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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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@cindy, I thought about the Thanksgiving/November time frame, but I hadn't even made the New York connection.  Makes perfect sense.  Thanks!

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The name Kurt Volker (Ukrainian special envoy) keeps pinging me. I looked him up and discovered he started out at the CIA as an analyst and of course, he was a former ambassador to the UN. He will have information. BTW he happens to be the executive director of the McCain Institute (since inception)--the McCain connection also is lighting up and a quick view of the list of his pallbearers/speakers at his funeral makes one think ooo kaaaay (despite Lindsey Graham's presence... Joe Biden both spoke and was a pallbearer). I would not be surprised to find out that he and Sen. McCain had been good friends and they did work together. This is all connected.

I always thought that when Trump started taking on the intelligence community that it was going to blow up in his face. That he continued to disrespect Senator McCain - this grudge because McCain was everything he could and would never be- thinking this rubbed people wrong. It is almost like Trump was given enough rope. Now there are 225 votes for impeachment so far in Congress, the Democrats are united-- everyone supporting Pelosi- she appears as a grand wizard (like the A-Team- I am getting "I love it when a plan comes together") The Big Sting.

And the headlines don't disappoint. Just saw 

Rudy Giuliani backs out of appearing at Kremlin-sponsored conference

I guess he figures the optics might be bad for this. This guy is going to turn on Trump or go to jail after this impeachment passes Congress and all the shit hits the fan.

And Barr -- boy howdy-- Baba was so right:

AG Bill Barr reportedly "surprised and angry" at Trump-Ukraine phone call

Those headlines are from Axios.

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@rowsella, didn't Volker resign yesterday?  And isn't he supposed to be questioned by the Intelligence Committee sometime this week?

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Yes, Volker resigned as the special envoy. But hearing and thinking his name -- it had a lot of resonance to me.

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Posted by: @rowsella

The name Kurt Volker (Ukrainian special envoy) keeps pinging me. I looked him up and discovered he started out at the CIA as an analyst and of course, he was a former ambassador to the UN. He will have information. BTW he happens to be the executive director of the McCain Institute (since inception)I would not be surprised to find out that he and Sen. McCain had been good friends and they did work together.

According to Kurt Volker's biography, "Volker served as a legislative fellow on the staff of Senator John McCain from 1997 to 1998." 

He also was brought into the Trump administration as special envoy by Rex Tillerson; he was not directly selected by Trump but by Tillerson.   This is an interesting article about that, from the McCain Institute archives:

He was not an ambassador to the UN.  He was, however, the US ambassador to NATO, appointed by George Bush Jr.  I have a hunch that perhaps that is why he stayed on after Tillerson left the Trump administration: He might have felt that he could keep Trump from doing damage to NATO and/or the Ukraine.

Also, an interesting tidbit: He did not receive a salary for his role as Special Envoy to Ukraine.  It was a voluntary role.

In addition to the stuff about Guiliani, I am very interested in what Volker may have to say about the reasons Trump yanked the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, from the Ukraine in May.  I think she may have tried to stop Guilliani and Trump more directly, although that's just a guess.

Here is an interesting background piece on Trump pulling her out that was published at the time in May in Foreign Policy Journal -- you can see even then there were questions about why Trump was doing it, but there was so much else going on at the time with Mueller that it didn't get much media attention.


U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Recalled in Political Hit Job Lawmakers Say:

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I have cut back on my posting because I don't really feel like I fit in too much.  I don't have the gifts and talents that most here do.  I don't think I'm an empath or light worker.  I don't really have visions.  I just, throughout my life, have gotten strong feelings about things and have often been hit with strong sensations of deja vu that are almost dizzying sometimes.

Having said that, I truly enjoy reading and love the way people here care about one another. 

Regarding Trump, this time really feels different.  I pray it's so.  I hate what he and his minions are doing to this country.

Pelosi plans to put Republicans in the position of having to go on record cast a vote for or against treason.

Regarding the prediction of a female in a powerful position in the administration who will turn on Twitler, may be KA Conway?  The other day she said it would be "an overreaction on our part" to form a team of some sort to fight the impeachment process.  Time will tell, but she certainly is in a position to know a lot.



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just wanted to let you know that i have always appreciated your posts, and that you don't have to be anything but your own beautiful self.

And don't get me started on Smelly Ann Conjob!

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Thank you Unk p.  That's kind of  you.

I really try to be Christian in my thoughts and words but I detest Donald Trump with such intensity.  He is a loathesome boil on the butt of humanity.


PS-Happy Birthday Lawrence!  ?   I knew there was some reason I was attracted to your posts.  I love theatre!

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Hi, thanks, yes ambassador not to the UN but NATO-- an organization under attack by Putin and treated derisively by Trump (who treats UN meetings like trade show conventions). I'm sorry- must have been tired after a long day and with all the UN news happening just slipped. I will be interested in watching his testimony if it is broadcast.

