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[Closed] Feeling just so angry! What to do with this. Feel free to vent here. And help the venters.

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Think of them as members of a cult. They are brainwashed.

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We are listening.  We hear you.  We deeply sense your pain.  

By sharing your feelings today, you have given everyone an opportunity to support you and share love and understanding with you.  Thank you for that gift.  Bluebelle's message to you is quite beautiful.  You may find yourself coming back to it,  continuing to gain wisdom from the  lovingly insightful words.  


Your channeled message was so caring  and inspiring.  It is overflowing with love.  It touches my heart and inspires me as well.   Thank you for posting it.


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@natalie, I'm so sorry that your eyes were assaulted with that stark, painful reality.  I believe you were meant to share it with us, so that we all could receive @Bluebelle's beautiful message.  Spirit works in mysterious ways.  We need to hear that message now, more than ever.  Thank you.



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Natalie- I hear you. I too have this fox news trump sickness within my own family and the same pain that you describe has run me down for the last 3 years. I remember after thanksgiving in 2017 being pale in the face and physically so drained- not from fighting really, just from the overwhelming presence of their hate filled beliefs.

I tried not to bring up politics around them but its like an impulsive cancer that my own father cannot stop instigating around me with. I cant bring up anything- my work, the city where i live, sports- it all leads back to fox news talking points. Even as we have both tried to stop talking politics it has caused noticeable strain, maybe even in how he views me as a person or perceives me as a daughter. I can try and spin it however i want- its ignorance, its brainwash, its old age- but they dont fit. these are intelligent loving people who ive known very well my entire life- the contradiction has been at war within me for a while. I cant trick myself- All thats left is anger. I try to imagine there is still a little light of hope in his conscience, buried beneath all his hate, and that perhaps it will one day find him. 

I once read a quote in an article about this - people losing their loved ones to fox news- and it said something like “the worst part, the part that hurts me the most, is that the people they’ve come to hate so much- the “snowflake liberals”- are actually me. I am the end point of their fox news talking point.”

I have no words to offer other than you are right to be angry. Its NOT okay. But i am standing with you- we all are. Know that those of us on the right side of history are always out there: even in the most red states, in the grocery stores, the mall, at schools, restaurants, playgrounds- we all feel it too. 


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@Sagetarotpisces - your story is heartbreaking. I am so so sorry for the reality you are living with. I want to thank everyone who responded to the rant - I'm slow to respond - but my heart warms knowing that I'm not alone. 

Thank you everyone, from the bottom of my heart. 

This is a cult - a death cult, all I can do is remain loving and caring in my own life and hope my behavior inspires others.


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Posted by: @sagetarotpisces

I have no words to offer other than you are right to be angry. Its NOT okay. But i am standing with you- we all are. Know that those of us on the right side of history are always out there: even in the most red states, in the grocery stores, the mall, at schools, restaurants, playgrounds- we all feel it too. 


I'm standing with you too, both of you, and ALL of you out there who are trying to come to terms with the White House occupant and parts of Congress and their followers and the Fox News-watchers.   



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Speaking of people's frustration with Trump supporters, today I saw this tweet from Tommy Lee, not Tommy Lee Jones, but Tommy Lee from the awesomely demented 80s band Motley Crue. It is seething with anger but in a good way -

Sorry if Tommy Lee's twitter page offends anyone - it's pretty irreverent and potty-mouthed.  Also enjoyed his retweets of people insulting the WH occupant --pretty funny and very pissed off.  

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Because fox has been allowed to be considered a news station, it feeds people who want to hear what most of them on that channel spew. Having freedom of speech is a big problem, but also makes this the US. 

I have cut off my sister’s family and it hurts. But it’s not a difference of politics. It’s a difference of morals. If I could be friends with my sister, I’d be so much happier as I was before I learned she was voting for him 3 years ago. The racism especially bothered me, but so many other things as well. 

Live been in therapy 2 years now. He triggers so many of my emotions as do those who follow him as if he’s God. The fact that this group of followers consist of such people as “religious” ones is mind-boggling. Are they that stupid to not see the truth?

it makes me want those farmers and others hurt by his policies really get walloped. Not because I’m mean, but because I want them to wake up. I want people to keep going to prison, and I hope these turned over documents from banks finally expose him.

Until 80 or 90% are pissed off enough to demand he resign, I don’t know when we will be able to turn our country around. That’s IF that many Americans wake up.

i know my sister will keep bringing things up and I can’t deal with that.



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People are so mean. The old man, who lost his wife in the El Paso shooting, had his SUV stolen and wreaked. They also so stole his power wash machine (his only means of income). A car dealer said it would help him buy another car, but I don't see that happening since he has no money. 

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Posted by: @anita

I have cut off my sister’s family and it hurts. But it’s not a difference of politics. It’s a difference of morals.

