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Validating What We Sense

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@ loveendures, I’m so grateful to you for bumping this thread.

@tgraf what you wrote in both your posts are  how I feel and know in my highest spiritual states.

Thanks to your reminder, while I am now sitting here in eastern Massachusetts, listening to rain for two days and anticipating Hurricane Lee’s approach, I am not afraid.

You brought me back up to my highest consciousness and told me what I have known: that we came here for this. I do not regret taking for granted the weather of my childhood because I have always treasured nature, woodlands, the rain and the magic of our earth.  I am so grateful that climate change has raised my understanding of how mother earth protects us and has created this garden of Eden for us. How the Gulf Stream has been the heart pump of our earth's circulatory system and how trees are the lungs. It’s true that the weather can be horrendous, but we are still in a garden. And I am grateful that I appreciate the gift. 

I know we will evolve and become the nature-loving, earth-protecting beings, we were always meant to be once we grow up.   

I also know that the toddler people in this world  who live in a rogue cult of a political party, will soon learn that their infantile behavior is born of hubris.  And hubris is the flaw that brings down the mighty. I also know that they are in the last gasps of a dying decaying philosphy. 

This morning’s most read new story in the, Boston Globe wasn’t about the catastrophic floods in the middle of the state, nor about the unimaginable tragedy and suffering of Morocco’s earthquake and Libya’s floods.  It was about how GOP congressional Colorado representative Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a musical theater performancein her home state capital (Denver) for rowdy and offensive behavior. It wasn't a fight that made her act out. It was just that she doesn't know how to behave in public and she was ruining the performance for others in the audience. I watched the video of her being told she had to leave. She was dressed in a tight gawdy Hollywood dress, her breasts  popping out with maximum  cleavage, as if she thinks she’s some Hollywood starlet with long hair trailing down her low cut dress. 

The reason it was the most read article in today’s Boston Globe, is  because the people of Massachusetts think she is an outrageous political freak and wondered what spectable she had created while watching a performance. This debauched behavior of a member of Congress exemplifies the end of a political movement in its final gasps. It is GOP Babylon. 

I too experienced, waking up with dread over several mornings last week, and had to do a mental check to see if there was anything in my life. I had not had that feeling for over a decade wondered what it was about. I was dreading at the moment, and I could not think of anything except 911 that was bothering me. Then lovendures, called me to find out if I’ve been feeling dread--she'd been conducting a survey-- and we compared notes, along with other moderators and seers. 

I think it’s a lot of things going on in the world and we’re feeling peoples pain. I think @tgraf has it right. I’m going to keep tgraf’s incredible posts to remind me of the beauty of all this.


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@deetoo and the rest of the posters on this thread.

I too have had awakenings (always around 3:30am) with heavy feelings of despair and frustration. I thought it was just me, the ongoing pain from the fall, although luckily no fractures or torn ligaments etc, the pain has been worse at night. I use a lot of homeopathics and healing meditations as well as giving in and taking an NSAID fairly constantly for a while. & I couldn't type without pain!!!! That, thank heavens is better. The pain is not as bad, but there are bouts with it and I keep forgetting and moving my left arm in ways it no longer likes! 😳 But healing continues - mentally/emotionally as well as physically.

I am also auto immune from a rare blood dis-ease and that med had been recently upped because my platelets were once again in a danger zone. Cue intense fatigue and even more bone pain - gee thanks supposed med! However, I have a new hematologist I just love, not just a doctor but a healer! (finally!!) when I told her I used Turmeric as a pain manager (the previous two docs both not quite rolled their eyes) My new doc (a woman yea!!) just smiled and said "My culture has been using Turmeric for pain and other things for hundreds of years." She is East Indian and boy did her eyes twinkle when she said that.

ANYWAY I thought it was all just me having a pity party! well, that and the HEAT...tho not as bad as @lovendures is experiencing in Phoenix. At worst I think here in Tucson we were 113 and Phoenix way more days and way hotter --up to 116.

