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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Thanks for the energy boost, you all. Deetoo’s  message “There is faith in something unseen” resonates with me. And Spicy dancing turns it all into a dark comedy of the absurd that made me burst out laughing. 

It’s not like I thought he’d ever be removed from office by the Senate.  But as an empath I get caught off guard at the pain in our collective when these politicians throw mud at our democracy.  I too awoke this morning feeling collective unease.  

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1. Off topic - @lawrence - as a child Rip Taylor was a magical being to me. I'm sure he's tossing buckets of confetti at all the angels.

2. Re Trump appearance - he's looking more puffy than ever. Remember, the job, even poorly done, ages all of them. Hopefully the Office of the President will outlive Orange A$$clown. 

3. Re: Impeachment proceedings. I have the impression that Pelosi & Co. will just take all the No's they are receiving and just adding them to Articles of Impeachment.  CALL YOUR MoCs!!! Tell them that while that's fine, they need to get the Sargent-at-Arms to issue warrants for those who refuse to even appear.  This is uncharted territory. Even in Watergate, everyone who got subpoenaed showed up and testified eventually.

4. I'm traveling right now (which is why I haven't had much time to interact beyond likes) - in fact, I'm staying right next to the Pentagon. The energy all around here is very weird, and this morning there was a rogue wind blowing as I walked past the Pentagon with my hubby. I made us switch to a different street to walk on, both for the wind and the weird energy.  The people in uniform no longer look up and make any eye contact, ever. Used to be they'd at least smile or even just look at other pedestrians.

5. As we were walking, we had our usual polemic discussions about the goings-on here, specifically today's bad news in which obstruction has become a feature rather than a bug. I'm of the mind that those held in contempt of Congress (aka "Inherent Contempt") need to be pursued and prosecuted if they decline to comply. My husband argues that since this is uncharted territory, no one knows how to do that. He said "It could end up that a Civil War starts literally in the White House. Think about it. A duly sworn and appointed officer of Congress shows up at the White House with warrants for the thugs hiding inside. The Secret Service declines to let the officer and their posse in and ask them to leave the grounds. They refuse. Shots are fired from the Secret Service agents on the roof. The armed Capitol/Congressional police fire back. Maybe it ends there and it's known as the Civil War in the White House. Or maybe it spreads from there, who knows." **  My husband up til now has NEVER discussed the possibility of civil war breaking out from all this. If HE'S starting to think it might happen, we're probably already well on the way. 

6. Government purges continue unabated - friends of ours who work in different federal agencies at middle to upper levels are being forced out by hook or by crook.

7. Still feel like everything is accelerating, and things will happen so fast we'll barely have time to breathe.  Looking forward to heading home and taking some quiet time, and then heading to a short, unplugged vacay in Hawaii.

As Dan Rather says: "Breathe!"

Much love to all of you!

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OK Lawrence, if I find out you were friends with James Stewart or James Cagney I am going to pass out lol.  They are my favorites!  Condolences to you about your friend.  My father loved humor like his.

Bettas are gorgeous and elegant and have IQs roughly 50 points higher than Donald Trump.

I remember how many eyerolls I got when I would comment, before the election, that Twitler was a power-hungry authoritarian fascist.  It was so obvious.  I don't understand how people can be so blind.

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Jeanne -- With the Kurds about to get slaughtered and the white house basically taking a position that the moron is above the law, I completely understand feeling unease in the collective. I do too.

There are predictions on this site about how when this is all over the US is less powerful in the world, and I can see why. We're about to abandon our allies, and about to withdraw from a treaty (Clear Skies?) that has the possibility of breaking the north atlantic alliance. All to serve putin's interests, all discussed on phone calls we won't ever know about because the notes will remain hidden.

I know folks are seeing trump on a downhill slide, but whether that happens or not the damage he's doing is accelerating at an alarming rate, and a lot of what he's doing is irreversible. Breaking federal institutions, alliances, while the GOP does nothing. I really fear for what we will look like as a country -- not just when he's gone, but even in a couple of months.

