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What should I do with my intuitive experiences? Where Should I Go From Here?

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@sagetarotpisces, I've yet to hear a distinct voice in my ear.  But I do sometimes hear a shout behind me, either right before I nod off, or it might startle me awake.  I think it's a voice, but I can't decipher any particular word/s.  

@vestralux -- yikes!  Your stories had my heart pounding.  Wonderful protective guides you have around you.  We all have them -- we just need to learn how they communicate with us.  I'm still learning.

For me, that communication usually comes in the way of a feeling, i.e., don't do this, do that.  Or a thought will pop into my head, which I know isn't mine.

Along those lines, I have one crazy story to share.  About 20 years ago I was working in DC, and on my walk to the subway to go home, I came upon a shoe store that was having a sale.  I couldn't pass that up, so I went inside.  The store was long and narrow, with two rows of seats running back-to-back, down the middle of the store.  I sat next to another customer, with our backs towards the checkout counter.  A man was trying on shoes, his back facing us.  As this woman and I proceeded to try on shoes, I began feeling nervous -- panicky, even.  I thought I was anxious because I was about to overspend (I was in my compulsive shopping days back then).  I thought that I might hyperventilate, so I started chatting with the female customer sitting next to me.  That awful feeling I had intensified, and suddenly this voice in my head commanded, "do NOT look behind you."  I suddenly thought of the story in Genesis about Lot's wife and how she turned into a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom.  (Don't you love how they often targeted women in some of these bible stories?)  I almost laughed, had I not been dealing with such ongoing anxiety.  Another few minutes passed, at which point one of the two sales associate blurted out, "we were just robbed!"  Apparently as I was trying on shoes, the one male customer sitting behind us had tried on shoes, gone to the checkout counter to ostensibly pay for them, but instead pulled out a gun on the sales associate, robbed the register, and left with the money and two pairs of new shoes.  

If I had turned and witnessed what was going on, would we all have been hurt?  Clearly the robber would want to keep things quiet and get out as quickly as possible.  I have no way of knowing what may have occurred, but I received a clear message from my spirit guide.

Funny ending to the story:  the police came, locked the front door, dusted for fingerprints, put yellow police tape over the interior front window and door, and interviewed each of us.  At one point as we were standing with the police officers, I looked up towards the front of the store and witnessed two women outside trying to open the locked door, then press their faces against against the yellow-taped window, motion to the locked door and mouth, "A-R-E  Y-O-U  O-P-E-N-E-D?"

And yes -- I did end up purchasing a pair of shoes.  Old, addictive habits die hard.




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I wish I got voices. I just get feelings. Like today, I feel so run down, like I feel feverish without the fever and I keep thinking either I’m getting sick or something will happen soon. One of those days where I feel completely insane. And since Trump is continuing to lose his mind by calling the Denmark PM a nasty woman, I’m gonna go get pizza.


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@pacosurfer, oh God ... I hadn't heard his recent nasty woman comment.  You're not going insane -- HE is.  I'm sorry you're feeling crappy.  I've had that happen too -- not sure whether it's physical, or something else.  Sometimes it's a waiting game.  Take care of yourself the best way you can.

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Very cool about your boyfriend and his mom! (Except for the part about him breaking his arm obv). Just goes to show how innate and evolutionary what we call our psychic connections really are. My daughter, who's 22, and I are incredibly close (we pretty much grew up together) and I'm surpassingly grateful that I've never been woken up by a sense of certainty that she was in trouble—my heart aches just imagining it. But I do have several experiences where I suddenly knew when something was happening with my mother. And just one with my dad. The night he died, I was hundreds of miles away but sat bolt upright in bed at 3:19 am and knew he was gone. That was his recorded time of death.

Twins are something very special indeed. If we're all entangled at the quantum level with every other human, living and dead, and more so with with close friends and loved ones, there can be no deeper entanglement than two people who shared a womb. (Amplify that exponentially when they share the same DNA sequence.) I bet you and your sister could even further develop your connection in profound ways.  

Also, it sounds like you could be similar to my daughter, J, who's clairsentient. Where I tend to see and know, she feels. And boy does she ever—not just at the emotional level, but physically. For ex, a year ago next month, J's friend and coworker passed away very suddenly under suspicious circumstances. About a week later, I suddenly knew J was about to come in the front door and ask me to help her communicate with her friend. Her spirit had practically been clinging to J the entire week, and she'd finally found a way to make her presence known to my daughter, who was upset over her death and afraid of what was happening.

