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Dreams - Transpersonal - Share with us here

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Goodness sakes Starpath,

I'm almost speechless over the unusual creativity of your "dream-state-driving" vision's symbolism!

But you've done a great job of analysis as far as a quick, rather furtive glance at your ahem, "subject matter" goes. 

And I thought my weird dreams were unusual!

PS I have posted before that during remote viewing I picked up repeated references to terrible crimes against humanity, specifically women and children sex trafficking etc. All just as horrible to envision and terribly disturbing in every way. 

Being intuitive is so much more challenging that most people would imagine or want to be able to see.

I'm grateful yours was at least in a somewhat ridiculous fashion but still very, very challenging topics in so many ways!


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I appreciate the comments Michele.  I think any dream environment feels pretty safe to me even if it is showing me unpleasant things.  This wasn't always true. 

Dreams are my way to see from inside my own soul the world within and without at the same time.  

I do try to give any insights as soon as I get them...

Often I get the feeling I am still missing some of the meaning.  Hope I get better at this someday.

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I can't sleep so I'm posting here instead. :)  I'm having lots of vivid dreams and visions as of late. Two days ago I had a dream where I was at a ski resort in Europe somewhere and there was a massive avalanche. The snow tore down the mountain destroying many structures in its path. I did not see people being killed. And I realized just before the avalanche, I heard a powerful sound come from within the earth and I knew it was a "controlled" avalanche - like they do at ski towns to prevent worse scenarios. But it was emanating from and being done by the Earth itself.

For several days I have been thinking about this and its meaning and as I was thinking I saw a giant net covering our country. It represented the thought patterns of the Cult of T, all meshed together, like a mind controlled, memetic thought structure. But then I saw that it was actually a global structure, controlling people like puppets--but made up of thought forms. It was so big, the only thing that could break it up was earth energy - not people energy.

But here's where it gets stranger and graphic, so trigger warning.

I saw the Virginia Beach shooter in a vision. I purposely did not want to follow that story very closely. I had no idea what he looked like before I had that vision. But I saw a man, his face covered in tears, not understanding how he could have misread the situation so wrongly, feeling terrible for what he did. Not even sure what happened. After seeing this vision, I did in fact do a search to see if it was him and that is who I saw. I started to wonder if there is something happening that distorts people's reality. Then I thought of all the many police shootings of innocent lives. So so many. Too many. There is one video that I saw that was part of an art exhibit. Very disturbing and heartbreaking to watch. Same story many times over, but in this video, there was absolutely no reason for this cop to be pulling the trigger. The cop even hesitates, but then he pulls the trigger anyway, like he just can't help himself--like an itch he just has to scratch. As if he's some sort of Manchurian Candidate figure who briefly goes into a trance. 

I don't know what it is, but these are the things I'm seeing. 

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Sorry to hear that you can’t sleep! I’m in a different time zone, so I’m up already. I had a similarly violent dream last weekend and was so disturbed by it that I haven’t been able to bring myself to post it. I have also been pondering what it could mean. I think that by now it is clear that there is a distortion in people’s reality which directly is related to their beliefs, ideas and their choices as far as what kind of information they consume. Just a couple of examples would be the guy who went into the pizza parlor in DC with a gun looking for kidnapped children which he had heard about on conspiracy theory websites and the man who was sending people mail bombs and was following similar websites and news sources. Unfortunately, not everyone is discriminating or even curious enough to try to find out if what they are reading/watching is based in reality. When the people committing these crimes are held accountable for their actions, they seem to finally realize that the beliefs that they had that caused them to feel compelled to act were not grounded in reality. My hope is that something jolts the collective out of this strange trance that many seem to be in of believing in a completely alternate reality. You may be right that it would take something natural that everyone could agree on objectively to start that process. 

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It would be interesting to know how many people are experiencing dreams about violence right now.

Two weeks ago, my husband mentioned that he'd had a dream a few nights before where he was in an active shooter situation and he was torn between wanting to protect people and get them away from the area and wanting to try to take out the shooter. (My husband wanted to go into the military as a sniper, but his mom made him promise to go to college for a year first. He never went into the military, but he still loves to target shoot as a stress reliever.) I got shivers and told him that was weird, because the night before I'd also had a dream that I was involved in an active shooter situation (which was double weird because my dreams are rarely about me or from my perspective). Then, later that day, I was listening to the podcast Mueller, She Wrote, and the host mentioned that she had been having active shooter dreams, and found that as she talked about it, other people told her they had also been having similar dreams.

