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We need another Circle of Light group say on the Winter Solstice if that were even possible and use a Tonglen/Tonglin  meditation!

And if we're all too busy for a group than everyone can join in non-locally and do a breathing meditation for ourselves, our loved ones and our world.

Pema Chödrön: Tonglen Meditation - YouTube

Love Pema Chodran. Her words and her energy bring me back to compassion and balance when everything else in the world seems  off kilter.


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Great idea. I am on it.

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This is really good too.

Transforming the Heart of Suffering - Lion's Roar

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Thanks for providing the links.  I am reviewing them now.  This sounds like something I might do, if I knew about it.  Which I didn't.  But then again, maybe be I "knew" on a different level.  

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Last Sunday I dreamed that I was in a small town in a depression-era time.  The beginning of the dream just seemed to be information.  In this dream I started with learning that if I watched a movie the main actress would either stop at some point in the movie to give me a recipe for her personal homemade face lotion or that it would be given out at some point and that this was used as a lure to get women to see the movie.  My dream self knew that no one could afford to buy face lotion anymore so homemade recipes were precious and the only way lotions were available to women.  Then I learned that some men were out hunting and killing snakes for supper, maybe to put in soup?  Then I was shown rain hitting furniture that was put out in the yard and I was concerned it would all get ruined.  No one seemed to care.  Then I was shown a scene in which a man visits a farm to see the young single woman there.  He is unconcerned and seems to act as if he has a right to do what he wants.  He pays the woman little attention because he wants to see the farm equipment and maybe use some of it to mow the grass.  The woman’s brother doesn’t want him to use their farm equipment and I look and see the land is parched and dry and dead looking anyway…nothing to mow or harvest.  The girl seems to know she has little say in anything.  I suddenly realize the man who came to court the girl is wealthier than the girl’s family and he feels he has authority due to his position and wealth to do whatever he wants.  He pays little attention to the young woman because he feels she is his for the asking due to his wealth.  He seems like a selfish rich boy who gets what he wants.  He even criticizes how they have arranged and organized the farm as if he has the right to tell them what to do.  Then I wake up and I hear a song from spirit…the song is a Stevie Wonder song titled, “Living for the City”.  The song lyrics speak of struggling black family who face racism and other hardships—struggling to survive but doing so with dignity.  So I found it odd the dream was about white people in the countryside living in an economic depression and the song was about a young black man who leaves rural Mississippi to live in New York City for new opportunities and still has hardship and struggles. 

I admit I am worried about the situation in the US and there are many reasons I worry.  So maybe this dream is just a reflection of that.  However also hearing the song after the dream (which woke me up at 3 or 4 am) leads me to believe there is also something spirit is trying to tell me and I worry that this is a potential future for the US—where we are poor and struggling in depression era-like conditions with both economic hardship and racial disparity to contend with at a level not seen since the depression.  I feel it is probably an exaggeration of what is a potential future.  A lot of my dreams exaggerate a little and I think I am supposed to look at the overall vibration of the dream and get that it means this vibration is coming in some form—not exactly like the dream but similar in some way or another.  I think the dryness of the land despite the rain in the scene with the ruined furniture is a symbol of hardship.  The rain is more of a symbol of hard times also, depressingly I knew the rain was only going to make life more difficult and not better=ruined furniture.  I am living here and worrying about our future as a country and I keep coming back to the idea that we can all survive what is coming but it may feel rather different than what we are used to…just like the last three years with Trump as president and his horrible administration in power has felt wrong but we all will survive it.  We learn to become stronger and do what we have to do to survive.  If the economy crashes people will go back to the ideas that were more prevalent in the depression of saving for a rainy day and not wasting anything in case you need it for the future.  I hope it is mostly my own personal worries for the nation and does not really happen of course…

This time period has felt so weird to me with Trump as president.  I was so shocked and sad the first year…now I am used to it but not happy with it.  I sense a potential end to the Trump presidency and I don’t hold my breath for it to happen but I observe what happens and his presidency keeps changing every day—like those time lapse footage films of food rotting.  It reminds me of that.  Still some people cling to the image of him as he was portraying himself as and not as he really is—rotting meat, spoiled milk--a sort of food poisoning for our country.  

