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What should I do with my intuitive experiences? Where Should I Go From Here?

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The moon affects fluids. It pulls the tides, and women’s menstrual cycles, and the endocrine system which rules emotions.  

Studies show that people have more sex during the full moon, and people get more emotional.  

So it’s possible that intuition which is associated with feelings might increase during the full moon. 

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That makes sense. Thanks for the answer. 

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From a life filled with many challenges, I have found there is a link between the gifts, the giving back, and the the acceptance of and practice of living in and giving from ones heart.

If you live in your mind and practice and live in and from a place of negative emotions and endless analyzing, you miss the true meaning of the gifts themselves.

If you live in, speak from, and practice heart centered meditative practices you increase your understandings of the true value and only real purpose of having and using your gifts for lifting yourself up (and yes, it's often over and over again) from all of life's challenges. 

When you're in the sacred space of heart centered, heart filled energies, you seek to do good and be of service to all others.

When we're stuck in our minds (over and over again even more than our hearts) we can only play out the endless patterns of this incarnation and have far fewer glimpses of a better world that we might be using our creative energies towards manifesting.   The fusion of mind-body-spirit energies are far more challenging to imagine, much less create. Those are our flashes and glimpses our hearts yearn for.

When the great seers of light were asked how to attain heaven, or bliss, or whatever name you use, their answers were all basically the same expressed in different ways, with different wordings.

Focus on your bliss, access your bliss, follow your bliss, live your bliss in word and deed with and for others is my practice. My gifts changed and I changed in that practice.

I've walked so many of your paths, I've searched endlessly for more knowledge, better ways to use my gifts, how to help more people than my physical being could handle.

In the end, the answer we are all searching for has just been lying  patiently waiting to be discovered and used in and by our hearts.

And I for one am still trying to truly understand the full meaning in all of that. Knowing what's real and what's not hasn't done one bit to decrease my own human failings and wailings but I've gotten better at turning them around, over and over and over again...

It's that simple and that endlessly  complex. Love all of you and all of our endless koan like riddles, conversations and discussions!







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Much love to you, Michele.  You have been on my mind and in my heart this past week and your presence here in this forum has touched many lives.  I deeply appreciate your experience and wisdom.

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Yeah Michele,  what Bluebelle ^ said.     I was really starting to wonder if you were ok?     This place is not the same w/o you and your beautiful voice.              peace & love to you

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Love to you, Michele.  Thank you for the message.  It is one I need to be reminded of over and over again. Sending love and well being to you and your family. 

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Bless you Bluebell and Jeanne ? 

My life has been in such a holding pattern waiting for life's many challenges to further play out until there is a turning point for potential change or healing to even begin its complex and so far indefinite process.

I am trying to honor the challenging process of being stuck on a runway waiting for so many complexities to even be processed much less a creative process of potential actions and counter actions to even begin.

Three months in a standstill tests one's faith in manifesting process and procedure potentialities is not easy on anyone. Soon, things will finally begin process and a path forward chosen and acted upon.

Love to all of you helping me to hold space, maintain the healing energies between a rock and a hard place and still have hope, love, faith and charity in my heart that things are as they need to be in my life and all those I love and hold dear.



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Oh thank you dear Unkp! That was so very dear of you to say and for me to hear!


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 Michele, sometimes when I read your words, they are what I would imagine Spirit would be saying to us.  Your heart is filled with love, kindness and grace.

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Hey again! I remembered one more experience of mine. I woke up one morning and instantly said to my self "beware trains", and a little late I was offered a job at a place that worked with trains. I turned the job down but I curious about what is known about this type of experience.

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@Pacosurfer, I'm responding here to your 7/29 post to me under "Situation Unraveling for T****."

I understand how challenging all of this stuff can be when you are an empath.  I often feel so out of place here, as if I’ve come from another planet.  (Who knows ... maybe I have!)  I’m glad that you are accepting your sensitivities as an integral part of who you are.  It really is a precious gift, and I believe it’s why you’re here with us now.  I’m very glad that you are.

I do understand the difficulty sometimes in differentiating whether what you’re feeling really belongs to you.  I too can be quite a sponge!   For a significant part of my life I would dissociate, in order to avoid the energies of others.  It wasn’t until I entered my senior years – I’m 67 now – that I was able to remain more present and engaged, and yet not lose myself in the process.  I tried transcendental meditation, but found that I left my body too often.  Not good for someone who easily dissociates!  Moving meditation such as qui gong, which can keep me grounded and peaceful, helps me a lot more.  Another tool I use to help distinguish my feelings from those around me is to practice mindfulness.  I even took an 8 week course in it. I can still absorb feelings and energies that don’t belong to me, but it happens less than it used to.