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@Lynn, Thank you for bringing back the reality of it all and the perspective. I always want to stay awake to what is going on, and then find my center in it. Being here in 2019 is like being in a carnival ride where the ground keeps shifting and you have to keep finding your balance in it.  

I posted a dream I had while at a retreat this weekend, but then deleted it thinking it wasn't adding to the conversation. Now I want to put it up again because it so fits the roller coaster we are on and our position in it. 

This past week I stayed at a power spot in the Mojave Desert. The sky was a dome of light. I asked spirit to show me how the Trump situation would unfold. But as so often happens, I wasn't told what I wanted to know, I was told what I needed to know: 

I was hunkered down in a cave like place. I couldn't tell if it was a basement or a mine shaft.  I was with a group of other people, who I felt was our community who come here to this site. I was holding an infant close to my chest the whole time.

We were getting news of the battle between dark and light that was going on above ground.  The battle kept swinging back and forth like a tug of war and every shift in power affected us. We are empaths. We feel not just our own pain, but the whole collective. 

At one point, the situation above ground felt scary for us and so I shifted to a deeper part of the mine shaft, feeling I needed to protect the baby. 

We all continued to congregate together below ground in that shelter.

I was given the sense that the outcome was undecided and that what was important was to have heart strength, courage, through it all.

The message I received was reassuring: true safety was something I had to achieve in my own heart. Spirit wasn't going to comfort me with how the battle would resolve.  

I know that up ahead the dark ones will lose power. Deetoo's message to me after I posted my distress yesterday is the one I need to keep replaying: ride the waves . Know that there are unseen protections here. Stay awake and have faith in the light of our universe. 

As I write this, a message appears on my phone screen that the Turkish president has just announced his troops are moving an offensive towards the Kurds that Trump has now left unprotected. Sending light to those poor people. 



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@cdeanne, I was just joking around based on appearances. A beta is such a graceful creature, unlike the occupant of Pennsylvania Ave. I could see why a beta was chosen-and wasn't trying to disparage your vision in any way. Just trying to inject some levity. The rapid pace in which the you know what will be hitting the fan daily seemed to warrant a little humor. Sorry if that humor was as little as the beta in question. 


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Thanks for your post.  I always draw strength from your words.

I have opened a topic on the Kurds and Trump's latest move and pending Middle East destabilization. . I hope more Americans begin to understand what is happening there and the history of our involvement.  Trump does not understand what he is doing or any history. 

Americans can't know their karmic role unless they know the history of the Kurds and how our country has used them and the  Middle East for its own gain. Once we see the truth of our own history and actions, then people can decide what is the right and wrong thing to do. Meanwhile,  I weep for those people.

Trump’s foreign policy makes our country the bad guys in this world . Go here to post any responses on the Kurds so we can keep this thread focussed on it's title. 

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Zero apology necessary!  I truly appreciated your humor, and 100% agree with you re the gracefulness of a Betta (one of my son's most cherished pets when he was a kid) and that Trump, both physically and through his actions, is light years away from being described as anything remotely graceful.  At first glance, the metaphors dreams and visions within meditations use can sometimes (often!) seem unusual, even surprising in their exaggerations.  Dreams' and meditations' messages/insights are always delivered with love, and when they're injected with humor (just as your thoughtful response of levity was!), even humor as bizarre as depicting Trump as a tiny fish with even tinier 3-Stooges-like fishy cohorts, the intention is to get our attention AND add lightness when things feel especially dark and heavy=an act of ultimate kindness.  Thank you, @cindy, for your kind messages!    

Jeanne Mayell, lenor, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @polarberry

OK Lawrence, if I find out you were friends with James Stewart or James Cagney I am going to pass out lol.  They are my favorites!  Condolences to you about your friend.  My father loved humor like his.

Bettas are gorgeous and elegant and have IQs roughly 50 points higher than Donald Trump.

I remember how many eyerolls I got when I would comment, before the election, that Twitler was a power-hungry authoritarian fascist.  It was so obvious.  I don't understand how people can be so blind.