Jeanne Mayell, TriciaCT, Lilinoe and 7 people reacted
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I think your dream interpretation is spot on, thanks for sharing it.

As someone who plays with language a lot (and I am in the middle of a migraine right now, so that may be part of what I'm about to say), the words furniture and future kind of meld together in my brain because they are so similar.  So maybe ruined furniture = ruined future.

Then again I was born a pessimist...

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Perhaps your dream was a past life memory, given to you now with the aid of Spirit.  My experience with past life memories is that they always arise when the experience/strength/perspective/insight they hold is especially important to the present.

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Laura F. thanks for sharing your wordplay idea.  Your idea is an interesting thought and I actually feel like that is a strong possibility in an intuitive way.  I went over what ruined furniture represents to my logical or waking mind and I got things like “eviction”  “abandonment” and “poverty”.  People put out furniture if it has no use, has bedbugs or is very ugly/smelly due to some type of damage to the point of them not wanting it anymore, even if they can’t afford new furniture.  They leave it outside or dump it hoping someone else will haul it away.  My intuitive self gets even a worse vibe similar to your “rained on furniture=ruined future”--something being “ruined” really fits that vibe.  I don’t think I would have gotten that idea so thanks for your help.  I hope the US economic future is not ruined.  I have had a whole series of dreams now suggesting hard financial times in the US so that makes me ponder this subject a lot.  Possibly the dreams are about my particular area of the US? I live in the southeast... As I mentioned before, my spirit guides really exaggerate to help me remember the dream.  They know I like movies so they tend to show it as a movie with some huge drama in it but if it actually happens it will be a much weaker vibrational version, so don’t freak out my friends, we will be ok…

CDeanne I actually had the same thought because the look and feel seemed so much in the past.  However, once the rich guy shows up and wants to use their mower I suddenly feel it isn’t the past anymore…I don’t know why.  The dream didn’t show the farm equipment but I feel like it is more modern type tractors/mowers.  Suddenly the old timey feel seems like it is part of getting the message across to me more than anything.  The depression era feeling or ambience was important for me to remember from the dream.  That vibration would look very different if it played out in our present reality but the feeling could still manifest again. 

The other point to mention against this dream being about a past life is that I’ve had dreams that suggested a past life before and in those dreams one person is always the focus of the whole dream and I usually feel some connection to them--either I have a similar type of problem in my life that they have or I have had a longing to be in the same career as the person in the dream.  The connection shown to me in the dream is usually pretty obvious.  I had a whole series of dreams during many months where I was another person or I was watching another person as the whole focus of the dream and it was fun and interesting, but then it stopped.

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Hi - I've been viewing things on the site for a while. Enjoy reading the predictions - and really like Jeanne's meditation. Thought I'd share a dream I had last night. I appreciate folks thoughts.

I dreamt that I was in a two-story house (just me and not my husband or children). The house had mountains surrounding it on two sides (to the side and behind. If you were facing the houses, the mountains were behind the house and to the left. If you were in the house looking out, the mountains were behind the house and to right.) Not large mountains (i.e. not the Rockies) - but smaller mountains, like the Appalachians. I had a warning of an impending landslide. (Not sure from whom I received the warning.) I was going to do my exercises and yoga, but didn't and heeded the warning and got out of the house instead. (Funny - I don't do yoga or much exercise). I don't know or remember where I went. I later learned that a landslide from the mountains to the side of the house had taken out all the homes in the area. There weren't many homes. In addition to my home, the landslide had taken out the home of a much loved cousin who lives in central western NC (although I haven't spoken with her in a while) and an old neighbor to whom I was very close when we lived next door and who lives in western PA (who also, ironically lives near the bottom of a small mountain). I came back to the area and saw a rushing river that was normally quite small running down from the left to the right in great torrents through the area where a handful of houses once stood. There were kayakers and boaters being swept down in the torrent (presumably folks who had been boating or kayaking near the top of the mountain before the landslide). The river, with its banks enlarged and broken, was sweeping the boaters/kayakers down and to the left - most were ok and were successfully navigating the rushing waters. I don't remember much else, except being quite upset about my cousin and her family and my old neighbor.