It SO helps to know that others were also being hounded by what I think of as the "dragon of despair wakeup." Dreams were unpleasant as well—nothing I could pinpoint but oh so debilitating a combination of physical pain waking me up and deep sorrow shadowing the wakeup. Interestingly the pain in the arm always stopped once I sat up, or got up and walked. I tried to use that as a metaphor for the despair as well, just get up and chant or listen to my fave, Josh Groban (a true healer and a marvelous person I met him in '05 along with a group of school children ages 6-16 with my friend, their teacher, and he spent nearly an hour with us...)but I digress, and will just say Spirit has given me many messages about JG, his past lives, visuals of his voice bringing plants to life, and I have had vivid dreams where he has shared his soul intent to heal through the tone and power of his Voice and that thought I only share rarely) & no, there is no literal this-life person-to-person friendship nor any direct contact since '05, I am just an intuitive fan and most likely in his spiritual soul family. OK too much JG probably. Where was I?

Ahh. Depression. Fear, the miasma of darkness that so many are describing even here, in this place, this Community of great Light. We need to remember that being intuitive does not necessarily mean being upbeat and cheerful all the time, or that we do not sometimes lose ourselves in the mist of shadows. It does, I think, make it harder for the many empaths here to endure. I had to remind myself to "turn down the etheric radio" and re-affirm VALIDATE what WILL BE instead of only struggling with the "right now fear" as the dark ones pitch last ditch attempts to hold onto power. What we think DOES matter. If we give in to the dark shadows of a globe-full of evil souls and their attempts to encompass the world, then we add to the shadows. It is hard. I know. I had to remind myself of the teachings I led for years: Acknowledge the bad, the sad, the fear, the anger, the whatever negative. Give yourself an hour, and just immerse yourself in the "stuff." Use a pillow and hit it. Throw it. Scream your anger and fear. I scream at God/Spirit all the time, Mother/Father God can handle our angst, so scream at God if you want. If the negatives are not acknowledged how can we release them and move on? Stuffing emotion and/or negative vibrations only gives those emotions and "vibes" more power. It feeds them. So emote it out of your body and then in-fill with positives... Love, Joy, Laughter, TRUST/FAITH, Understanding, and so on. 

I know. I l know, the vibes wake us up and it's like, again? Again? I have to get this out of me AGAIN? But yes, we do. There's a lot of talk in our culture about "taking back power" so do that Spiritually. Once you have acknowledged the bad stuff, released it and filled yourself up with GOOD stuff, then you send it out to help others and it returns manifold. We are here at whatever our ages are BECAUSE WE AGREED TO BE HERE AT THIS TIME. Because powerful Communities like this website Jeanne created for us here with the literal technology, mapped on the digital highway and etherically compounding our individual Positive Energies into a GRAND GLORIOUS HEALING wave of Knowledge, Light, Love, Laughter, & Compassion that we send out across Mother Earth, and into humanity.  And last, because my left arm is beginning to complain and wants to not be reaching and typing, we must allow ourselves to feel the negatives, momentarily, transmute them through acknowledgement and conscious release in order to truly be in Earth reality and then, we can and we WILL continue to create wave after wave after wave of THIS TOO SHALL PASS and OH what a WONDER we will find at the conclusion of this cycle of growth on this planet and with these Souls of Lightness and Love.

We are the Fingers on the Hands of the Everlasting Arms. And those arms embrace and hold us safe as we do the Work.

You all give me Hope and Healing. May I do the same for you.

Namaste. ❤️ 🌼 

BlueBelle, Lovendures, deetoo and 4 people reacted
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I literally came here to ask if anyone else had a deep sense of foreboding, and well, here we are!

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@journeywithme2 Glitch McConnell!?!?!?!?! Hahahahahahaha

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@billy-mike @tgraff66

I had the same reaction as you to tgraff's message. It resonates clear through.

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I haven't been having a sense of dread, but I have been somewhat obsessing over Youtube Meteorologists videos and hurricanes in the Atlantic. Climate news has gone ahead of things like: tfg, Ukraine, inflation, the economy, next years election, for me. Video games pretty much destresses me from it. 

