prevent it. We would not have survived another four years under his insanity. But, my fear with Biden, and it is the same fear I had with Obama, is their willingness to engage in bipartisanship with the rethugs.

Ideally, yes, that's how is supposed to be. That's how it should be. But reality bites, and if Democrats don't smarten up, they will get burned, again. These are not John McCain-style Republicans, to whom integrity meant a small something. What haven't they aided and abetted and covered up for this fascist traitor? They'll smile in Biden's face and shake his hand, while concealing their daggers with the other. And the small group of rethugs suddenly deciding to play the roles of Decimus and Brutus and Gaius are doing it for themselves, to save their own asses and political futures, not for love of country or integrity or truthfulness. They ALL, save one, voted to acquit a traitor.

Snakes and sewer rats will go through the smallest hole to get at what they want. They cannot be trusted.


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@polarberry If Mr. Biden were on his own here, I would say that was a reasonable assessment and warning.  However, with the nomination of Merrick Garland as AG coupled with Mr. Biden's tweet on January 7, ( ), I am more inclined to believe that Mr. Biden will take a page from the notebook of Teddy Roosevelt and speak softly while carrying a big stick.

Mr. Garland will be given free rein to run an independent Department of Justice.  Mr. Biden can simply say, "He's just doing his job, and legally, ethically, and morally, I can't and won't interfere in that."  Mr. Garland and his department - along with a reformed, reconstituted and reinvigorated FBI - will be the attack dogs, and Biden and a light-blue Congress can go about their business rebuilding the foundations of good government.  I'm sure they are very aware that in the current environment they must meticulously dot all the i's and cross all the t's to avoid any hints of impropriety.

Will they be perfect in their respective jobs?  No, they will make mistakes, but they will own up to and correct them for the most part. Will justice be completely served?  Probably not, and I'm sure there will be instances where we will feel that more could or should have been done.  However, they - unlike the current occupant of the WH and his minions - will more likely constrain themselves to following the law as it is written, not as they wish it were.

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You're right, and Biden is certainly savvy and experienced and intelligent-but, because he has so much personal integrity, I think he has a tendency to give that benefit of the doubt to others who don't deserve it, and as much as I think he is right to speak of unity and healing, he is dealing with many, many people who don't want it. They want Mangolini in charge at any price, whether it be democracy, civil war, anarchy, treason, whatever they deem necessary to achieve their agenda.

Again, rats, snakes and any small hole. Just like McConnell gloating about how he couldn't believe how many open judicial seats President Obama left. They have no honor. Money, power, control. That's their playbook, their mantra, their god.

There is not a single rethug who has any right to speak of impropriety, no matter how slight. They lost that right when they stood in defense of a traitor. I really hope we don't start hearing cries of letting bygones be bygones from Democrats either. Not this time. Justice must be done.

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I apologize, I posted this in the wrong thread before, so I've moved it here.

I don't expect this to happen in the first 100 days or even the first 1000 days, but at some point it will be necessary before any other reforms have any real chance of success.

We must pass a Constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United.  It cannot be done legislatively because any attempt to do so will be met with lawsuits and end up being struck down.  Until this egregious abuse of the definition of "personhood" is eliminated, we will never be able to pass any truly effective campaign reforms, and any attempts to pass many other needed reforms will be gutted by special interests with deep pockets well before they even have a chance to succeed.

However, in passing such an amendment, we cannot define what a person is; that could easily get sidetracked with anti-abortion arguments among other things.  No, we must rather define what a person is not by simply declaring that "any artificial entity created by legislation or regulation for the purpose of engaging in commercial activity of any kind shall not considered a "person" under the laws of this nation".

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Posted by: @polarberry

There is not a single rethug who has any right to speak of impropriety, no matter how slight. They lost that right when they stood in defense of a traitor. I really hope we don't start hearing cries of letting bygones be bygones from Democrats either. Not this time. Justice must be done.

Unfortunately, they have already started doing that, despite what they have already done to belie their feigned integrity, but at least this time, they're getting called out on it a bit

I think Mr. Biden has more steel than you give him credit for. He hasn't survived nearly 50 years in public politics by being soft, and I can almost guarantee he knows how to play hardball politics behind the scenes.

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Oh, I know he has nerves of steel, and you are absolutely right about him knowing how to play hardball behind the scenes.

I guess I am just highly irritated right now by any move that casts any rethug in a positive light. I was very annoyed by Biden's speech today praising Moscow Mitch. "He's ashamed," says Biden.

No, he's not. That kind of comment is exactly what I'm talking about. The only regret MM has right now is losing his SML power. That's it. I am convinced he is on Putin's payroll. May this be the year that the truth about this administration's ties to Russia and all the people in our government who sold this country out for money and power and dirty dealings comes to light.

I also hope Garland has the teeth to be AG. I know his history and he is very admirable, as is Biden, but these people MUST be criminally indicted. This can never happen again.

"A republic-if you can keep it."

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Posted by: @polarberry

I am convinced he is on Putin's payroll

I just wanted to pull this out because his wife, Elaine Chao - who just resigned - had several questionable deals with Chinese companies that snagged a lot of Chinese funds for Kentucky firms a couple of years ago, so while there may well be some Russia connections, I suspect it's more of a China thing with him.

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Chiming in because cards are my thing and I am darn good at them if I do say so myself. I pulled cards on Biden back in November and ended up with a table full of cards showing me the whole four years. I saw the legal challenges and post-election turmoil, I saw Biden inheriting a shell-shocked American people. I pulled Temperance and Two of Pentacles on him, so I do see him doing a lot to heal us. I saw a very active VP in Kamala Harris.

But what I saw very strongly is change. Good change. Lots of it. Then he hands the reins to a woman. He's going to be a really great President. I talked to an acquaintance of mine who is psychic, she's visions, I'm cards- and we agreed that Biden is going to go in, and free of concerns about being reelected, is going to FDR the shit out of things (pardon my language). I'm looking forward to the next four years.

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Posted by: @writerjenny

Biden is going to go in, and free of concerns about being reelected, is going to FDR the shit out of things (pardon my language). I'm looking forward to the next four years.

FDR is my favorite President, and the fact that quote you, FDR’d the shit out of things and got re-elected.  And then re-elected again.  And then re-elected again.  (Thus resulting in a Constitutional amendment) is one of my favorite things in the world.

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@writerjenny  LOVE THIS and the HOPE it inspires.  

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@theungamer thank you :)

I think I'm going to be on. My cards for Trump have played out. The thwarted legal challenges, etc. I pulled the Death card on him four different times, which I took to mean the death of his presidency, and that definitely come to pass, but being such a strong card I did not fully understand what was going to happen.

I also pulled the Six of Swords for him, which is a man sailing away on a raft, so he's leaving, it even tracks with him fleeing, which it looks like he's going to attempt. 

I'm never reading him again, though. When I read his energy, it was so awful it gave me a migraine. He's a terrible human being- his conduct Wednesday did not surprise me.

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@writerjenny Your Death card may representing a variety of endings and I'm not referring to death.  He thrives on the energy of others and without the social media energy infusion, he may implode.  Agree that fleeing is an option as its the only way to avoid prosecution.  Can understand not wanting to tap into that energy.  Sometimes a part of it taps back.  Onward to better times!

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@theungamer oh yeah, I know it wasn't literal death, just complete obliteration. He smashed it dead.

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