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The Supreme Court

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I want to believe the Democrats can stop the next supreme court nomination, they just don't have the votes. They may be able to stall a particularly bad nominee, but trump will just put up someone else in his/her place. It feels very grim to me right now.

The coming changes to the court have me really, really freaked out. An extremist court will have the power to essentially nullify any future progressive legislation that can be passed when the democrats get back into power. These past weeks alone, they've signaled through the travel ban decision that discrimination is OK, through the Janus decision that decades of precent doesn't matter, and through the decision on voter purges that voting rights don't matter. This court has the power to break our struggling democracy. The right wing judges are all supported by the federalist society and I believe they are part of a right wing conspiracy to take the country back a hundred years.

I meditated yesterday and asked for answers about the court. These are the impressions that I got: If no liberals retire or pass away between now and 2021, and if a democrat is elected the next president, and if the democrats can hold the presidency for 8 years (all big iffs), then I believe the damage can be contained to some extent. It will still be bad, but at some point Thomas will have to retire, and a more liberal justice who takes his place can establish balance. It would take 10 years for this to happen, during which time some really terrible decisions will be be coming out on a yearly basis, but the damage wouldn't last for the next 50 years. If the democrats can't take the white house, or if they can't take the senate and be able to get their nominees through, then what will will see very quickly is the loss of abortion rights, gay rights, women's right, voting rights, labor rights, environmental regulation, and these decision will be entrenches into law for 100 years. I could go on and on.

I'm interested in what others think, since I feel I'm too emotionally connected to this issue to know if my impressions are accurate. I'd love to hear from others.

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if this helps, another psychic who I follow said that she doesn't believe a judge will be appointed at least right now. She said something big will happen to keep it from happening. She also saw Gorsuch leaving  in about 2 years and she saw Thomas getting ill.

we have to believe that some good is going to happen and it won't all be bad.


on the news this morning I saw that Susan Collins may be their holdout. She said she will not vote for anyone that may overturn Roe vs. Wade.


have Hope

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We must hope and hold a positive energetic space right now. Also important- - voting, marches, protests, and raising our collective voice. The future is fluid.

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After my initial freakout, I've been consistently getting "Careful what you wish for... Careful what you wish for...." whenever I see news reports on the SCOTUS situation.  I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I feel the situation is bad, but I don't get the feeling that this will be the mega-win that Right think it will be.

The Democrats cannot outright stop a Trump pick, but they can inflict a lot of potential political damage in the process.  The Republicans are not actually a monolith, and there are plenty of fissures that could come out in a fight.  Remember the slam-dunk that the Obamacare repeal was going to be?  The Evangelicals are counting on an overturn of Roe.  They've bet their integrity and their moral high ground on it, but there are certainly Republican Senators from more moderate and swing states that may not relish having to go back to their constituents as the "Senator who voted to overturn Roe."

It's going to get ugly.

As an aside, ever since it was announced, I've had the feeling the Kennedy was strong-armed into retiring, maybe blackmailed.  It's come out now that his son was heavily involved in the loans to Trump and possibly Russian money-laundering.  I feel like Kennedy was on the fence, but didn't like the idea of Trump picking his successor, and then someone got to him.  So much bad karma attached.

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What I see is that Kennedy bailed to avoid scandal. The whole his-son-Deutsche Bank-Twitler scandal... I don't feel he was blackmailed, just trying to cover his own and his son's ass.

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Called Susan Collins and Jeff Flake, two of the GOP swing voters, to ask them not to confirm Trump's picks.  We need people to call the swing votes on each side of the aisle. Will try to call more later. 

Jeff Flake:  202-224-4521

Collins:  (207) 622-8414

 Collins has said she wants a justice with integrity who will not decide in advance how he will vote on Roe v Wade and other issues.  ALL Of Trump's short list come from an ultra conservative group who have recommended judges who are already pegged to vote against Roe V Wade and other key issues. 

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I heard news that the next Supreme Court pick nomination will be Amy Coney Barrett. Does anyone see her getting appointed?

