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[Sticky] Introduction to Tarot Section of the Forum

Illustrious Member Admin
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This section of the forum is devoted to the amazing Tarot. Here you have a place to ask questions, post  your favorite decks and spreads, and discuss your concerns, hopes, and experiences in reading the cards. You can also open up topics for answering questions using the cards and invite people to join in. 

I have published a few articles on the Tarot which you can  peruse here.  They are also listed in the Menu at the top of each page of this website under Articles/Tarot. The most popular article is 43 Short Spreads for Reading Any Situation. It's had over 5 million views since I posted it. 

I also teach amazing Tarot classes. I can teach anyone to quickly read the cards.  So sign up for the next series coming in late fall 2018.

If you have ideas for a topic, and want to suggest one for me to start, please list it here. I love getting questions from people.  You can also feel free to start your own tarot topic here. 

Michele and Michele reacted
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Hi Jeanne, thanks for making this section, sounds great. Would it be possible to have a section where we could post spreads from readings and predictions about topics covered in the forums?  Or might that get too complex, and it be preferable to keep all predictions together regardless of how they were obtained?

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Blue, I had the same thoughts about starting threads on world topics and using cards to answer them. We can try it here to encourage people to throw cards, like in the RV section, which encourages people to use inner visioning.  If it ends out duplicating other threads, then I can just move the threads. 

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I've been studying Tarot for only a year now, and find myself stumbling when confronted by reversed cards. Joan Bunning's book suggests that when a card is reversed it means blocked energy of the card, or energy that is expressed internally as opposed to out in the open. As such, she suggests putting the world "self" in front of your interpretation. Other sources seem to say a reversed card represents the opposite of the energy expressed in an upright card. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to work out a satisfactory interpretation for myself and was curious about how others see reversed cards. I also have questions about court cards, but I'll save that for another time :-) Thanks in advance. (Should I have put this question elsewhere?)

Illustrious Member Admin
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Marley, great question to raise. I have opened it in a new thread  

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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

Blue, I had the same thoughts about starting threads on world topics and using cards to answer them. We can try it here to encourage people to throw cards, like in the RV section, which encourages people to use inner visioning.  If it ends out duplicating other threads, then I can just move the threads. 

Thanks very much Jeanne. I've posted a reading, hopefully in the right place:)

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Hi, I've been an a intense feeler my whole life and after 67 years I have finally found out that I'm an empath.  what a joy to now know.  I have spent so many years upset and feeling out of sorts because of my feels.  Didn't have anyone to explain or guide me so I lost friends spent so much time alone and so on.  I didn't mean to go in this direction I was just wanting to say that I joined a bit ago but just sort of lurked around in the background.  I have just bought my first set of tarot cards and would like to sit in on one of your sessions.  Please let me know when.  Thx




ghandigirl, TriciaCT, BlueBelle and 9 people reacted
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Here is a fun and insightful spread called The Blind Side. It helps you see things about your Self that you may not see. It is from the article 41 Short Spreads for Reading Any Situation that is one of the most highly viewed articles on my website. Before you throw it, center yourself and ask for higher guidance and be sure to be in the state of mind that connects to angels. If you are in a bad state and way in your head and feeling negative, you might draw some scary cards but they are not the truth about you, they are how you are feeling. So pretend you are asking your angel these questions: 


  1. BLIND SIDE SPREAD (*A favorite)
  1. This is your outside appearance; what you know and others can see.
  2. This is the unknown; what you’re not aware of, no one can see, but what is ruling.
  3. This is the hidden; what you know but won’t show others.
  4. This is the blind spot; what you can’t see but what others see in you.



Dina, Marley, Lovendures and 7 people reacted
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Whenever I read my tarot cards I try to base my predictions on what I see in the images themselves. Kind of like how ink blot tests work. Is that ok to do?


For example when viewing 'The World' card I look at the symbols Lion, Bull, Man, and Eagle and while I'm not an expert on what the Tetramorph means, I see the eagle as a representation of the American bald eagle. The Lion makes me think of England (like the British Empire), and the Bull makes me think of Ancient Greece.


I also see the naked woman in the center of the card as an embodiment of Gaia, the Earth Mother who birthed all life. The green scaley snake-like circle around her makes me think of the Ouroboros which is a symbol of the eternal cycle of renewel.


That's just one example. Thoughts?

ghandigirl, Unk p, deetoo and 5 people reacted
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I try myself to Incorporate what you do And the actual meanings of the cards. It has not been easy for me to do card readings since my friend/ sister/teacher and mentor Sue passed away In 2004.  What kind/ name of tarot do you use and like?

Illustrious Member Moderator
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Ok.  I have a question .

I drew a reversed  devil card for a relationship spread regarding  "obstacles to a relationship "part.  

I have never thrown an reversed devil card before.  Thoughts?

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Is the person who you drew this Obstacles in the relationship reading for a divorced person? Or a person who was in a bad relationship for a long time and has recently ended the relationship? Or perhaps they had a bad prior relationship(s) and have a fear of more of them so they get in their own way of that because of prior bad relationship?

LalaBella, Jeanne Mayell, LalaBella and 1 people reacted
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They just ended a relationship.  Ok.  That may make sense.  Thanks.