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We all have unique gifts.  Everyone who has joined this community brings something different to the table.  Some are very intuitive and can communicate with great insight.  Some have vivid visions.  Others hear things.  Some pick up on others feelings.  Some have precognitive dreams.  Some make wonderful predictions.  Some are just beginning to discover some of these talents.  

There are other gifts which our community members share with us all as well.  Their understanding of the how the economy works, law, the environment, scientific research, societies from around the world and political movements.  Others are great at finding connections and articles for prediction hits. Some are wonderful at calming people who are afraid or showing compassion to those grieving.  

I am so glad you are a part of our community. When I first came here  I wasn't sure I understood how to attempt to be a light worker.  I wasn't even sure I totally understood what that meant.  Or what a heart warrior was or how to be one.  I am still learning about those things.  Baby steps.  I love learning about all of these gifts, even ones I don't believe I have been given.  Just learning about these things expands my knowledge.  It expands my mind.  

I lurked on this site for quite sometime before I officially joined.  

I tend to be a person who is in their head a lot and I have been learning to get out of my head more.

When I have tried to do the Read the Future nights with Jeanne, I often find myself doubting what I am seeing.  For example, if it is a holiday month like November and I see people at a Thanksgiving table I first think " well duh!  It is Thanksgiving".  But if I can instead ask " what are the people at the table thinking?" I might get somewhere. Maybe. 

Meditation is good for me to practice  but it can be challenging sometimes because my mind is often"on" during the meditation.   I am almost ADD like with meditation and I don't have ADD.  Here is what a typical normal guided meditation is like for me.  

"Oh, I am beginning to relax, this is good.  What if I start to fall asleep?  I have done that before. Focus on the meditation.  Ok, that is better.   Oh no.  I hear a bird chirping outside.  Ignore the bird.  But he is  loud.  Maybe it's a she. Can you tell the difference between  a female and male bird chirp?  I like when birds chirp but not during meditations .  Oops, I just missed 20 seconds of the meditation.   Take a deep breath.  Ok, I am back on track...  Hey, there is that white dot I sometimes see when meditating.  Oh, it disappeared.  And it's back again. Why do I see the dot?  I don't usually see it when I close my eyes except when meditating.    Quit thinking of the dot.  It is gone again.  Oops, where am I in the meditation?  Take a deep breath.  Ok, that is better.  Ok, it is going smoothly now again.  I think I just wasted half the meditation time off track.  Should I go back to the beginning and start over or just tune back in? Um...I don't know...The phone?  Seriously?  Ok, let me try this from the beginning again."


I have a lot to still learn.





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That was one of the best account of a meditation I have ever heard.

Those distractions you got during meditations are intuitive guidance if you just notice them. Last week I was talking to a woman when I noticed that while I was speaking to her I was seeing the state of Alaska in the background of my mind. I mentioned it to her in passing, noting that something must be going on involving Alaska at that moment.  I paused and Googled it, and saw that an Alaska Airlines commercial flight had to make an unscheduled landing because a passenger went nuts during the flight.

So intuition is happening in everything we are thinking, including the distractions.  It's not noise when you get interrupted by the bird song. That interruption is from you picking up some energy out there in the world. There have been study findings in the past few months, that we have lost 75% of song birds and that mornings are no longer filled with bird song the way they were a few decades ago.  That's just one thought I have about your "distraction."   We are getting intuitive sensations all the time if we just notice them. 

Also, I can't help but notice what an amazing teacher you are.  You teach with clarity, and most important with kindness, love and guidance. 

@Polarberry, I too have appreciated your posts!  You don't have to talk intuition to contribute here. I always read what you have to say with great interest. Perhaps the words intuition or psychic are throwing some people off.  Intuition is consciousness, it is a kind of attention that we have.  The key is to notice where your attention goes when you are trying to understand something, whether it is in the past, present, or future.  

When you wrote, Regarding Trump, this time really feels different., you were using a kind of intuition.  But it's a life long study to tap into this level of consciousness. And if you come to some Read the Future nights, and possibly to some classes, you start to find it inside you.    If you aren't oriented that way, that's okay!  This community, as Lovendures, said, needs all kinds of minds to raise consciousness.  It is not just about psychic stuff.  It's about awareness, truth, camaraderie, love and hope. 

Please help us by contributing your thoughts.

If anyone wants to continue talking about intuition, how to get it  and what to do with it, go herewhere you will find a robust conversation going on.  Deetoo has already continued the discussion there.  --

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@Polarberry I have felt as you do sometime.  I too am neither psychic or intuitive, althought I too get gut feelings on occasion.  Don't stop posting, what I like best about this site is we are all in this mess together!  Sometime it is just nice to vent alittle to people who will understand our feelings.  I also feel we all learn a lot on this site.  There are posters on here that are way smarter than I and they give me new ideas,knowledge and inspiration.  My contribution lately seems to be the knowledge of MoscowMitch's state.  I along with a great many of my fellow Kentuckiana's can't stand that crook an are doing everything we can to get him out.  To all the lightworkers and psychics on here please sent all the positivity you can to Amy McGraph, she will serve our nation proudly once again.

