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[Closed] Feeling just so angry! What to do with this. Feel free to vent here. And help the venters.

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Speaking of feeling angry, this New Yorker article summed up the Mueller hearings this way. Why the Mueller Hearings were So Alarming

It boggles the mind how the Republicans managed to take an investigation that actually shows us that Trump is guilty of treason and cover up and managed to mute the truth even when the truth is plainly stated. 

Here is one paragraph that describes how some of them behaved during the hearings:

  • Louie Gohmert, of Texas, who has made a career of scaremongering, gay-bashing, and Islamophobia, began his questioning by entering into the congressional record a screed he authored titled “Robert Mueller: Unmasked.”
  • Matt Gaetz, of Florida, sneered at the former special counsel as he sought, unsuccessfully, to get him to comment on the conspiracy theory that the allegations against Trump in Christopher Steele’s Russia dossier were part of a Russian government disinformation campaign.
  • Ohio’s Jim Jordan threw his arms in the air and mocked Mueller for his refusal to answer questions about Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor who allegedly told George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign aide, that the Russians had damaging material on Hillary Clinton.
  • John Ratcliffe, another Texan, asked why Mueller bothered to write his report at all, given the Justice Department guidelines that say a sitting President can’t be indicted on criminal charges.
  • Wisconsin’s Jim Sensenbrenner went further, questioning whether Mueller should have even carried out the investigation, which he described as “fishing.”

Compared to Adam Schiff's heart felt, calm questions that illicit key truths from Mueller-- boiling down the crimes of Mueller uncovered;  these men reminded me of this Bosch painting of the ugly people surrounding Christ in Bosch's Christ Carrying the Cross.  

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I agree.. evil. I have to wonder if they are victims of brainwashing in some ways, just unaware of how lost theyve become, or even worse- they know what theyre doing, know how corrupt this president is, and don't care. 

either way.

matt gaetz is just awful. I was trying to explain to someone who he was and ended up showing them the soundbite on his irrational conspiracy rambling, with Mueller just sitting there- tired and bewildered. thats how all of us feel watching these people self destruct on national television. it turns out Matt Gaetz and Devin Nunes word for word copied lines from sean hannity (fox) report. pure propoganda machine. ugh.

dont even get me started on jim jordan. he makes me ashamed to be from the state of ohio. i cant even listen to his voice now as it just does no good for me to get that agitated. 

do you think they know what they are doing? they must be intelligent enough to understand how serious this all is after sitting through the mueller hearing.. or are they too far sucked in? maybe they're scared. not that it matters. they are complicit.

the most evil thing about these people? they are willingly spreading insane conspiracy theories .. not only to the people who hear them and take them as truth, but to our history books. these types of things are being said on record. its imprinted into our country's history.

the fact that we hear sitting lawmakers and gov't reps saying things like "the deep state" or "fusion GPS" .. or even pushing for an investigation into an investigation, is shameful to say the least.

do you know where the term "deep state" comes from? Qanon. yep. the conspiracy theory group that believes JFK isnt actually dead and will run for president in 2020, and that all democrat politicians are a part of a pedophile ring, and that the president speaks to them directly in code. 

Ive always wanted to do a reading on Qanon followers. same guys who brought you the pipe bomber from Florida and the 24 year old who shot and killed the boss of the Gambino crime family. turns out, the shooter was going to this boss's house to do a "citizens arrest" and believed he was under the "personal protection" of the president.

these people meet the criteria for diagnosis of something called Delusional Disorder in the DSM V. seriously. its actually really sad to me... a lot of people are being preyed upon who likely were already in a vulnerable mental state. sometimes i laugh and sometimes I'm just horrified. recently I have begun to feel a great amount of despair for these people. there are young children being indoctrinated into this. we have politicians who are knowingly spouting this, and who genuinely believe in it. people talk about how our country is going mad.. and well, I believe it actually, really is. we feel lost, and even the people in power are pushing us into it. i can imagine many feel lost.. on both sides of the aisle. all i can do is send love to them, help those near to me in my own community with the gifts i was given. and try to believe in something brighter for the future.

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"T* has gotten away with it!"  That was my first thought when I awoke this morning, extremely depressed.  The entire Mueller investigation felt like a gigantic waste to me.  And the Dems are a bunch of weenies for not boldly acting on the information they have.  So T* can shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and get away with that too.  More depression, followed by extreme anger.  I had trouble eating my breakfast.  I drove my exhausted body to my physical therapy appointment.  My PT did some lymphatic work, then I asked her to scan me.  (She's very gifted in that way.)  "I'm seeing lots of transitional stuff," she remarked.  "It's depleting you. Practice staying grounded.  Try wearing red shoes or red underwear." ? 

