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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Thanks Jeanne. I'll check when I return from vacation.

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell


I'd like to post your prediction as a hit but can't find it. Can you spot your prediction by attaching a link to it?  Thanks! 

Posted by: @lawrence

Love Mayor Pete's intelligence and vibrant spiritual energy. Like others here, he gave me hope and healing after these two dreadful years of negativity. Also have good vibs from Harris. Thinking this might be the winning ticket. I also told a friend recently that a GOP canidate will run against T and cause him considerable damage. Heard that Weld just announced today. And important to remember, T has rapidly declining cognitive abilities. As I've stated before, I feel he has dementia like his father and it's quite advanced.

Lawrence's hit

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Thanks @Cindy. 

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@deetoo We are trying !  Sorry I haven' been on for a whle, I am still dealing with the fallout of my hacker the SOB!  Amy McGraph has a new campaign ad where she uses the 100 miners who went to DC to talk to Turtle and he snubbed them.  It is very powerful!  I feel like she is using the right stradegy in dealing with him.  So far all he has done is call her names copying his dear friend Dump.  There are a lot of people in the state that will vote for him if he grows horn and declairs himsel the devil incarnate.  There are just as many, like these poor miners, who are fed up.  They have been shafted and now they know it for sure.  The fact that she is a retired LtCol in the Marines and a fighter jet pilot will help over come the fact that she is a women.  She is married and has two children so I think she comes off as very well rounded.  MoscowMitchs is polling very low in the state and now that one of hs main backers (Koch) is dead he may have a very hard time.  Especially since Dump announced he is looking in to distroying Medicare and Socil Security which he SWORE he wouldn't do.  These guys are coming off more and more as liers and people are getting sick of it.  Dump was here last week but I didn't hear much about his rally.  I don't however watch thenews.  I'm sure he had the usual hangers on including the governor.  That may not be a good thing since the governor has pissed off a lot of people here.

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MSNBC - The Last Word - There is an unconfirmed report (source is someone tied to Deutshe Bank) that the bank HAS Trump's (and family members) tax returns.

Further - that Trump took out loans AND there were co-signers....and the co-signers were Russian Oligarchs closely tied to Putin.

IF TRUE - this would explain all the Russia pandering this president does and why he would want to hide his tax returns.  This would be why Trump wants to keep his tax records hidden, it will show he lied on loan papers and would connect him to loans with the Russian Oligarchy through a bank with a history of laundering Russian money.


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I saw/heard the allegations of no/low tax payments and Russian oligarch loan co-signers on The Last Word, too.  I'm inclined to believe trump makes no/low tax payments because it's consistent for trump to disregard laws and to lie/cheat as much as he can get away with.  I''m also inclided to believe he needed "real" billionaires to co-sign his big fat bank loans because he's such a deadbeat and bad risk. It would also explain why trump is Putin's willing bitch.  

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@codyroo and @kb,

I'd also heard that on The Last Word.  Lawrence was quick to point out that he only had one source who told him about the oligarchs cosigning the loans.  But if it's true, I believe more will come out over time.  Rachel Maddow also talked about the Deutsche Bank involvement.  I wonder if we'll ever see T's tax records before he's out of office?  

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I also appreciate how at MSNBC, they will (at least) give the appearance of fairness....I don't think such a thing is done by the Faux opinion talking heads.  I watched the Rachel M handoff to Lawrence and instead of feigning outrage, she was just "Wow! Really?!"  and later added how she hadn't even played out THAT scenario in all the scenarios she had likely thought about.  Hers should be an interesting show to watch tonight.

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I would love to have a gif of Maddow's reaction when she was listening! It was priceless.

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Hi just recently found and joined site . Love reading the information people are posting. Its obvious Trump was and is compromised by Russians

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And, sadly, that...was....that.  L. O'Donnell now is saying he was wrong to report on the story.  Not sure if he is retracting it.....or he was wrong to report it.....

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This is psychic, not 100 percent based on reported and verified information, but I feel with all my gifts that it's true and have written this now for several years on this site.  I haven't written about it recently because I thought at this point I'd made the point enough.  What's unclear is how and whether this information will come to light. The recent article about Kremlin-friendly oligarchs co-signing or in some way backing DT's Deutche bank loans feels correct and fitting with all we know and mostly what we sense about the Russian president's relationship with Dumbo and P's network of dark money associates. 

As an intuitive, I sometimes see and feel things that I can't be absolutely sure of.  Then they turn out to be correct though not all.  

Then there are the things I am 100 percent  sure of. Mostly they are big predictions, long term predictions.  And so far those predictions have been correct. 

(This website provides a track record of anyone who makes predictions here and is willing to be tracked. My hope is that we could assess people's accuracy by keeping a statistical count at some point.) 

I've been certain about the climate predictions I've been making for 20 years and now they are coming true - that climate change would happen much faster than science would be able to predict.  

I also had a near certainty about the year 2019 -- that it would be the darkest year yet, especially towards the end, and between 2019 and 2020 we'd see an economic downturn. (I hope the recession won't happen). 

All of which gets me to what I feel about Dumbo and P (you know who P is, right?):

I am 100% certain that Dumbo  is a Russian asset.  That our president is under P.'s influence. 

--That Dumbo is both admiring of the man and is afraid of him.  

--That P is the one person Dumbo will never disparage, as long as the Russian has him over a barrel.  That he will do anything to please that man.

