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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Wow! I went to sleep last night and all kinds of things must have been happening while I was sleeping! I agree with those of you who have been seeing medical problems for T coming around this time (I sensed more along the lines of cardiac/stroke) and I also think that he could have some kind of breakdown in public that will make it impossible to deny that he is unwell. I also saw Ivanka moving her family somewhere in Europe when things get too hot for her in the US, but I’m pretty sure that her husband is going to eventually be in some serious legal trouble.

As far as the AG, I checked my old predictions and note that I thought earlier in the year that he would resign by late fall but in the more recent ones, that has changed to him hanging in there and either getting sick and quitting using that excuse or being fired by the next administration. I consider him a true believer (in a fundamentalist and negative sense) and he will not stop what he is doing until he is forced to or sees that he will be in legal trouble because of his actions. Then he could turn in T and his folks to save himself. 

I don’t know about all of you, but I am continuing to send light daily to all of the witnesses and people who are trying to protect the country and stop the evil. I feel like we are in the thick of it now and it will take until spring until we start getting actual clarity about all of the things that this administration has been up to. 

Thanks to everyone for weighing in with your visions and opinions. It gives me hope that we will get through this!

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I'm amazed that it fit, given the number of GOP  and Faux News heads that already reside there. 

As far as this being a physical, that's nonsense. It wasn't on his schedule. Secret Service don't allow him to go anywhere spontaneously unless absolutely necessary because they haven't swept the area and secured it previously. WH reporters were told not to disclose where they were headed, here again, this points to security issues not having been addressed prior, or not wanting to stoke fears if it turned out to be something that could be a treat and release issue. Physicals are not done in sections either. When scheduled they may have tests ordered prior so that results are ready at the time of the physical, but if this was unannounced, there was no pre-planning. Often they are even done at the White House. He's almost never at the White House over the weekend- see NBC's account of where he spends his time here.  He's got health issues, or he's setting up a medical reason for his resignation. 

I had to send a link to the ending of Yovanovitch's day on Friday to my son. I loved how the crowd applauded her and drowned out the GOP whining over the closing statement. I also love that the GOP set up these rules, and they are now having hissy fits over them being adhered to. 

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Last night before going to bed, I asked Spirit to show me what was going on with DT. I was shocked to feel pity for him. Pity is not emotion I ever thought I would feel for this man given how much damage he has brought to the country. If felt like the sun had set for DT. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He's battling himself right now, filled with indecision, not knowing what to do, who to turn too or how to get out of all this. I felt Melania will play a role in him leaving the white house because she sees the hammer coming down. Judgement coming and DT will not be able to handle it. 

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I totally agree with what you are saying, he'll never say it's just because of a health issue, but it will be (in my opinion) more slanted to where he'll claim the charges against him are a sham and the Dems have not given him a fair shot at being POTUS and that they had it "out for him" from the beginning and he was "railroaded" etc. (you get the picture). The GOP may use the health issue as their slant more than DJT will. He'll just say whatever he wants to try to make himself look like he was not wrong about anything. Period.

The sad part about some of this is my father was a manic narcissist. During many times of his life, he used to act a lot like DJT. Not entirely, but at times. My father was a Manic One bipolar (he only got the manic part not the depressed part).  One day after my mother passed away (in my early 20s) he decided that some guy who tinkered and did something to prevent one of my dad's trucks from starting should be arrested. So he took a shot gun over to the guy's house, shot it in the air to scare and make a point to him, and announced "This is a citizens arrest". My father even called the police. So of course when the police showed up they arrested my father. He spent 2 nights in jail and blamed the police for discrimination, blamed me for not bailing him out sooner, and blamed everyone in the town for being corrupt. He never took responsibility for any of his actions his whole life. He raged and blamed everyone for something but never himself. My father even cheated on my mother and I saw him out with other women over the years. 

When my dad was in his late 80's he was having more and more dementia. He would "sundown" and tried to attack anyone around him. I just remember things he would say and do over a period of time that remind me of how DJT acts. My father even voted for him, because he viewed him as a "real man" and "Strong".

Sorry for rambling about myself and my own feelings but it's partly why I feel so stressed and scared throughout the past 3 years because of DJT. At this point, I don't care what he says when he leaves, just that he does. 

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@triciact you bring up a good point. Among the many terrible things that have come with the past 3+ years is how awful it is to have someone as president who reminds many of us of either abusive parents, former partners, bosses, etc. That personality type is so prevalent and I think our culture is just starting to call it out and make it unacceptable. Maybe trump's time as president and all the attention he's getting will move our society to a place where that behavior is no longer tolerated. In the meantime, if we've experience something similar in our past, his existence is a constant affront to our collective health, and not something we can just easily get away from. 

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Fox News reported yesterday that T was experiencing chest pains. They later deleted the story. 

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Malcolm Nance's twitter said trump had a panic attack.

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I absolutely agree. It's just incredibly disappointing that anyone holding such an office (along with his congressional enablers) is so blatantly and constitutionally incapable of personal accountability.

