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Robert Mueller

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Maybe i am giving you a helping hand, you haven't unlocked you learned of your abilities yet!

We are all one we can change every outcome that we see if we really want it to together as one:D

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I want to make it clear that I don't know if this worst case scenario will happen.  I share what I get not as cast in stone but as real possibilities that I've gotten whispers about  when I meditate rather than loud clear visions.   These are possibilities that are out there in the collective thinking, but they don't have to manifest if people work against them.  

Having these visions is only useful if people are going to use them to avoid the worst possibilities.  They are a waste of time, even damaging , if people use them to just sit back and be scared. 

It is important that the courts forbid him from getting  his state of emergency  funding, because it's a very bad precedent. It's likely he will be stopped when it gets to the Supreme Court, if not before.  

I do not know in any clear sense that he will stay in office after 2020. It may hang in the balance right now which is why I can't quite tell. In a vision I had several years ago, I had seen that the big turnaround to a more democratic federal government begins in the mid to late 20's not in 2020. But that vision may already be changing. We already have a democratic House and I feel we will have a democratic Senate in 2020.  So perhaps the timeline is speeding up!

People are fighting hard to make it change.  Women are rising more quickly than most people imagined. 

As for bias in the polls in red states, if there is a landslide in how people want to vote, as there was for Obama and Pete Jones in Alabama, even voter suppression can't stop a blue win. 


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I just don't see Trump being around in 2020. His health is too precarious - both physical and mental -  and the investigations and subsequent revelations just keep coming. He is just too impulsive to execute any type of strategic plan or policy. This impulsiveness will cause him to continue to "shoot himself in the foot" as the year unfolds. I'm not worried in other words. 

numerologist, CDeanne, mariad and 5 people reacted
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Jeanne, I had a terrible premonition of Trump enacting Martial law last spring about this time. I've been watching this very closely because I struggle with time in my readings - and what I saw last year felt imminent at the time, but could have been for a farther future.

This emergency declaration of Trump's harkens back to that, but does NOT in any way produce the dark, awful feeling I had when the original premonition hit me.  The difference, I think, is our lovely Blue House.  Yes, it's a dangerous thing for Trump to be playing with - maybe even more than he knows.  And yes, our Courts had better strike this down swiftly.  I think this will be struck down in the courts.  I think it will go to the Supreme Court and Gorsuch and Roberts will illuminate how very unconstitutional it is.  

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I had been feeling pretty optimistic lately until the news hit today about the investigation.  People seem to be excitd because Barr said the Mueller report will be wrapped up next week.  I readthis as "being shut down" next week.  The Republicans don't want that report to see  hte light of day and it won't.  There will be a summary given to Congress but the report will be filed in the shredder.  

I honestly can see Trump being "elected" in 2020 by hook or crook.  This will be a continuation of what we have now only worst.  I doubt that we will have anything close to a democracy for the next twenty years.  Communities wll have to come together and take care of each other because evil has taken over our government and the road back to the light will be long and much harder than it is now.  I hate it because  I am in my late sixties and I hate the evil vibration I feel in this country.

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I am actual rather hopeful at the moment.  

Here is my logical brain reasoning.

I think there is a good chance that Barr will not want to go down in history with a huge black mark over his name.  He would rather be seen as fair and balanced and doing the just thing.  He is not a Trump stooge and has a long history with the Bush family.

Mueller would likely have wanted to wait to "finish" his probe so that Barr and not Whitaker would be Attorney General when it is released.  Again, he knows Barr well.  They are friends.

I am sure pertinent  files are spread throughout MANY different offices and jurisdictions, depending upon what has been discovered over the past 2 years.  I have heard reports of this happening since the beginning with anything that might be related to states like NY.  Today it has come out that people have been documenting things back to the last few weeks of the Obama Admin.  

While we might not learn everything, I believe that eventually the public will hear enough without compromising national security. There will be balance.

I believe we will find that Mueller will have been assisted by many white knights and angels.  I expect we will hear of MANY angels of light stories, for years to come.  I think that is my intuition speaking along with my logical brain on this point.

I am actually pretty positive and happy at the moment.  I think our county is about to take a big step into the light and begin the long process of healing itself.  Keep looking for the light, you might be surprised where you find it.  


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I have believed since the 2016 election that the next president will be a democrat. I also believe that the progressive turnaround that Jeanne has predicted to commence in the mid-late 2020's has already started. It's every where, in ways that were inconceivable just a few years ago. More people identifying as liberals, huge donations to the ACLU (remember what Reagan said about them?), teachers strikes, even in red states.  Successful strikes. The Indivisible movement. The blue wave in the house, despite gerrymandering. Just a couple of years ago it was conventional wisdom that the democrats wouldn't be able to recapture the house until after the next census, but it happened, in a wave larger than post-Watergate.

