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How the Dems Can Win

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A reader wrote he was looking through the site for how the dems can win.  He didn't see us discussing that.  I agree. Let's focus on how we will end T and the GOP grip in November.  Defeatism is a self fulfilling prophecy that the GOP wants.  Yet the GOP is terrified of the electorate.  Oh we know they will call names and lie, lie, lie. That's just politics. 

I want to throw out two thoughts and hopefully get others to share their ideas. 

1. New political analysis by the  political scientist who called the 2018 midterms, has called it for the dems.

I posted previously about Rachell Bitecofer, a political scientist at the Niskanen Center in Washington, D.C., who  thinks that most pollsters and forecasters rely on outdated ideas about how candidates succeed.

She argues that the outcome has far less to do with the candidates’ ideology than we think it does. She's back in the media again in this week's New Yorker that says "we should stop worrying about losing and focus on firing up the blue voters. "

They go on to say, "Her perspective has been controversial, but in July, 2018, months before the midterm elections, her model predicted the Democratic victory in the House with an accuracy unmatched by conventional forecasters." 

Bitecofer feels the elections are now going to be won according to the expanding electorate, a sentiment that AOC had also expressed about how she won her upset election. 

2. Avoid defeatism.  I know that we, myself included,  need to express our feelings when we feel down or despairing.  I also feel that facing our feelings is important to our being able to turn those feelings around. When we repress our despair, it just increases, like an elephant in the room (pun intended).   But if we expressed our despair here in the Forum, then I ask that we openly own those feelings rather than try to convince others that they should  also be giving up.  We can instead  ask for others to help us rather than to make a big announcement that all is lost.  The evidence is that all is not lost. 

3. If you knew we were going to win but that you had to help to make it happen, how would you contribute?  

I'd like to answer that for myself: 

A. They say that going door to door is the most effective way to change minds.  In my town, they go door to door to get out the vote, to get dems to the polls. They also travel to other states and go door to door there. That's good. So if you are comfortable with going door to door, then please do!

B. Getting people back on the voter registry who have been thrown off is going to be critical this time.  So find a place you can go and help with that. 

C. Meditation is powerful.  @Micheleb has been rallying people to do Wednesday night 9 pm ET/6 pm PT meditations to heal this world. People who have attended, including myself, have had powerful healing mediations.  I am going to start setting up zoom sessions for anyone who wants to come together online for some of those sessions. I believe we can help rally our own well-being and this world with this kind of meditation.

What else can we do? 


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I'm going to admit something that I have not generally said on this site. I don't know why but I have been in a funk today. Funk over the Bernie thing (I think he and/or Elizabeth deserve to win) but in a funk in general. Woke up spilling my cereal all over the place, then dropped stuff, and just fought with my husband. Have a headache and feeling a bit defeated. Went for a walk with my husband and a nice neighbor of ours walking his dog said he's scared Bernie's going to get the nomination because he's afraid the congress could go back to red in some areas, (he's ok with Bernie but afraid of that aspect of losing house and senate). I told him VOTE blue no matter who anyway...

The first thing I did though when entering back home a min ago (after a walk/fight with my husband) was come to this site. I read the piece about the FAIR reporting you wrote and about Bernie etc. I felt like fighting some more, but not in a negative way, fighting for the LIGHT. I want Bernie and Elizabeth to win and hope they clean the corporate interests clock. I was so happy and elated to see Michelle's post in the "If you see a prediction that comes True" area about the democratic underground mentioning Jeanne's site for reliable predictions!  SO PROUD and elated.  Then reading your idea about posts to give ideas on how to WIN!

I think the dems need a good campaign slogan too:  MAKE AMERICA PROUD AGAIN! or something catchy. VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO.

One thing I will do and offer to the dems is to make calls on people. Calls to rally dem support in my area, but If I could actually do that in areas that really need it I would be open as to how to make those calls.


lenor, Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle and 9 people reacted
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You can write letters & postcards to voters in states that are close to turning purple or blue. You can connect to several different groups. here are a few that I have written for: Vote Forward, Postcards to Voters and I have also adopted specific down ballot candidates plus Congressional & Senate candidates in my own districts as well as other States. If you have a local Indivisible group near you, contact them to see what needs to be done. In my Indivisible group here in Southern California we just completed more that 6,000 postcards that have been sent to voters in our district just for the midterm election. Special attention was given to registered Democrats & No Party Preference voters who voted for the first time in 2018. We also have a dedicated group of people who work registering voters -they received training from Field Team Six and Jason Berlin, who is & training volunteers all over the country to "Mobilize America". One last thing that you can do, is to send contributions to Democrats running for Senate seats. Additionally, Democrats who won Red seats in the House two years ago need to hold onto those seats.  We need to retain the House & flip the Senate BlUE. If you search, you can easily find States or candidates to support. We are all in this together and it is us who will create the future that we seek.



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I like Make America Kind Again..just helps me personally. 