Jeanne Mayell, Lovendures, deetoo and 5 people reacted
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Just to respond briefly to @tgraf - I love everything you wrote, but I think Gen X still has work to do even (and maybe especially) outside the political arena. I know your time frame for Gen X stepping aside was not immediate, but I did want to clarify that point. As an older Gen X, I can attest that we have been in transition our entire lives and are in many ways a "bridge" generation. Yet I do feel an energy and excitement in my friends that I have never felt before. I will acknowledge that energy comes along with a side of "are we done yet." Still. 

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@mkay When I say step back or step aside, I just mean taking a less active role and becoming more advisors than actors. I agree that there is still some more that we need to do, but not much, I think. At this point, I think it's just the final training sessions with Gen-Z before we send them on their way to do what they are uniquely and perfectly situated to do. And yes, there does seem to be a sense of excitement among our age cohort (I'm on the other end of the Gen-X timeline from you), and I'm sure some of it is that sense of "Are we done yet? Can we go home now?". However, I also firmly believe that a good chunk of that excitement is the knowledge that this new generation is going to be able to accomplish what we have tried to do for so long, and we're seriously juiced about it finally coming to fruition. We don't even care that we're not the ones who managed it, just that it's going to happen, and the world is finally going to be that better place that we imagined we could create.

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I'm having a brief moment of clarity as the previous dose of meds wanes and the next one hasn't kicked in yet, so I want to say this real quick. I'm not feeling any sense of foreboding here. What I'm feeling is just a sense of "Wait. It's not time yet. You will know when it's time, and it's not here yet. Be patient, practice mindfulness, and be ready to march when the time comes."

Jeanne Mayell, Lauren, CC21 and 3 people reacted
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@tgraf66 Sounds good to me.

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@impassionate I did not come up with that one... a good friend did.... she was totally on point with it ... and I will forever remember his freezing up that prompted it.

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@tgraf66, I’d never guess you were heavily medicated when you wrote those incredibly insightful posts.   Spirit at work!   Really beautiful.  Thank you for that.  

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Posted by: @tesseract

or listen to my fave, Josh Groban (a true healer and a marvelous person I met him in '05 along with a group of school children ages 6-16 with my friend, their teacher, and he spent nearly an hour with us...)but I digress, and will just say Spirit has given me many messages about JG, his past lives, visuals of his voice bringing plants to life, and I have had vivid dreams where he has shared his soul intent to heal through the tone and power of his Voice and that thought I only share rarely) & no, there is no literal this-life person-to-person friendship nor any direct contact since '05, I am just an intuitive fan and most likely in his spiritual soul family. OK too much JG probably. Where was I?


I find this so interesting about JG.  He happens to be one of my all-time favorite artists. His voice and his original music is very healing indeed.  His covers of well known songs are superb.  I saw him at the Hollywood bowl once ( he had children singing with him for part of the show) and he was everything I had hoped he would be and appeared very genuine.  I would love to hear more about your thoughts on him if you ever wish to share more.  I have felt he has brought much love and hope to the world. I can't say enough about how his music moves me.


I am sorry you are still dealing with pain however I love what you have said about feeling and transmuting the negative.



Jeanne Mayell, Maggieci, Tesseract and 2 people reacted
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Wow!  Just wow!

While your comments don't surprise me, it's amazing to see how most of us are feeling similar things and how many thought they were alone in feeling them.  This should validate how connected we are as a community. 

I don't know WHY these thoughts, emotions, senses and dreams are occurring right now but perhaps it is a mixture of the energies from our planetary alignments and all the stress the collective is feeling from the dramatic earth shifts taking place. 

We're only halfway through September and I believe we have more have things globally to contend with this month and this fall. I will look for the light ( there is plenty to notice when I look with intent) and I will let it wash over me and fill me from within.  May light and goodness guide all of our pathways.  May we find ways to positively impact one another and the world around us. 

@tgraf @tesseract and everyone else dealing with health issues may you find light and hope while your healing takes place.  


Thank you everyone for you responses!


