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Corey Feldman

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A quick break from politics...

Corey Feldman's Lifetime movie came up about two weeks ago. It bothered me enough to check out his autobiography. Holy crap...that really bothered me, too.

Can anyone do a scan and see how his crusade against pedophilia in Hollywood is going to go? I know he's working with Child USA to get statute of limitations overturned so victims can still prosecute, at the moment. Unfortunately, any recent sighting of him I've seen I'm not getting a good impression. I think he looks unhealthy, i.e., too thin and pale. There's a haunted look in his eyes that scares the beejesus out of me because I don't think I've seen it before. And the feeling is one of someone being a little "out to lunch." I don't know how else to explain it, except to say he feels like he's not entirely in his body right now (if that makes sense).

Anyone else pick up on anything?

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Warrorwitch, he's been one of those deeply troubled and long suffering 'former child stars' that he's become a poster child for childhood stardom. Like so many others he's never gotten past..if that's truly possible..of so much abuse, addiction, abandonment that its created a crazed energy you see on the streets in so many misunderstood and almost schitzoid personalities. He has strong paranormal energies so out of body is a very good description.

The dark death of his best friend and his emotional other half..the other Corey..and all of the emotional abandonment issues by friends, ex wives, family created such displacement. Desperately trying to find his full self, understand the abuse by those in trust and power over him combined with his feeling closer to animals and other worlds than people,  places, or things in this one. Drugs and psychological zoning out ..almost an invisible person except for his crying out in emotional loss, pain and need to be truly seen...and those eyes...

My 5 cent psycho-spiritual understanding would be that he's an example of a soul's archetypal contract with the potential of being the holding space for a generation of lost children. One of Peter Pan's Lost Boys if you will only with gifts that crossed into the subconscious of the shadow world... the dark energy of his creative light side...still reaching/acting out to be and do more. He adored Michael Jackson who can be seen as Peter Pan..a pseudo father figure and another abandonment by death to Corys' unconscious, unrealized version of self.

A whole generation needing love and light..just as we all do. It's all in those eyes...

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"Strong paranormal energies"? What do you mean by that? He had those gifts, or is surrounded by paranormal energies energetically?

Holding space? I'm not familiar with that definition, either.

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Strong paranormal energies..carries either a belief that he has a connection (belief in contact with ghosts, aliens...feeling you have been in their world   have an implant, have had your persona taken over by another non physical entity in some fashion including your own fetally absorbed twin..pretty much anything similar).

Holding space means in one psycho-spiritual sense at least that you carry..pain or disease or life lessons.. for others ..saints, martyrs, unconscious people especially children who remain in vegatative states who are credited with miracles or those that act as channels....psychic healers in many forms from seances to intense intuitive energy healers, to those who practice real magick, to those who believe they carry other entities for a divine purpose.  

You hold the space for aenergeticlly for another/many others...magically, spiritually or just an intense belief in being able to enter/exist inbetween one world and another place.

Deep down inside our secret selves many of us believe we are specifically here by soul contract for going through intensely challenging lives for a deep soul purpose of doing good, being of special service place in this world/lifetime reason.

Just a sample...

However, it can also cross over to another side..demonic possession,  alien or species takeover, etc etc etc. Scarier, darker stuff. Reptiles vs Birds alien being stuff included somewhere in all of the mix.

We each choose..can change anytime..what belief system/mythology we feel the connection to...but true damage isnt undone by choice,  willpower, or changing to a newfound belief system of any kind..

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There is something deeply tragic about him, whatever he's been through as child must have been horrific (maybe in a borderline occult environment or extremely morally and emotionally deranged humans?). I remember an interview with Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter) in which he states that he has no doubt that whatever happened to Corey must have been bad (and it's known in this industry). He also said if his mother hadn't watched him like a hawk he would have ended up like Corey...

This Peter Pan energy around Corey feels right and everything else you said Michele. I just wish him love and soundness! We see you Corey.

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He's a victim of mind control, mkultra. If you are scanning him, consider this as a reason for the bad energies you are picking up.

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? What the wha...? MK Ultra?? Mind control....? (Dafuque!!!!!)

Illustrious Member Registered
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It's good to be reminded that as we are open to all here, we are also open to all levels and layers of understanding.

Personally, as someone who studied mind own, not 1971 for 3 very intensely psychic learning months and then by daily practice after that, that nowadays the look is most often either severe trauma or consistent drug or alcohol use or addiction

But warriorwitches comment is truly heartfelt and provides a layer of jocular brevity. 


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Only heard of MK Ultra in passing. Mind control and what not in relation to child stars is new to me, so... If someone could clear that up, that'd be great.

Long term, sustained substance abuse is something I can see in the eyes. Towards the end of Haim's life, you could see it in his eyes. It's almost a dark, hollowed out kind of feel, laced with something very dark.

Feldman is too thin, too pale, with a very haunted look in his eyes. Kirsten Langston described in one of her readings, someone suffering from Alzheimer's is sometimes in, and sometimes out, of their body. I'm sensing the same in Feldman, though I don't think he has Alzheimer's.

What's throwing me off is, during his appearance in The Two Coreys, I'm sensing a much more grounded energy. That was in 2001-2003...? So, I'm not sure why his appearance now feels so lightweight. 

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What i find fascinating in that surface simple topics such as this one can lead to meaningful discussions and bring forth satellite topics we've yet to even touch upon in the rest of the forum.

A reminder to visitors that all are welcome here and that someone here knows something. feels something and understands something that might connect with your own heart, interests, issues or even your own spirit.



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