Of course, they both know that DT has to try to conceal his cult-like devotion of the Russian president or the U.S. people will figure it out and end DT's reign.  So DT makes some decisions that make him look like he's not P's lap dog. When I read in the news that Dumbo is doing something against the Russians, I believe it's a show.  Because our president is doing the big things for the Russians. 

P has DT over a barrel, and could expose him in many different ways if Dumbo ever turned against him. That's why Dumbo will never turn against him. That is why Dumbo adores him and reaches out to him and feels so excited when he gets to speak to him. Because he fears him and needs assurances that he is pleasing his boss.

At this point, our Dumbo has  almost a hostage mentality. 

I have written elsewhere here that Dumbo has a back channel for connecting with the Kremlin  I believe they are fed our classified information. I also believe Kushner  gives away classified information when he can - to the Saudi Prince and to whomever he feels will help him financially.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy was caught back in late 2016 talking about who he believes P pays. Do you remember that? It was a Republican insider meeting that got cozy but there was a tape recorder going and one of the papers leaked what he said. He said that he believes Dumbo is one of those who is paid. Ryan was heard saying that we keep this in the family and they are family. Then Dumbo became president and they stopped talking about that for good. 

I've said for years that the Russian president reached out to DT via his wealthy criminal associates, and so, yes, through loan guarantees, through promises of real estate investment, and real estate hotel permits, and through a vast network of businesses.  

P.S. Sorry if I sound like a broken record about this. 

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wondering if any psychics/tarot card readers - anyone - can tell us what's going to happen with all this election rigging. 

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@codyroo: O'Donnell retracted because the bullies got to him.  But it doesn't change what I know in my heart, what we all know. The truth will eventually come out. 

Sending love and healing to Lawrence O'Donnell.  Sending all protection to him. He's a good man. 

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@suspira44. I feel it's not known yet. I feel we will need a blue landslide for a blue win because of the bias built into the system and the Cambridge Analytical-Style social media disinformation campaign. 

Some of the people who weighed in at the last Read the Future night have excellent track records. The consensus among them was a blue win.

But I personally did not feel it was yet determined.  Not everything is decided yet. 

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Re O'Donnell retraction:  does anyone know the ins and outs of programs such as Lawrence's?  Do these stories have to pass through station management before they air?  My sense is pressure was put on management, who in turn put pressure on O'Donnell.  

I don't believe it was as much a retraction, as it was a statement that he shouldn't have reported it.  I guess my question is, had the story been corroborated by others, would he have still been told to retract it?

@yogagirl, yes, Dumbo Jr. said something like that.

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Jeanne doesn’t sound like a broken record to me, sounds like the truth.  I have a friend locally that is an intuitive and she has said for the last year Dumbo was going to get in big trouble when his finances come to light.  Looks like you both hit it to me.  I’m sure they will try to keep it from seeing light of day but I don’t think it will work.

If I,m not mistaken didn’t Dumbo, Jr say during the campaign in an interview that they can get all the money they needed from Russia?  He actually bragged about it.  I’m sure they were speaking about Dumbos business, but still how stupid can you get?  LOL evidently pretty stupid!  

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he said something like it was based on just one source, and he shouldn't have reported it.  It did not go through their rigorous verification process. And boy, it sounds like the network was threatened big time.

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Here's a little fantasy/prediction that one commenter named CMinor7 wrote at the end of a WAPO news article tonight. The article was about General Mattis' scathing judgment of Trump's habit of negating our allies and in fact negating everyone he works with. This destructive form of leadership, said Mathis, will leave our country alone and vulnerable on the world stage.  

The commenter imagined Trump's final demise this way: (@Suspira44 this vision is as good as any tarot reader could conjure!)

"When Trump loses the 2020 election in the mother of all landslides, he won't just meekly accept defeat and and calmly await the verging tsunami of prosecutions for his dozens of felonies. He'll try to foment some sort of crisis, insist that the election is null and void, and attempt to declare martial law. But it won't work. Because in his infinite stupidity and ineptitude, Trump has already thrown the fealty of the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, and top brass of all military branches into the crapper. He'll have NO SUPPORT for his attempt to become an autocratic fascist tyrant.

I suspect that on January 20, 2021, Trump will make his last stand in the Oval Office with his last loyal lackey in the world, Shyster Barr. Federal agents will move in and take Trump down with a taser. Barr will surrender like a cornered rabbit, and get the frog-march, while Trump will be restrained with handcuffs and leg irons, and be lashed onto a gurney.
Hundreds of media people will record the whole thing, as Trump is wheeled out to the paddy wagon, his plaintive screams and whimpers muffled by a strip of duct tape across his mouth. It will be quite a spectacle."


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Oh Wow Jeanne!  That is exactly how I have imagined him leaving office!  When ever I get really stressed about Dump and I imagine him being removd from office that is how I see it in my minds eye.  The follow up will be the hughly party where we all dance in the streets.

Refering to my prior post  It was Eric, the younger of the totally stupid brothers, that gave an interview in GOLF magazine where he said they can get all the money they want from Russia to build their golf courses all over the world.  This morning he tried to write a scathing tweet calling for the end to the slander against his family and business.  Seth Abrahmson replied with a long thread quoting that and other interviews where the Russia connection to Dump money was discussed.  No word from Jr or the plastic princess.  They were probably busy shreading eerything they can get thier hands on.

I send all the light and energy I can to the procsecuters who are researching this farce of a regeme.  I still agree with Yarmuth this is a brain fart presidency!

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