This right here^^^.  I've (likely) lost a friend (I've known for 33 years) because of this.  He claims to serve the Lord, however when presented with the moral dilemma of concentration camps at the southern border (I don't bother "sugar coating" it anymore, call it what it is....), he will defer that we are a nation of laws.  If asked what if the law is immoral, he won't answer it, because he knows he will be "trapped" in a conundrum, thus he won't commit a response.

I cannot and will not be associated with people who cannot acknowledge the cruelty and immorality of what is happening on the southern border (for example).  He can call himself a "good Christian", I know the truth......he's a lousy Christian.

This makes the endgame harder.  What happens when Trump is gone?  Am I supposed to forgive these former friends?  How can I forgive them?  How can I forget their cruelty and mocking of my concerns?  Ignoring my pleas for their compassion, to wake up and shed off the propaganda?  Imploring them to embrace their Christianity and protest the immorality of the situation?  Will their pride be too great to even acknowledge they were wrong?  Just live and let live, forget what was said?

I'm sure Jesus could forgive and love them.  I don't know if I'm strong enough to do so....because all I want is them to suffer 10x what they've inflicted on others.  Suffer so they REALLY get it, the REALLY understand how awful it has been for the compassionate/loving people of this country/world.

How unenlightened am I that I want them to suffer? To desire Karma to smack them so hard they won't know which end is up?  So much much resentment......

Why am I on this planet at this time?  Why would I willingly come here and witness this horrific and dark behavior in the US?  I don't want to do this is too much. 

Unk p, Pacosurfer, Unk p and 1 people reacted
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Wow, Codyroo, I sure identify. I sometimes think these people are mean. Sometimes i

think they are brainwashed, ignorant, or racist. I know a few Republicans who see

whats going on. But such a high percentage hang on to the crap. “We are a nation of laws.” But why don’t any laws apply to this thing called President! When all comes out,

there will be so many laws he’s broken and I wouldn’t be surprised if raping that woman who was 13 at the time will be among these crimes. 

I sometimes feel we are at a time when Hitler was rising and people had to choose where they stood, but also when Jesus was put before the people by Pontius Pilate.

He asked who he should free. Those who yelled, “free Barrabbas” remind me of the people hanging on to trump. Why did those people want Jesus to be crucified? Why did people want to eliminate Jews? To make such choices boggles the mind.

To see hordes of people not marching on Washington daily, even after what the Mueller report found, shows unbelievable lack of care or fatigue or ??? The polls are bad for him right now, but he had 13% in the summer of July 2016. Hillary had been made into a supposed monster while people ignored all the horrible truths about trump. Why? Now we see how rampant evil is in this country and how fragile our government is. 


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I want them to suffer, too. My family who put Trump over me. I want them to really feel the pain. You’re not alone.

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@elaineg, I just read that a dealership gave this gentleman a new Ford Escape and a trailer, and an anonymous donor gave him a new pressure washer.  I firmly believed that good people would come through, and am very grateful that they did.

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I sense your deep hurt and pain and  also feel  your grief and anger.  So many here in this community have felt similar feelings.  Many like you have lost family and friends to a dark angry pit filled with hate, fear and selfishness.  We wonder, are they even capable of recognizing  a pinhole of  light  begging to be discovered amongst such vast dark emptiness?


 Some in our community are reporting such awakenings among their friends and family.  I have not yet noticed this, though perhaps those who are becoming aware don't yet know how to communicate their awakening as it must be difficult to admit your foundation and lifestyle has been built on lies and hatred.     

Personally, I feel most of these individuals have been in that pit since  Obama was running for president.  I remember those same individuals freely spewing hate and corrosive lies about him being the devil incarnate and being born in Kenya.  Comparing him and his family to apes, championing the NRA at every turn  while Obama pleaded for reform after Rep. Giffords was shot, Sandy Hook, Charleston and all the other mass shootings  shattered our nation over and over again.   Remember back then the angered projected to those concerned about environmental issues and climate change?  The seeds  were firmly planted in toxic sludge during that time enabling a Trump era to be ushered in with all its putrid glory.   It is so difficult to stay out of  the grime when it surrounds our society, even when we recognize it as grime.  It wants nothing better that creep its way into our hearts and soul, to dim the light.  

After so many years  feeling the relentless stinging attacks against humanity grow in intensity, how do we respond when the loving light finally reaches even just a few of those in perpetual darkness? Do we "kill the fatted cow" and celebrate their return or chose to not attend the feast?  I don't think we have prepared ourselves for this moment in its entirety, at least I haven't.  I often think about it in a global way, how wonderful it would be for our community, nation, and world to finally have Trump followers wake up.  But it  is different on a personal level because well.  it is so personal.  The Parable of the Prodigal Son is such a difficult one for me to completely synthesize.  As a parent, I understand the joy I would have at the return of my child who disappeared and squander their inheritance but I can also relate to the older brother  who chose not to  partake in the feast.    Where would I fall with my own reaction and would it depend upon how  contrite the returning person felt?  I am not sure yet.