Until that day, J had been too afraid of her gift and mine to ever want to discuss it. I was forbidden from even mentioning spirits most of the time. But when J came home, she had tears in her eyes and I knew she was ready. We spent the next 8+ HOURS communicating with her friend (never had an experience like it). My daughter would ask questions and I could "hear" her friend's answers in my head—again, to the right side and a little back. Or she might even show me an image. I was just their translator, but even before I had a chance to convey whatever I was picking up, my daughter would physically express the emotion her friend was showing me. Her friend was highly distraught over her death and still very confused about where she was. The whole time we spoke with her, she moved quickly between laughter, tears, anger, and back again. My daughter's body physically shook the entire time, and she sobbed and laughed and raged with her friend. It exhausted her but it also seemed cathartic and comforting. It might be impt to state that J is an almost overly chill person on the surface, so this kind of outward emotional display isn't just unusual, it's unheard of. But because she's an empath and a physical medium, she was feeling everything her friend was feeling in the most literal way.

[Once, when she was about 14, we were driving down a mountain highway, just chatting, when J suddenly threw herself over in the passenger seat, clutching her head and gasping in pain. Before I could react, I'd driven around a curve where a car had just been in a terrible accident. A woman was being pulled from that car by first responders. Her face was covered in blood and she did not appear conscious. The front end was crushed.]

Way more info than you probably needed, but maybe some of it will jog something loose for you in your own experience. ? 

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"So perhaps simply dealing with recurring health issues opens us to more realms of possibility in the universe."

I absolutely agree.

...Though, maybe there's a chicken/egg question to consider. Maybe because we're open, we take more in, absorbing more of the vibrational disharmonies in the field, whether in the form of pesticides and other toxins, GMOs, climate chaos, social conflict, historical trauma, etc. Either way, it's like you said, when enough of us are afflicted (by the exponential increase in autoimmune conditions or anything else), we might finally act in a collective way. ?  

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@deetoo OMG! That was insane! I'm so glad you obeyed that internal voice (and that you weren't turned into a pillar of salt). Who can know the answer to those 'what if' questions, but I have to think that if we're fortunate enough to receive some unexplained guidance in a moment of danger, it's because whatever is offering it knows something our conscious minds don't. 

I also have to think that the man who did that robbery might have been feeling an incredible level of anxiety and adrenaline as he sat there amping himself up. It's interesting to consider whether you might have been absorbing his energy, or were simply reacting to it. So interesting. 

I laughed at the image of those women at the end of your story, but yeesh! Anyone willing to cross police tape to get a little retail therapy in probably had a bigger shopping habit than you did. ? 



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@pacosurfer Your feelings about not wanting to be here are normal, although I'm sorry it's so hard. I think many of us have felt the way you do, in varying degrees at one time or another, and some a lot of the time. The poet Rumi wrote: My soul is from elsewhere. I am sure of that. And I intend to end up there.


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@vestralux, I'm very moved by the relationship you have with your daughter.  It's wonderful how you can be there for J, and she for you.  What an amazing gift.  

About my robbery story:  I believe you’re right when you suggest that perhaps I was absorbing his energy, or simply reacting to it.  I hadn’t even considered that.  Something I failed to mention:  when I first entered the store, I stood next to the robber as we both looked at shoes.  I even turned my head and looked at him, which back then was out of character for me.  But at that moment I hadn’t felt any particular discomfort; I just remember noting how well he was dressed.  Then out of curiosity I focused on the shoes he was selecting.  He had excellent fashion sense.    Isn’t it crazy that I remembered that from 20 years ago?  I can’t remember what I did 5 minutes ago.  Anyway, I was able to give the police a general description.  Then I got on a crowded subway train, as if everything were normal.  Bizarre.

I agree with you and Coyote about the autoimmune and recurring health issues.  It really is a chicken/egg question.  In my case, I am aware that I've always been a sponge to my environment.  So even if my empathic sensitivities had not created my health conditions, I believe they certainly exacerbated them.  Perhaps it is a combination of nature and nurture?  Hard to say.  What I will say is that my purpose in this lifetime makes more sense to me now.  I don’t belong to this planet, but I belong on it.  I know that I was created for these times.  That’s true for all of us.

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@deetoo Beautifully said, and I so agree. 

It is bizarre the amount of detail we can hold onto! And yes, surreal how we step out of those moments and right back into the mundane world.