I think that if Hillary had taken office (as she should have) she'd have been a one term president who would have been followed by the election of a lot of retrograde GOP politicians, maybe a two term GOP president. Is it worth what we've endured the past two years, and what we'll have to endure for two more, if it ushers in a period of progressivism that so many of us have been waiting a lifetime for?  Could be.

One last thing -- I think if Trump is still around in 2020, he'll crap on the next president's inauguration with his trademark bad behavior. I think this is what some folks are picking up on. He'll tweet nonsense, he'll make stupid faces from the inauguration platform, maybe he'll even delay moving out of the white house or refuse to transition, but he will not hang on to power. 

I just want to make clear that I'm not psychic, but I do get feelings about things and what I've written in this comment is what I've felt consistently for the past two years.

I hope I'm right. :)

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Lovendures: I, too, am feeling optimistic.  Night before last, was happily surprised to see the vision of a newly forming wide bronze-colored river, glittering with gold and rushing forward, that I knew was strong and highly concentrated light-filled energy.  In addition to being beautiful, this river was becoming exponentially more powerful (and completely in control).  While its primary purpose* was the deep goodness it was bringing forth, its force was also intent on drowning out/washing away any and all detritus and/or obstacles in its chosen path. 

(*Ha! "primary purpose"=the approaching presidential primaries!)

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CDeanne, I am glad I am not alone. 

I absolutely LOVE your river vision.  How beautiful and hopeful!

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Just wanted to remind people that whatever we think, we manifest - so if we 'think' Trump is going to be around for 2 more years and that the Mueller Report will be shredded, then, guess what, it will be! I for one feel Trump is finished and he knows it, which is why he is desperately trying his latest Border Wall failure - the 'Emergency' strategy. Remember, Mueller took down John Gotti AND the executives at Enron, so this is NOT his first rodeo-he knows how to handle the man-child Trump! Therefore, our mantra SHOULD be:     

Goodbye Trump-Goodbye Trump-Goodbye Trump

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I'm with you Numerologist in that I have faith in the strength of our democracy and our people. I am optimistic about the big picture and final outcome.  I am agnostic at the moment about the timing  of things.  

In no way can I ever imagine 20 years, or even 5 years of dictatorship. Hitler who was much smarter than Trump lasted less than a decade.

There will  always be people who read the news and start trembling and go pessimistic. It's understandable. They speak of calamity and need our reassurance. 

I feel calm about the big picture. 

I also feel Trump is going down, but not sure when.  I remain vigilant about the dark forces. Wise people have said to never underestimate your adversary. I learned as a soccer coach that the team that goes into a game over confident has a huge disadvantage.

Yet more important is to never underestimate your strength.  I see the strength and power of the light is HUGE and growing every day.  Read our positive predictions. Hundreds of positive predictions. Even the negative ones don't portend political doomsday.  That said, I don't underestimate the shenanigans of the GOP leadership, and the president and his minions. 

Yesterday I heard Barr in my head saying to Trump, "I can't totally muffle this thing. You have to face some of this."  It implies that Barr will help Trump but not completely. 

 I also feel, no, I know, that insiders will leak whatever is kept from the public.

Still, the battle wages on and while Trump is going down, I won't predict the timing at this point beyond what I've seen as late in 2020.

I saw in a past reading that the upcoming month of March will be agitated in the public conscience. Waves of agitation.  Doesn't mean it's good or bad for Trump or us. It just will be emotional. 

Those who post here who go into doomsday and fear -- I see you need to vent your fear so that others will scoop you up and hold you in their arms.  That's okay.  We will do that for you! If you are posting doomsday fears, then there are probably many silent readers who are fearing this also and, like you, need reassurance.  People here will provide it without pink clouding the situation. 

But try to  remember that we are all in a lifeboat together and it helps if people stay calm rather than proclaim with great emotional force that we are all doomed.  

We are not all doomed!

Take a look at the forces of light in this country.  The progressives, the new youthful leadership. Sixteen states suing Trump right now and more likely to join in.  The ACLU's donations are soaring.  The women rising. The BLUE House of Representatives.  During elections, legions of progressive lawyers go to the polls in every state to act as watchdogs over the election process. A large progressive media that will not be quiet. 

We have hundreds of people who have posted predictions and so far very little doom in those predictions, and so far, the lifeboat has held up.  I was posting predictions for these time periods long before I learned the importance of optimism, like Numerologist points out. We don't want to expand the dark by giving it power. 

What we want is to have eyes open and honest and at the same time know that this country is not going to succumb to those clowns just. like. that. 