I've had premonition dreams in the past involving major events, usually fairly personal and related to people I know well or to my career (e.g. tornados taking out my place of employment and then in real life the major company declaring bankruptcy a few weeks later, or a very close friend that got engaged and didn't tell anyone, and in real life I learned this was true when I asked her). Not quite sure what to make of this dream, though. I am an independent contractor for my career - so there tends to be quite a bit of ups and downs when it comes to work anyway, and I can't imagine anything hugely momentous happening on the job front - I have several clients currently and don't sense impending doom from any of them. As for family/friends, there was no one in the house but me, and the family member and friend in the dream live several hundreds of miles apart and don't know each other. (I live almost equidistant between them.) I also am not as close to either of them as I once was, so we don't talk often. 

This dream was strange enough, and had enough symbolic imagery that I thought I'd share. I welcome anyone's ideas on the matter.

Kind regards,



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Welcome, @mamaly !

Your dream resembles a lot of visions and dreams others on here have had regarding climate change and the environment, so head over to those threads when you have a chance.

Meanwhile, you may have been foreseeing multiple environmental disasters. I read something in the news recently about coal mining and gas fracking, polluted waterways and flooding. Long story short, the coal/fracking industry dumps their chemical waste into local watersheds, or in some cases into "containment ponds". As weather in the eastern US gets more severe, these waste products either overflow their containment systems or leach into groundwater, and then are washed into public water supplies. The landslides you saw may have been toxic sludge from these same processes, that gets piled high. The fracking can even lead to earthquakes in an area, and so not unthinkable that there would be a quake that's just enough to shake toxic water or sludge loose.

When these types of pollution do "escape" into local ecosystems, it can not only damage property, but can also make people in large swaths of area get sick - either immediately or long-term with cancers and autoimmune diseases.

So to me your dream represents your concern for your friends/relatives, even if they are far apart. You may be sensing that they may be affected by these issues sooner rather than later. And you are clearly worried that you will be living your own life unaware that this is happening to them. Maybe, with holidays approaching, it's a good time to reach out and check in with them.


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Thanks, Laura. Great thoughts on climate change. I will definitely check out the other forums. Thinking through some of the similarities/consistencies in the dream...

In the Dream

  • All the houses were flattened, leaving only the foundations visible.
  • No large businesses, no large communities. All smaller 2-story homes
  • I saw no injuries or bodies, but know that people were 'devastated' (I don't know if this meant they physically died or symbolized some other loss - i.e. climate, economic, etc.)
  • There were no 'groups' of people. Everyone was represented as an individual - i.e. individual kayakers, individual (but empty smaller boats being swept away), individual family members/friends.

In Real Life

  • Both individuals that were brought to mind in the dream actually live in the "Piedmont" region of the Appalachians (the foothills of the Appalachians).
  • Both strongly represent the concept of 'independence' - one is retired and the other owns her own firm; both have extremely independent personalities.

Appreciate the opportunity to post this and definitely want to thank folks. For the last six months, I feel I have been experiencing an awakening of sorts. Been keeping a dream journal and exploring meditation and other spiritual practices. But, when you work in a very logical, technical world sometimes it feels you have no 'touch points'. Having this website to come to has definitely been a balm for me.

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@mamaly @starpath

Thanks for sharing your dreams. I read them both with great interest and noticed both seemed to fit some of the predictions we have of the future.   Starpath's dream reminds me of some of the rural life images I have seen for the longer term future. And Mamly's dream is nothing less than what climate scientists are predicting.  Mountainous areas, even small mountains, are going to be hazardous for the homes and towns that live along the mountain rivers. This scenario will be happening all over the world. 

