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How Are We Doing? Wellness Health Check In. Please be Mindful in Your post.

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@pikake. Wow, thank you. ❤️ 

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You are so very thoughtful Pikake.  Thank you for thinking of so many of us today in prayer. 


So sorry you lost your post after so many ours working on it.  As in everything you do, I am sure it took a great deal of energy and thought.  You are one of the kindest people I have had the pleasure of getting to know and interacting with without ever meeting in person. 

@sistermoon, I will keep you husband in my prayers.   as well as @vestralux, Deepti, Greer and Bernie.

Thank you for all of the prayers and healing light and energy for James.  We isn't worse this morning so that is good.  It is a waiting game. 


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The zithromax Rx is probably the best thing for him that we have right now. That is azithromycin, the pairing with hydroxychloroquine everyone is talking about. 

It not only has antiviral properties, but it will almost surely keep any advantageous bacteria from causing pneumonia or increasing the damage done by the covid19 virus(if he has it).

TriciaCT, SisterMoon, Laynara and 5 people reacted
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that is good to know - I wasn't aware of its antiviral properties, so hearing that makes me feel better. Thank you :)

MAS1581, Lovendures, deetoo and 5 people reacted
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Dear friends and soul community,

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude and touched by the blessing of your light. I've felt your healing energies, and there just aren't enough ways to say thank you. So thank you. ?

I'm offering my own prayers, asking guides, guardians, and celestial spirits to carry some of that powerful healing light back and to amplify it for Deepti, Bernie, Greer, @sistermoon's husband, @ghandigirl's mother, @lovendures's friend, @laynara's fiancé, and for each of you and your loved ones and families.

For all of our healthcare professionals and first responders, wherever they are.

For all who are sick and suffering.

For those why may be passing alone.

And for their loved ones who are grieving and distressed.

I'm praying also for our leaders, especially for the president and his administration and for the governors who hold allegiance to him. I pray that, for the sake of human lives, something moves their hearts and minds so that they will be motivated to act sanely, or at least more sanely than they might have. 

I pray for the spirit of our country and for our planet. ?


As an update, I'm really feeling pretty okay. If I do in fact have CoVid, mine is so far a mild case. If it helps anyone, I'll share my symptoms (don't read if you have a weak stomach).

This is my 6th day of symptoms—started just after midnight on the morning of the 31st. The first 2 1/2 days I had bad digestive symptoms: terrible waves of nausea, a little vomiting, then diarrhea. I still had an appetite which is odd. I hadn't left the house since 3/23 and had only been eating sautéed vegetables and rice, clementines, and a little almond butter over gluten free toast for the previous 3 days (I'm very habitual about food, what can I say?), so I know I didn't have food poisoning. I'd also been self-quarantined since February and had only gone to the grocery store twice, and both times took Clorox wipes and was exceedingly careful, so it's unlikely I contracted a random stomach flu. (I never get the stomach flu, in any case.) My daughter is still working, however, and 6 days ago, her office hadn't yet closed its doors to the public. 

By the middle of day 3, my symptoms had moved to my chest. I've had a hacking, dry cough since then with occasional low grade temp. Never over 100. Body aches with occasional bone pain at night, but this hasn't been severe.

The worst symptom outside of the nausea has been the fatigue. It's probably also worth mentioning that I've had a not-fun headache the whole time, but I always do (chronic daily migraines), so I can't say whether this is part of the symptom cluster or extraneous to it.

Again, if I do have CoVid, I'd say I have a mild case. As @BlueBelle reminded me, the second week will likely tell me more, but I'm convinced I'll be okay and I know without a doubt that all of your healing intentions has helped me. I have a weakened immune system and was nervous initially, but no longer am. I have all of you to thank and could not be more grateful. You've brought me to tears. (And wow, your light is so bright!) ?

I work as a freelancer (self-employed) and don't have medical insurance so this was a frightening scenario—as it is for all of us, regardless—but I feel really optimistic. There's no testing in my area, but I wouldn't go in to be examined unless I were suddenly struggling to breathe, in any case. I've been told to assume I'm a "presumptive positive" case and to self-isolate, which I'm doing. Hopefully, my symptoms will ease some of your minds.

As someone who's been a sick person and also the caretaker/loved one of a sick person, I believe it's much, much harder on the heart, body, and mind to be the latter. (My daughter has been a wreck.) So, I'm sending all of the healing power you've shared with me along with whatever has been given to me as my own for your husband, mother, fiancé, and friends. Let's light up the whole community web and keep it glowing!