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Don't let Barr's association with Bush weigh too heavy on your opinion.  Remember this Barr's daughter and son -in-law both have quit their jobs at the DOJ, where they worked for Sessions, to join Trumps legal team.  Trmp loves a family business.  Also the report is released to Barr first and he and he alone will write the summary to hand to Congress.  William Barr is as dirty as Trump or he wouldn't be working for him.  This has gone on for two years and Barr doesn't, to the best of my knowledge, live in a cave.  He has been instructed to end the investigation period.  Both Barr and his daughter hate Obama and have done everything to  in their power at the DOJ to reverse his policies.  You can bet they are being handed huge checks to work for Trump.  For Barr to go against Trump would mean his family would lose their jobs.  Ain't gonna happen.

I, like most on this site, pray everyday that the light prevails and covers the darkness that has taken over our government.  But quite frankly I don't see this happening in my life time.  The darkness we are dealing with is so dark and so deep that the only thng that will end it is a major catastrify.  SOmething so heiness that it can;t be ignored.  Remeber Trump and Bannon came out and plainly stated that they wanted to take downthe government of this country as we know it and rebuild the country using their ideas.  They are almost done.  I prey that the light prevails but my gut tells me not in my lifetime.

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Well, I just stumbled on a fantastic article that goes to the heart of our hope and what we on this site have talked about as "pink" in our visions and readings.  

I'm with those who see great hopeful things coming.  I think maybe we are struggling to grasp what will come of a huge change in the manner Mueller and his investigation will move forward.  We became very focused on him as the sole source of hope for justice and truth.  For a long time he was the only light in the darkness.  What's happened, and many of us can feel this, is Mueller has spread his light to other sources, The House, SDNY, and others.  We're feeling the heat of these new flames.  We haven't seen them yet, but there is a bonfire coming.  We don't know exactly when it will erupt, nor should we try to pin the timing down, but it's there.

Here is the article that explains hope and optimism - hope you all enjoy it.  

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Yogagirl, I didnt know about Barr's daughter and son in law, but the fact that Trump hand picked did scare me. Since then, the right wing media has written too much about Barr and Mueller being good friends, and did so in a non-negative light. Thats very uncharacteristic for them. Trump's comment that Barr had the easiest job was also unsettling to me. I took it as though Trump had already outlined his "job" to him and it included only the task of protecting Trump.

I do agree it will all be leaked, or somehow released, but Trump will ultimately get away with it from a consequence standpoint. I think the democratic house will greatly limit the amount of damage that he can continue to do, but Putin now knows how to successfully accomplish his goals for the next time he tries it. 

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@yogagirl I think your looking at it from the wrong perspective. Yes Mary Daly, works at the U.S. Department of Justice; she serves as the Trump Administration's point person on the opioid crisis. Now if you are Barr and your daughter is working for a man who is obviously corrupt wouldn't you want to be there for her and help her get out of trouble since we know that the Trump admin will be going down as well. Or it could be that she was seeing everything that was going on behind the scene and she reach out to her dad to see if there is anything he could do.  Yes I know the memo he wrote  that caught Trumps eye was fishy but maybe that was the end game so that Trump would want him in and that way Barr can well save us from Trump or at the very least make sure that Muller's investigation finishes up. There are many possibilities here but I agree with everyone on this site, think positive even when it gets very dark and we will see the light. I do get a good feeling from Barr at least when it comes to the law and dealing with Trump, now on his views with policies well that's a different story and for the moment we need him to uphold justice and the law. Just my two cents on the topic. I haven't had any dreams lately the last one I had was after the dems took the house, it was a month later and in my dream I remember going to the white house and thanking Trump for being president even thought I despise him. Trump did not look happy and stayed quiet and I was very happy or more like thrill.

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Maybe someone can throw cards on Barr? He’s someone whom I had an immediate reaction to. My intuition tells me he is a classic Bush/Romney  style GOPer and doesn’t much respect Trump bc he thinks he’s a fool. I get that he is 2-sided, that he has his own agenda and bc he sees himself as smarter than Trump thinks he can achieve whatever that is- but this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this- trump always soils you and you don’t win- or you do in the way Mitch McConnell is winning for now. I feel like he made a bargain w trump but not sure what that is besides shutting  Mueller down. Does this allow him to control the narrative and make a bargain w trump to support classic elite republicans and stave off any democratic gains/momentum from the Mueller report? Or something else? Trump is so mercurial though, very difficult to corner with his power as president- no matter what you have on him. One thing that seems clear- the mueller report isnt going to take him down directly... it may enlighten us and bring us to truths (that we probably have known bc it’s there to see anyway). Mueller is hope and light but also a teacher of integrity and dignity.

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Luminata, Thank you for posting that article about the two kinds of hope.  I have gravitated to the second kind of hope, one that doesn't pink cloud the situation but does trust that the situation will turn around when the time is right.