Is it the national consciousness about the gun violence culture waking up? Is it more a widespread web of fear and vulnerability and insecurity seeping into the subconcious?

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My dream was also regarding an active shooter situation. I live in Europe and it had to do with being at some sort of political meeting where politicians from all different parties attended and someone began shooting. Everyone was horrified and there was nowhere to hide. It was extremely graphic and disturbing. There aren’t as many guns around here and everyone looked surprised and didn’t know what to do. 

Maybe this is as a result of being exposed to constant violence through the media and feeling out of control about it. It is strange that so many people would be dreaming about this.

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Hello all. 

I've spent many hours researching dreams meanings over the years, I find it absolutely fascinating what our minds can interpret while we sleep. 

Generally speaking, dreams of shootings in general are a forewarning of danger coming. I believe intuitive people have the foresight to see these events prior and maybe what you all are experiencing is a warning of sorts. 

Furthermore, dreams with loud bangs (such as a avalanche) holds the same principal as the shooting description. It's almost like an alarm system in your spirit that is warning you. 

With that being said, I do believe there is a very deep connection to these dreams (and so many others around the world) where the earth itself is trying to give warning that we are about to experience a very deep level of catastrophic events. Mother Earth is sending us warning signs left and right over the course of the last 2 years. Connect with spirit, focus on inner light and peace. 

I love that Melissa spoke about the sense of these shooters having almost a "what have I done" mentality. She's absolutely spot on with many other intuitive beings that I chat with online. Many of us are wondering if there's almost a veil that covers these shooters minds and spirits, temporarily incapacitating them to make rational choices. Almost like being possessed. If you look at a lot of these murderers faces, it's almost like their eyes are vacant. Something has taken over. 

Many ancient tribes and philosophers described this phenomena taking over during great tribulations..

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Thank you so much Baba, Saibh and Perriwinkle10 for your thoughts. I was reluctant to write anything at first because I did not want to energize negativity in anyway - but I had a feeling there would be someone out there with some much needed wisdom. Perriwinkle, your dream interpretation comments were so helpful, as well as letting me know I am not alone in what I am picking up on, including ancient tribes and philosophers, wow. If there are any writings or books about this you could share, that would be great.

By the way, I see that same veil on people's faces at certain political rallies too... Thank you again!

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Mellissa, Baba . Saibh. and Periwinkle, your dreams and comments and analyses are incredibly valuable and right on.

Melissa about the seeing from within/without part. Right on.

None of you are alone but some of us are seeing them in bidions, dreams, fears,  happening at a more personal level and for very specific, necessary for us reasons. If we all pay attention and use our individual gifts as are needed in the larger picture as well as personal it has potential from our roots up to above.

Great, great dreams, visions, comments group!

If you see anything personal about anyone here or their loved ones,   frame the visions or dreams generically.

Anyone needing your help will recognize the reference and it might be truly helpful in ways you cannot recognize or imagine. 

Thanks everyone. Good work!



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Dear Michelle, I am intrigued by your message to us! I have surmised for quite some time that the better we handle information--with increasing spiritual maturity, the more we receive. I'm getting better at keeping things to myself. But I often wonder why I receive things in the first place. Things like knowing when people are lying or knowing someone will die soon. These are the kinds of things I don't tell people out loud. But then I think, is it helpful to just know it? Like perhaps people pick up on information without speaking? Does this make any sense to you? :)

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This is a great thread.  

Interesting what many are currently dreaming about.  Also good information to keep in mind, thank you Michelle and everyone else.  

When people in my family have active shooter dreams I take notice.  My daughter had a powerful active shooter dream right before the Vegas Shooting.  She dreamt about many of the things that happened including the tall building where the shooting occurred and the the armed response.  

The next time she had an active shooter dream I also had an active shooter dream and within 2 days there was the gaming shooting in Florida.  Between the 2 of us, we picked up upon many of the things that actually happened in that shooting as well.  

I believe us and less in coincidences.  