Women are known for having house dreams, and along with that, furniture dreams. Often we dream about finding a new annex of a house.  But Mamaly's dream is symbolic of emotional overwhelm.

So flooding is both metaphorical and probably literal.  Climate scientists expect the next 30 years to be filled with: (1) floods, (2) droughts, (3) heat waves, and (4) extreme storms.  Last night my town held a climate preparedness talk that focused on these inevitables. 

Landslides and torrents of rain washing out houses also represents emotional overwhelm. All of these developments will have emotionally challenging effects on people.  We are heading into plenty of that.

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I've had just a little time to get on line lately, read a little and no real chance to post. So I'm not sure how much I can remember, since I didn't get the dreams written down, but  here goes. I normally have dreams that deal with my personal life, not in broader scope. When it's broader, there's often a message I need to pay attention to. 

About two weeks ago, I had a dream that men were reminding women using computers that certain file types were no longer allowed to be used. It wasn't that they didn't work, it was more of a "those types of file extensions are now restricted" type thing. The men wouldn't use them for fear of repercussions. I, like some other women went ahead and used them as they got the job done. When confronted by men who asked if we weren't worried about what would happen- we all replied that we were women-we were going to be ridiculed, our work examined and criticized anyway, so why not? The men didn't understand it, but all the women just took it in stride. I took this to mean that there were going to be women who no longer cared about the 'appearances' of things, or the oppression we face. They were going to do what was right and necessary regardless. I saw this in real life in the way Prof. Karlan followed suit from previous hearings. Women have stepped up to the plate in big ways during this impeachment. Women will continue to do so, even when it doesn't seem logical to do so. I wish I could have gotten more than just this snippet of the dream, but Spirit called my name audibly in my room, waking me from my sleep. I guess it's because if I wake during a dream, I have better recall. 

The night before last I was at a family gathering in my dream. My older sister was there (I don't speak to her-she's got narcissistic traits and I'm her target). She looked healthy. In reality she's coming to the end of a terminal illness. She's still functional and at home, but her time is limited. She's been on disability for years. As with dysfunctional families, our familial situation is complex. There were discussions going on in the gathering over finances. I stumbled upon a check made payable to my sister showing she had an income much larger than she claimed. I replaced the check in the stack of papers I had accidentally knocked over before she re-entered the room. I worried that she had realized, but her barbs towards me were on another topic. I left the room to limit contact with her. As I was going down the stairs, two men came thru the door, identified themselves as Federal Agents, and they insisted they were there to take me into custody. I could see my sister appear in the background smirking, as if this was her doing. I refused to go with the men, and told them they needed by law to tell me what their grounds were, and they'd have to do so in private. I walked away and into a unoccupied play room. The agents entered, and half a dozen more agents then accompanied them. They still were not telling me what I'd done prompting their visit, so I started guessing- " You don't like the Google searches I've done on recent current events?", etc. I got no answer, and while they weren't aggressive, they encircled me. I felt no fear-just aggravation. I knew I'd done nothing wrong and I knew my rights. I sat on the floor and was going to call an attorney and told them they'd just have to wait. I also asked them to record everything so I could sue when it was over. I then woke. 

I struggled most of the day with this one. Was my sister going to try and undermine me in some way again? It made no real sense as last month I had a dream she was apologizing profusely for the way she's treated me over the years. Days later I got an email wishing me a happy birthday in the subject line (she knows I don't read her emails). Then it dawned on me. Often when she goes off on one of her rants, she sounds just like Rumpus, because they share the same traits. She's not a conservative, but I think it was a general warning that just like my sister in the dream, when money schemes are found out, he'll try everything to bully his way out if it, but it won't work. The law is blind, it has no fear-just frivolous lawsuits and abuse of power. It won't succeed. People will see through it, as I did, and won't take threats seriously or lying down. 

Any other interpretations? 


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Had a dream last night. A man with a rifle was chasing a small group of us in the downtown of a small city with white pillars. Some of us were hinding behind these pillars. The man seemed angry about Donald Trump getting impeached. I woke up before he shot anyone. I hope this dream was just anxiety driven from last night's impeachment vote and not the preamble to an actual shooting. 