The article, if people haven't read it, is about an attitude of hope called the Stockdale Paradox.  A Navy admiral, Stockdale,  explained how he survived eight years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. He said the optimistic prisoners who kept hoping and affirming they'd be out by the next holiday suffered such disappointment when their time frames did not materialize that they were the ones who gave up earlier and died. But Stockdale, who faced the grim truth of the situation, focused more on his abiding belief that one day he would see his family again, rather than showering the situation with optimism that they'd be freed earlier. 

I've come to feel that way about this situation. I meditate on events and see energies in the future but don't cling or depend on a time frame.  I believe in the process we are in of rising truth, rising women, and the ultimate power of the light.  I am amazed and proud of  the persistence of progressives who continue fighting, helping, and illuminating the truth.

I believe that we will prevail when the time is right. 

One of my beloved teachers Joanna Macy says hope isn't something you have, it's something you do.  She calls it "active hope."  Active hope, needs to be deep and profound.  It can't be shallow, just asserting that things will change on this or that date.    It has to be based on something underlying, a conviction about the power of the truth, and the enduring commitment we have to it. 


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As I read this situation, I can see how many who read it will react emotionally.  Luminata's article on the Stockdale Paradox gave me the courage to lay out what I see regardless of what people want to hear. If we are to endure this situation we have in our world and see the true light at the end of the tunnel, then we have to trust the final outcome but not get hung up on demanding that it goes the way we want when we want it.  

I also feel  that throwing cards right now  raises more questions than it answers. 

Throwing cards on this situation: Perhaps it's more telling to throw a card on Mueller and ask how he is feeling about Barr.  The card I got is called "Strife"-- 5 of wands in the Thoth deck. I pulled cards on Mueller yesterday and got the same card.  It keeps popping out of my deck when reading Mueller.  He feels restricted and stressed about the situation he is in. He strictly obeys the law and will do nothing to circumvent it.

Throwing cards on Barr, I got the 4 of disks, Power, which looks to me like  the report will be contained, at least for now. There is no plan to release full details, only a vague summary. 

The truth will come out, though not all at once.

I wonder as I look forward in time if it will take a blue wave in the Senate and House to get the report fully released. But like most of the truths surrounding Donald Trump's crimes, there will be so much denial and obfuscation, that people will end out believing what they always wanted to believe. 

I ask what Barr sees in Mueller's report and I see he doesn't like what is in the report.  He doesn't want to know the things that are in there. He winces at the report.  You don't want to read in a prosecutor's report damning details about the behavior of the people on your side. 

I ask Mueller, how do your findings make Donald Trump look?  Answer is Ace of Swords - Trump is ground zero and chief orchestrator of crimes committed. The buck stopped with him.  Did he order all of the crimes that were committed? No.  Did he know about some of the key crimes being committed on his behalf?  Yes. 

Will the truth come out? Again, for now,  the Strife Card, 5 wands of the Thoth deck comes up.  It's Saturn in Leo which means Saturn, the god of discipline and restriction, will restrict the publication of the report with a variety of rationales like "it's an ongoing court case," or "it contains classified information."

 In my mind I ask a White House reporter from the New York Times who has sources close to the issue if she will be able to read the report.  I get that she feels it is closely guarded and she can't get details and that she senses that it will continue to be restricted from public view. 

Reading her into the future tells me more.  That the report will become a tinder box for an explosion of rage in this country - rage from progressives who want the truth out and rage from Trumpers  who believe the investigation is a leftist coups. 

Takeaway: I am focusing more on the process that is unfolding. I'm watching the process  our collective is going through rather than hanging on if and when the details of the report will be released in full. I'm using the situation to gain insight.  

We are in the midst of a revolution.  I didn't say a violent revolution but a revolution i.e., a major paradigm shift in our collective.   I see in my mind's eye the process the colonists went through when King George continued to demand obedience and payment to the British Monarchy.   Each restriction created more pressure for the revolution to happen.  

We are entering into the hot fire of repression and no one on the progressive side is going to be satisfied until all of the details of Mueller's findings are released.




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Hi Jeanne,

         It's kind of like the movie, The Silence of the Lambs. In it the investigator is given a hint that everything she needs to solve the case is already in front of her. In think we know already what happened. On a gut level. We know. This is just corroborating evidence of what we all already know. I'm glad Mueller will get to get a break , at least. I hope.


SDJ, Jeanne Mayell, SDJ and 1 people reacted
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Hmm, lots of thought-provoking comments posted on this thread in the last few days. I generally agree with Luminata's and Jeanne's take on corruption in the Trump presidency. What with all of the concurrent state and federal investigations going on and all of the potential witnesses who are disavowing their loyalty to the the current administration, Mueller has his inquiry booby-trapped, and even if the road to justice is more circuitous than we'd like, the truth will out at some point. In fact, news just broke that prosecutors in New York have charged Manafort in a tax fraud case that could bypass any presidential pardon.

Remember that Mueller is only the most visible figure in a sweeping cast of light workers currently fighting tooth and nail to safeguard American democracy.

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