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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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I watched Bill Maher last night - recommend this particular show! His monologue was pretty funny (he also had Howard Stern and Amy Klobuchar on) ... I particularly loved it in his monologue when he said "....and Trump was sniffling...he suffers from TREASONAL allergies"... LOL

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I think the orange one is going more crazy by the scandal. At a rally he faked an orgasm

and of course even more crazy stories. My favorite is about a “soldier” he gave a Purple Heart to whose nose was glued back

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Posted by: @jessi1978

I think the orange one is going more crazy by the scandal. At a rally he faked an orgasm

Omg, Jessi, if you could have seen my face when I read that. ...NOPE. No, no, Unh-uh. Don't even want to imagine. (Though I do like imagining how the evangelical diehards in his base will be contorting themselves to explain that one.) ;)


Earlier today while my hands were busy taking care of mundane things around the house, two spontaneous visions poured in:

In the first, I was hit by a flashing scene of what may lie in Giuliani's future. I'll only share here that it isn't good and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even him. Seeing it actually left me feeling sadness for him, though I want to be clear that this isn't the same as condoning his actions or choices. Like anyone, Giuliani will be called to walk the plank his own deeds have built. 

It looks from the outside like he's losing his mind but, energetically, it just feels like desperation. Like an almost natural emotional response to the fact that he's completely lost control of his life. A once revered man has utterly forsaken his erstwhile moral guideposts (however contrived they may have seemed) and therefore lost his way. And because he's now completely under the control of forces he once proudly thought he could wrestle and win, he'll have to learn that hard, old-world lesson about the consequences of hubris: Pride before the fall, and all that. 

Or in more contemporary made-for-tv terms: Don't f&*k with mobsters if you wanna be a mobster. It don't pay. 

Rudy has permitted power to corrupt him, and certain of his appetites have been...well, unfortunate, to say the least, but he doesn't feel psychopathic. Under that hard veneer of denial he's using like an emergency flotation device, there's remorse. In fact, his energy is practically suffocating with shame. Sadly, my sense is that the man may not come face-to-face with his authentic emotions until after his death. And I feel sadness for that too.


In the second vision, I suddenly saw scenes from that great video montage, "It's Mueller Time!" that went online back in August of 2017. The video is a recreation of Daredevil season 1 finale. It's an FBI mass arrest scene but with the faces of T's Administration appointees. James Comey stands in the background, smiling over the fruits of Mueller's hard work (beneath a bit of graffiti that says, "Comey is my homey" The song, "From Russia with Love" plays over the footage. It's brilliant.

Anyway, I haven't thought of the video in a long time, but it popped up in a vision, rolling out in front of me today. I quickly processed that there are now so many more faces that should be added in, actual arrests/indictments due to Mueller's work. (I mean, how prescient was this filmmaker back in the summer of 2017, right?). Then, just as swiftly, I'm seeing the scene from The Wizard of Oz, where everyone is dancing and singing "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead."  Just clear as day.

And my brain instantly made the association with T's constant cries of "WITCH HUNT!" I laughed out loud. I felt so light and relieved!

In that scene from the film, everyone is suddenly filled with joy and relief. They literally begin dancing in the street (yellow brick road)—not unlike a vision so many of us here have had about what will happen when T is removed from office. I'm betting thousands will spontaneously start singing that very song (and as I write this, I'm certain others have already thought of it!). :)

Some time back, a few of us were discussing the deep symbolism of the The Wizard of Oz and its connection to the American story, and to T. The curtain gets yanked away to reveal what is just a bad man with bad hair, not a cool wizard at all. This suggests that, as with Nixon, even the most hardcore members of his base will eventually see the truth.

Of course, the joyous celebration the characters are having in the "ding dong the witch is dead" scene is cut short as soon as Dorothy realizes there's another witch who needs dispatching. It'll be the same after T is hauled out of the Oval or squashed under the White House. We'll be forced to confront other witches. But our true enemy will be the tragic divisiveness that is the legacy of this era. T didn't create it; he rose up because of it.    


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Loved your visions.  By the way, I have tried looking at the New Madrid fault as an RV exercise, and got nothing.  Will try again.  However, in today’s Shavasana meditation, I asked my spirit guides what I should know and I heard the words, “death throes.”  This describes what we are watching on a day to day basis:  the death throes of an administration.

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When I read about him and this orgasm he had at his rally I did not think it was true but then I dared myself to watch the video and OMG it was unreal. I only watched the one part and I turned it off. I can’t hear his voice. I am repulsed by that man.  

It’s so funny you mentioned James Comey I had just read an article on The NY Times that he wants to help bring down Trump

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Always painful, never pretty—"death throes" feels absolutely right. Thank you for sharing that, @bluebelle. There is definitely some desperate thrashing to go before this one finally succumbs, but this timeline continues to speed up so bizarrely—like we're all staring down the center of a cyclone. 

