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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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MoscowMitch has released a campaign ad stating that he will not allow an impeachment vote in the Senate.  typical Mitch.

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re whistleblower:  I'd heard that there are now multiple whistleblowers (more than 2) being represented by Zaid.  I'm going to contribute to Zaid's whistleblower gofundme page referenced in an earlier post.

@yogagirl, so MM is saying no impeachment trial in the Senate?  i.e., after T. is impeached in the House, it will die there?  M. is despicable.  How can he, or any of them, sleep at night.  But justice will ultimately prevail.


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@laura-f and @cindy, thank you for your wicked humor!  I'll never look at Uranus in the same way.

Oh, and @Cindy, regarding my vast knowledge of the planets -- the first time I saw Jupiter, it was so large and bright that I asked my husband if it was a UFO.  




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My best friends cousin worked for MM and she say he is the atotally dispicable person.  He has been planing this power grab since he was in law school.  Trust me we dems havedone everythin we can short of assassination to get him out of office.  Unfortunetly Eastern Ky is very poor and uneducated and will believe anything he says because he claims to be a good christian and against everything any liberal say and Western Ky is home of the rich land owners who want all the tax breaks he gives  them.  The  Dems are  in  the big cities,  ie Louisville and Lexington.  My best friend and I are seriously  thinking of trying tofind an island somewhere to live  on!

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@JeanneMayell @Vestralux @Lawrence @Lovendures @Deetoo

Really, my message is to all of you posting on this thread.  You give me such hope.  These past two weeks have been a roller coaster for me, high one moment, low the next.  Sometimes I am filled with so much optimism and confidence, I don't understand why anyone around me can be skeptical of the outcome or doubt that Trump will be removed.  Then a few days ago, I got jittery and nervous and starting thinking about the GOP Senate and how they've protected Trump all along.  So, I took some time to garden, walk in woods and breathe.  With new perspective, this moment in time feels different from everything we've been through in the past nearly three years.  There are cracks in the Republican wall and as another whistleblower comes out, more whistleblowers can be emboldened to do the same.  My sense is that a lot more evidence is coming and more crimes will be exposed.  

I love all your posts and our community.  We really can choose light, optimism and there's power in that.  It's all about enduring the chaos and believing the best solution will come forward.  For the historical record, the GOP supported Nixon...until they didn't.  Then they forced Nixon to resign.  It feels as though history is repeating itself only on a higher level that threatens our very democracy, our institutions.  It's more than just a corrupt president involved as there are cabinet members and politicians who have crossed a line, emboldened to say anything, do anything to keep power.  As Vestralux says, we have to expose our flaws and deal with our failures before we can heal as a nation.

Thank you, Jeanne, for all you do in sharing this venue with us, in creating a space where we can share our intuitive selves.  Everyone here brings a special gift and a loving heart.  

Thank you all for your encouragement, your sense of humor and your gifts.  Much love to you.

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There was a dem last night holding a town hall where she was shouted down that all the bad info on Trump was fake news. It's discouraging - now, as was pointed out, not everyone felt this way, just the loudmouths.  It was a state where Trump won by 7 points.

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Thanks for the lovely thoughts. We make each other stronger. That's the beautiful gift this site provides. Thanks @jeanne-mayell for providing this safe space.

As you stated bluebelle, all the unique voices adds so much to the positivity here.

Have a happy and peaceful Sunday everyone, knowing we're already there. I've started projection that T is already gone. I feel it helps to support and move the creative energy in the universe. It also helps us all to move out of any fearful moments we may experience.




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Posted by: @vestralux


I'm also an astrologer and a longtime tarot practitioner. I've been pretty busy for the last several weeks and have only been able to poke in and read this thread here and there, but I think I did catch where you'd said, some days back, that you believed Trump's story—that he has never been a drinker or used drugs of any kind—and may even have disagreed that there's an association between the Seven of Cups (Neptune) and substance use (please forgive me if I'm mistaken).