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I will wash my hands and send healing light to you and all those mentioned previously in this post. ❤️ 

But I wanted to mention that the week of March 16th both my hubby and I had a weird bad stomach that lasted for 2 days, then poof it was gone. Just makes me wonder...

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@vestralux, thank you for updating us.  I was concerned about you, especially since I am aware of your health challenges.  But as I thought about you today, I felt this deep sense of peace.  And as I say this to you, I am feeling goosebumps (the good kind).

I will continue to send you healing light and pray as well for your daughter. 

Lots of love to you. 

BlueBelle, TriciaCT, VestraLux and 3 people reacted
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So, I thought I would give a little update on life in my household.

The 4 of us are doing ok.  We all have our moments of struggle and anxiety but we also are able to lift each other up too when needed.  There are times when life seems so normal and others when The  Twilight Zone is front and center.  That switch between the two extremes can happen a a moments notice too.   

You know the children's book "If you give a Mouse a Cookie?"  Here is my version of that story.  If you Give a New TV Set a Home.

On Thursday our family room TV died.  It was only a 2 year old Samsung but, die it did.  It refused to turn on and made freaky noises.   So we ordered a new one ( not Samsung) from Best Buy with curbside delivery into your car trunk on Saturday because we could get it the same day we ordered it.   Now, if you buy a new tv, you need to know that the "inch" measurement is a diagonal measurement not horizontal.  I did not know that and since I ordered the TV  there were actually 2 trips to Best Buy involved with the second trip being a return and new pick up for the correct sized tv.  Slow start but progress.  

I miss the old days of simply taking a tv out of a box and plugging it in.  It takes much more effort to set up a new tv now.  First, it talks to you.  It is that same familiar voice ( Alexa? Siri? ) you have heard before interacting with you.    You can" turn off"  the voice if you wish, but then I thought, what if you want the voice later?  Will you be able to figure out how to have the voice if you want it again?  I unplugged Alexa because she would talk to us when nobody was saying anything and it would creep out our family.  I don't know how I feel about a talking tv, although I like the idea af asking it to turn on.  Hmm.  Do I really like that idea.  Still undecided.

So now when you get a new "smart" tv, you need your service provider, passwords, agreements, opt outs, new remotes, color adjustments and it goes on and on, screen after screen.  Then there is the cleaning to prepare for the tv.  I am thinking the old tv likely died from dust bunny sneak attacks. (Why is it you can dust and yet the dust bunnies still can infiltrate  where ever they want?)

Our entertainment unit is old and well, in order for it to fit this tv into our entertainment unit, we had to remove the doors because the tv was about an 1/8 of an inch too big for the space even though the "same" sized old broken tv fit. That would have meant a 3rd trip to Best Buy and a 2nd return and a smaller screen.  So we did what any sane person (or person trying to stay sane during a pandemic) would do.  We took off the doors of the entertainment unit of course.  Then there were the pieces of wood needed to prop up the tv stand which...oh don't even ask. Seriously.  

So now, we have a new tv, an entertainment unit with no doors and lumber holding up the tv stand. Oh, and a clean entertainment unit.  Well, sorta, I still see some dust.  (I know I just cleaned is that possible?) The Poltergeist old TV set is in the garage until the pandemic is over and I can give it to Good Will or somewhere.    

Yesterday my daughter's computer died (1 year and 3 months old).  It would not hold a charge and it turned off without being able to go back on.  She was on the phone with Apple for awhile and luckily, they were able to help get it going again.  At least for now.  Catastrophic situation avoided .  Too bad Apple could't have fixed the  2 year old Samsung tv that wouldn't turn on.  That would have saved the entertainment unit doors, some dust bunnies  and some of our precious sanity.

Today my husband needed to go to the bank and since most branches are now closed, he decided  to go one still open at Safeway.  So he then asked if he could grab anything while there? 

I wrote him a short shopping list, not too long.   Included on that list was fresh berries . Our family loves berries and we have missed them quite a bit.  So when he returned, he first tells me, "the cashier decided  to call her manager over to check  if there was a limit on berries, and it turns out there wasn't any".  I tried to think what that meant.  How many did he buy?  We now have 4 pints of raspberries, 4 pints of blueberries,  4 quart boxes of strawberries and 2 pints of blackberries.  14 containers of berries.  It was like "Berry Claus" had found his way to our house.  My 20 somethings were so excited and happy.  They were laughing at their dad and excited about all the ways they were going to make use of the berries.  First stop, smoothies.  


BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell, kksali and 23 people reacted
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@lovendures thank you - I am laughing at the thought of heaps and heaps of berries and feeling continued gratitude for this wonderful community ❤️ 

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Posted by: @triciact


I will wash my hands and send healing light to you and all those mentioned previously in this post. ❤️ 

But I wanted to mention that the week of March 16th both my hubby and I had a weird bad stomach that lasted for 2 days, then poof it was gone. Just makes me wonder...

If you never developed any respiratory symptoms then no, not COVID. From what I have read, some do get GI symptoms, but if there are no respiratory symptoms before, during, or after, then it can't be COVID. So either a random stomach bug, an allergy, or foodborne illness.


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Just for future reference - you can't donate a TV that's not fully functional, no one will take it. Best bet? Best Buy - they take everything electronic for recycling.

I imagine you'll read this later, right now I envision you up to your elbows stirring pots of berry preserves...

FEBbby23, TriciaCT, Lovendures and 5 people reacted
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@lovendures, what can I say?  LOL!  You are a great storyteller.  Make sure you save it somewhere.

And that berry story?  Priceless!  Your hubby should meet my hubby -- I think they'd have a lot in common.

Hmm ... you've got me in the mood for berries ... lots and lots of berries ...

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So, are you telling me I am gong to have to eventually make that 3rd trip to Best Buy after all?  

Dang.  Ha Ha Ha!


Thank you for writing your update.  Happy to hear things are not too bad on your end and will continue to keep you in prayer and send you light and love.  Hearing your journey will be helpful to us all.  


Thank you.  I hope everyone can have berry happy dreams tonight!  

I would love for us all to meet one day.  That would be fantastic!!

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Thank Sistermoon.  I am so very grateful for this community too.  I love our tribe!

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Holding you in ? light, Jewels.....

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Thank you so much @stargazer, and everyone. ?

@lovendures, oh my goodness! Thank you for sharing a little of your quarantine chaos with us. 

In my house, whenever electronics start getting wonky all of a sudden, much LESS when gadgets start talking, it's either a sign that spirits are nearby and needing attention, or that one of us is feeling a little emotionally overwhelmed and throwing off PK sparks.

If that's the case at your house, I'm sure you're equipped (with more than literally all of the berries) to take care of it. Not usually something Apple Support can help with. ?


Your story reminded me of one my mother loves to tell.

She once worked in a convent in Chatawa, Mississippi called St. Mary of the Pines. I'm not sure if they still do this, but for many years, St. Mary's was a place where nuns from all over the world retired in old age, so it operated partly as a kind of nursing home for senior sisters. One of the retired nuns there was very sweet and had progressed Alzheimers, so my mother would wheel her around through the buildings and along the porticos whenever she was feeling up to a little fresh air. 

Occasionally, this nun would become agitated and insistent, and begin shouting loudly that "all of these pussies really need to be cleaned up!"

After a while of this, my mother realized the nun was using this word to refer to dust bunnies.

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Posted by: @mas1581


The zithromax Rx is probably the best thing for him that we have right now. That is azithromycin, the pairing with hydroxychloroquine everyone is talking about. 

It not only has antiviral properties, but it will almost surely keep any advantageous bacteria from causing pneumonia or increasing the damage done by the covid19 virus(if he has it).

MAS, I know that hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) is prescribed for some Lupus patients. I've never been prescribed it myself, but I recently saw something (don't have the link or energy at the moment to find it but it's simple enough I'm sure) about a woman with Lupus who relies on hydroxychloroquine for her survival. She explained that she can no longer access the drug because of the overrun on pharmacies for this medication. 

A pharmacist was quoted in the same piece as saying that doctors were writing prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine for their own family members and some may be doing so "just in case." I don't know whether that's true or to what extent. Or even whether mentioning this helps or hurts further, but I wanted to mention it so that we're all taking extra precaution in our own research and decision-making. 

@sistermoon, of course you should do whatever is necessary. Whatever might help. I'm saying this for the rest of us. ?

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Love your mom story.

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I woke up this morning and was greeted with your mom's convent story.  I laughed like hell!  Belly laughter is a wonderful way to start your day.  


BlueBelle, VestraLux, TriciaCT and 9 people reacted
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@lovendures this is a great story.  Sorry for all the frustration you have to endure but I find as we become more technologically advanced we become bogged down with the “password, verify, captka thing to prove I’m not a bot, etc.”. Exhausting.  Your story did make me laugh so thank you.  We all need to laugh, it’s the best medicine.   Here’s to a problem free, berry filled day. 

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