What amount of darkness have I spread?   I am not perfect.  I have ranted at the very people who have vilified  my own beliefs.   When is it virtuous to label hate as hate and when are we spreading that hate by how we treat the haters?  

Moral dilemmas.  Unbelievable  Moral dilemmas.

Perhaps this age we are living in will be remembered as the Age of the Great Moral Dilemmas.  

Codyoo, all of our spirits are desperately in need of love right now.   Without feeling love, our hearts dry up and we become like that grape that withers on the vine.  The only way I know of to combat a drought of love is  to water our spirit with drops of joy, hope, compassion, kindness, warmth and love.   For me, part of that watering is self care.  Prayer, meditation ( like Jeanne's heart centered meditation on this site), sleep, healthy foods, turning off the news and yes blocking those who are filled with vitriol from entering my scared space is a good placet for me to start.  In addition, I find acting in care for others in need is a beneficial  way to water my spirit and heart.  Seeing a specific need in my community I might be able to help fill, in even a small way helps.  Volunteering for an organization which  brings me joy , doing some random acts of kindness and "catching" people who show compassion and love to others are helpful ways of moving through the week.  Laughing at my goofy dog  ( a daily occurrence cuz he is such a goofball) is as easy as breathing now.  There is also something I noticed I am doing currently while writing this message that adds beauty to my world.  I am  actually listening to the birds joyfully chirping, even in  110 degree heat outside.  This brings me a moment of pause because if they can chirp through this sweltering heat perhaps  I can find something to chirp about too, right? 

 Sometimes it is  difficult to do just ONE of these things but I find I can muck my way through the sludge better when I do. The burden becomes lighter and when I notice a lighter burden, I often feel. a hint of joy in the air, which if I take the time to notice, becomes a warming in my heart.  

Thank you for sharing your thoughts today.  It unexpectedly helped me learn something about myself.  I hope in some small way you can feel a little lighter.   There is light.  It is growing.  We may not yet know why all of this is happening but I know our world will come out the better for it.  It is a deep, deep cleaning, but a cleaning it is indeed.  The shadows are falling and they will continue to fall.  Look for the light to burst through.  Perhaps as a few pin picks at first ( can you see them, they are there?)   Soon the radiant beams will be shimmering.  I have faith that they will.  Light is more powerful than darkness.  One tiny beam of light can illuminate a darkened room.  Look for that pin prick because when you notice that light, it is a sign that more is on the way, a whole bunch more.  You will see them, I know you will.  We will all see them.  The beauty of the light will heal as it surrounds us all.  Can you feel its whisper?  It is there.  

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Something for everyone to look into, and sorry I don't have a link for it:

The 1619 Project (NY Times Magazine)

400 years ago this week the first slaves arrived in Virginia, they were taken from what is now Angola, and they were taken from pirates, by the British to The New World.  That occurrence set in motion ALL the issues we deal with to this day in the US. EVERYTHING is about this. From politics, to immigration, to rights, to health, farming, and education -- it all comes from slavery and white euro-centrism.

The Constitution is revered as a sacred document rather than as the living document it was intended to be. The Founders and Framers f*ed it up real good, but gave citizens the power to change it, which we never do anymore because of the extreme reverence for words written in the past. The descendants of the slaves are the ones who have fought and continue to fight for the rights in the Constitution and the Amendments.

Had the Tea Party/Revolution never happened, North America would be half British and half French, and slavery would have been abolished 100 years earlier than it was. Remember that the Tea Party was gangster - white rich landowners who didn't want to pay taxes to a "foreign monarch". They wanted to keep all profits to themselves AND keep their slaves, without whom they couldn't have built up the economy. Sound familiar?

So if you feel up to it, look into this project, edited and written by people of color. I find that re-learning history more objectively and avoiding American exceptionalism really help. That and checking that Uruguay hasn't changed their immigration laws for US citizens...

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I found the link:

The 1619 Project

And if you think slavery is long gone, check out this Propublica Article:

Some of the Country's Worst Prisons

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There are days where I feel strong enough to forgive. I thank Trump for the lessons he gave our country, and tell him, in prayer, his services are no longer required.

There are other days, however, when I want to see the world burn, to re-start. To begin again. 

I wish I were strong enough to feel optimistic but I’m not. When McTurtle denied Obama’s Supreme Court nominee even a hearing...that’s when I started to feel like I wanted to start over with this country. I want progressive women and men, Muslims and Latinx people in office. I want the feminine to take over. Let the Queen energy rule once more.

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Beautifully expressed. A part of me believes this.


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Maybe our own lights are fighting our own darkness. It certainly feels like time has come for a Matriarchy to reduce wars, greed, inhumane treatment of others. 


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I'm so happy to read this. I felt so sorry for him. Thank you.

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