Like you, I'm the adult child of such a personality, as I know a lot of others here are, as well. Like @lynnventura said so well, this time in our nation's (nay, our world's) history has been particularly brutal in a deeply personal way. We're having to confront the pain and powerlessness that are the consequences of a historic reality in which powerful figures—those that head governments, corporations, the Church, and every other human institution—are too often those humans with outsized ambition, aggression, and willingness to deceive, alongside woefully insufficient empathy, remorse, or capacity to genuinely connect. 

But then, a thing has to be fully acknowledged before it can be excised.      

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But then, a thing has to be fully acknowledged before it can be excised.  @vestralux

Painful, but so true.

In my view we're all going through a collective trauma, further complicated by any individual, past traumas that are being triggered by the abhorrent actions of this administration and its enablers.  But I believe the only way out is through.

I also believe we should give ourselves credit for managing all of this as well as we have.  Understandably, for the past 3 years many of us have experienced more periods of physically and emotionally feeling like crap – under the circumstances, how could we not -- but we are incredibly resilient.  And from what I can see, we haven't lost our sense of decency, clarity of vision, and sense of humor.*  

We’re a tough lot. We will get through this.  And this too shall pass.

*  @yogagirl – I’m still laughing, envisioning Pelosi’s shoe up T's  a$$!

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Posted by: @deetoo

But then, a thing has to be fully acknowledged before it can be excised.  @vestralux

In my view we're all going through a collective trauma, further complicated by any individual, past traumas that are being triggered by the abhorrent actions of this administration and its enablers.  But I believe the only way out is through.

Indeed. ❤️ 

The overwhelming white nationalist sector of "the base" cry out endlessly about the impending "death of Western civilization," since people of color, foreigners, and Muslims—oh my—are rapidly outnumbering Anglo-Saxon white folks. And this is truly tragic to them because the imperialist, colonialist, militaristic excesses of Western civilization are, in their minds, the absolute pinnacle of human evolution. Unsurpassable!—they're sure of it. But even great cultures die and no one ever fought off the Reaper by pretending to freeze time. 

What they can't see (or rather, feel), is that, while we benefit from the gifts of Western modernity (post-Enlightenment science, medicine, industry, technology, etc.), we're also dealing with the real world consequences of its failures in consciousness.

The collective pain we're enduring now isn't new. We were all born into a dense vibrational field of multigenerational, cultural, racial, environmental, and historical trauma. It looks like florescence to me, like static energy—dead light. (Not for nothing, but there are a lot of deceased spirits with unfinished business who've become trapped in that matrix to my eye.) Like an old tv program or a vicious malware code, unresolved trauma is designed to repeat. Unfortunately, that also means it accumulates. Perhaps it's strictly maya in a spiritual sense, but it feels like mass illusion/delusion has run right off the rails.

Trauma keeps us in survival mode: either hyper-activated/hypervigilant or frozen, numb, and dissociated. Disrelated. If the trauma we experience is chronic and ongoing, it literally inhibits development, waylaying our natural climb toward higher consciousness. If it's systemic, we become a population of endless consumers—addicted, glutinous, suppressed, zombified—willing to passively kill ourselves, each other, and our planet because we're either too numb to feel what is happening, or too damn triggered by it to awaken from the nightmare.  

Of course, once we do start to wake up, to heal, our responsibility is to help others—even if just by kindness and the example of how we live. Some of us have a greater calling, a duty, toward this end, which is why we have so many lightworkers, shadow workers, empaths, sensitives, seers, therapists, healers, shamans, facilitators, pathfinders, and guides here now (and incoming). We're on the greatest transition team in the history of transition teams. And I think one thing we should all keep reminding each other is that yes, it's hard. It's really, really hard. We get here and we forget because the accumulated pain in this planet's trauma matrix generates temporary and repeated amnesia. But the pain we feel is everyone's, and that's part of what we signed up to do—to help hold it, for humanity. So, mission half-way accomplished, yeah?

And also this:

When it hurts especially badly, when we're angry and scared and we've forgotten the way and who we really are, we just have to remember to connect into the heart space. To just take a few breaths. Doing that, we can very quickly train the body to remember that we are not alone here— we are a radiant and powerful collective.

And as dark as it seems, we're actually succeeding in our work.  

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@bluebelle and @lawrence

Although few people thought T would last as long as he has, many people on this site, going back to 2016 when we first started asking ourselves how his tenure would end, many have seen Trump's tenure ending with a health issue, mainly stroke or for some reason he'd go quiet. I had said he's just go quiet. 

"The Trump Administration will end, not with a bang, but with a whimper."  (Jeanne Mayell, December 2016)


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Ive been thinking about this and have come to the conclusion that Trump has brought a significant portion of the country together after the left/right divide that has been happening over the last 30 years. Yes, his 30% base is off on their own little island, but they were there 30 years ago and will be there in another 30, Trump or not. The other 70% was splitting on political ideologies, but now they have come together in hatred of a common enemy-Donald J. Trump. Once we get out of this nightmare, that 70% is going to work hard together to keep this from ever happening again and instead of getting in esch others' way, we will all work together to trample the remaining 30% that has proudly joined the cult of Trump.

