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Dark Scannings: Team Trump are having New Policy Ideas

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Dark Scannings

I was doing a scan of the people who make up TRUMP's inner team. 
(Not the cabinet, per se, but his strategy team, etc. These are not nice people!. There is a sort of deep reptilianism about them, that I find very nasty.

They seem to be kicking around, ideas amongst themselves, and floating ideas for policy, that are like something out of the Third Reich. 
They do this all the time. Basically, they are focusing on the USA internal Muslim population system of , and "Follow-ons" from the existing system 
of legal control by country bands, from a list of countries that people are not allowed to travel from. This is now in place, but adapted a bit, possibly as a result of the law-suits.

What they are thinking, discussing, is the compulsory registration of ALL Muslims, whether USA citizens, or immigrants, etc...not to make any distinction between them, even if native born. 

In other words, a National registration and data base of Muslims, within the USA.

I do not have to point out that this is how it started in Germany, with simple ethnic/religious registration, which was repugnant enough. It is very similar, in scope, to the idea, from back in ths sixties, to require tracking/registration of all black males, during the sixties black uprisings, which had the military making plans so they could be interned, if the situation escalated.

You have to add to this, the very public display of the experimental Wall prototypes, for the Southern Border. Right out there, in plain sight.

Now, how far they will get with this is anybody's guess, as they are good at making small incremental steps, that then become permenant. Also, we are dealing with crazies. But it would play very well with the Trump Alt-right base.

It would enrage the US Black population, (few of whom vote Republican anyway).

I think the outlines of where this is all heading are fairly clear. I give it until sometime in a second GOP Term, (when the real dark forces, after Trump, emerge from the shadows.  I get that it is unlikely at the moment, but I am seeing other stuff, around 2020 to 2025, that is an increasingly stronger Alt Time-line. I think it all depends on Trump, and Korea, and what happens over the next year.

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Thanks Zoron. Forewarned is forearmed.

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If I may suggest, reading or re-reading Scott Peck's "People of the Lie" as a way to understand the force of evil these people succumb to as a way of combatting evil and to over come it with the light of compassion and love. As my teacher says, there is a warrior component to compassion where holding firm to boundaries, light and love can help diminish the darkness.  As Laura F points out forewarned is forearmed.

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Thanks Zoron. When will this horror show end?  Despite all the gaffs and problems, Trump, his crime family and and his goons seem to be thriving.  Just today Tillerson once again kissed Trump's ring and recanted most of his complaints (but not the one where he called Trump a f***ing moron...haha). The investigations into corruption, collusion, etc. feel muted.  Also, there seems to be a subtle strengthening of popular support into Trump's court. I think the hurricanes and massacre are helping him.   Except for the moron part, not too much signaling anything hopeful or helpful.   

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Anybody get a read on this?  Trump saying "Maybe this is the calm before the storm" as if hinting at starting something?


Feels creepy.  Hackles rising at the back of the neck creepy.


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Interesting RunestoneOne, last weekend I felt a "calm before the storm" and chills going up and down my back, then the Las Vegas shooting happen. I was looking at the the photo opt in the article and got feeling Trump feels likes he has accomplish something, which it does not mean it is good for the people. He kinda let the cat out of the bag but at the same time in the picture his lips are seal. I sometimes thinks he gets excited doing more harm to people then good. Good seems to be boring, and non productive to him.

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Yeah, RunestoneOne, ditto for me about the creepy, anxiety-producing feeling. And it was made stronger by Trump's next comment about the great military leaders in the room with him.  And then the "you'll find out" taunt about what it means.  How many international conflicts can we instigate at once?  Let me count the ways: North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Niger, the South China Sea, or somewhere else?  Like the Peanuts cartoon character Pig-Pen, Trump spews a dirty cloud of chaos wherever he goes.   That's how I see him in my head--as a reckless, hapless character who's job is to spew chaos.  

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Whenever Trump releases a big attention getting comment or tweet, l ask myself "why is he deflecting? What bigger thing is happening now that he is trying to draw our attention away from???



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Just watched the video - goosebumps here, which means something bad is coming.

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