I was really frightened a couple of weeks ago buying into that false narrative of losing the election. For some reason I experienced a big shift over the last 4 or 5 days..not sure why. Now I am not only hopeful, I am excited. 

Part of it is connecting with my community Democratic Office and getting involved. That really helps. I experience a greater sense of meaning and purpose. 

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Every time I start to lapse into a fear-place, I re-double my postcard writing. It is important for me to do something that I think will make a difference and since, my brain won't let me do two things at the same time, I just put my head down and focus on the writing. I keep creating new scripts and refining them. If I am writing to women, for instance as I did when I wrote for the Virginia election, I create a special tag line. Something like, (regarding voting) "You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, especially if you are female." The results of that election gave me so much pleasure. I figure we can afford to hold tight to a belief that we will prevail- no sense in inviting anything else. Be well.


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Bernie supporter Susan Sarandon is trending on Twitter because she wants Pelosi voted out and a progressive candidate in.  She also voted Stein as she didn't like Clinton.

Not very helpful for Dems. Frustrating.

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@stardancer, I love what you wrote.  I read it twice.  So true and so beautiful how you handled the pit fall. 

Empaths like you and many in this community get tossed around by the collective mood, tossed like waves in a stormy sea.  It is tough when it happens and you may not know why you feel that way. But then like good rational beings, we find a narrative to fit our feelings and that can make it worse, more concrete and harder to shake. There is so much GOP gaslighting out there that it is easy to find a narrative that will fit our bad feelings.   I fell into a pit of political pessimism for a bit.  I didn't want to share those feelings publicly because something kept telling me not to give power to them.  Especially not to drag others down.  

Those bad feelings are just feelings and feelings change like the weather, like the sea. But I couldn't repress them either or they would shout at me more loudly, until I aired them with someone. It's like falling into a pool.  Sometimes we need to let ourselves hit the bottom so we can push back up.  

It is tricky when you work with intuition, because feelings can seem like psychic truth but often they are just the truth of the moment and not even your own, but the collective's. 

We do not know who will win.  The psychics are all over the place.  I like our Read the Future visions because there is less  hidden agenda among the readers. Names hidden, no commercial intent, so much purity among our community.  

We need what Joanna Macy calls, active hope. Hope is something we do, not necessarily something we have



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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell
We need what Joanna Macy calls, active hope. Hope is something we do, not necessarily something we have



Thanks for the insight, Jeanne. 

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Your post was very beautiful and gave me so much hope.

Especially the part about pushing off from the bottom after falling in a pool. 

I have lost heart. I have been feeling hopeless. not just for our country but in other ways too.

Your posts are sensible and strong, I feel guided. Thank you.


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@ghandigirl thank you. It means a lot to me  that it helped you.  

And @stardancer thank you for inspiring me.   

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That is a beautiful post.

One strategy that helps me when my feelings are churning is to focus my attention on my body and how those feelings are there. And just to name and allow the feeling and to be with it. This helps me pull out of the narrative the feelings spin within my mind--and believing that narrative just escalates everything and makes me more likely to do and say things I regret (especially when my child's behavior is the emotional trigger). 

I love the notion of hope as action, and that's exactly what I'm doing with my upset. Stacey Abrams started an organization to work toward fair elections: . Other places to invest energy for those inclined would be your regional democratic organization, groups like the league of women voters, etc. Any energy you can put toward the goal of defeating the orange goblin & his cronies is worthwhile, and encourage others to do whatever little thing they can. I believe wholeheartedly that the current admin is working against the will of the American people and if we stand up, we can move things in the direction we want. 


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As someone who survived and escaped mental,emotional and physical abuse some days you need to narrow your focus to just what task is in front of you and as you focus on that..daydream then visualize how you want it to be... to hang in there..moment to moment..step by step..taking what steps you can each that when the moment arrives... you are ready to act. You can acknowledge the pain but don't let it be the only thing you see...breathe through it ..keep ready. Take time to note the blessings of the little things to feed your Hope and give you strength. I take the time to see the things happening...I focus on the things I can do..and I prepare to act in accordance with my choices when the opportunity presents itself. I see the small things and take Joy in them. Seeing someone in need of help and giving it when I am able. Voting every chance I get.Encouraging everyone I know to do the same. I come here to share my hope and give and get support in my visions for us. Deuteronomy 31:6-8 "Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.." Big hugs and much love to each soul here ..let us take comfort from and support each other and draw strength from each other. See where we want to be and envision all "Voting Blue no matter who" and seeing the Blue Wave sweep across the nation.

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You express a process I can and will fully embrace right here, right now..step by step, day by day as we move forward toward a new creation. 

Some days the energy feels dark and dense. The negativity can feel overwhelming. Yet, my heart recognizes that I am loved and calls me to love all of creation. And so I move to that place, that sacred space where the veil is so thin I find myself extending my hand outward giving a gentle little push. I smile, my heart is at’s right there, just one gentle, loving push away.

Thank you for your post. My heart will carry it into the Forrest on my walk this morning. 