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I have been waking up in the wee hours this week and unable to return to sleep. Last night, early morning I woke up from a dream. In the dream I was storing things, just stuff in plastic boxes on an outdoor patio with a portico owned by some other people. I thought of these people as dodgy, with not good intent, but I don't know why. Anyway over time I was taking things out of the boxes and getting rid of them. Like purging. 

Finally, all the boxes were empty and I came back for them. But all were gone. I went to ask the owners what happened to my boxes, but they seemed not to know or care. At that point I woke up and thought right away, I don't need those boxes anyway. And my next thoughts were about what people here in the have been writing about how our lives are going through a significant change and will continue to change due to climate and social imperatives, etc. 

So I conclude that I can let go of what I no longer need, not just stuff, but other aspects of life. 

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@lovendures I posted a reply yesterday morning, but it disappeared 😟 so I will try again.

I am happy to share the spiritual info I have received over the past 20 years, about Josh Groban and his healing voice, along with the delightful hour the children, their teachers, and I, spent with him in 2005, before his concert at the Phoenix stadium.  I am not sure where, if at all, on this site would be appropriate. I would be delighted to speak with you on the phone but I am not sure how to give you my phone number. I'll have to look in the profiles and see if I can email you or DM you someway.

Briefly then (or as brief as I ever am!) since I'm "here" 🙂 I will share that I first heard him on a Charlotte Church CD, singing The Prayer duet, and when his voice came on I dropped what I was holding and ran to get the Cover to see who it was. That sound hit every molecule in my body. My late husband was a jazz drummer and songwriter, and we had a recording studio in the house, so music, good music, eclectic beautiful music was just a normal part of my life, yet from the first note I heard Josh sing on that Charlotte Church CD, I knew he was beyond being simply a great singer—he was a healer. That was the beginning.

I went to the taping of his first PBS Special I think it was 2002. The two night taping was all free, you just had to get to Pasadena and pay for a room. As an introvert it was totally atypical (and totally stupefied my entire family) for me to a) fly by myself to a place I had never been and b) room with three strangers, just to see and hear this kid sing in person—but the impact of his voice was that intense. The reason I have past lives for him is that a fellow fan from that taping later asked me for a Reading and then wondered out loud, if I could "get" past lives of Josh. I said I would ask his Higher Self if it was OK for me to tune in beyond the music itself, and indeed, what I received was fascinating.

I got tired of the fanatics—introvert! as "Grobanites" can be a little over the top 🤣 although I did make some interesting friends in those early years. His success has come as no surprise to me. I do hear Spirit within his voice when he sings. Not in every song, of course, but even without Spirit joining in (and oh they do!) the amazing tonal quality/sound alone is healing, it's just that he's "more than" in some songs, both recorded and live. I admit to feeling annoyed at how often he is shortchanged and overlooked, but that kind of industry disdain too often comes, I suspect, because one either resonates to a vibration or one does not—that is, we are all unique and so perhaps some may not feel that wavelength, or misunderstand it's power, and that is completely OK because we all come to things in our own time and for our own soul reasons.

So I am going to post this and see if it sticks, and then see if I can figure out how to DM or email you.

Blessings & Joshy Sounds! ❤️ 

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Nicolle Wallace probably is feeling something.

All the college football games playing this weekend are off in some way. Something wicked this way comes.

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@tesseract I agree!!! " You Raise Me Up" and his duet with Celine Dion" The Prayer"

have always given me chills aka " lookee bumps" raising the hair on my body with their power. Solfeggio tones are not the only Healing music!!!!

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@tesseract, @journeywithme2, my go-to JG song is Believe. 

Believe in what your heart is sayingHear the melody that's playingThere's no time to wasteThere's so much to celebrateBelieve in what you feel insideAnd give your dreams the wings to flyYou have everything you needIf you just believe

Now, as for The Prayer, I have gotten chills numerous times listening to the version by David Archuleta and Nathan Pacheco.

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@cindy Thank you for the link... I listened...gave me chills too!! As does the Celine and Andrea Bocelli's version... that song... says much... just beautiful.

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