Independence Day- A...
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Independence Day- A Different Perspective

Illustrious Member Moderator
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As I get older (and hopefully wiser) I have learned more about the vast and different perspectives of history. History which tells the "rest of the story".   History which was never discussed, or colored from a certain viewpoint.  A learned history which found to be was incomplete.  A history full of institutional racism. intentional and unintentional racism.  

In an inspiring video below, the descendants of Fredrick Douglas read his Fourth of July Speech. It may make you think of our Independence Day in a deeper,  fully way.

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@lovendures Thank you for that wonderful reminder. I loved listening to those beautiful speakers reading Douglas's words. 

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How powerful to be a great-great-great-great grandchild of his, to read his words for the world to hear during an age where more of the world is waking up and can listen with new ears.

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Each year our town holds their July 4th celebration in a park directly behind our house.  You can always see and hear the fireworks from our back deck, although there are trees that always obstruct our view.  Lots of people from the town attend the celebration, generally vying for parking spaces along our street.    

Last year the fireworks were cancelled, so this year you could feel the excitement as families, many of different cultures, playfully walked along our street, mostly without masks, as they made their way to the park’s ballfield bleachers.  I thought about our country’s history and ongoing struggles with racism, inequality and discrimination, understanding that we have yet to form that “more perfect Union.”  As I stood there an Indian man and his young daughter passed by, smiled broadly at me and said “have a very happy Independence Day!”   There was something so intimate about our brief exchange, that it almost brought me to tears.  I felt enormously grateful that we still are, and will remain, a country of immigrants.  

Lots of people were milling around and I decided to remain outside with them, standing with a couple who I invited to park their car in front of our driveway.  As darkness settled and the fireworks commenced, I suddenly realized, “oh my God!  I have a beautiful, clear view of the fireworks if I stand here!”   I know this sounds ridiculous, but until last night I never considered we might have a better view of the fireworks if we stood in front of our house!   Until yesterday, my husband and I  would have isolated ourselves on our deck and away from the crowd, watching fireworks that were partially obscured by the trees. 

As I stood there, watching these explosions of extraordinary particles of light, I asked myself where we are collectively, and where we go from here.   I then heard “can’t see the forest for the trees.”  (Spirit certainly has a sense of humor!)  We can’t understand where we are because we’re too close to it – our vision is obstructed.  Even though we can each play a part in transforming our world, we also need to breathe, let go and allow things to unfold.  And we need to do it together.  There’s a new way of seeing, and being, that is available to each of us.  We just need to turn in the right direction -- towards those extraordinary particles of light -- and open our eyes.

@lovendures @jeanne-mayell

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Posted by: @deetoo

Even though we can each play a part in transforming our world, we also need to breathe, let go and allow things to unfold. 

The last year has been a long lesson in exactly this for me, especially the last few months (as Jeanne can attest! ? ), but I have done all I can, I've done everything that I can do - everything I need to do - and now it's just a matter of waiting for everything to unfold as it will.  If nothing else, the last 15 months have taught me to stop and just be, and as frustrating as it may have been at times, it has been a good thing to learn.

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I love all of this!


yes!!  Great ah ha moment and so wise!

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@lovendures I would recommend reading Howard Zinns a people's history of the United States. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a more balanced perspective of us history.  Enjoy. 

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Ah dear sweet Dee, that is just lovely! I have not been reading and posting much (dealing with some pain due to fibromyalgia) but had to read a bit of what I've been missing out on.  So nice to see people happy and celebrating the 4th of July. "They can't see the forest through the trees" true. I remember I was trying to get ready one day for work (years ago) and needed my blue belt for the suit I had on. I kept saying to my husband "I can't find my blue belt!" he laughed and took the belt and tapped on it as it hit me on my nose in my closet. It was LITERALLY right in front of me!

I wonder when people who currently fall into the Trump supporting category will ever (if ever) realize what they are doing. I suppose most may not, but I hold out hope that they will see that our planet and democracy are more important than their selfish fears.

I look forward to the day I once again feel my heart swell with pride when I see those fireworks. I have not felt that in a while, but I hold out hope. When I see Biden and Harris I start to feel that feeling. ❤️??

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