I think it's because as a nation we idealize the powerful and wealthy. I had the same experience when trying to talk to Trump supporter in 2016: 'He's a BUSINESSMAN'.  Like that proves his fitness to hold the office.  Americans seem to have collective thinking that something isn't worth doing unless you can make lots of money doing it. It seem to be embedded in our DNA. When I think about the few folk still in my life who make excuses for him I realize that to a person, they are all suck ups. Some of them may be rethinking now, but not many. 

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I know a few people who have dreamed of protecting babies recently.  Isn't that interesting?

It reminds me of what the Kurds are gong through right now  in addition to our nation.  He is playing a game of ping pong but with lives at stake as well as the foundation of this nation.



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Your message resonated with me and reminds me of a short short I wrote many many moons ago (it's under my maiden name)  I hope it's ok to share it.  This story (or channeled message??) keeps coming to me......  I feel we are going through a deep and long cleansing.  As a lot of you, I am also getting a very uncomfortable and unsettling feeling. Everything feels off kilter and meditating, keeping the peace and bringing light to this situation can move things along.


They came in flocks.

It all started long ago in a quiet sleepy town. Lizbeth was an innocent, a babe thrown into the wild and chaos of earth. Nobody really knows exactly what happened. But one crisp, blue morning, a scream was heard for miles. There was no mistake who was screaming. You have to understand, Lizbeth had a special voice--it was angelic--it was what dreams were made of.

Everyone always knew she was special; the smile, the empathy, the sympathy, the caring for the elderly, caring for the wounded, caring for the animals, caring for the unruly. Lizbeth had the power to move mountains and all was affected by her presence. To be honest, I never really thought of her as human--to me, she was a myth. I grew up hearing stories about her and I came to know her as one would know an angel.

According to the legends, something changed her life. Some say it was the evil on this earth--the more spiritual types said she just couldn't handle the energy here . . . I don't know but she left town, never to be seen again.

Until now.

The earth was in the midst of upheaval.

The planet was dying.

Everything was out of control--people fleeing in all directions. There were earthquakes and floods and mass destruction everywhere. I tried to get my family away from the drowning city but there seemed to be obstacles everywhere I turned. It is hard to talk about this without crying.

And it is difficult to explain.

But something happened. A quiet peace enveloped me--a calmness washed over me--filling my heart and soul with something so brilliant, so white, so light, so . . . suddenly I understood. Without panic, my family and I moved out and away from the dying city and that's then we came upon them: There were millions of people walking, with a strange presence about them; peaceful; unhurried.

It was eerie but beautiful. And in the distance, I saw her. Lizbeth.

My angel.

She had gathered all of the hurting children and animals of the world to
this location where peace and love were the only things they knew. And now, during this mass destruction, millions of us were heading home. Starting life anew.

Copyright (c) 1998 Kimberly McCandless

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And I am utterly blown away that his corruption is in plain and public view and so many turn a blind eye.  My heart hurts tonight for the Kurds. 

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The sacrifice of the Kurdish people for personal gain might be the turning point. Fox news just released a poll saying 51% favor iimpeachment AND removal, 4% favor just impeachment, and 40% favor no impeachment. Its not a huge number but for Fox to release something this damning as their own poll is massively bad for Trump.

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I think about all the prayers and light I focused on Robert Mueller and feel kind of sick. Like my husband says, it did nothing to control or prosecute Trump's crimes and instead bought him 2 years of time. It made the Congress and Senate point and say they were doing something when they ultimately did nothing. I feel like maybe I squandered it on the undeserving. What dud he turned out to be.

Now I focus that energy on the people who really need it: those suffering in border camp/prisons, INS facilities separated by their families, fleeing murderous gangs in Central America, the women, always the women in the US, Central American, Mexico, Venezuela, the Middle East, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan--they are always under threat from brutes and bullies. It's like the world does not care, they are just a negotiating tool. Not ever given the consideration of sanctuary. I feel like we need a new order of female warrior monks who can build abbeys to shelter them. We can call them religious orders... whatever but those are the only walls I can advocate for until these men can lead humane societies and share power and cooperate, they do not deserve their women.