I realized that the transitional stuff my PT observed wasn't just personal to me, but I was picking up on the collective transition.   OMG -- and T* is a part of that transition!   I'd been thinking of him as a separate entity who is dragging us all, kicking and screaming -- or that we'd just have to tolerate in order to survive.   NO -- for as much as I don't want to admit it, T* is part of the collective.  T* has no more power than anyone else.  Appearances can deceive.  

That haunting thought came looming back -- "T* has gotten away with it..." -- followed by another quieter, but powerful voice "...for now."   

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While I'm way too physically uncoordinated to dedicate myself to Tai Chi and Qigong, I have discovered a couple of techniques for changing energy flow in my home and between myself and others.  I've always found ways to create mess barriers in my life by way of everything from building dusty piles of clutter to smoking.  I've been using Mercury retrogrades to slowly chip away at them: revving up the paper shredder, going through bottles of glass cleaner and oil soap to scour away the grime, bringing small closures to the many little tasks that need doing but never get done, and filling up boxes and bags with clothing, books, recyclables, and stuff and hauling it all away to relevant charities.  Each little step creates an altered energy flow that energizes the next step … all creating healthier chi.  Physically, I've been getting acupuncture and chiropractic care to do the same thing to support smoking cessation.  And, I've been shielding with white light before watching videos.  I also continue to remember to make a prayer when I am anxious about others--I quietly pray to the high soul self of each person, "May the highest part of me touch the highest part of you."  As I move from person to person I imagine creating a higher light halo we all share and when the light circles back to me, I imagine creating a lighted candle in the center of us and the energy is so altered by then, I feel a sense of peace and harmony that everything will be okay.  This works at work and with family members.  It's essentially what Jeanne describes above.  Oh, and when I imagine myself protecting AOC, I imagine white angel wings holding light close to her and the outsides of the wings creating a light mirroring effect so that the energy that comes at her reflects the harm coming towards her back at the sender(s).   

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@gracesinger, Fantastic ideas!  I'm going to implement some of them into my own life.  Thank you!

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Thank you, Gracesinger.  I worry about AOC and her squad.  They are the women leading us into matriarchy and they need protection.


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Science says that when we get angry we go into fight, flight or freeze and it causes our brain to only have access to help us in those three areas. It means we have limited choice options based on that and our longer reasoning skills are not as accessible.  I said all of that to say that it occurred to me that in reading all of the information about the recent happenings and what may have been new info coming around - other countries may be working with us to investigate. That should help all of us when we feel angry. I think that was part of the slow answering from M. 

Anyone want to do a spread on that possibility? 

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This morning I went to AP News and read the fact check statements and I felt better about things. It helps to get a feeling that a lot of this is made up and that news is actually reporting on it. So maybe it will help some of you as well to go there and read that. It also helps to think about the interaction between what we found and what others in other countries are finding and working together.  It helps me think that this is something that more people are seeing and doing something about that has not come out yet because it is under investigation.  

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Anyone else notice that when the media covers 45's hate rallies, they never pan the audience? It's always the few people behind it.

I keep feeling that there are no other people in those rallies except for the ones behind him.

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There is a new netflix documentary about Cambridge Analytica, The great Hack, is pretty interesting! Has anyone else seen that yet? 

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The Dalai Lama said once (and I'm paraphrasing) that change that can seem revolutionary is really a result of momentum that's been building up quietly for a long time.  This comes to mind a lot lately as I see what's happening around us, and the apparent support trump seems to have. While I feel angry and discouraged most days, I also feel like any day now, any time, one tiny thing can push trump's entire house of card over the edge and it'll all collapse.  

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They remove people from the rallies if they don't show support, like this kid from Billings Montana last year who did not say a single word at the rally.  He was not disruptive, just rolled his eyes when Trump spoke.

This youtube is great, if you didn't see it when it happened.  Too funny, but also revealing about how those rallies are set up.  The kid was not only removed from the audience but placed in a room with secret service agents for a while.   So much for free speech.  


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Posted by: @lynnventura

The Dalai Lama said once that change that can seem revolutionary is really a result of momentum that's been building up quietly for a long time.  This comes to mind a lot lately as I see what's happening around us, and the apparent support trump seems to have. While I feel angry and discouraged most days, I also feel like any day now, any time, one tiny thing can push trump's entire house of card over the edge and it'll all collapse.  