Significant traumas, especially very early in life, can create significant distortions (in memory, identity, relation, etc.), but there's ample research which shows that, because we become hyper-focused during dangerous or close-call experiences, the brain and body tends to hold onto the most vivid details for the rest of our lives. This is also true of more traumatic experiences, so long as we have just enough resilience and an adequate "holding environment" (people caring for us) immediately after the fact. 


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@polarberry, This is a continuation of my response to you under “Situation Unraveling…” thread:

Thank you for giving me the courage to post some of my own feelings about where I fit in this wonderful community.  It took a while for me to join this group, and even longer for me to post.  I am a private person, leery of social media (no Facebook page), not much of a joiner, and rarely text.  But this community has so much to offer and felt so welcoming, that I stepped outside of my head, went with my gut, and signed up.  I am happy that I did.

I have often felt the way you described.  I am in awe of the number of gifted people on this site, and sometimes question what contributions I am making.  Occasionally I become distracted by the number of psychic hits and feel intimidated.  At that moment I often say to myself " what do you have to offer here?"  Sometimes I even feel like an imposter.  But in my case, when that occurs, I realize it's my ego talking.  I want gifts that I either don't have, or have yet to develop.  More importantly, I don't fully appreciate the gifts that I already possess.  In the past I’ve had two psychics tell me that I am psychic.  Who knows?  I’m still trying to figure out what that looks like.

I’ve always been highly sensitive and now call myself an empath.  I often sense and feel things.  It sounds like you may sense and feel things the way I do.  In fact, I’m too much of a sponge to my environment.  Sometimes a random thought enters my head, seemingly out of nowhere, which I know is true.  On rare occasions, a dream.  But I rarely "see" things, and I've gotten very hung up on that.  The few times I’ve had visions are when I’m totally relaxed, or busy doing other things.  I've participated in a couple of Read for the Future nights, but I put too much pressure on myself and blank out.  Or, I believe that I’m making stuff up.  Performance anxiety with an audience of one – me.  There’s that ego again!

I’m still a newbie with all of this.  And to tell you the truth, it scares me a little bit.  I have this sense that if I really let go (I’m a bit of a control freak), I won’t be able to turn it off, even if I want to.

I agree with @unk-p, @lovendures, @yogagirl, @lawrence, @jeanne-mayell -- everything they’ve shared in their thoughtful responses to your post.  This is a day-to-day (even moment-to-moment) process.  We’re all a work in progress!  And as lovendures stated, we all have unique gifts. 

I’ve learned so much about myself since I’ve joined this community.  I’m much more in touch with my spirit guides and angels, and I’ve become more comfortable with their presence.  In fact, in my mind’s eye, I can feel one of them shaking her head and saying, “finally!”  Ultimately, I want to make this world a better place.   That sounds kind of sappy, but it’s true – even if I make a small difference in one person’s life, that gives my life meaning.

So, despite all of my self-doubt and long learning curve, when I discovered this community, I felt that I was home.  So it must be true!  And it’s also true for you.  As @yogagirl stated in her delightfully funny way, “we’re all in this mess together.”

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While I was never in a situation where my life was truly in danger, my brain holds onto the memories of when I was bullied or laughed at, particularly of how I looked or my clothes. Even today, my brain still goes back to those memories, even if they were over 20 years ago. I remind myself that I am not those thoughts. 

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@pacosurfer and deetoo:

So Deetoo said so much that resonated with me. But pacosurfer, OMG, I was so bullied and teased from middle of 1st grade until end of 8th grade (and I'm 59) it still affected me my whole life. They would make fun of my hair, clothes, etc., really anything they could think of. I believe it made me someone who was not as much of a risk taker and lacked confidence for a long time. I didn't strive to be the executive at the company I worked for, but rather the Exec admin assistant. I really think what happens to us as children affects us in ways that sticks to us like glue. We have to strive to changed the "movie" in our own brain. 


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@triciact and @pacosurfer, and even when the brain has blocked out bad memories and/or trauma, the body remembers.  At least that's been true in my case.  


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I have a question that pokes at me from time to time. I have a good friend who is an online psychic. She is very accurate and lovely as a person. She is also a Trump supporter and has told me she saw that his heart was actually into being POTUS for the right reasons when he was elected and afterwards. I also notice there are many psychics out there who claim he will be elected a 2nd term and also support him. 

My question is how can someone like my friend and others, who may actually be pretty good psychics on a regular basis have this feeling about Trump. The whole thing confuses me, especially about my friend Suzanne.  I can not only clearly see what kind of "devil" he is, but it's there for all of us to see every day right out in the open. So how can a psychic feel this way? I would love to hear what others feel about this topic and I hope posting it here was ok. Thank you. 