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When I read your post, it made me think of Albany, NY. There are white pillars at SUNY Albany and also in the Capital District. Of course there are many places in the US that have white pillars..

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Almost exactly a year ago I had a very detailed dream that featured lots of Native American cultural symbology. I knew that I would eventually write about it here, and comments recently posted by @vestralux and @jeanne-mayell in the "situation unravelling" thread about Native American prophecy have finally pushed me to go ahead and share it. So here it is (get ready to read a novel!):

My cousins from both sides of my family and I were gathered in my parents' backyard in Connecticut for a family gathering. None of the aunts and uncles were present: it was just us younger folk (we're all in our 20s and 30s in real life). Then from the woods behind the yard, a group of young men and adolescent boys in breech clothes and armed with bows and arrows approached us and started asking us questions in a language we didn't speak. We immediately knew they were Native American and somehow figured out they were inviting us to come hunting with them. The youngest member of the hunting group, who looked to be about 15, was shy and wouldn't speak. But then he locked eyes with me and started trying to tell me something in his language. And this was a legitimate language, not gibberish. It had its own syntax and repeating patterns. As he was speaking, the knowledge came to me that this was the Munsee dialect of the Lenape language (it just so happens that where I grew up in Connecticut is at the edge of Lenape traditional territory). I also understood that I had some sort of soul connection with this boy, and he wanted to form a rapport just with me.

My cousins and I agreed to "go hunting," and so the hunting party started leading us through the woods. At one point we walked through a small clearing where another Native American man dressed in brightly colored ceremonial garb was dancing vigorously. Our guides indicated to my cousins and I that what the man was doing was none of our business, so we continued on. As we were walking through the woods, I realized that we were no longer in Connecticut - we were now in southern New Jersey in the heartland of Lenape territory (and also the ancestral heartland of my maternal Euro-American lineage. I don't have any indigenous blood that I know of, btw). 

Soon after I sensed this change in geography, we emerged from the forest into a vast Lenape settlement - an entire city. Our guides continues to lead us through the city's dirt streets, which were lined with closely-packed dwellings that looked like crosses between traditional thatch wigwams and 1950s American bungalows. The whole place had a festive air: families were cooking over open outdoors fires, half-naked children were playing in the streets, and everything was just so colorful (that's right, Vestralux ? ). At one point we passed a horseshoe of bleachers where it looked like an athletic or dance competition was about to commence. I was in awe, and thought "How did I never know about this place? An entire Native American city has persisted right in the middle of New Jersey?!"

Then we were led inside a modern, Western-style building with high ceilings. The building consisted of one big room, at the center of which was a long table set with roasted root vegetables and ears of red-and-black flint corn. Next thing I knew, our guides were gone, and my cousins and I were arrayed standing throughout the room. It was silent and solemn, and a man who I understood to be a Lenape elder was addressing us, but not with words (more like intuition). He made us understand that even though we were thoroughly Euro-American in terms of blood, we also possessed spiritual Lenape lineage, and that we were being inducted into the tribe. But the solemnity was broken by piercing, distraught wailing that came from all directions. The wailing was coming from my aunt, who was calling out for my youngest cousin, Lainie (who is also the baby of the extended family): "Oh Lainie, Lainie, where have they taken my little girl!" I could read my aunt's mind, and she wanted to "save" her daughter from those "red savages" (my aunt is not a bigot in real life, btw). The dream ended there.

In the dream, my cousins and I (the younger generation) seemed to represent the new, fresh energy humanity needs if we are to survive the coming centuries. The ancient ways need to be synthesized with modern technological discoveries, and the Lenape city and our induction into their culture symbolized that synthesis. But my aunt's protests at the end of the dream indicated the persistance of the old, outmoded ways, and how aspects of our contemporary culture are actively resisting this change.