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I wasn't sure where to post this.  @jeanne-mayell, please feel free to move this to a more appropriate thread.  

To those in our community who live in red, T* country:  I want to express how much I admire your strength, faith, hope and resilience.  I live in a blue, somewhat progressive area of Virginia, right outside of DC.  Even though I am keenly aware of the 40% who will always support T, I don’t have to deal with his supporters on a daily basis.  I am retired, so perhaps if I were still working I might hear more opposing views – I really couldn’t say.   Except for the guy up our street, it’s rare to see a T* yard sign around here.  In fact, it’s so rare that when I visited my local pharmacy and saw they were selling the red T**** hats and mugs, it really shocked, offended and rankled me.   

I’ve become increasingly aware of how, in some respects, I’ve been living in this blue bubble.  It’s easy for someone like me to offer the “all will be well, just have faith” reassurances.   But if I were living in the heart of T country and continually tested, would I still feel so peaceful?  So confident that all will be well?   I’ve had the luxury of not having to listen to the ugly, nonsensical T talking points, or seeing the T bumper stickers and signs.  If I did, I might very well be coming to this site more often, asking for your assistance in talking me down off that ledge. 

I do still believe that all will be well.  I believe that in the core of my being.   Perhaps living where I live offers me a certain detachment and some breathing room.  And with that detachment I can feel the deeper rumblings of positive change coming our way.  It’s hard for me to say. 

But for those lightworkers who live in T country – you are a special breed of human spirits.  In the midst of the darkness, your glimmers of light are steadfast.  You are spirits of light who courageously do whatever you can to penetrate those lies, that darkness around you.  Sometimes it’s activism, or acts of kindness and compassion, or just remaining grounded and speaking your truth.  However you navigate living your life in T country, thank you for the noble and holy work that you do. 


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I appreciate your post Deetoo.  Currently Arizona is considered a purple state and in play for the election which is fantastic.  I live in an area that is surrounded by many die hard" trumpeters".  I am hopeful that  McSally will be voted out as I really dislike her.   Debbie Lesko is my current Rep ( she reminds me of the character of Rosanne Connor but with political power and corrupt to the core).  I have lived for 25 years in Arizona with only representation for my area of extremist republican reps in  Congress which has been disheartening. 

The state at least is purple right now so I have some hope for the future of the state.  We do need to change the legislature though and in a big way.  They are the Swampiest of swamp creatures who create a putrid stench with the caldron of toxic slime bills and laws they keep creating. 

I a rooting for Mark Kelly to become our next senator.  




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I read this Op Ed piece in NYT today from Tom Friedman and I have to say that my husband and I dreamed this up together while watching the debate last night and over the past few weeks. I agree with this approach. Now someone has to organize the dems into one room together and propose this to them:

Dems, You Can Defeat Trump in a Landslide

You can promise voters something our narrow-minded president won’t.

I'm not saying this is entirely perfect, but the gist of it resonates with me. On the point of losing those senators in states we need, I would say the ones who come from liberal states they could still run as Senators and let the governor fill the spot if/when they take a cabinet position.

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@triciact, I totally agree with Friedman.  I've been concerned by the Dem race for weeks now, and couldn't put my finger on what was bothering me.  As I watched yesterday's debate, I thought to myself, these candidates need to unify together and speak directly, almost like one entity, to beating T.  I understand that right now they're competing and want to distinguish themselves from one another.  And I also understand that to even think you're qualified to run for president means you have a very healthy, and in some cases, overinflated ego.  But this is not a normal election, and sometimes they're acting like it is.  Except for some remarks by Amy, I haven't hear any of them during the debates speak much about the critical danger of T being reelected.  If they each had been taking more time onstage to address the specifics of that danger, that sense of unity could have begun by now.  

And about yesterday's debate:  I am very perplexed by Warren's continued attack on Bloomberg.  She may be 100% right about the female employee who said Bloomberg told her to have an abortion, and that is despicable.  But I think Elizabeth wasted precious time going after someone who doesn't have any delegates and most likely will not win.  She is always such an intelligent, measured, thoughtful, and brilliant speaker and debater, that it saddened me to see her persist in this way.  I think Warren allowed her personal experiences as a working mother and her deep contempt for Bloomberg to control her thinking and judgment.  

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Funny but the only campaign that wrote me back recently when I wanted to give some opinions was Elizabeth Warren's. So I just sent them the article from Tom F. too


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I think Warren just wanted to make sure she drove the last stake through that particular vampire's heart, AND put the last nail in the coffin, too.

And he is a vampire - a moderate Republican billionaire posing as a viable alternative. Pretty vampirish.


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@lovendures, I've heard Lesko speak a few times -- what a piece of work (to put it kindly).  Isn't she also the only female member of the Freedom Tuchus?  (That's what my husband calls them.)  Eight years ago my sister-in-law and her husband moved from Maryland to Prescott.   They love living there and have made some good friends, but have been discouraged by the legislation and political climate.  

I love Mark Kelly.  

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