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Hi Everyone,

I appreciate the support and knowing that posting some of these dreams helps others, in addition to helping us to understand our dreams. There is definitely a lot of energy in the collective right now due to the extreme situation that we find ourselves in. Does anyone else get a feeling during important dreams that they need to remember them? I have plenty of dreams that are just strange or processing something from my daily life. Also a few times a year if I am lucky, I get to experience a visitation dream from a family member that has passed. Those have a special quality to them. Although I feel very emotional after such dreams, I do count those as blessings. However, when I have a dream that is important I get a feeling that I need to remember it to share and I record it as soon as possible when I wake up. I generally know who to share it with, but there have been a few times in the last year or so that I have had such disturbing dreams that I have just recorded them and not shared.

Would it be a good idea to open a topic about the ethics of sharing the knowledge that we get through dreams, etc? I feel that it is a blessing to have these gifts, but we also have a responsibility to act in a way that serves the highest good when sharing. Just a thought to ponder and one that I consider before sharing. Although, I do tend to overthink things. Did anyone else here decide consciously to allow themself to experience these things or was it a surprise to you?


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It's definitely always a surprise to me, mostly because I doubt myself a lot. When I have dreams that become reality, they're usually doom and gloom topics and shouting from the rooftops that something I've dreamt about may come to fruition, is what takes me from crazy cat lady to just plain crazy. :-/ The only person I usually share my intense dreams with is my husband... and then I found you guys! I'm grateful for that. 

I'd love to open a topic on this Baba. 

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Posted by: Michele

None of you are alone but some of us are seeing them in bidions, dreams, fears,  happening at a more personal level and for very specific, necessary for us reasons. If we all pay attention and use our individual gifts as are needed in the larger picture as well as personal it has potential from our roots up to above.

If you see anything personal about anyone here or their loved ones,   frame the visions or dreams generically.

Michele, thank you for such a helpful insightful post. Thank you ALL for sharing your dreams and thoughts.  This thread has the potential to be like the Read the Future night visions in that they are insights, perceptions arising from our deep unconscious.  When you comment that you were surprised by your own dreams, it makes the dreams seem all the more pure to me.  

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Some of you spoke about dreams and visions within dreams that stand out and even seem to follow you for days afterwards.  I take these more vivid and memorable dream visions as our psyches' way of telling us  to pay attention.

We live in a psychic sea of thought. Dreams help us filter out all of the energies we are receiving every day.   Dreams help us to pick out what is important for our survival (and enrichment).  We are meant to pay attention to them,  and like you all are doing so well in this thread,  we are never meant sweep them under the rug. 

Reading or interpreting our dreams requires the same process as reading a tarot card or anything we experience where we want to pull from it something that is important.  Pay attention to where your eye goes. Notice what you notice.  This is mindfulness. 

That's what you are doing here.

As empaths, which I believe you are, you get dreams about the Collective.  I also get these dreams -- the suffering of someone who was shot in a terrorist attack, the moment someone was running around in the World Trade Towers on 9/11 trying to find an elevator down -- these moments have shown up in my dreams.  When I get these dreams, they stick with me for years.  I then ask myself why they stick with me.  

Two weeks before a young progressive member of Parliament  was murdered in the street by a constituent, I dreamed of a woman who'd been cut down on the street.  I live in another country across the Atlantic from this event. Yet I saw her suffering, her utter helplessness and devastation. I  felt how she felt in a way that the news media could never cover it.

The only thing the news media reported that resembled my dream was that a friend tried to get her to stand up after she fell and as powerful and proactive as this woman was before the attack, she said she could just not get up. I was watching her from the outside, not inside her,  in this dream, as if I was a bystander, but I knew the horror of her experience. 

I will never forget that dream.  

As empaths, we are the canaries in the mine.  We are the warning system of humanity. We can sound the alarm and we should.  

Another dream I had that stands out happened in 2013 while I was on a silent retreat. I dreamed of Obama standing at a microphone with a bunch of people behind him.  He was smiling broadly and talking about economic progress.  I realized to my shock that he and the people around him were drunk, but it wasn't alcohol they were on, but  fossil fuels.   They were focused on economic progress as the goal and fossil fuels were necessary to meet that goal.  I was dismayed because I had trusted that Obama would lead us to do something about greenhouse gases.  The dream told me otherwise.  That he did not get it.  I realize he was far far more awake than the Rethugs but the dream laid out the situation -- that leadership was not going to come from the government. 

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Hello all. 

I've had a week of very intense and realistic dreams, combined with my awake state giving me signs of events that took place and will take place. Figured I'd share...

Since last Monday, every night I have dreamt of large earthquakes hitting several regions, only to find that these regions were in fact hit or would be within a few hours time. 

