Hate-Filled Adminis...
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Hate-Filled Administration and GOP

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I just saw a video about the Trump administration and hate. Truth to be told, the administration and the GOP became the party of hate. They are doing anything to demonize blacks and browns. On Trump's Twitter account, it is chock full of alt-right, white supremacist talk points as to cater his base, which is basically ~40% of the population based on approval rating. Using hate is a distraction to Trump's investigations and the Congress' dark side of cuts and radical policy changes.


In addition, speaking of the south border situation, I have heard of lawyers and a Mexican consulate able to help the immigration victims successfully.



Even though the recent readings indicate that the positive energy is keeping dark energy at bay and democracy will triumph, will Democrats investigate the Republicans in 2019, which was reported by Axios?

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What's concerning about the passport situation on the Southern border is that they are stripping US citizens of citizenship. Anyone who is of Jewish descent should be very concerned about this. I also find the excuse of "midwife fraud" to be misogynistic in the extreme. Stripping citizens of citizenship is how genocides get rolling. I hope these people are able to band together to sue the US government.