Also, thank you so much for looking into my Midwest natural disaster vision. Maybe the New Madrid fault isn't connected (perhaps this is more to the west, say Eureka, Kansas/Oklahoma, close to the earthquake "swarm" caused by fracking?). I don't know. More important are our prayers that it calms and doesn't come to pass. ? 

@jessi1978, you're far braver than I! The energy drain (from having to listen to him) aside, I wouldn't want to risk catching anything. *wink

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it's so hard to watch the news because they keep showing clips of him and I have to change the channel.

I was with my best friend (still my best friend) on Pinckney St. in Boston when Nixon resigned. We were watching it on TV. When he resigned, we heard the Boston Commons absolutely erupt. Oh how I long for something like that to return.

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Posted by: @bluebelle


Loved your visions.  By the way, I have tried looking at the New Madrid fault as an RV exercise, and got nothing.  Will try again.  However, in today’s Shavasana meditation, I asked my spirit guides what I should know and I heard the words, “death throes.”  This describes what we are watching on a day to day basis:  the death throes of an administration.

This is very interesting bluebelle because I listened to a bit of Trump's rally speeches on Friday night and Thursday night and what I was thinking as I listened was about Elizabeth Kubler Ross's five stages of grief:  denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. 

It seemed to me, listening to Trump, that he is very much stuck in and cycling through the denial-anger-bargaining phases.  Granted, he is a very angry man in general, but his denial ("it's a witch hunt!") and bargaining ("If I just come up with something like a China Trade deal, I'll be good!" ) are very clear right and strong right now. 

I don't know if he's gotten to the depression stage (he may be getting there, based on some changes I note in his physical appearance lately) and it is clear that he isn't anywhere near the acceptance stage (or ever will be, unless someone he trusts steps up to the plate and helps him get there). 

But, what came to me while listening to him is that he is quite clearly in the stages of grief over his pending demise as president.  So, the second I read your post and heard "death throes" it really resonated with me.  

And dang it, Baba, I still have not been able to get "Blow the man down" out of my head!  My husband and I were driving somewhere in the car today and he asked me what song I was humming, and I realized it was "Blow the man down."  At this rate, it might end up being the theme song I remember years from now when I think about the Trump presidency.  :)

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I was reading @VestraLux ‘s visions and had a thought that connected the “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” song to T’s rally performance where he (ewww) was pretending to have an orgasm to desperately entertain his crowd. It suddenly came to me that in French the translation for orgasm is “la petite mort” - “the little death” and that he is subconsciously acting out the final phases of his power and loss thereof. This lines up with what @bluebelle sensed as death throes of the administration and what @Rosieheart perceives as his stages of grief in dealing with the inevitable outcome of his time in office.

Here is a link to the connotations and uses of “la petite mort” in English if anyone wants to have a look:

And @Rosieheart, it really made me laugh that you can’t get “Blow the Man Down” out of your head. Maybe we should all sing that song to work up an energetic wave to wash away the evil that this particular individual has unleashed on the world!

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I try to mute trump when possible, and I can't even stand Steven Corbert's impression. I kind of blame the media for trump's election. trump was on the news constantly getting free attention, and it wasn't just fox news.

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@baba, when you mentioned washing away the evil, all I could hear was "I'm going to wash that man right out of my hair and send him on his way," from South Pacific. Now I can't get it out of my head. LOL

As for Mango and his not getting to EK Ross's fourth and fifth stage, we're dealing with a narcissist here, which can alter reactions. They have a hard time with reality do depression and acceptance would be hard for them to achieve. They will manufacture a new reality to fit what they want. Yes, inside he's more of a mess than what we see on the outside. But he tells himself he's in control. He lives in denial. We probably won't see the depression and acceptance phases, as they'll come when he finally can't deny there's any way out, and he'll slink off, claiming he's the victim so that it's not seen in public-well in his mind it won't be seen in public. Those of us who live in the real world already see his demise coming, and that he's the cause of it all. 


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Trump has ordered all troops withdrawn from Syria. I saw saw this headline and immediately felt while the situation is complex and many will be happy to end U.S. troop involvement abroad,  he is doing this because he's being blackmailed by Putin and/or the Turkish president. Our allies are upset. 

The potential for blackmail of a U.S. official is monitored and screened whenever anyone applies to work at the State Department and the CIA. Yet, here we have the most powerful official in the U.S. who has reached out to foreign powers and exposed himself in a way that they can control him. His son in law is also subject to blackmail because he has likely received favors from Saudi Arabia and possibly other foreign powers. Neither of them cares about this country, only about their own wealth, and both are too ignorant to understand the consequences of their actions. McConnell and China have a cushy relationship as well as with Russia. And we have a Republican controlled Congress that knows what is at stake here and they continue to enable it. 

