Government Shutdown
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Government Shutdown

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Hello all, I've been following the forum silently for several months, and signed in tonight to offer this topic. Does anyone have any insight into how the shutdown will play out, when it will end, the long term effects, etc? Will we be hearing the libertarian isolationist wing nuts using the shutdown as a demo on virtues of downsizing the government?

RosieHeart, Jeanne Mayell, RosieHeart and 1 people reacted
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Hi Snowbird. Speaking more from experience than intuition, I have friends/family that work with or in government agencies and I used to live in DC.

I think this shutdown is going to be longer and uglier than prior ones. I think that the newly sworn in House reps and Nancy Pelosi will come out of their corner swinging, but as we all know, the Dems excel at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory... so I remain skeptical.

The libertarian nutjobs always make a lot of noise about these, but then when their social security/Medicare/Medicaid benefits don't come, they get as angry as everyone else.

Then there's the issue of the people who have to work for free because they are considered "essential personnel": military, secret service, FAA, CBP, TSA, etc. The longer the shutdown drags on, the higher the possibility of institutional revolt and/or military coup.

Economically we're headed for a BIG crash, shutdown or no, although the shutdown will accelerate the process because the government has so much biz dealings with private companies that are titans in our national economy (SAIC, Boeing, CACI, Oracle, etc.) Twitler's ideas are also accelerating this, but he keeps trying [as usual] to blame his opponents.

Since 11/9/16 I continue to believe that only out and out catastrophe will shake some of the deluded followers out of their states of denial.

On my intuitive side, I see ongoing chaos, I can't see how this shutdown ends, but I see multiple shutdowns that come any time Cheetolini doesn't get his way.


numerologist, mariad, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Appreciate your comments, Laura. I just have a sense--or is it just blind apprehension-- that this government shutdown will, in the future, will be seen as the first manifestation of a wave of contraction in central government leading to an outcome that some in this Forum have already envisioned.

I recall last year when someone in this Forum envisioned being on a tour of Washington DC in the not so distant future—late 20’s?- and saw empty government buildings, in disrepair, behind chain link fences…(can’t find it, or I would have included a link)

RosieHeart, mariad, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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Hi Snowbird!

That was part of a remote viewing exercise we did. The forum was "Zoron Speaks " Zoron was a climate scientist with remarkable intuitive powers who enciuraged our group 1 to 2 years ago, to try remote or intuitive viewing. In the case of those of us who had done it before it is often and/or astral traveling exercises.

It was #4 in our exercises and centered on Washington DC. First in 1935 (as I recall) then 1925 after that trying to figure out what had happened (or might happen as fate changes as our collective awareness  and level of consciousness changes.

I have been doing remote viewing in my dreams and or going into a deeply meditative trance state since 1971. 

When I write, it is automatic writing, so in my post you will read poetic, symbolic trance writing but if you understand that, I saw an almost empty Washington DC by 1935.

For 1925. I picked up huge event that meant a duality of symbolism blessing/warfare. That is another later post.

The link to the page on Washington DC in 1935 for mine is:

Note : mine is the 13th post down. 


numerologist, mariad, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Thank you for the link. I think you mean 2035 and 2025.

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So glad you remembered that exercise, Michele. After re-reading it, I added to our timeline predictions on the main prediction page.  Some of our most talented intuitive readers contributed to those visions. There are many valuable readings on this website that we need to go through and add to the compilation on the Prediction Page.  We forget them.


RosieHeart, mariad, Michele and 3 people reacted
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Oh Snowbird,

I am howling with laughter. I typed this whole post three times on my cellphone spell checking etc. etc.  as it disappeared completely twice due to glitches.

How in the world it ended up as 1925 and 1935 is totally beyond me.

I am laughing so hard!

Fortunately, I am never alone. The Universe is laughing with me! ?

RosieHeart, LalaBella, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Thank you, Jeanne!

Being both numerically and spatially dyslexic is a never ending source of strange doings in my life. 

I just have to laugh. It us such a teacher to me of the fluidity of time but I'd so much rather go forward  than backwards in my own little time machine. 

I appreciate both you and Snowbird pointing this out.

The others who assumed I was elderly and having a senior moment, of course and they are such fun. But glitches and strange things abound.

Even my worst days have such laughter in them ?


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DT  wants to do a televised disaster on why we really really need the wall. So as you can imagine he wants to request airtime on Tuesday @ 9pm so he can spew all his crazy    reason why he really wants this wall. This is going to be live so I can only imagine the crazy off topic incoherent nonsense that is going to come out of him. And then he is also going to travel to the border to show how we need that wall. I wonder if he will hire actors to play the illegals at the border. Maybe he will get to catch one too. He wants to convince the American voters. According to th article he has requests prime time from ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox and no one has confirmed that they will air it.

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For anyone who is not familiar with the federal budget process, I want to explain why the shutdown situation is Trump’s fault. 

In my earlier career (before 1984)  I worked at different times in the budget offices for the state (MA), for a city (NYC ) and the fed.  

The way the process worked was that the executive branch (at the federal level which  is led by the  president) sends a proposed budget to the congress  who go over it and change it to fit their own priorities for the country.   

If  the president has credibility and relations and knows how to deal, then they haggle and end up with an acceptable budget that can pass congress. 

 But IN THE END, it is the Congress or legislative branch that decides the final budget.  The president can refuse to sign it and congress can overrule his veto. 

