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Robert Mueller

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I agree MAS1581 and I can't say that I'm not one of those that doesn't read everything.  I think we are all so inundated with information whether it is true or not that we grow tired of all the reteric.  I try to be selective inwhat I read and I don't watch TV news or news  shows at all anymore.  It's no longer about facts it's about who can jdig the most dirt and who can yell the loudest.  

I believe the House committee is waiting for more information and I believe it will be financial. One theory (yes I know it's only a theory) is that SCOTUS judge Kennedy was paid or threatened to retire do to something that his son who works for Deuscha (?) bank did.  Possibly money laudering.  If that would prove the case that is striaght out bribery and extorsion. One can  only hope.  However  I do believe it is fiancials that will bring about the downfall of the moron.  Can you just imagine if he does run what the campaign will be like in 2020!  His biker friends have already threatened Nancy Pelosi if she brings impeachment charges.  I believe if Nancy has what she needs, and she will get it, threats aren't going to stop her.

What I think is hurting the Dems more is the refusal to respond to supeonas.  You can vote to hold someone in contempt but what action can be taken.  Barr laughed at Pelosi and made fun of being held in contempt.  I don't know what action can be taken.  Does anyone know what procedures are in place to deal with this?  I know there is a sargent of arms in the House and a cell in the basememnt of the capitol but is there any other means of punishment?  Fines sound good but they can be laughed at too.  What about Federal Marshalls, do they have any jurisdiction?  If it were me personally I would just have to haul off and bitch slap the arrogant SOB.  But that's just me!  ANy ideas?

Oh well the moron and his moronets head to UK today.  In an interview the moron said he thouht Meghan was nasty for not voting for him.  That should sit really well with the Royals. So now we get to sit back and watch the $h!t show and the circus clowns do London!

Ms. C., TriciaCT, Unk p and 5 people reacted
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Alright, here's a spin on things...Nostradamus said *to some interpretation* that Trump would win another 4 years. Alright, that blows. BUT. What if we need 8 years of complete and total chaos for both parties and the United states as a whole, to finally lay down the weapons and start fresh? I mean, a majority of you guys see a new wave of hope coming after some sort of turmoil. Going back to the land, becoming more aware of one another...these things *historically* always happen after a tribulation of sorts. Maybe trump is the tribulation. Maybe he does have to be reelected so that we can finally transition to oneness. What I'm trying to say, is that while I'd love for trump to be impeached and a purge of political arena to take place, I wonder if this is our moment to sit tight, let the cards fall, continue to stay kind and loving, fine tune our self sufficiency skills and just prepare for the time when we are suppose to be the helpers. Afterall, I think that's why we're all here in the first place. To be helpers. Thoughts? 

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You've made some very insightful points.  Although it makes me sick to think about it, that could very well be.  I have occasionally sensed some of the same things about Trump’s reelection, but I’ve talked myself out of it.   But if what you say is true, then why do we even think it’s necessary for Pelosi to be so overly cautious regarding an impeachment inquiry?  More importantly, the 2018 election was as much about holding T accountable, as it was about healthcare, etc.  Also, the large majority of Dems, and more and more Independents, are in support of it.

No matter what the final outcome is in the 2020 Presidential election, I still believe that Pelosi et al. needs to do what she and House were voted in to do.  I just heard Clyburn speak in measured tones, basically supporting Pelosi’s approach.  He also has this pie-in-the sky idea that if we can just change the views of McTurtle’s KY constituents, then he should be more cooperative with the Democrats regarding an inquiry/investigation.  Is he kidding?  And except for Warren, I have yet to hear any Dem speak as clearly as Amash about the Mueller report and the need for an inquiry. 

Those Dems in office who want to methodically go slow often cite how long it took for Nixon to leave office.  They also seem to believe that, similar to Watergate, as more of the truth comes out, the Reps will ultimately come around.  I think those Dems are deluded.  This is not Watergate, and we are not living in normal times.  This is much worse.  And at some point, it will be too late.  I clearly see a scenario of ConDon being reelected.  I’m not sure if it’s because it’s meant to be, or it’s because of the Dems’ timid action regarding the impeachment inquiry, or just my own fears coming into play.   But I see it clearly.

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I agree, Yogagirl, I've thought from day one that it would be the money that would bring this criminal enterprise down.

I've been reviewing predictions for the June/July/August time frame and there are a lot that predict the end of Trump.

I think that whatever's  in the Flynn recordings that the fascist walrus refuses to release directly incriminates Twitler selling out America for profit.

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I think I’m feeling especially pessimistic today about the whole situation. I am frustrated by the slow walk that the dems are taking on holding lawless people to account. Then I get even more frustrated that I am letting the situation affect me! I understand that things need to be done a certain way to get the desired results, but it is frustrating to watch people breaking the law every day and there not to be consequences. I read an article by a professor who has accurately predicted 9 presidential races. He is of the opinion that if the dems don’t start impeachment hearings soon, they won’t have a chance of defeating the current pres. He uses several metrics to make his predictions and it made sense to me. The article:

In spite of my mood today, I won’t give up. I will take a short break and then start again to think of ways to help democracy and justice to get back on track. 

