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[Closed] The Great Unraveling and the Great Turning - Rebuilding a Progressive America in the Future

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I believe so... The Orange Foolius has a lot of Karma coming...and... I think it is on the way.

numerologist, TriciaCT, lenor and 11 people reacted
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Posted by: @seeker4

Some were discussing writing postcards to voters.  I just got this link today from Move-on.

I too, say Thank You for that link.  I tried to sign up for 100 postcards, but they wanted my phone number.  It didn’t look like they cared about my volunteer efforts for handwritten postcard support without it.  Considering these are sent through USPS, i do not understand why they would sacrifice volunteerism for the sake of my personal, private information, which I no longer give out, due to EXCESSIVE spam, from spammers, spamming my phone number.  I finally got most of it stopped by blocking numbers right and left years ago, spinning three times and stomping my foot down.  I quit giving out my number decades ago.  Why do they make it so hard?  Spam it.

TriciaCT, Laynara, Unk p and 7 people reacted
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Yes, that's the one! I really like the videos they are coming out with. They're not pulling any punches. I really hope RichMoscowMitch's hold on KY is crumbling. McGrath really cares about her constituents and I am praying enough people see that.

TriciaCT, Unk p, Claire and 3 people reacted
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@deetoo - my husband bumped into...wait for it... Ollie North (!) at our Radio Shack in Leesburg twice. He's nicer than I am and never made a comment. I would have at least tripped him "accidentally on purpose".

TriciaCT, Suspira44, Unk p and 5 people reacted
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thank you @seeker4 for posting that about the postcards!



TriciaCT, Grace, TriciaCT and 1 people reacted
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Hello Friends -

I want to make you aware of a situation in Minneapolis that is happening right now. The media is not giving it much attn but it really deserves to be heard. 4 days ago a police officer wrongfully killed an african male on video with excessive force.

When this happened, people came out to protest peacefully. Since then, there have been outside factions coming into the city to encourage the youth to promote destruction and rioting.

For the past few days, my beautiful city of Minneapolis has seen hundreds of buildings looted and burned.

The governor called for the National Guard to assist with the overrun police department. What is sad above all else is the President T said on twitter "If it loots, it shoots"...Implying that he is authorizing the National Guard to use live bullets on its citizens...I pray this is not the case.

We are literally living in a hostile zone due to some actions of 4 policemen. 

Pray for my city. 

fmabon, Unk p, CDeanne and 7 people reacted
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I want to add that this is turning out to be a really bad situation and the media is not covering it for whatever reason.

The tragedy of what happened is horrendous to put it lightly. The majority of the demonstrators are demanding justice because we've seen this before.

We have had multiple nights of both peaceful protesting and terrible rioting/looting.

Hundreds of buildings/businesses have been impacted. Whole police precincts/stations have been overrun and are in flames. Tear gas and rubber bullets have been used. The national guard is now coming in. 

And now we have a president who simply says shoot them. 

Unk p, TriciaCT, lenor and 3 people reacted
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I have been watching what's happening in Minneapolis very closely. I have no doubt there are provocateurs interspersed throughout the peaceful protestors in order to sow chaos and make it seem as though these protests are full of "bad" people. 

About 4 hours ago (it's 6 AM here), the president just tweeted calling the protestors "thugs" (and we all know what he really means by that) and threatened to send in the military to start shooting. Twitter flagged his tweet as promoting violence and made it impossible to like, comment, or retweet it. He hasn't seen it yet -- probably sleeping off the amphetamines -- but when he does, whew. He's gonna blow. (I won't even say what I'm really hoping for, but I bet you intuitives -- and even those who aren't -- can guess.)

I have a feeling today will be a DAY. 

Marley, BlueBelle, Unk p and 11 people reacted
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Posted by: @dhyanaji

@northern_lights.......We strive for accuracy and Truth here. Correct me if I"m wrong, but saw only one Precinct House that was breached and set afire and that was referred to as Station #3. The burning down of even one bldg. is bad and adjacent bldgs too, but have not heard that hundreds of other bldgs were destroyed.......aside from the one Station House, Reporters commenting Live from the scene the past 2 nights have stated the # of buildings affected is under 2 dozen including the Target Store the night before last. Please tell us if there is a media cover-up in the extant of the # of bldg's destroyed and/or damaged. Thanx........Namaste'

I appreciate your compassion and attention to detail. Thank you very much. There was a report sent out that spoke to over a hundred buildings just this past evening having been looted. I will post the link for assurance purposes.

For those who do not know or who have not been to my city, we are a very progressive city. When I moved here, I was astounded and to be frank, quite happy with how open and progressive things were.

This is but the outrage of alot of people who want their voices heard and want the same justice as anyone from police.

It honestly saddens me even if we are in a progressive community. 

Hugs and compassion are needed all around right now.

Marley, Unk p, TriciaCT and 13 people reacted
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As asked for, here is a report of the damage last night. It's pretty extensive.

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One big positive thing to recognize is that the entire community and those surrounding is that we are standing up to say that this is wrong. 

It's outside factions inciting our youth to get aggressive.

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And one last tidbit, honestly this is not a violent city. We have crime, yes and other cities do. We also embrance other differences quite easily...This is just such a different moment and the people are standing up for their rights.

The looters are really being triggered by many different things. Honestly, I feel for them. Not their recent actions, those are wrong, but why they would take these actions. 