On Friday morning I woke up with a distinct panic that California (near my stomping grounds of Eureka) would be hit by a large series of quakes. As predicted, they experienced a 5.6 twice, in Fortuna. Unfortunately, in my dream this was just a precursor to a larger quake that will hit the coast in August? I think August..and I *think* it will be the 8th. 

I follow numerology pretty closely and respect the symbolism of how numbers translate to different meanings. (This kind of interpretation goes back thousands of years). Anyhow, that morning I did a quick calculation on 8/8/2019. This comes to 28. 2+8=10. 1+0= 1. Number 1 is a pretty powerful number, I encourage you all to explore it's meaning. 

Last night, I awoke at approximately 11pm. Covered in sweat, again having dreamt of another earthquake, this time across the pond. In my dream, I saw the number 10 again. 

This morning I discover that Indonesia has experienced a 7.3 earthquake. 7+3 = 10.

In my dreams, they always end the same. There is a voice that sounds like a deep whisper that says, "There's more coming. There's more coming." 

Months ago, I was in the tub meditating. I closed my eyes and suddenly a flash of light blinded me, I saw my father for a second with the look of absolute fear in his eyes and then the number 23 in dark red. It scared the crap out of me. For weeks I assumed something terrible would happen to him on the 23rd of some random day.. I wasnt sure. The more I marinated on it though, the more I realized that his look of fear was from worry about someone. My mom, my sister, myself... Im still not sure on that part. 

Oddly enough, as I awoke last night from my last dream of terrible earthquakes, I saw the back of calendar with a big red X through the little calendar for 2023. 

I am not big on fear mongering. I truly believe that the government uses this to control the masses and I generally try to interpret my weird earth dreams as something more tangible in terms of personal current issues. But these are different. 

These are really happening and it would be irresponsible for me to disregard the events that haven't materialized yet, as fearful silly worry. 

I got a bad feeling in my gut you guys, that were being distracted with political dramatics, to avoid mass hysteria of what is really transpiring and being covered up... I think we're in for some pretty serious earth events and many will be ill prepared. (And I think that's the plan behind closed doors) 

I emplore you all to do some research on this. I spent the morning doing just that. I have commented on several posts in regards to staying in the light and focusing on the true issues at heart: earth, love, sustainability. I believe the universe keeps giving me signs (dreams, intuition, numerology) because times are about to get really funky. 

Love to hear your feedback. I know politics play a huge part on this forum but something much bigger is at play and it would be so nice to know I'm not alone in this feeling. 

Love to you all. 

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Hi Perriwinkle!  I think you are honoring your intuition by posting your visions and dreams. You are very tuned in and trying to figure out what is being told to you.  Regarding your father, has he passed on or is he still here on earth?  Where do your other family members live in relation to where you are getting visions of earthquakes?  Are they close to any fault zones , I realize you are nearby to fault zones.  Do you think you could meditate and get a better idea about what will happen regarding the number 23?

The visions you have had about earthquakes that have just or are about to happen might be preparing you for when something that will effect you or a loved one is about to happen.  By developing your skills now and trusting them, you might be prepared to act in the future preceding whatever event is to take place, though you likely already know that.

I can not say I am picking up on anything like what you have described at the moment but I think perhaps you are in "training mode", if that makes sense.

Yes, I do think we tend to focus on political situations here, but it does relate to so many important things like our humanity as a nation and community as well as  dealing with issues that dramatically effect our near future such as the  climate crisis.  I believe that we all would like to help bring about any positive change possible and being forewarned about a potential environmental disaster certainly fits that bill.  

Thank you for sharing and please keep us informed.

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Thank you, Lovendures. Your reply encourages me to keep being vocal. I don't have many avenues to express my concerns without getting sideways looks. Lol. 

As far as family and location are concerned: father is still living and we all moved up to Washington a long time ago. My dad always said we had to be here, up by the mountains. That the cascades called him. Interestingly enough, I once had a seer tell me that my dad and I were connected to these specific mountains. (We're in a little town northeast of Seattle) She said we were connected to the "blue eyed people who reside in the mountains" ..there's an eerily odd connection to this random statement, but thats a long story.

Needless to say, it wasn't until we moved here when I was a child, that I began to pick up "weird" vibes in regards to things that would happen with the earth. 

