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I just felt the Earth shaking

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Tears are running down my face.  I am so happy for you Perriwinkle10 and Vestralux, your gift amazes me.

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Aww, it was a gift to me to witness the love you feel for each other, @perriwinkle10! So, thank you. And Linda! ❤️ 


P.S. Just to be clear, I don't think you have to wait until spring to feel better. When I was typing last night, I just got a glimpse of you standing in the sunlight, marveling at the butterflies and birds. Your energy seemed strong then, but that doesn't mean it won't be before then. As a mediumistic person, I experience most spirits getting clearer in their ability to come through about 6 months after passing (could be 4 mos - 8 mos, depending on the individual). It's also case-by-case whether that's the amount of time it takes that particular spirit to learn their new surroundings and/or move through some things (or something else I'm not privy to), or whether that's just the amount of time it takes their living loved ones to do enough grieving so that their grief energy is no longer clouding the connection (as was the case for me with my father when he passed).  



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@bluebelle, thank you my sweet friend, as your so-very-precise (!) precognitive visionary gift amazes me! Especially with your ability to accurately pinpoint time. ? 


Regarding everyone's climate/planet thoughts, an idea just occurred to me...

I think of the Winter Solstice energy the way we think of new moon times, except far more powerful even. During full moons, intense energy moves outward, right? It gets released. So, if there are things we want to let go of, it's best to do those workings during a full moon—i.e., set the intention to release old patterns, fears, negative relationships, etc. Or even to release the collective pain of our current political division. During a new moon, the sky/self opens like a night blooming flower, to draw energies inward. On those nights, we can set the intention to draw something toward us like a magnet: e.g., good health, emotional strength, friendship, love, more fulfilling work, or the healing of our country and planet.

The Solstice is just 12 days away: Saturday, December 21st. (My daughter and I have always celebrated it, so that night is precious to us.) I believe that night is the perfect time for all/any of us to take a moment and pray for/intend the healing of our Earth, our country, and our world. On any given Solstice, a collective working would have even greater effect.

But also!

Astrologically, the sun moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn, an Earth sign, the same day. And this year, the Solstice is followed just four days later (the day after Christmas) by a powerful solar eclipse, also in Capricorn. Eclipses are a very big deal, energetically speaking. Not only that, on the 19th we have Jupiter—considered "the Great Benefic" because it magnifies and expands everything it touches—also moving into Capricorn, where Pluto (the intense planet of transformation vs. destruction), Saturn (planet of structure, order, limitations, karma, and the physical world), and an astrological point called the South Node (karmic lessons, the past) are all already planted. Again, all of this is happening in Capricorn, the Earth sign ruled by Saturn, so its energy is all about order, structure, institutions, leadership, power, the physical environment, and the Earth. 

In case it isn't clear, this is a very big astrological deal. Conjunctions/stelliums (four+ planets in a sign at once) like this—on top of a Solstice plus solar eclipse!—happen infinitesimally rarely from our perspective. 

Whether you care about the astrological minutiae or not, the important thing to know is this: it's all about the energy. Planetary alignments create mass geometries of streaming energies. So the thing to consider is always: What are the energies? How will they touch us? and/or What can we do with them?

Like anything impacted by Pluto, it's all about free will, which is only "free" if it's used in an awakened state; otherwise it's just unconscious repetition, i.e., shadow entropy. [The smallest planet is also the real "bad boy"/rebel of the solar system, and, incidentally, represents the human soul.] So, at this intense energy juncture we're all feeling, what do we choose? Will we use all of this intense cosmic coming-to-a-head energy to destroy ourselves by repeating the same old karmic patterns? That would surely spell apocalypse.

Or... do we choose to awaken from our karmic patterns in order to transform ourselves and our world? It only takes a small percentage of us to make the needed change, 100 open-eyed monkeys or thereabouts.  

My point is that this year's Solstice/Solar Eclipse is the most auspicious (nay, necessary!) time we could hope for to personally and collectively sit down and acknowledge our part in what's happening, and then very deliberately and clearly set forth the prayerful intention to see our karmic/historical patterns released and therefore banished with love, in order that we create space within our shared field for new evolutionary light to flow through us and in upon the Earth. Light that will enliven the gathering of souls who are here and ready to live differently, more gently, with greater kindness, compassion, intelligence, and a fierceness which serves one another, rather than solely the self.


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@lovendures. Time to enact the 25th Amendment. 

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First, I'm always excited, Vestralux, when your name shows up in the "Recent Posts" tab. Your comments are so grounded and full of knowledge.

And thanks for that rundown on all of the upcoming astrological events. I have been feeling for a long time that the transition from 2019 to 2020 would bring about some key energetic shifts (I've also been hyper sensitive to the waning sunlight this fall and the upcoming solstice, which is a first for me. I've never paid much attention to solstices and equinoxes in the past). So now I'm wondering how can we best observe and take advantage of this rare astrological alignment? You say this is a time to deliberately and prayerfully set forth our intentions and release old patterns. But what, other than sitting in prayer, can we do to make sure these personal/collective transformations are set in motion?