TriciaCT and TriciaCT reacted
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Glad I could help. It's funny but I can't read or come up with those ideas for myself but I can for others at times. ? 

ghandigirl, Lovendures, ghandigirl and 1 people reacted
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So, I was reading that Mercury is dancing across the sun on Monday. Is that important, and will it make the full moon more important?  Will either of them help the collective? 

Lilinoe, Lovendures, TriciaCT and 3 people reacted
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Are you able to explain anything about Oracle decks?

(inquiring minds...)


Illustrious Member Admin
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@lovendures The difference between Tarot and oracle is that Tarot has a clear structure and Oracle cards have no structure at all.  

Tarot: 78 cards, 22 Trump's that are archetypes of the hero's journey and four sets of 14 cards, which are Ace through ten then court cards. The Tarot uses numerology and ancient meanings that are handed down. There is an order to the Trumps, the Aces, the courts, and all are based in the four element of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The Tarot is powerful an tells you where you are on many levels.  Tarot spreads contain more in them than most are likely to get from them. It's is especially good to read a spread with a group so you can have many people weigh in and get the power of the meanings.  

The oracle decks do not follow a particular order, no particular length, no real structure. They are easy to read because you just pull a card and see what you feel about whatever is displayed there. I'm sure people can find power in these cards, but they are more simple, sort of divination "lite." 

I like oracle cards when I just want a simple message or when I'm too anxious to read for myself. For example, angel cards are oracle cards.  You can ask, what do I need to know right now?  You might get "solitude" with a picture of a sweet angel sitting by herself.  Not too heavy, right?  Easy and comforting.  

I also have made my own Oracle cards out of wisdom sayings I like, which I then draw at random when I want some words of support.   It probably differs according which oracle deck you use, but I think of oracle cards as simply standing on their own each time you pull one.  If you pull three oracle cards for past, present and future, you can link them together but there's no larger numerological structure involved. (unless you happen to have a numerological oracle deck, which I bet there are).

Oracle cards do not require any lessons to use them, just ask and pull.  Find a deck that you like and your can enjoy it.

I am sure however that there are Oracle readers who go very deep and give amazing readings. Also there are tarot readers who don't really know the structure and just read them like Oracle cards.  :-)

BlueBelle, Vesta, BlueBelle and 1 people reacted
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One of the students in a Tarot class asked a good question so I thought I'd answer it here in case anyone else could benefit.

Question: I’m having a hard time determining which cards are most appropriate to use with which spread. For example, is it more appropriate to throw all the tarot cards or just the trumps for a spread like the one you shared called “#19. My Purpose”? Do you have any tips for how best to determine the proper cards to throw and for what type of spread?

This is a great question. While some readers will use all the cards for any spread,  there are some spreads that are specifically designed for using only the Trump cards,  like The Court of Law Spread. Then there are spreads that I prefer to use just the Trumps or the most powerful cards because the questions I'm asking need to elicit powerful answers. 

For anyone unfamiliar with the Tarot, it is divided into sections: The Major Arcana or Trump cards and the Minor Arcana or everyday cards. The Minor Arcana includes some powerful cards too, i.e., the Aces and the Court cards.  The Trumps are the most significant as they are major archetypes and passages in life. The Aces are also powerful.  And the Court cards have another kind of power since they are royalty.

Here's the spread you mentioned:

  1. What is the purpose that I was brought here to fulfill?
  2. What obstacles do I need to get over?
  3. 3 Lessons (lay out 3 cards) I need to learn along the way.
  4. Who or what can help me attain my goal?
  5. What can I give to the world?

In this spread I would want some big cards for the first and last questions, because I want big meaningful cards in my answer. 1. What is my life purpose?  5. And What can I give to the world?

 So I would use all but the pips (2 through 10) for those questions, i.e., Aces, Courts, and Trumps.  

But you can do whatever you want except when the spread specifically calls for just Trump cards. 

jovesta and jovesta reacted
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I posted this in the thread discussing RBG and the Open Supreme Court Seat.  It came up for me when I  read about two different interpretations of the same card throw....

So this is the fascinating part of throwing cards to me.  The multiple interpretations.  But it also is confusing.  It reminds me of a game that I play with my kids.  We have seven die with pictures of key story elements, like a house, light bulb, lightning, etc.  The player rolls the die and has to tell an original story using the images each only once.  For an experienced stage performer and improviser like me, it is easy to steer the story anyway that I want.  So there are so many ways that it can go which is the fun of it.  But I control the path.  How does one not control the path of the tarot reading?  (I probably should post this in another thread more related to this topic as well.)  Your two very different readings made me wonder about this.

Looking for guidance...??


Jeanne Mayell, Iridium, FEBbby23 and 3 people reacted
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Great comment! The cards must be just a framework for an intuitive interpretation that really comes from within. I remember viewing a You Tube psychic doing a tarot reading on Vanessa Guillen, the Fort Hood soldier who went missing and was later found dead, murdered by her boyfriend. To me, the cards that she threw did not seem to indicate any sort of catastrophic event, but the reader's interpretation hit the nail on the head. As a beginner, I feel limited more or less to the traditional interpretations. I hope as we gain experience and intuition the cards will speak to us differently. I hope @jeanne-mayell will weigh in on this topic.

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