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Your thoughts on “digestive” or bowel issues related to amphetamines or STD might not be far off ... I saw this awhile ago:

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Nancy Pelosi interview today:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Sunday that President Donald Trump's conduct is "so much worse" than that of former President Richard Nixon, adding that Trump is insecure about being an "imposter." ??

But it's really a sad thing," Pelosi continued. "What the president did was so much worse than even what Richard Nixon did. At some point, Richard Nixon cared about the country enough to recognize that this could not continue." (So for anyone who is not paying attention Trump don’t care about this country)

Acknowledging that Sondland's credibility is in question, Himes said it "was not lost on Ambassador Sondland what happened to" Trump associates Roger Stone and Michael Cohen "for lying to Congress." 

My guess is Gordon Sondland is going to do his level best to tell the truth because, otherwise, he may have a very unpleasant legal future in front of him," said Himes, a member of the Intelligence Committee. 

The president and perhaps some at the White House need to know is that the words of the president weigh a ton," she continued. "They are very significant. And he should not frivolously throw out insults. I think part of it is his own insecurity as an imposter. I think he knows full well he's in that office way over his head, and so he has to diminish everyone else."

Adam Schiff  on T 

We will send that charlatan in the White House back to the golden throne he came from." The line was among the most enthusiastically received during the speech. "There is nothing more dangerous than an unethical president who believes he is above the law," he added.

The most grave threat to the life and health of our democracy comes from within, from a president without ethical compass, without an understanding of or devotion to our Constitution and the beautiful series of checks and balances it established," he said.


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Yikes. Thanks for sharing this, @saibh (although, lordy lordy, I should have opened that wearing some sort of hazmat suit since I feel like I need a decontamination shower now!). I found another article on the same blog's homepage about the neurosyphilis claim—bizarre. I wasn't educated on the longterm dormancy phase so I wasn't aware that syphilitic madness was still a thing. I want to believe the man would have noticed a lesion, but ... yeah.

And I had NO IDEA about anyone from the Apprentice breaking an NDA to publicly claim that The Don not only snorts prescription Adderall, much less to allege that he's also been wearing adult diapers due to subsequent bowel incontinence, since circa 2007(!). 

Back when I first saw amphetamine toxicity in T's energy (I actually heard those words clearly in my mind at the time; not sure I'd ever even heard of it before that), I wasn't expecting it. I didn't expect T to be a drug user at all, so when that came through, it was surprising and felt all the more true. (Those are the things I know I can trust most.) Then I realized several other people here were seeing something similar, and even heard an MSNBC host make a joke about it a couple of days later, I think.

I can't personally get a clear read on whether the diaper allegation is true (though I've definitely seen incontinence for him, I just assumed it was in his future). I watched the video clip linked on the blog, and yes, his pants do seem oddly bunched. Not suggesting the man made this up. I just know how vicious office (and presumably tv production set) gossip can get, especially under toxic leadership. It spreads light-speed-fast and has a way of getting totally out of hand. So, although this bit of info maybe fits my own and many other peoples' energy read, not to mention the side effects of that kind of long term drug abuse, I want to be ...fair? I don't know. Someone else here will know what's up. 

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I think I will still be laughing at that comment for a while!! Thank you, for that witty and truly funny one liner!

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well we all saw T go in to Walter Reed Hospital, but has anyone actually seen him come out >?       Is he still in there?      Did he survive?          What floor is the HELL?

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I have seen articles that say that he was there between 2 and 4 hours. However, I read some of the alt government accounts, and it seems that today Mango has no public availability either. Lets see if the press picks up on this, and watch to see how he looks when he finally is seen in public. The prediction that he has some sort of visible mental meltdown or impairment comes to mind. 

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Trump is either still in the hospital, or incapacitated somehow from the hosputal visit. All of his tweets yesterday, thru his last one less than an hour ago were written by someone else, but in a way as to make it seem like his typical morning lashout. Usyally when someone else tweets for him, they arent made to sound like his typical, unstable, self, but the last days worth are, yet the flow/style are different.

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He's at the WH. NBC reported that he was seen leaving Walter Reed with a tan envelope under his arm. 

He's always been unfit, but with all that's being exposed, I'm sure he's losing it. Most likely a panic attack or high blood pressure incident triggered by it all. Not only are there more and more credible witnesses to the Ukraine mess, but he's about to have his taxes revealed to congress. He's been hiding his taxes for eons. When he tried to sue an author over the claim that Drumpft wasn't a billionaire, the judge told him to prove what he was worth, and that would determine if he'd allow the case to go forward. Drumpft wouldn't comply. The case was dropped. 

When his taxes get revealed (even if it's just to Congress), so will his connections to Vlad and company. I think it will also shed new light on the Russian interference in the election. Mueller has always seemed to me to be a historical figure in this all, and even tho many felt his hearing was a dud, I never saw it in the history books this way. It resonated loudly with me when Carter said he was illegitimate. Maybe that was because of the dream I had just after the election where spirit told me "Hillary is president." 

I know that people don't think that he'd quit, but he won't have a choice. Agreeing to resign is the only way he can cut a non-prosecution deal. He's only free from prosecution as long as he's in office AND Barr is in place at this point in time. When one of those factors change, so does his legal standing. 

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