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Well, shoot, that makes my heart feel a little lighter in its shoes! Thank you so much for saying so. ❤️ 

And I feel you! Even though I'm aware of the moons and equinoxes and so forth, this is the first time in years that I'm feeling such intense discomfort from the lessening of daylight hours. It actually feels like I'm starving for the sunlight—it's almost painful. 

I love that you're asking this practical question about what else we can do, other than sitting in prayer, meditation, intention-setting, or other ritual space to take advantage of this potent and historical astrological turning. I know this has to be a collective response, so I hope everyone here will answer who feels inspired to do so. Speaking of...

@jeanne-mayell does something pretty awesome in the collective regard: She's not only created this gathering space for like-thinkers, but she also puts on group events that build collective cohesion for the wider field (as much as they support psychic work and future visioning). But just talking together on this forum—sharing our anxieties, hopes, and fears—is a therapeutic act. It creates a sense of belonging and is healing for participants. That supports culture.

Whatever we can do to support energetic cohesion and resonance—rather than the division, dissonance, and entropy—in the wider energetic field is vital. I try to do that daily, simply by opening my heart and transmitting loving kindness wherever I go, to whomever I see. I smile at everyone, like a damn fool. (I reckon a spiritual fool is as good a thing to be as any.) I try to bring that with me whether I'm waiting in a doctor's office or on hold for 20 minutes for tech support—everywhere. And I've noticed that the colors I see, the smells and tastes and textures I experience, the exchanges I have—absolutely everything—is different. There's more More air. More light.

And I notice there are a LOT of everyday saints just walking around out there! This may seem a significant tangent but it's important: All that news we're digesting isn't capturing the state of things; it's attempting to manufacture the state of things—for profit.

And I believe we must subvert that. With love. 

Right now, many many among us are preparing to protest and march and letter-write and organize and all the other things we know are critical to maintain our democracy. Those are rites and rituals too. We can watch documentaries that are both serious and difficult, but also hopeful and inspiring. Get a group together for viewing parties. Create Radical Reading Groups and read Maddow's new book or dozens of others coming out right now. Hell, we can write our own and share them! We can get a group of children together and go plant trees—we're gonna need all the trees we can grow.

... I'm sure others here can think of dozens more.

P.S. It's important to ground any solemn moments of prayer, meditation, and/or intention-setting rituals we do alone or together with feasting and laughter. Draw down the light, set it like an arrow in the direction of healing, then clap your hands and dance, you know? Same goes for any difficult protest you attend, or painful documentary you watch, etc. The Spirit needs to work and it needs to breathe. 



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Posted by: @vestralux

And I notice there are a LOT of everyday saints just walking around out there! This may seem a significant tangent but it's important: All that news we're digesting isn't capturing the state of things; it's attempting to manufacture the state of things—for profit.

And I believe we must subvert that. With love.

So nice. As for another group healing and world healing session, I am up for one soon. 

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Posted by: @vestralux

And I notice there are a LOT of everyday saints just walking around out there! This may seem a significant tangent but it's important: All that news we're digesting isn't capturing the state of things; it's attempting to manufacture the state of things—for profit.

And I believe we must subvert that. With love.

Wow.   That is so cool,  i just had to hear it again.   And also this part:

I try to do that daily, simply by opening my heart and transmitting loving kindness wherever I go, to whomever I see. I smile at everyone, like a damn fool. 

to say "Good morning" and REALLY MEAN IT,  just like Mama Cass!

Keep supporting your local everyday saints.  There are more of them than we could ever know.


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Haha YES! So true. :)

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I LOVE this thread!  Love the beautiful exchanges!

On a serious note, a New Zealand volcano just erupted and 5 people have died, many, mostly cruise ship passengers,  still trapped on White Island where it occurred with no way to reach them, , Many are in the hospital with burns.  Any chance what you all have been picking up was this eruption?

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Hi Perriwinkle, I lost one of my dearest friends years ago and she was like a big sister/2nd mom and that's when I gradually stopped reading, meditating etc. (wrote this in another posting area here) so I think I know what you are going through. I've also been listening to a YT psychic who got a sudden feeling about N. Korea doing something that would be directed at the US.

My heart is sending you love and light and I will pray for you at this holiday. ? 

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I saw the volcano news as well :( I’m so saddened to hear about the lives lost...surely there was a warning in place?? 

I don’t feel the “at ease” sense I often get once something I’m assuming will happens finally happens. In fact, I feel almost as if that was just a part of whatever process we’re going to experience. 

Oddly enough - and this fits in with the planetary movements discussed above - I have also felt as if the solstice is either the culmination or the beginning of whatever the heck I’m sensing. I don’t know which though... 

Nostradamus talks about events happening with planetary alignments, I wonder if there’s any connection to that. Also, the Mayans discussed this in their calendar meanings...

I feel just about the same as you all do in regards to the light change and feelings of being almost stifled. Vestralux was correct in the timeline of spring for me personally- I’m a huge gardener and feel most connected to the earth and spirit when I’m outdoors enjoying life bloom makes me hopeful that we all will experience a sense of reblooming when spring arrives. Until that point though, I have this gnawing urge to “fight” - and not in the physical sense. Moreso in the “going to battle for good” sense. Gloves off, take no sh*t, shield up, let’s do this - kind of way. How about you guys? 