(side note, my dear friend who passed away in 2004 was named Suzanne, I have a dear friend now who lives near me named Suzanne, and the gal who is the psychic/trump supporter is also named Suzanne - I am a "Suzanne magnet" lol)

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i, also, had an online psychic friend who was an ardent trump supporter. She knew I voted for sanders/Clinton, and she told me that they would be the next Hitler.

the way she treated me was disrespectful; the only thing i can think of is that Trump was suppose to be President so she took that meant he would do good. But I too think he was meant to be President to make us wake up to the horrors that can even happen in America; we have to face up to our history of racism; of course, I don’t know how anyone with any iota or psychic-ness or spiritually can still support him; but I will eliminate any of them from my life; my mental health is paramount 

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I did feel he was supposed to be elected to expose and give light to the changes that need to happen in our government, but I never thought of it the way you explained it - that maybe since she sensed he was supposed to be elected she mistook that as he was going to do good. How so many still see the energy of him being re-elected mystifies me though, especially when I see him being gone - soon! Thank you!

(I also feel that certain psychics are just Republican in nature so they tend too be slanted in that directions too perhaps). 

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A friend and I were discussing the difficult things going on with aging individuals and how their thought processes deteriorate. It's why so many seniors are the targets of scams. The conversation then led to people who have had emotional issues, or abuse in their backgrounds. 

It's like Stockholm syndrome for many. I know of a gal who has looked to me for help with trying to figure out her mother and the mother's poor behaviors. The gal thinks her mother wasn't fit to be a parent. Her mother, while being a democrat (I believe-she's definitely more liberal than the daughter), is emotionally disordered, just like Rumpus. So while the daughter thinks the mother isn't fit to head up a family, she thinks Mango is fit to head the country. She simply can't see how the man behaves just like her mother. 

People who have been abused have been lied to all their lives. They'll believe a lie before they recognize the truth every time. They'll cling to the abuser, or they'll be attracted to the same type over and over until they learn their lesson. That they deserve better, that yes they are worthy. That doesn't make them bad people, it makes them human. To err is human. Psychic or not, people who have their own issues and biases will see things that support their perspectives. It's a blind spot they are not aware of. 

And if he was chosen to be in office, to help flush out those who are of like minds, others would have to be mesmerized as well to get enough votes. Those who are like him are not the majority. They are a small percentage of our citizens, and they needed to be exposed so they can learn. We're all here to learn-but we aren't all here to learn the same lessons. Some have already figured out they made a bad choice-they were ill informed. Others have a harder time admitting mistakes, and will take longer to come around. Some may never do so. They'll try again next lifetime. 

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Hi, Tricia you pose a very interesting question, some of which I think at times beyond our ability to fully grasp.  Pretend for a moment that you are not from this world and are looking at our events impartially.   Is Trump good or bad?  Think about what he did with North Korea.  We are not a war, would we be with another president?  Sure, they still have nuclear weapons, but he has successfully diffused that situation, how many lives were saved because of it?   The wall with Mexico, we have been building it for decades, no one talked about it until Trump came along.   Has it caused a wave of compassion, for all to examine how we all treat everyone?   His rhetoric would have never been tolerated 30 years ago, again forcing us to look at what we don't like.   Much of what we are seeing in the news has been going on for eternity, but now the light is shining on it for all to see what is improper.  It maybe a hard way to learn a lesson, but maybe it is necessary.  While it is hard to watch sometimes, change is happening, and I suspect that it will be permanent and positive change in the long run.

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@proffat  I want to thank you and very gently correct the facts in your post.  As you have agreed with others here, that Trump has, by making it much worse, served the purpose of awakening us to injustice that was already happening in the world.  I love the idea of looking at Trump from outside this world.  It's a good exercise.  

However, your examples of North Korea and the border wall are incorrect and don't reflect the history of those situations.

Regarding North Korea, Donald Trump did not save us from anything.  He made the situation there much much worse by triggering a near nuclear war with them, then tried to back off.  In his characteristic arrogance and ignorance, he agitated North Korea which we all know has been developing nuclear weapons for decades. He then succeeded in doing just one thing -- terrifying billions of people including children all over the world into thinking we were close to war with them. He may have brought us closer to nuclear war than we've been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. He didn't diffuse anything except that he backed down from Kim Jung Un.

It's funny because when he was elected my husband said that what concerned him the  most, what kept him up for several nights after the election, was that Trump would trigger a nuclear holocaust. We even called our grown kids who live away from us and established a rural location we would meet en route to Canada in the event that news of nuclear war became dire. 