I was surprised. Not just because Trump is a known liar. But because his use of stimulants (illicit and prescribed) is well known. But more so: Neptune in its lowest vibration (all planetary energies represent an energetic scale) is the god of mists, illusions, delusions—maya. And maya is a realm of attachment and addiction. Drunken debauchery, laudanum ladies, the crack epidemic, the opiate epidemic—all of it. Of course, when we awaken in the dream and choose to stand in the truth, whatever the truth may be, Neptune bestows its highest vibration to us like a gift: lucid dreams, visions, intuition. 

Since you seemed unfamiliar with the lower vibration of Neptune I've just described, it surprises me that in this current convo, you seem a bit more keen on the lower vibration of Uranus. You're right; it's a Tower, a shock, a total upending of the conventional order of things. But @Lawrence is also right: Uranus is innovation, brilliance, electricity—the Future. And we need to integrate all of those things in order to bring the highest of those things forward.

Fear and dark perspective-taking will deliver as ordered. But more powerful than that are optimism, clarity, and wisdom. So, I choose the latter. And I know the beautiful people who make up this community do too; it's why they are so often accurate in their predictions. ...And why they are a fundamental part of the necessary change we are helping to create in the collective as we speak.   

And that is also Uranus. 


Thank you for your time to explain lower vibration or higher vibration.  as I said before, it depends on the surrounding cards in a layout for me to determine which cards influence the Tower - good or bad.

does that make sense?  also, minors have less of an influence than the major arcana cards.

I've played and dabbled with many tarot decks since the age of 16.  I am now 67 and consider myself to be well versed with the Tarot.

I've also learned psychic development at the same time and learnt from the best mediums throughout my 20's and for several years.

For the past several years I've used the Tarot less and less and rely more on my gut, meditation, and I carefully listen to the intuitive voice in my head during my early morning quiet time. 

yes, I have great conversations with my spirit guides.    some convos are quite entertaining and others are very sober, grounded, and a bit shocking.

Thank you for your insights, I appreciate it.  everyone here has something wonderful to offer.



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As you said— it was a red state. I have been traveling all over this week and everyone I meet can’t stand trump.  My Republican neighbors can’t stand him.  Fox pundits are sick of him.  Whenever some fringe group of loud people make noise it shows up in the press.

I worked for a while as a publicist. Publicists try to make it look like something is trending when it is not.  It’s an old trick.  

I know it is upsetting to read of a meeting where a dem was shouted down but it doesn’t mean anything.  It’s just noise. 

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Posted by: @vestralux

Spring feels like a new energy. Not recovered, by any means—that will take time. But maybe brighter somehow. 

At the read the future night in June, I sensed that by summer 2020 a fresh, positive energy would be settling in and that the American collective would be rounding a corner. I don't have much experience channeling the future, so thank you vestralux for confirming one of my intuitions.

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Thank you for your important words, @bluebelle. And for the reminder: History is absolutely repeating.

And thank you, @Jeanne-Mayell, for everything you do to make this space possible.


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Lots of gratitude to one another and to Jeanne for this site. Just lovely!

Now, here's another lovely thought!

CNN: Former Trump Organization executive says she expects President Trump will resign.

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I've been getting emails from N. Pelosi looking for donations (sorry I can't), and it said the reps. have set a $8 million attack.

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@deetoo - you're welcome. And are you sure it was Jupiter? Sure you weren't looking at Uranus?


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I sense that TRUMP knows he's in big trouble and that the GOP will be turning on him too. He is getting more and more desperate.. look for him to try and cause some chaos and public disturbances. This will be short lived though. 

We are nearer and nearer to watching him implode.

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I feel this too.  My readings of Trump is that he just goes quiet and I can't see him as President. I feel he won't be impeached, but the reason for resigning won't be corruption, but sickness. I think this will be the excuse for him to go.  He's ill and won't be able to carry out his duties as President. 

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I currently live with a narcissist. I moved my elderly parents in with me, as they can no longer take care of themselves. Watching a narcissist devolve or decline is not pretty. They attack others without just cause, they threaten everyone who may see them as week or losing power. And when they don't get their way, they try to blame others, and cast themselves as the victim. They'll even become violent-taking aim at anyone nearby. This is why I can see IQ45 resign. He'll need someone to blame other than himself, so he'll vacate before he can be found guilty with an impeachment. He'll claim the unwarranted attacks on him from day one harmed his health, so he has to leave before they kill him, or some other such nonsense. He may actually have health issues, but they're of his own making. He isn't capable of taking any responsibility for his own actions. Never will be. 