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Posted by: @perriwinkle10

I don’t feel the “at ease” sense I often get once something I’m assuming will happens finally happens. In fact, I feel almost as if that was just a part of whatever process we’re going to experience. 

I'm with you on this, Perriwinkle. From what I've read, New Zealand geologists are describing the White Island eruption as a minor event (a "throat clearing") that just happened to occur while tourists from a cruise ship were touring the area. I feel like bigger things are coming. 

But I did see during the 11/11 Read the Future night that many of us will be undergoing a process of healing in the spring. So perhaps these earth changes that some of us are sensing will play a role in catapaulting our energy forward.

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Does anyone have any advice and/or predictions for this young woman who posted in the comment section of the Prediction page?  She is worried about west coast predictions of earthquakes for early 2020. 

I am very worried about the predictions of a big earthquake in California in January and February. My sister and her family are in San Diego. Could someone specify the location of this earthquake please? I would like to have a conversation with her about it. -- Allie 

A while back I had seen a volcano for February 2020 but it didn't look like it was in the U.S. It might have already happened with the tragic eruption on White Island ff New Zealand December 9.

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I'm in San Diego. I haven't had the feeling we'll get a big quake here any time soon. A couple times a year we get a little tremor.

Here's the thing about SD:  we're not actually at risk from the biggest faults (San Andreas and Cascades).  I've looked at the USGS maps.  We have MANY teeny tiny little faults running all ver the city and county. This is actually good news, because they each release their energy regularly and we don't even notice it. The big faults build up pressure over time, so that's what makes them dangerous - that pressure has been building for over a century with no release, so more pressure means when it does blow it will be worse.  In fact, the people over in Palm Springs are at much higher risk than we are. Yes, L.A. also, but down here we're not at risk of "falling into the ocean".

On my intuitive side, I just don't feel it, certainly not in the next couple of months.  And those of us who live in these quake-prone areas do our best to prepare, but not to worry. Tell her that the best she can do is ask her family if they have their earthquake supplies stocked up, to keep the car at half tank of gas minimum. Also, something I learned from the quake (up north) earlier this year:  keep shoes right next to your bed and keep a set of keys in them when you go to bed at night, keep your purse by the door, and don't hang anything heavy over your bed.

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I’m pretty sure the earthquake feels I was having were the series of 6.0’s recently up in port hardy. We had a 4.0 about a week prior to that, which I felt. My spidey senses have eased up a bit after those big ones. ? 

As for being fearful of impending earthquakes.... my general take on the subject is this: Eventually, one day, will probably experience an earthquake and if it isn’t that, it’ll be a tornado or a hurricane or a forest fire. The point is:   That’s life. No matter where you are or how much you plan, the earth will do what it intends to do. You could get in a car accident tomorrow, this doesn’t stop you from driving. You could burn your eye with a grease pop, this doesn’t stop you from frying up bacon. 

Earthquake prediction is a very messy and inaccurate psychic ability and one I often wonder is more based on a heightened sense of magnetic and/or planetary pulls. Some of us are just more sensitive to the earth changes than others, so when folks like myself run around screaming “IMPENDING DOOM AND DANGER!!” 50% of that is because we “feel or see it in dreams or visions” (with zero idea of time or place) and 50% of that is because the Gravitational balance of metals is waayyyy out of whack and making us whack. ;-) And I’m fairly confident the last one is why I can feel an earthquake that’s about to happen.

deep breath, have a strong table to shove your butt under just to be safe  and remember..... life is gonna happen while we’re busy making plans. The earth is funny like that. Xoxo

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i have gone thru hurricanes and earthquakes, but the thing that was most terrifying, was this one day, when i was at the laundrymat across the street, and as i was carrying my clothes back home, i saw this thing. It was a tornado. No, it was *The Tornado*.  I dropped my laundry and ran inside, to grab my people, and the car keys.

As we hopped into the car, i noticed that the tornado was growing larger. It wasn't going left or right, just darker, and wider!

Burning rubber,  blowing thru stop signs and traffic signals, all eyes on the rearview mirror.  And then...     it was gone.

Like, poof!

Later, we learned that the tornado had been a mile and a half wide (!), and had lifted, just before hitting our street.

I guess my point is that every place on this planet is likely to have natural disasters of some sort. 


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Thank you, all.  I have posted this link to the girl who wrote to us.  I pray she sees it and is comforted.  Since my son is living in Southern California I too am comforted by your posts, although I notice that I had never  felt concerned enough to even consider asking him to leave the area. 

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Concerned about @perriwinkle10's military premonition back in December, given Trump's killing of Iran's most powerful military leader and all of this following his secret phone call with Putin this past weekend. If this is a false flag attempt to increase Trump's power, which it could be, it's dangerous.  I realize Iran can't reach the West Coast with its missiles. But I wonder if these events  fit together. 

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