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I believe Erdogan has information about the Kashoggi killing. He also controls how much money trump can make from his investments in Turkey, which are considerable. There are now more foreign leaders blackmailing trump, while the gop remains complicit.

The predictions about the US becoming less powerful in the world are coming true. I can't see how we ever recover, especially when Americans and the world discover (and they will) how easy it was to seize control of the US presidency. 


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With all that is at stake at this point I don’t understand why they (gop) don’t impeach or expose him. If trump is compromised they dont have to put up with all these insane things that will be exposed eventually and they will be seen as complicit- they have an easy out- why don’t they take it. I understand that most congressmen are less popular in their districts than trump but with full exposure they can ruin him and salvage themselves to some extent.

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@jaidy It's a gamble for them to expose him.  He's powerful and can crush them.  So far, no one who has come out against him has succeeded in turning others against him.  For some, it has ended their careers.  McConnell would have to turn first and he's got powerful money behind him. He is invested in ways we don't understand yet. Others may be invested because they've taken money or already done things that would get them in trouble too.  


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I believe it's just like my tarot cards said. For him I pulled The Emperor, The Devil, the Knight of Coins, The 6 of Swords, and Death.

I believe these cards were specifically telling me what he will end up doing to this country - exactly what he has done to all of his other businesses.

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Notwithstanding T's evident business interests and financial vulnerabilities in Turkey (or the intel Erdogan might have about Khashoggi's murder, etc.), T—like millions of people in this new upside down reality who now comprise the far right—has become a believer, a convert. Why threaten when you can politely convince?

Putin identified T years ago as a vulnerable (i.e., "useful") target (i.e., "idiot"), someone greedy enough for power and egotistical enough to be easily manipulated. The sort of person who so absolutely believes that his very destiny is to lead and lord power over others, that men and women everywhere fall over themselves to let him. And the sort of person whose weaknesses can be used to flatter and seduce him, and then, to exploit him—and thus, ergo, all of those people at his feet.

Lindsay Graham? Check. Moscow Mitch? Check. Rudy Giuliani? Check. Pat Robertson, Lou Dobbs? Check, check. [An irony is that a lot of these types—Steve Bannon for instance—understand this tactic preternaturally well, yet it's used against them all the time.]

The bigger issue is the reason that Turkey asked for and was given the green light by our so-called president to go hell-for-leather into Kurdish-held Syria. And that reason is oil. I wouldn't doubt if T was made to believe that he and his family will be given some secret stake in those resources once wrested and procured.

We should all be looking hard and seriously at Turkey's tentative new/periodic good terms with Russia. As Maddow discovered in the process of researching and writing her new book, because of Putin's corrupt mismanagement, Russia's economic viability is next to nil, and to-date, it's only got one game in town—oil. Should Russia (or its proxies) take control of a large enough fraction of the region, the entire world's economy would at their mercy.

We could see a global market crash overnight. Even without a crash, it would be an environmental tragedy. 

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Sounds about right, and terrifying. 

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I couldn’t imagine one lone wolf bringing down trump- I meant when the vote goes to the senate- they could collectively take him out without it resting on anyone’s shoulders and poof his power is gone. I can imagine many GOP senators have something to hide, but not all of them.

T changed course on the phone- there is the potential for another whistle blower if anything was said. 

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@vestralux the only thing I disagree with in your post is the word "ask".  No one ask dump they TOLD him what he was to do.  This is all about oil and has been planed for a longtime by Vlad.  Sending our troops to SA to "protect" their oil fields when they are the ones who produced the majority of the 9/11 bombers is ludicrus.  One retired general stated out troops are not mercenaries for hire.  It would be worth whileto  trace where the money from the SA royals paying for our protection goes.  I doubt it will go back to our government.  @Jaidy is right about doing business no the phone but when you are dealing with a narcissist whose arrogance knows no bounds this is what you get.  Dump will just try to tie everything up incourt for as long as he can.  Our only hope is that the Reps (althought I have nofaith in them at all) and the people (other than dumpers) get so tired of this that he has to go.

On another subject.  A video has been released on youtube that was made and shown, at Mar-lar-go at a rally of some sort, by a extreme pro-trump group.  If you haven't seen it you should.  It shows Dump as an action figure violently disposing of his "enemies".  The comments are as bad as the video.  Although some comments are as discusted as I was.  My favorite - dump couldn't move that fast if you held a bucket of KFC in front of him.  The WH has of course condemmed it, but the video was shown at Doral so the idea that at least one of the dump family or their associates not knowing about it is a little rideculous.  


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