To diffuse the situation he created with North Korea, Trump made an embarrassing diplomatic visit (notice he went to them, which elevated their standing in the world) where nothing changed at all. Nothing.  He made a phony Apprentice con show move that he'd reached an agreement and friendship with their leader who laughed behind his back, then went on doing what they were doing before which was building a nuclear weapon.

In short, Trump claimed victory for not setting off a nuclear holocaust that he nearly triggered. 

As for the wall, it's true that there has been pressure from Republicans to build a wall since about 2005. Obama tried to appease the Republicans by setting up a virtual wall  and since the early 2000's there has been fencing at high traffic crossings. But the reality was that a wall was a bad idea for many reasons. In Texas, local and state politicians opposed the wall because it would stop critical trade between the two countries. Environmentalists also pointed out how a wall would hurt our ecosystems.  It wasn't until Trump came along with his massive arrogance and ignorance that a U .S. president made such a big deal out of it. The only reason most Americans didn't know about the wall controversy until Trump is that the reasons why a wall is such a bad idea had kept it under there radar. But Trump is the king of hubristic ignorance so he raised the issue to the point where we all now know about previously discarded wall idea.  Today, not even the GOP believes in a total border wall.  

Wikipedia provides much of the border wall history.  They also I assume provide much of the North Korea history too. 

As for looking at this world from outside, I LOVE that idea. 

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@proffat, I thank you for bringing up the idea of looking at our world from the outside.  It is something we have talked about in this forum from its inception but you have made it a focus right now.

Trump's ideas come from the shadow of humanity and he brings out that shadow. We will get into the light when a critical mass of people  feel the consequences of that dark behavior and change their own lives.

The shadow comes from the immature drives of greed, selfishness, and not understanding that we are all radically interconnected. All humans have these selfish feelings -- they are how we survived in the jungles --  but as people mature we will change to more altruism and wisdom.  

What will it take for humanity as a whole to see the radical interconnectivity of all beings?  What will it take for humanity to realize that trees, animals and ALL people are one? What will it take for people to realize that what we do to others we actually do to ourselves?  A movement is underway that is based on this knowledge of radical interconnectivity.  It will gain traction over time. That movement is in the hearts of those who post here and it is in many other people we haven't met but we know them when we meet them. 

I'm watching our world from the outside and I see that we have to really see the tragic consequences to our own selves of harming others for change to happen in the whole civilization.

The Border Wall tragedies are helping us see how we have treated our fellow humans from other countries.  Their plights come  in large part from actions we took as a country when our corporations  stole their natural resources and enslaved their people. Our politicians passed policies that interfered with their attempts to become free democracies. We overthrew 13 countries, starting with Hawaii, since 1898.   We propped up bad governments who helped our corporations raid them and their natural resources.  We did this for example in Iran, in central America,  and Vietnam.  So now in Central America, the have to flee the countries we have helped make dangerous and poor. 

The North Korea situation:  Who set off the first nuclear weapon?  Who is the only country that has used a nuclear weapon on another country?  We hold it up as a threat.  We have elected leaders who want to use it to control other countries. So why are we surprised when some countries who don't want to kowtow to us build their own weapons? 

I agree that the situation is complex, and in the end we are not the only ones to blame.  We are one of the leading forces in the game of blame. 

The situation we face today stems from immature humanity.  We need to grow and learn from our mistakes.

Advanced beings from outside this world will see that the human race is young and still in the toddler phase of self interest, with little understanding of how to treat each other. 

Climate change is the real game changer. As I write this, there is a law suit in NY against Exxon for lying repeatedly about the impacts of climate change. After Exxon gets through this lawsuit, they will have to deal with similar suits in other states. They will end up bankrupt as will all the fossil fuel companies.  

They knew about climate change since the 1970's but they covered it up and funded a denial system to protect their profits. It was considered business as usual. And now we face annihilation from climate change. Once humans as a race begin to understand the radical interconnectivity of all beings as so many of the light workers in this community already understand -- then we will thrive on this planet.  

When we predict the future here, I have not seen yet how the 2020 election will bear out.  I want to see a new paradigm. I want to see the paradigm that will save humanity.  So I look at us from outside this world and I ask if we have changed enough yet. No we have not. But we could shift fast so I am keeping up the possibility in my mind that the change is coming very soon.  Most huge scale change is happening beneath the surface and then, BOOM, we see radical revolution virtually over night. 

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