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Children being held at the border

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Hey Everyone,

Does anyone get a read into what is going on with the children held at the border and facilities around the country?  Why is the US basically creating thousands of orphans?  Why are we willing to spend millions and millions of dollars to keep these kids in camps away from relatives?  


Illustrious Member Admin
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Latest update on the situation is in the Washington Post published October 12 --   

The government claims they separated  2,053 children and in late June claim to have reunited 500. There is no current reliable data as far as I know. An Inspector General's oversight report of the situation reveals that the data the Trump administration provided the public turned out to be inaccurate and inconsistent. 

There are three databases from the three different agencies that handled these children and the information does not match up.  It's a mess and no one knows the truth at this point.  Recently a 4 year old was put on a plane to Guatemala to be reunited with his father, but the father, who lives 8 hours away from the airport, wasn't notified until 30 minutes before the plane was to land. 

At the end of the article the Washington Post wrote this: 

"The OIG’s report shows the public was misled this summer on an issue of profound national importance, and so we will once again award Four Pinocchios to the Trump administration.

"Four Pinocchios

"(About our rating scale) -- Washington Post.  See link further above.

If anyone has better information, please share. 

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And as always, it's the most vulnerable that pay the ultimate price and it's just plain unacceptable.

Creating power and control and spreading fear among entire groups of people so the word will spread. If you try to come here illegally,  we will find you, round you up, take your children and you may never see them again!

Trying to imagine these parents and their agony and all the children's terror breaks my heart.

No fake excuses allowed! This was just plain wrong but served their own bureaucratic agendas and political evil doing.

I do not even want to imagine what might have happened to some of these missing children because it's too upsetting but previous remote viewing with Zoron still haunts me to know what an incredibly corrupt world of power brokers we are now living in with money, drugs, women, and children being used as pawns and victims in rings of all kinds and for all deviant purposes.

Grrrrrrrrr ?


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I have such a sickening feeling about what is really going on down there with these kids.  I have heard the word “commodity” several times when I think of this situation.  Just recently, Trump said that they may restart the policy of separation again.  In a story I posted in the dream section, it appears that they never really stopped separating these families.  The best guess is somewhere around 12,000 kids are in government custody now.  Many of those were from the unaccompanied minors that crossed the border a few years ago, I believe.  Why is this administration stealing kids?  Are they putting them through indoctrination and a little English before carting them off to be low cost labor?  We don’t have enough foster families for the kids who were born here, much less that speak all these different South American languages.  It was reported that they had no idea where several hundred of these kids are earlier this year.  I read awhile back that they found some of these children working on an egg farm.  NewYorkTimes/Jan28,2016/U.S.placedChildrenwith Trafficers,reportsays.  That happened when Obama was still in there.  Trump would find out about that and see $$$.  He is too cheap to be spending millions of dollars to care for these kids if there wasn’t something in it for him.  There may be kids in Texas making ugly ass ties for him right now.  He could hurt brown people while providing an easier to control work force to farmers.  Win win for him and his white supremacist administration.  These foster homes could just happen to be on farms.  Dear God, please let me be wrong on this.