One more thing. When I had this dream, I was sleeping with a clear quartz crystal in my pillowcase. I bought it at a powwow at Akwesasne, a Mohawk nation that straddles the St. Lawrence River between New York and Ontario. Not long after the dream, I lost the crystal when I changed my sheets. But I read somewhere online that when you lose a crystal, that's usually because it has performed its task and is no longer needed. 

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Oh, Coyote! I had a very emotional response to your dream. It seems to me the dream was both symbolic and real. I would think you really do have a soul connection to a Lenape "boy" and you really have been inducted into the Lenape tribe. Your description was beautiful; thank you for sharing.


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@Coyote I feel your dream is telling you the truth of your lineage.  The detail of your memory of this dream is astonishing.

Your inner eye seems to be wide open.   The fifteen year old boy feels like a long lost friend and brother and a part of yourself that possibly emerged during your own fifteenth year.  He could be an older brother.  But of course your own view is the one that is true for you. Mine are just my own reaction. 

The hunting foray that the fifteen year old boy  invited you to join seems like a coming of age ritual and possibly  an induction into the Native brotherhood.   As an older brother he has already graduated so he’s inducting you. 

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@vestralux’s post, together with @coyote’s dream has reminded me of my Native American visions throughout the years.  I posted some of this stuff years back before I started the forum but the times are more appropriate now. 

In  1989 during the early years of giving readings, the Harvard Crimson, Harvard’s student newspaper, called me to make predictions for the coming decade.  The reporter  asked me to predict the future of the Massachusetts economy as well as the US economy.  I had never done a reading on an economy, just a person, so I decided to imagine that the economy was a person I would read and I did a timeline reading of this person’s future.  

When I first closed my eyes to imagine the Massachusetts economy as an individual, I saw to my astonishment a Native American head feather.  It might have been just a single feather or a full headdress, I can't remember now.  But I knew the headpiece signified a chief.  Furthermore I somehow knew that he was still on my property.  

I have a barn on my property that is attached to our house.  It was built before 1878 but we don't know how old it is.  The walls of this structure are filled with dried leaves for insulation and the nails were hand pounded by a blacksmith.   

I realized as I was doing that reading that the land of this state is Native land with Native consciousness rising from it. The land upon which my house sits was occupied by white Europeans for just three centuries. The Native Americans were  here for 10,000 years. State Route 16 that is the route of the Boston Marathon that runs through my town started as a deer path that the Natives used.   So this land’s human vibe is Native.  

You could probably say this same thing for anywhere in the world. It's all Native land with native consciousness. 

I remembered that as a young child,  I galloped through the woods pretending to be something half human half horse.  My friends and I would gallop and whoop and whinny and happily soak up the fragrance of the pines. 

Throughout the nineties I’d see this native guide in my mind's eye warning about the environment.  I’d tell some clients,  but no one was interested. 

Fast forward to 2012 when a blind and intuitively gifted woman attended my Tarot classes in my home.  She suddenly one night "saw" the Native chief on my property. She later channeled him for me and he inducted me into the brotherhood using a long stick from a maple tree and dried leaves.   After that, he came to me for several years during readings along  with another female spirit. 

He showed up when I was leading meditations to groups online.  

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Posted by: @coyote

It was silent and solemn, and a man who I understood to be a Lenape elder was addressing us, but not with words (more like intuition). He made us understand that even though we were thoroughly Euro-American in terms of blood, we also possessed spiritual Lenape lineage, and that we were being inducted into the tribe.

...But the solemnity was broken by piercing, distraught wailing that came from all directions. 

Oh, dear @coyote, this was a powerful and beautiful thing to read and I'm overcome.

I've extracted the above words from your post because from the very beginning, right as I started to read, I was hit by a sense of absolute recognition about a few key things.

[Caveat: I hope it goes without saying that your own soul's certainty matters much more than mine, so please bear that in mind as you read this.]

First, what you were describing was no dream in the traditional sense. You journeyed—to a sacred yet very real place. Second, that journey was a rite, an initiation, a ceremony of conscious re-membering. Reading it, I saw that in the years and months leading up to your dream, you'd been steadily unlocking necessary key codes, which finally opened the door over that threshold. This allowed you to walk lucidly (read: fully awake) into that dimension—which is right here, on top of us now—and bring back the richly detailed memory of what you experienced there.