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I had a vision of her at a confirmation hearing but there was static so I think he’s leaning toward her but it’s not for sure

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My prediction for Collins is that she will do what she has done before - i.e., say she is in agreement but then vote for whatever Twitler wants at the last minute.

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How is it that three psychics whom I follow all got the nominee wrong? They all said it would be a woman. Now I feel like I can't believe anything. Very depressing.

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MizMargo--It's still early days. The possibility still exists of this candidate being blocked, and another inserted.

IMHO, a ton of conservatives were rooting for the woman cult person. Psychics probably twigged onto that.  R1

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Sometime ago, someone on this site posted a description of game that engaged players in trying to achieve balance on a sloped board.  It seems so prescient now.  It's like there's this cosmic plane, like the sloped board, with all of these players and issues.  There are "alternative time frames."  There are so many decisions, consequences, moves, and countermoves.  Blowback moves across the whole darned thing with the wink of a fly's eyelash.  I'm not surprised psychics are "twigging."  Giggle:  "the woman cult person."

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MizMargo I think Trump Wanted to choose Barrett but to save his own skin chose the one that didn't believe in investigating a sitting President. That may be why some saw her as the one he chose. Someone also said on the news tonight that Trump thinks he will get to choose another person for the SC so went easy on this round. But he won't be around long enough to choose another one and don't think this one is going to be confirmed.


Also I don't think any psychic said Trump was going to win did they? I know a lot of them said he wouldn't.

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I think often when psychics get things like this wrong it's for one of two reasons or a combo of both. 1.) The future is very flux and could change at any moment because someone makes an unpredictable decision that drastically effects the outcome. As I understand it, reading the future is like a snapshot of what would happen if everything and everyone stayed like it presently is and there are no wildcards. 2.) I believe often times a person's mind can get polluted by the news cycle or they see what they want to see because the truth is just too painful, which blocks them from making an accurate prediction. I don't know what Jeanne's Trump prediction was but the most notable psychic that I know who got Trump's election right was from the UK and I suspect one thing that helped him see it accurately was because he was removed from the terrible consequence of having to live in a nation where Trump is it's leader. 

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Hi lynnventura, 

One thing about the court ppl may not realize is that the number of justices is set by Congress.  It's not something I like to advertise, as Rs could really take advantage of this.   You'd have to have a completely D Congress and President to change, but it can be changed from 9 back to 7 or increased to 11 by statute.   So at some point in the next several years, Ds can fix this.  It's not a good solution, but better than having a group of horrible justices for another 40 years.   So breathe a sigh of relief in the long run.  The immediate changes will be awful if it succeeds, but there is a solution over time.   FDR considered this option as I recall.

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Yes!  I just hope dems have the guts to do this. Frankly, the federal judiciary is basically the same size it was when the country was half as large. I think the next blue congress should increase the number of the entire fed judiciary, including the sup ct. The Gorsuch seat and the current one are stolen. Dems should call this out.

On another note, trump did mention a few days ago that he thinks he might eventually fill three seats. I think folks assumed he meant Ginsburg's seat, but when he said that I got a picture of Thomas popping up in my head, and a sense of dread that this his retirement is already in the planning stages. Anyone getting anything similar?

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Durwood -- who is that? Would like to check out. 

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Friend of mine recently joked that she changed her organ donor status to RBG ONLY.

I also get that Thomas will go next.

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I just heard that McConnell said he wants to nominate another supreme court justice if there's a vacancy this year. Does anyone get a read on this? This would be a nightmare. Pray for RBG that she maintains good health!

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If the opportunity presents itself, of course he will, that hypocrite.  But it’s not just the Supreme Court we should be concerned about.  MM has been pushing lifetime Federal judiciary confirmations through the Senate at lightening speed.  T’s 51st federal appellate judge was confirmed earlier this week.  MM is hoping to fill all of those federal judiciary positions and completely transform the courts by the 2020 election.  That’s his top priority.

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