But Trump doesn’t understand the way  government works. And he doesn’t care.  He just wants his way.  He is a businessman not a government leader. He made his money with graft, criminals, not paying people, and declaring bankrupting when his illegal busineses failed.  The fact that the federal government is falling apart under his “deal making” is just how he ran his businesses. 

If Nancy Pelosi gives in, she is changing the way government is supposed to work in order to enable an authorian bully to get what he wants.  She would be feeding his bully mentality.   

Prrhaps most of you already understand the process. Perhaps the process has changed since I was in government.  If so let me know.  

But never have I seen anything like this.  Such disregard for the way government budgeting and law making has been set up in this country.  Such callousness for the plight of federal workers. 

 I don’t know what I’d do if I were Pelosi.  Any thoughts?  Corrections?  

numerologist, CDeanne, Coyote and 11 people reacted
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PS in last Thursday night’s reading several people, including me, felt the shutdown would end in February but no specific day in February.  

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Trump reminds me of the spoiled child in the Walmart checkout line who throws a fit to get a candy bar. The parents give in just to shut them up and, in the process, teach the child to throw a fit every time they don't get their way.

At some point there might be enough Republican senators who go along with the House bills to not only pass them but override Trump's inevitable veto. Note that this would not only get government open but also give Trump a chance to save some face.

Not sure what will happen but I hope Pelosi hangs tough.

numerologist, CDeanne, numerologist and 1 people reacted
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I hope Pelosi hangs tough, otherwise, Trump will continue to take hostages for the next two years. I don't know how this will end, but when I think about Pelosi I get a very solid, clean feeling. She's genuine and firm, but not callous in any way. 

CDeanne, Coyote, CDeanne and 1 people reacted
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I agree.  This cruel treatment of federal workers and endangerment of the public who rely on the safety-related services is all on Trump.  All on Trump.  No president has ever been a total bully.  I stand with Pelosi too.  

SDJ, CDeanne, SDJ and 1 people reacted
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I agree with lynn; Pelosi will not cave. She proved her mettle as an expert stateswomen when she first held the speaker's gavel 2007-11, and then again this past month when she overcame the "never Pelosi" faction of freshman Democrats and regained the speakership. She has literally an entire lifetime of experience in politics behind her, and she won't give in to a temper tantrum.

Paul W, numerologist, CDeanne and 3 people reacted
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Pelosi is not going to cave to Trump. This man does not know how government works nor how business work either since he has fail after fail of his own companies. He just rants and raves like a little kid thinking he will get his way like he has been getting since he became president but now he has met his match. Pelosi is smarter and calmer and does her homework and she is also a women which he thinks he is superior to her but he is screwed. What he offered Pelosi last Saturday was nothing. Why would she give him something that would be permanent and receive something that is only temporary and would not help The Dreamers. He thought that they would have taken the bait after yesterday. The Supreme Court did not take act on the appeal that govement had on the Dreamers in taking away their protective status. He thought that the Supreme Court would have ruled in his favor instead they did nothing and now he has no chips to bargain with. That is why he offered that garbage on Saturday.

Now instead of trying to find a way to end this he instead decided to come up with a cool slogan “build the wall and crime will fall”


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Just came back to check on the forum. The trigger was those tensions that were reported widely between teenagers on MAGA hats and a Native American tribal elder near the Lincoln Memorial. Yeah, it reminded me immediately of the remote viewing exercise on Washington DC. My contribution was lost, but I was the one that saw first the Washington Monument attacked. Back then I'm sure a lot of people thought the vision was too grim. Today, I'm sure that it doesn't look so unlikely to many people here.

I said it before and I'll say it again: it's only beginning. Trump will be out soon, but Trump is just the beginning. Pence has had a chance to learn a lot of the wrong lessons. War will be coming to the mainland U.S.A. Even if war is avoided, economic destruction will be almost as bad as a war.


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When Jeanne asks us to send light to help and protect people like Mueler I try although I'm not sure what I'm doing or indeed if I have any light.  I shut my eyes and think of the person and surround them in light.  When I have done this for Nancy Pelosi I keep seeing her in a huge ball of radiant light.  So much light I can't even really see her.  I have only seen her this way when I try this, no one else.

I believe she knows she's negotiating for the life of the USA, not just this one budget, one wall or no wall, and that she is painfully aware of the distress and damage done to the government workers, the government as a whole, but she can't afford to give on this or it will be shut down after shut down, and bleeding of the civil servants and the erosion of the country beyond what has already happened.  She's playing for keeps here and she knows it.  It feels like a 'last stand' in some ways.

As for Maria's vision, I've always had a nagging feeling that the USA will have a civil war, but really isn't that what is happening right now?  Maybe not with people fighting on battle fields, but it feels so unsettled and like you are at war with yourselves from outside looking in. 

CDeanne, SDJ, Jeanne Mayell and 9 people reacted
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Adora, thank you for such a light filled post.  Pelosi is a brave warrior for us all.  I love that you see her radiant.  I do too.  And you helped her by seeing her that way.  She is radiant because so many millions of people are supporting her.   She is a great warrior dealing with the darkest of forces.   

We can all direct the light and protection of this universe to her.  

CDeanne, SDJ, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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Maria what do you mean by saying war is coming to the U.S. Please elaborate. 

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