I do distinctively remember being about 5 or 6 though, back when we lived in California, having a vision of the earth shaking. I told my mom that we would have an earthquake soon. She asked me why I thought that and I said, "because I feel it." -that afternoon, we were in the mall at a jewelry counter. (1970's 7.0 quake.) My mom smacked me on the head because she thought I was shaking the counter. Lol! Nope.. it was indeed the earthquake I felt happening that morning. 

As far as the "more are coming" voice I keep hearing, I get the impression that it's worldwide and they're going to be big and there will be lots in a short period of time. I see tsunamis and volcanos waking up that have been asleep. The flooding worldwide is going to make it worse. 

In two of my dreams I feel like the end of this summer it gets very bad (august, maybe the 8th) and everyone thinks it can't get any worse... but I see this VERY big cloud coming from over the mountains and I know that it's just the beginning. I start to feel panic and I know I have to get my kids from school and head into the woods. I run inside, check the calendar, flip it over and see 2023 with a big X over it. Then I wake up.  

I've tried to meditate on this multiple time. I've pulled cards, attempted to clear my mind before bed to find additional answers... no luck. But then again, I have always struggled with purposeful "sight" if that makes sense. 

The only 3 things I have ever been able to accurately see are 1) earth events. 2) death 3) bad folks. I'm like the guy in a super powers movie that got stuck with the shi**y abilities. Lolol!!! What I do know is that even though they are depressing as poo, I have never been wrong. Which is why I am so concerned over this inundation of dreams because the amount and the intensity is very new to me. 

*I would also like to add that when I see the big cloud formation rolling over the mountains, I get the very distinct feeling that what I'm about to head for the hills over, is not just more earthquakes. It's a deep sense of darkness. I know I have to get to the safe mountain and hide. 


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This conversation is helpful for me too. And Perriwinkle, I think I might be in your shitty abilities club. lol! I also sense earth events, dead people, bad people, and when people lie. It comes at me like a fog and when it hits my body I know. And just like you I have trouble summoning visions. They happen when I least expect it. I keep practicing but I struggle with the group visioning sessions. Maybe I'm easily distracted but I keep focusing on Jeanne's typing. :)

It could be that this administration has completely beaten my emotions into submission, but when I read your two recent posts I did not feel fear or dread. And it reminded me of the dream and visions I posted about the avalanche and loud bang that came from the Earth. In that vision it was clear to me that we need drastic earth changes to break the ancient human patterns of misogyny, greed, and abuse of power. Like the Tower card. 

I too have seen a lot of flooding and in these visions I see some people struggling against the water. They get tired and eventually drown. I see others calmly climb a tree and wait it out. I also see death differently these days. So that those who are drowning are choosing to help from the other side, if that makes any sense.

I also feel that emotions are really helpful indicators of what we need to do on a personal level--whether it's live or die. But the secret I am learning is to discern what type of emotion we are having. Jeanne helped me with this--I can't remember if it was a reading she gave me or one of her early group meditations, but it was a book she referenced that was written by a security expert. There is fear that is based in worry. For me this is the kind that gets stirred up by the media and is usually not the helpful type. And then there is a strong inner sense of impending danger that tells you to cross the street at a different time or take a different airplane. That's the kind to pay attention to.

I wish I could write more or have a cup of coffee with all of you, but I have to go to work now. I hope you keep posting, Perriwinkle. I love this stuff!! :)

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Perriwinkle, yes keep being vocal.  Your words may help someone else struggling with their own abilities besides providing a safe place to share your experiences.

Do you think your vision about the mountain cloud is symbolic or a realistic depiction of what will actually happen?   If you think it is realistic, pay attention to the details the next time you have it.  For instance, you  mentioned you needed to pick up your children at school.  That narrows dawn the timeframe to exclude summer vacation, holidays weekends and other break timeframes.  Did you notice what types of clothes you or others were wearing?  Winter coats?  Short sleeve shirt?  That will also narrow down a timeframe.  Do you think the mountain provides shelter from say a flood hence the need to go up the  mountain or is the mountain perhaps more symbolic of your "safe zone". and therefore you are being encouraged to head for safety, not necessarily the actual mountain

Those are just some things to think about.  I am not sure it will be helpful but perhaps something will make a further connection at some point.  

Melissa, I like your comments about fear.  Discerning a type of fear would be a handy to understand.  Who isn't at least a little apprehensive about going on a plane flight but what is a fearful warning about a flight and what is just normal, that would be nice to recognize.  

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