This is what we can expect from the White House as things go south. Have faith that we have long-term government and military employees who will be containing the messes they can. The imploding one will give orders, many in public, and the employees will be yes men to his face to try and limit his attempt at carnage (when you deny them, things escalate), but whether they act at all or slow walk everything to contain the impact of those orders, they'll try to negate his attempts at chaos. 

The more he acts out, the more quickly things will move to have him removed from office. Judges know this administration is corrupt-just yesterday a judge ordered all calls/transcripts of dealings with foreign leaders to be preserved.  This is unusual, as such preservation is covered by the Presidential Records Act. Obviously she doesn't trust the DOJ to see to it that the law is obeyed. I get that. Bush/Cheney didn't obey it either, using RNC email servers for official emails they wanted to keep secret, and then they wiped the servers. 

With more whistleblowers showing up, I will not be surprised as we see more and more damaging information come out. It wouldn't even surprise me to find there are things that will make it so that the Republican Senate will feel the need for impeachment. It happened with Nixon, and he's a petty thief in comparison. 



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Well said, Cindy. As for your  comment,"The more he acts out, the more quickly things will move to have him removed from office."

I think we all hope this will speed up the process for absolutely everyone's sake.

I open the news and all i see is everything speeding up like crazy. I almost feel sorry for his disintegration but i know in my heart that deep inside there is a soul whose volunteered ,if you will, to play this heinous part in the necessary disintegration of all that was corrupting our world, to bring greed, power, corruption, and evil into the light of our current dimension of understanding in order to catalyst enormous changes in all of us, and in our world in the eons ahead.

I hope and pray and believe that once all that does not serve a higher good will someday be re-created/manifested/re-born into something of a far higher energy and energetic vibration, all that is, all of us that are still left alive after climate changes etc.etc. and all of our world will evolve.

But for now, the caretakers and the caregivers of this earth and its current inhabitants, all of us who have given so much to others, cared fir them, sought to find some good in the work of caregiving/caretaking (like you, Cindy in this incredibly challenging role you have undertaken now with your father), with the loss of a beloved spirit-being of your daughter, the list goes on and on in all our lives, all our giving, sharing, forgiving and all our.physical and spiritual good-doings,  will be part of some greater and better and higher good of loving that will rise up into the highest and only real power ..

Love to  you, Cindy. May your challenges ease soon-- for your sake and his and your mom's and for everyone else who is hurting everywhere . Bless you for hanging on to your light and your love with all the power and strength and incredible courage this role has taken. 

And just for entertainment purposes, here's your titled "IQ45"s latest self-fulfilling prophecy move:

"Trump amps up complaints, says Pelosi may be guilty of treason."

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I can relate to your post about living with a narcissist.

I took care of my ailing father until he died at 90 yrs old last May. It was very tough, I knew how he really was my whole life. My brother moved away after law school, never to return so he could get away from my dad after we both lost our dear mother when she was only 42. My father treated her like crap and everyone around him when he didn't get his way. My husband helped me bath him, take him to his Dr. Appts even after we had to put him in assisted living right down the road we were always there to make sure he was ok. My dad was nasty to most of the nurses and helpers and racist against the black people and they almost kicked him out of the nursing facility for it. My dad was a more loving person too, not like Trump in many ways, but there is a part of Trumps behavior that reminds us both of my father. My dad was always trying to tell anyone who would listen how he was a "businessman". My father was not a well educated man but very handy and resourceful but he lost all his money in the stock market - a million dollars!

Sorry for the long story, that's why I agree with your summation on how he will resign and why. It fits to "T" how I see him acting and feeling after being raised by a narcissist myself.

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Love and blessings to you. Sharing your story is a gift to all of us. I know that many, many here understand and can relate. We are all such kindred spirits here in so many, many ways.

So much power, strength and goodness among this tribe of ours ???


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