Don't get me started on meditation.  I try so hard.  I spent my entire career as an accountant.  Everything I did was in great detail and my mind was trained to think orderly.  When I try to meditate that kicks in and i start organizing my mind instead of making it quite.  I love Yoga Nidra but have yet to make it through a guided meditation with out wondering off the path!  But it still must work because I always feel very relaxed at the end of a session.

As I said I get gut feeling.  The day after the election in 2016 I woke up hurting all over.  I knew in my gut we were in deep dodo as a nation.  It has been a hard three years but more and more lately I get the gut feeling, this is the beginning of the end.  The LyinKing is getting more and more unhindged and now he has to compete with his own lawyer, Rudy, for nutjob of the week! This will not end well for either of them.  I would love to see them turn on each other and just go batpoop in public!  What a show that would be!

Anyway stay strong and carry on my friends.


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I agree, though not a monthly donation I've given my donation. I'm sure everyone gives what they can at the time they can.  Things like this incredible site are not done without incredible energy and I'm sure those who can't give money give their time and energy too. :)

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@polarberry Thanks for the birthday wishes!  Keep going with your feelings. Everyone gets intuitive information in their own way. You're doing great!  

T is like a guy hanging by his fingertips on a rooftop ledge, struggling to hang on but knows he's about to fall. And many men and women lined are up in front of him ready to step on his fingers. Karmic.

A scene right of an old film.

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@polarberry, thank you for posting.  I have always enjoyed reading your insightful contributions, and am happy you are a part of this community.  Because I am venturing off-topic here, I will post some of my thoughts under the “What should I do with my intuitive experiences? Where Should I Go From Here?”  Forum topic.

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Interrupting this thread to  thank you for the donations. It is a huge help. Lynn, Bluebelle, and Elaine, you are heroes for asking the group.  Please remember it's optional!  And I don't keep track of whether you donate!  In fact, I couldn't keep track because my brain can't hold all that detail. You will get a personal thank you note from me when you donate because I am so grateful, and if you are a monthly donator, I will see it each month and send you a note. But never ever make donating a duty; or if you don't donate, don't stop coming here.

Also when you sign up for Read the Future night, again, do not worry if you can't donate. I don't want you to not come because you couldn't donate.  Again, I don't keep track.

Donating helps me keep this site going. It does also help you, the donator, when you feel that a part of you is going towards something you believe in. Donating actually increases your well being and happiness, studies show!  So if you donate, do it for that reason.   And if you can't, it's okay.  

Now back to The Unraveling of Donald Trump and the future of our world. 

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I watched a few of the Sunday talk show snippets where some of T’s people were trying (unsuccessfully) to muddy the water and tell untruths. I was very pleased to see that they were not effective and (cough, cough Steven Miller) sometimes seemed to just start babbling instead of making arguments (because he was stumped for an answer). In one of the interviews, one of T’s friends even started criticizing him. I did a double-take on that one but realized that when they see which way the wind is blowing, they will be looking to secure their livelihoods for after he is no longer in power.

Does anyone else get the feeling that we are currently at the stage in this saga that you could compare to just arriving at the top of a rollercoaster - right before you starting hurtling down the other side? 

On a side note @Polarberry, I agree that you should keep posting. Everyone has something to contribute  to this forum. It is always helpful to have lots of different perspectives. 

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Thank you for your very sweet words. I am glad yo enjoyed my meditation description.   It is very good to know I am not alone.  haha.

I appreciate how you explained about intuition, meditation and bird songs. I now have a new way of looking at these interruptions.  Even normal everyday things I notice.  

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Does anyone else get the feeling that we are currently at the stage in this saga that you could compare to just arriving at the top of a rollercoaster - right before you starting hurtling down the other side? 


YES!  In fact, I thought of that exact image, just last week.  I was watching a rerun of the movie "Parenthood."  There's a scene where Steve Martin, who feels beaten down and really wants his life to be controllable, neat and tidy, imagines himself on a rollercoaster while some crazy shenanigans are going on around him.  After he gets his bearings and exhales, he finds that he can manage, and actually enjoy, the ride. 

When I watched that scene, I immediately thought of what's been happening to us in this country and world.  There are some things you just can't control.  I can't say that I'm actually enjoying the ride, but I/we can certainly manage it!  

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Any ideas who comes out of this as the 2020 version of G. Gordon Liddy'(hack imbecile who's ineptitude during the political scandal created a career for him)?


couldn't resist inserting the hyphen. We all gotta laugh, right???


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