Have a good weekend!


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I can totally relate to how you are feeling.  I also agree that "if the dems don’t start impeachment hearings soon, they won’t have a chance of defeating the current pres."  Like you, it can really get to me if I allow it.  I'm glad that you're giving yourself a break, and will begin again.  I'll end with Perriwinkle10's wise words: 

[C]ontinue to stay kind and Loving, fine tune our self sufficiency skills and just prepare for the time when we are supposed to be the helpers.  Afterall, I think that's why we're all here in the first place.

Keep the faith, my friends.


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You guys warm my heart. I was a little nervous to write that because I know how passionate we all feel in regards to this situation. It's difficult to take a step back and ponder if this is all part of the process when so many of us want to pound our fists and pull our hair out. Lol! 

I know one thing that has helped me in all of this, is that regardless of whether or not we end up with a new leader or trump for another 4 years, the universe maintains a steady path that will happen regardless of what political party is in charge. The earth, the spirit... it's so much bigger than this stuff. What is intended will always be. I hope I'm around to see the new rebirth of the collective heart. The Hopi people say when we all come back to the earth, to loving her and remembering where we came from - that is when we enter the 5th world of love and goodness. I'm ready for that!! 

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I love what you are writing , Perriwinkle!  I plan to do a group healing this Thursday at Read the Future Night, as well as a healing of our world. Join us if you want to participate.  

It's hard not to get down at times. I appreciate you all being honest about it and my heart just bursts for you.   I felt that way recently (as if it didn't show in my posts).  But I started swimming again (literally swimming laps) and it brought me back, along with gardening which always grounds me.

When I get myself back, I  remember we are here because of these difficult events.  We are not going down the drain with the darkness.  We are rising.  We need to remember that and do whatever we can to help ourselves rise.  Sometimes that means we have to allow ourselves to feel bad.  Then when we can, we reset. 

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I think you've shown courage writing what you did.   And in a way, your words settled my monkey mind.  I took a long, peaceful exhale.  And then I heard the words, "let it go."  It's like hearing you've got a life-threatening illness; you don't like it, but you accept it.   I can live my life the best way I can, right here, right now.   I'm not giving up; just letting go.  And I'll work with those higher angels to do my part.  Besides -- the final chapter hasn't been written.

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The only problem with the idea of letting go ... waiting for the chips to fall so we can rebuild ... those ideas are for the privileged. People are DYING. Families are separated. Marginalized people are suffering and will continue to suffer. Rights are being stripped. Wars are more likely. Genocides possible. To say “wait it out” just says “my life might be inconvenienced, but that’s all. I can sit back and wait for the rebuilding.” Thousands ... possibly hundreds of thousands ... will not live long enough to wait it out.

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I’ve read frightening predictions of 45 being re-elected in 2020. I don’t see how that 

could be a good thing. At least for me. I’m barely hanging on emotionally while I see

this country go down the toilet. Pelosi is letting fear keep her from doing the impeachment inquiry which would make it easier to get information. Every day that passes keeps the ignorant from learning the truth, or at least being exposed to it.

Russia had its hands all over the 2016 election and already does now. Why would any Democratic candidate even bother to run if they are just going to give this away to fear? They are waiting for more proof?  That would be like waiting for more evidence before saying Jack Ruby killed Oswald although everyone watching it happen. This insanity is more than anything I could ever imagine happening in the US. There is proof in the Mueller Report. But the Dems just get upset while people that are subpoenaed don’t show up. The Dems did nothing about Merrick Garland being held up. And at this rate, they will do nothing about a dictator taking over the country. I’m so angry. I don’t see how I can survive what more this black soul will do in the next 6 years, let alone the next 4. There were predictions of him going silent, perhaps having a stroke. How I wish that one came true.


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I don't think it's a matter of letting things go or waiting for the chips to fall...and I certainly do not think that positive vibrations are merely a privileged mindset. In fact, history has shown us that some of the poorest countries generally have more of a positive outlook than we do. Which speaks measures in regards to many people's general spiritual outlook on the bigger picture of why we are here. 

I suppose it's a matter of perogative. I could spend day in and day out in a state of rage and fear for myself and the world around me, it's an easy hole to dig as an empath. But energy feeds energy, hateful thoughts feed hate and it's a choice we make every day to decide what kind of energy we want to feed. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting here with horse blinders on, sipping an ice tea, waiting in safety until the apocalypse. Lol. But the positive impacts I choose to make in order to change the world we live in for the better, are within my attainable space. 

Raising empathetic and kind children, so that their generation of adults are better than mine. 

Donating money to local charities. 

Starting a farmers market all by myself in my little town. 

Being a teacher and impacting hundreds of teenagers at our high school every single year. 

Learning how to garden and grow my own food. Cutting down on waste and becoming self sufficient. 

Smiling at every person I walk by when I go to town, making a point to make someone laugh every day, telling a stranger how much I love their hair...etc. 