Another focus of my attention (prayer, energy, light) are others betrayed such as the Kurds. The US keeps making the same mistakes. I wonder if perhaps because we do have a strong harmonic convergence with the Trump energy-- that greedy, aggressive, bombastic, mercenary, self worshipping narcissistic, vibe. Also those who are now climate refugees because of our greed in the corners of the world that we conveniently ignore.

I have been experiencing some Neptune transits (Neptune conjunct Saturn and Neptune squaring my Moon, Neptune trine Neptune) and feel like I cannot trust my perception/read of the nation and world.... and I have trouble keeping my center/balloon armor shielding me from unsettling/negative energy as well as trusting my intuition of energies this past year. The worst of this influence is supposed to change in the early months of 2020. I feel like there is little insights I can offer and my best bet is to self-protect, do a lot of reading-perhaps engage in some studies/education, and meditate/pray. 2020 is an 8 year for me and it signifies completion. There is an educational goal connected to my professional life I have been working towards on & off and I expect to complete that. So I thank the people here for their generosity and more grounded prophecy and interpretation. It really helps to read it.


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@kimskorner, this morning I was feeling so much anger over the Kurdish story that I didn't know where to turn.  And then I read your incredible story.  This sense of calm washed over me.  I feel very sad now, but peaceful.  Thank you for sharing your beautiful message with us.  And welcome to the community!  

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Don't read too much into the Reps speaking out against the Dump discission to withdrawl.  Leonengrad Lyndsay spoke out against the withdrawl then yesterday insisted that all Reps inCongress sign a loyalty agreement to stand by Dump against his impeachment.  It's called CYA!  The Reps are song anything they can to stay in power even thought they have to realise they very well could be facing a losing battle.  If the elections are fixed, which thanks to MoscowMItch, theymay be, they will always be taninted as week willed spineless grubby cowards that they are!

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@polarberry No, I  didn't know those two. Before my time. Thanks 

I greatly appreciate all the comments.

@TriciaCT Thanks for the great story about Rip.

@jeanne-mayell Per you vision of holding the child, there a heartbreaking photo of a dead Kurdish child laying face down all over the internet. It is devastating sad.

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I know it is hard to see the things that are being done which harm others, or put others in harm's way. I like to look for the best outcome. It's not that I don't feel for those who have had negative consequences, but I believe that by focusing on the positive, we put the energy out there for a better outcome than what we would achieve by dwelling on the negative. 

Things are starting to snowball and unravel for this administration. Just this morning two of RG's associates were arrested on felony charges with election finance crimes related to the Ukraine. Betsy DeVos could possibly be charged with crimes relating to student loans. The wheels of Justice may not always move swiftly, but they keep on turning. 

Keep in mind that we have pure souls with us of all ages. Look at Jimmy Carter. The man is 95 and he still works physically to aid the homeless. Even when injured. Things will get better. Have hope. 

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Hi All, I know we are all weary and sad for what the orange nightmare is doing to the Kurds, people at the border, etc. and to our country. I feel so sad for folks but as Yogagirl and others have stated it's also time to remain positive, - and Lord I'm trying!  I decided to dig out my Doreen Virtue Angel Tarot cards and asked "Will Trump and his evil cohorts be stopped by the next Presidential Election?". I threw 3 cards:

The Chariot (Archangel Metatron) Message: "An Important achievement. Self-discipline and willpower. Public Recognition"

Nine of Water - Message: "Your wish comes true! Concerns fade away. A love of life."

Ace of Air - Message: "Brilliant new Ideas and inspirations. Seeing the truth of a situation. A Challenging beginning."

This to me is a resounding Yes. I then asked for God, my guides, the angels to give me just one (card) message for us all. Anything they wanted to tell us about this whole situation.  I drew this card:

JUSTICE (Archangel Raguel) - Message: "Fair and just decisions. Do what you know is right. Stand up for your beliefs."

Gives me a bit of hope and I hope it does for you too. ? 


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Breaking news uodate:CNN: Two men connected to Giuliani's Ukraine efforts charged with funneling foreign money into US election.

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