Bigger picture my friends.

herondreams, Stargazer, TriciaCT and 9 people reacted
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I think by the time your read this you will know there is a CNN Latino African American  reporter who has been arrested in Minneapolis being arrested for doing his job.  Meanwhile, another CNN reporter, this one Caucasian, doing the exact same job was not arrested.

In March of 2018, I had a dream about a reporter being attacked as he was doing his job.  Attacked for doing his job.  Although his name was Evan Perez and not Omar Jimenez (arrested journal)  the scene was exactly as what I saw on TV this AM.  I don't know if this count as a hit or not, but one thing is for certain, the 1st Amendment has been attacked today!!!

In 2017-2018 (around then), I mentioned to Jeanne in a conversation the erosion of democracy in the US and everywhere around the world.  

Unk p, Lilinoe, deetoo and 7 people reacted
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     I'm trying to find a forum about the riots in MInnesota. The police greatly compounded their public relations problem when the national guard was brought in. Now we're hearing about the completely arbitrary and unjustified arrest of news reporters who were just exercising their right under the first amendment to report the news.

    Now we have another issue to rally the masses against both the police and the national guard. We have the seeds for a national revolution. Remember it was tyranny that led to past national revolutions against the powers that be in countries all over the world. What's happening in Minnesota is very much a form of tyranny. You cannot have the police, the national guard, or any other type of law enforcement acting in a very arbitrary and unjust way.

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@northern_lights  I am sending you and al the people in Minneapolis huge hugs, love, light, from the very bottom of my heart.  I pray a just end to all of this will happen very soon.

Using te Ryder Waite desk, I draw a card for you and Minneapolis.  The As of Cup came up.  This is a new beginning and Angels and Archangels are there looking out for you.  In getting clarrifiyers, I saw the importance to look at everything, the whole picture and make sure we are not missing pieces to the puzzles (4 cups).  I'm pretty sure, if we go by the news, everything is transparent!  So I'm not certain what this could be referring to.  This cycle is being brought to a difficult end, very difficult one, (10 swords)However the Lovers is telling me some kind of peace will be reached.

I'm wondering if the journalist being arrested is a catalyst in this whole situation...

But know the World is watching and love is being sent your way.

Marley, BlueBelle, Kateinpdx and 19 people reacted
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As you wake up to see or read about the wreckage of my city - if there had been justice for Eric, for Michael, for Philandro for all the illegal murders at the hands of police It would not be this way. This is what years of pain, powerlessness and oppression looks like acted out. There are consequences to injustice. Where are the leaders who will CHARGE THESE MURDEROUS COPS? For days there has been constant helicopter presence, sirens, fires, the sounds of gunfire or fireworks. Online in my neighborhood groups there is a lot of understanding and compassion for the wreckage of the last few days- no one condones and people are afraid- there is constant misinformation being spread online and later fact checked/updated but, this morning posts looking to help clean-up are common. Everyday when I wake up along with the sirens is the birdsong. May all beings know gods love, may they be safe.

BlueBelle, Unk p, Stargazer and 15 people reacted
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First, the fact that a black reporter from the Cheeto's least favorite news channel was arrested by MPD while other news crews were left alone is NOT an accident or misunderstanding. Secondly, for context, the police chief of Minneapolis is a black man who was installed as chief after his predecessor resigned following high-profile police violence cases (Jamar Clark, Philando Castile, Justine Damond). He has tried to work toward racial justice in the department throughout his nearly 30 years on the force. The president of the police union is a racist, white supremacist (either fully or adjacent) who led a "cops for Trump" group when Cheeto came to town for a rally. He routinely protects officers who find themselves in trouble with the department. The man who murdered George Floyd, for example ... he has 18 misconduct violations on file. Officers on the MPD are now FROM Minneapolis; they are mostly from outside the city ... white guys ... patrolling neighborhoods where the people don't look like the officers, and there's a strong atmosphere of fear and anger on both sides. The MPD is more like the Brown Shirts than peacekeepers.

Unk p, Lilinoe, TriciaCT and 3 people reacted
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Thank you everyone for the light and love. It is much needed during a time like this. I get the sense this whole situation is part of the awakening. Karma is the law and she will account for it. 

Hugs and light to you all.

BlueBelle, Unk p, TriciaCT and 11 people reacted
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@deetoo  I was thinking this morning that your mother-in-law might have a change of heart in a pandemic.  The twins always have a playmate.  They entertain each other very well: got the giggles the other day making up rhyming word pairs just for the fun of it.  They have their moments too, of course.  But if we separate them after a spat, it's only about 5 minutes before they want to know where the other one is.  Friends for life, I hope.

lenor, TriciaCT, Laynara and 5 people reacted
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@saibh  I agreed with everything you are saying. I'm just reporting on a hit for a prediction and not debating the fact racism is obvious and rampant and shameful and hateful.  Because it is all of that and more.  

The journalist I mentioned was one of color, while white journalists doing the exact same thing were left alone, one was even told he was ok when asked who he was and what he was doing.  The journalist arrested went out of his way to say what he was doing and that he was cooperating.  Still he was arrested.

None the less.  With all the racism this entails, I still consider this another attack on the 1st Amendment.  The skin color was the thing that gave it a little push over the line to arrest this journalist.

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