I'm not marching in the streets or signing petitions. I'm not calling my governor or spitting at the TV every time I see trump making a mockery of himself and our nation. Because I know that no matter what... politics will always play out the way they have always played out...greed...fear...greed...fear. 

I choose to make my voice loud by doing things very small. Those small things change one person at a time and those people go on to change another...and I go to bed every night feeling accomplished that I made a difference in the world and when everything is said and done, the lives I help better- are going to be the lives that stick around and help other's when we do have our reset. It's the only choice I have in this world and it's why I have faith that all will be well. Maybe not in our lifetime but I sure hope my actions impact others well beyond my years. 

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When I speak of letting go, it has nothing to do with dropping out, not caring, or just waiting it out.   My eyes are wide open to what is happening around me.  I am angry, and my heart is breaking.   Letting go for me means that I stop spinning with my strong emotions and  getting nowhere.   It means that I will continue to do whatever I can to make this world a better place.   I try to do that every day, even if it’s in small ways – and hopefully create a positive ripple effect, that will extend outward and be passed on. 

More importantly, when I say letting go, it means that I get out of my own way, and I ask for divine help – not just for my own peace of mind, but to clearly hear what I am being guided to do on this earth.  I believe we’re all here to be co-creators with the divine.  And to me, it’s our co-creation that will change our country and world.      

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Deetoo, yes yes yes!

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Reading the latest post on here reminds me of something another psychic I follow says.  Do not give in to negative that the administration is spewing.  The more you believe that the moron will be reelected the more you put that energy out to the universe.  I actually felt better after I watch Nancy Pelosi on Jimmy Kimmel the other nite. DOn't forget there are other investigations going on besides the Mueller investigations.  Calling for impeachment with out iron clad case is exactly what moronwants.  He knows the Senaate will never try him so that to him is a win.  I still believe once his finances come out and they will, that there is something really big to hit.  

I am taking time off from all politics right now.  My weeds need to be picked and I have a couple of good books to read. 

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T will not serve a second term.

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When I tune out the noise I feel the same way Lawrence. The constant noise freaks me out though. 

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I agree Lawrence. Either he pulls a Richard Nixon and quits, he loses re-election, or he's incapacitated by health issues. I do, however, get the sense that something weird in politics is going to happen in 2020, and that we may not get the across-the-board blue triumph we're hoping for. I don't know whether it will be election meddling, a scandal erupting among the Democrats, the ripples of an economic downturn, or something else entirely. It's just that I'm always picking up on some sort of unsettledness when I think of 2020.

@ deetoo  & Perriwinkle: Your comments remind me of something I read in an essay by the British writer Charlotte du Cann:

"In the spiritual years – I guess that was mostly the ’90s...I sang and danced alongside a band of fellow seekers moving through the great landscapes of the Americas. We were searching for a deeper relationship with the world and our ‘hard yoga for the earth’, as Gary Snyder once described it, pushed us into some very difficult corners, not least among ourselves. We spent a lot of time dealing with the karma of our families and connecting with indigenous medicine plants. We all thought, foolishly, that the collective shift of consciousness we yearned for would somehow just happen...but history or destiny dragged us back to our home countries. The ancestors told us: 'those who caused the problem have to deal with it'. And then they disappeared.

The problem, we knew, wasn’t going to have a neat solution, like a mindfulness class you could do every Tuesday. 'I am another yourself' was not a mantra: it meant going through all the files your cultural history threw at you, being treated like an exile, losing most of your dignity and your spending power, and then having to start over again."

So Perriwinkle, I think it's valid to bring up the role of tribulation. A new dawn is not going to come about with a snap of the fingers or just because one political party beat the other at the ballot box. We should even be questioning our daydreams that some superhero individual like Robert Mueller will save the day. Right now lots of "cultural files" are being thrown at us Americans - our sordid history of colonialism and neutering sovereign governments; the vampiric binary of the two party system; the way blind individualism breeds competition and subjugation - and maybe absorbing that onslaught for several years to come is the only way we will fully mature into our role as change makers.

Which brings me to your point of divine help, deetoo. The persistent darkness can teach us that we are in fact given more that we can handle in life, and that's the point. We need to learn to ask for help not just from the people around us, but also from the ancestors and spirits that are watching on in horror as we kill the planet and self segregate into myopic echo chambers. There are reservoirs of wisdom in those mystical realms, just waiting for us to bow our heads in humility and seek guidance.


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Coyote, I feel we have entered the tribulation, but at the same time, recognize that this tribulation period is why we are here, on this site, in our communities, in our circles of friends.  Your post is so eloquent and lovely and it touches my heart.  When the present feels overwhelming, when the darkness seems to be winning, when brave and righteous men and women appear to be thwarted at every turn, I will bow my head in humility.  May our higher powers, our mystical forces protect us and lead us back into light.

Amen and amen.

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Lawrence, I love your prediction style.  No beating around the bush, you just lay it out there.  lol  I love that.  Cheers me up.

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