So true and thank you for writing this truth.  Lightworker support is rising.  Wednesday's Mueller hearings are now showing more truths came out during those hearings now that journalists are pouring through them and writing about what happened. The Atlantic did a good job of finding gems from the hearing.    A critical mass is building. 

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And they dictate to the networks where they can set up their cameras, just to give the appearance of popular support. It's a lie.

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Remember the saying “ Something good from something bad. “ I really believe this because I have seen it so many times.  I do believe T* will not have a second term and much good and change will come because of these four years of terror from these beings in the T* administration. I don’t watch the news because they tend to go on and on. I only read the headlines to various newsfeeds and will only read the actual news if it is something new, and only once. I believe that more of the collective are horrified by T* than there are those who support him.  Don’t forget Hillary got 3 million more votes than T*.  And finally, as I read the predictions of June 6th, I believe these gifted souls that change is coming and it is going to be good. Don’t second guess yourselves by what the talking heads say.

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I’m just curious how his ardent supporters will be like when he gets taken to jail or removed from office.

its not like they will suddenly start holding hands with all us snowflakes and sing Kumbaya.

I think there will be riots if he is removed

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For anyone who wants to listen I am going to vent. We moved last week - it was hell, like moving always is. In between unpacking boxes and passing out from sheer exhaustion I didn't have a chance to check the news. A cursory glance at my phone told me about the shootings - my heart sank - I felt sick, but I couldn't focus on it in the chaos around me. I woke up Monday morning, still feeling tired - overwhelmed by the amount of stuff still to do. I checked my phone - went on Instagram, looked at some photos of a happy cousin of mine vacationing in Italy and then saw it. A hairy back, with a baby looking over the shoulder, held up by his dad, maga hat on his head - hashtag under photo of maga country. I fell back into bed, laying there, not entirely shocked, but numb, sick, angry, I wanted to scream. I got up and went to the living room where I showed the picture to my husband, this was his childhood friend after all, the man his mother calls her third son. My hubby just says, why do you think I don't talk to him much anymore. And that's it, that's all I get - when I just want to scream - WTF is wrong with you people. The world is burning - Alaska is melting - people are being shot in the streets and you A$$holes are still supporting this lunatic, what is wrong with you. 

This same man who posts a photo on his Instagram page of him holding his son while wearing that hat, earlier also posted something about building that wall - albeit more subtly than this grotesque image. This man has known my hubby almost since birth - they were close friends, my hubby introduced him to his wife - they grew up together. But this guy came from a religious family and my hubby didn't. This man got married, my hubby was a groomsmen. He had a son, who tragically passed away before he was a year old - my hubby still cries when he remembers that time. This man and his wife became even more religious after that incident, moving to Wisconsin and having three more kids. 

On my wedding day, I remember the box of cards people left for us. I remember finding his card a day or two later - inside was a letter, addressed to my new hubby and me. This letter implored us to accept Jesus Christ into our lives - it talked about salvation and the usual christian heresy that the evangelicals in this country preach. My hubby didn't even want to read it. I read it and wondered what to think - but I put it aside and didn't respond. 

This man who lost a son, can not blink an eye at the loss of 6 children in border custody. This man who lived through tragedy, can wear that hat proudly, mere hours after a terrorist attacked a Walmart in the name of the man who invented that hat. I don't know what to think. I feel sick - I want to tear my hair out. I want to scream. I can't go on like this, I'll end up killing someone. 

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I hear you. I hear your pain. And you’re right. Most if not all of us have experienced this. 

I hear you. Keep venting 

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We hear you. We see you. Breathe.

These people are in a delusional state. We can't change them.

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Natalie,  how awful for you to see that image.  

I think I'm receiving a channeled message for you:  "The only thing that will help you deal with these die hard Trump supporters in your life is to create and nurture your own spirit of loving kindness.  This won't  change these people's ignorance and backward thinking, but it will help your own sweet, kind heart. You will reach a place in this practice when you can look at images like this, you will feel pity for people carrying around so much perverted Christianity, so much intolerance and hatred.  You can't change them, but you can protect your own loving spirit and have more inner peace.    You are a beloved spirit.  You matter.  You are here in this life in this time for a purpose.  Practicing loving kindness mediations will help you deal with your pain and your anger.  You will find healing for yourself.  You are important."


Much love to you, Natalie.

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