It was a bold and propitious step in your life story.

What I'm calling "key codes" are powerful symbolic totems, such as recognizing your connection to Coyote, and every initiation point you've had throughout the experience of difficult physical illness. You've likely also met (or soon will meet) certain people who were key codes for you. I believe that, at a certain point in our progression, our Higher Soul, in tandem with our particular Soul Collective/community of spiritual origin, selects certain key codes or awakening codes in advance of an incarnation. Each one we touch is an activation—for remembering who we are and why we've come. 

Which brings me to this:

When I first read your NDE post, I was overcome with the sense that you have an indigenous, or rather, a Shamanic Spirit lineage [looking at you too, Jeanne!]. And to me, you appear to have made a choice to enter the Euro-American ancestral body in this lifetime/timeline, or series of lifetimes/timelines in order to work with its wetiko** energy directly, perhaps in hopes of assisting in its healing, and therefore, in the healing of the larger human and Earth body. This would traditionally be considered a service of higher spiritual "sacrifice," which belongs very deeply to shamanic and mystical traditions in all human cultures and timelines. But sacrifice is perhaps a misunderstood concept because nothing is actually forfeited or lost—except for the illusion (mind virus) of separation. This kind of spiritual service is done in the effort to repair (or create anew) the condition collective unity, which is the higher consciousness state we must start to awaken in order to give birth to the Earth community. And as scarce as it may seem, I have very good reason to believe that unity consciousness is already very well-seeded. (You saw it in New Jersey yourself!)

So, as @Lillinoe and @Jeanne-Mayell also saw, it is clear that you have a soul lineage with the Lenape. And I believe that your dream journey was as much an initiation and (re)induction into your spiritual community, as it was a welcome home celebration. It's potently symbolic that you woke out of the dream, or rather, were escorted out of the journey, by the piercing cries of racial fear and terror. That intensity of emotion is physically present in your current genetic sequence (and mine), and energetically lodged in our mass cultural unconscious. That means that it's a very real "object" in our environment; it may be in shadow, but it colors and influences everything it touches. As an unresolved cultural artifact, it doesn't exist in the "past." It's still here, part of the fabric of the so-called "waking" reality we all share in the United States today. But as all mystics know, what we call consensus reality is in fact a mass dream, an inversion. We're in the Upside Down, you might say. As long as our cultural traumas/karmas remain unprocessed, we forever recycle and reenact them in a billion iterations on the theme. See: mass incarceration, resurgence of fascism, detention of migrants and asylum seekers, separation of children and families, etc, ad nauseam. 

The dream you had about the Lenape village is perhaps akin to what the Buddhists call Nature of Mind—it was a glimpse into the True Nature of Things. The Upright World. And even the ancients knew: time ain't linear. The future world we long for is already here. It's glimmering and faint at times, and often completely invisible to us, but it is more real than anything we can imagine.


** In case it helps: "Wetiko" is a Native American term for what shamans and others identified as a mind virus. Specifically, it refers to the darkly parasitic and collective psycho-spiritual disease they saw affecting the white race. Wetiko is the spiritual condition which has allowed for the proliferation of dominator hierarchies, imperialism, colonialism, institutional slavery, the destruction (and utter lack of reverence for) nature, etc.  


P.S. Sorry for the length of this, but I feel compelled to tell you something else, Coyote, which actually came to me very powerfully in December (tried to send it more directly then, but I think it got lost).

It's this: You are a writer. 

And although being a thing and being recognized for a thing are two different—and often irrelevant—adventures, I see you publishing works of writing over a lifetime. Here, I'm referring to something different than research papers or other work related to your education or chosen field, which you might also do. I'm referring to writing that you will do from absolute joy and purpose.

So, I'll say it again: you are a writer. That is your gift—I'm sure, one of many. Do not ever doubt it. 

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