I learned the hard way – lots of health issues, mostly autoimmune in nature.  When I read that autoimmune problems are when the body turns against itself, I wasn’t at all surprised.  I also medicated with sugar and carbs, until my blood sugar eventually showed the effects. When I stabilized my blood sugar, I had less mood swings and could better manage my sensitivities.  I have some of the issues you describe – noise, crowd and light sensitivity (including sunlight), fatigue, anxiety.  Sensory overload comes quickly.  Sunglasses and ear plugs are often close by!  The evening light, and especially the moon, is very calming to me.  I’ve accepted these things about myself and if I need to remove myself from a situation, I do that. 

I sense that you have a creative nature.  Do you have any creative outlets?  In the past, such expression has helped me to better navigate through my life – more grounded, more balanced, happier.  (I just reminded myself that I need to get back to it!)

About watching the news – I understand about wanting to stay engaged and informed.  Like you I can have a lot of anxiety, so I’ve had to significantly cut that down, including those stations and journalists that I really respect and like.  I realize that news outlets are money-making enterprises, so they need to keep us watching.  Therein lies “the hook.”  I’m not suggesting that it’s all fake news (except a few that shall remain nameless!), but the presentation is geared towards maximum emotional effect.   It can slowly make me crazy without realizing it.  It can also create hypervigilance, which can keep you up nights – it has for me.  So I take news breaks – as much as I need.  For a weekend, even more.  I feel a LOT better when I do that.   

At 67, I’ve finally embraced my beautiful weirdness.  Now my response to the uninvited criticism that I am “just too sensitive”, is sometimes “I guess you’re not sensitive enough.” ? I do feel lonely at times, even though I have a wonderful spouse.  I have a few good friends, but their lives are much busier than mine.   My health issues force me to pick and choose how and where I want to spend my time – what gives me energy, and what drains me.  That has turned out to be a blessing – I waste a lot less time that way.

I believe that part of my life-long exhaustion came from trying to “fit in,” rather than honoring those parts of myself that some people, and this country in general, do not understand and value.  There is a book that I found helpful when trying to understand my nature, The Empath’s Survival Guide by Judith Orloff.  Dr. Orloff is herself an empath and psychiatrist who counsels sensitive people in her practice. The book serves as a basic primer to help highly sensitive people set healthy boundaries and recognize the true gifts of being an empath.

I do feel better in my skin now – partly because of my age, but primarily because my life finally makes more sense to me.  I recognize that we as lightworkers are needed now, more than ever.  And the wonderful part is, as each of us comes forward to honor that part, we see that there are a lot more of us that we could have imagined!  It’s time for us to spread our wings and shine.

Thank you, Pacosurfer, for being part of this community.  May your light shine brightly.

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Trust me when I tell you a lot of us match your litany with multiples health issues, primarily auto immune is nature, being more reclusive with few real friends and not just feeling like we're from another planet (I say star) and on and on right down to 3 summers of many weeks of energetically and wonderfully helping and consciousness expanding (medical emphasis) qigong.

Heck, my dr. actually sent me to a  (psychic) psychologist and he taught me in seconds how to energetically ground myself to stop the spaciness and constantly seeing and knowing things that weren't apparent to others. And she's the one who brought in the qigong teacher!

One has to be careful about talking to "invisible" people you know!  Well, except for here where its delightfully interesting!

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@michele-b-here-in-the-forum, Did you hear me laughing over here?  You really are a delight.

Yes, when I decided to share more about my health issues, I had a strong sense that many on this site have experienced similar challenges.  I have said this before, but it bears repeating:  we are tough cookies -- and I would add, some of us, myself included, in the shape of snowflakes.  ? Seriously, looks do deceive, and we have been underestimated.  In fact, because of some of my physical challenges and sensitivities, I had for years underestimated myself.  I no longer question my resilience.  My spirit is a helluva lot stronger than my body, and that's fine with me. 

How on earth were you taught in seconds how to energetically ground yourself?  I'm really intrigued.



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I timed out on my cell.phone typed post before my edits came through.

i wanted to say that my qigong equaled 6 weeks also. What are the odds right of so many "coincidences? Two weeks a summer for 3 summers the teacher came to visit our area. And i am heading towards being 70 so same demographic in many respects ?

We have a lot of "star sisters" here in our tribe and some really wonderful "star brothers", too!

Jeanne did very well calling out the circle for this evolving tribe! 


All he said was 'do you know how electrical circuits work? And how they needed to be grounded?" I was pretty much, sparking, exploding and breaking things like crazy not to mention what the crazies did to me not knowing if the car in front of me and heading right for me was in my dimensional universe or not!

Knowing how to run energy, i just created a circuit around inside of me then attached it to the ground.  I was instantly grounded.  We could both feel the difference instantjy. Just practice and work with the concept until you find what works for you. Think of similar open and closing movements/ patterns in qigong. Same concept. You just have to remember to do it and like a lot! People just think we're old and tired when we close our eyes and slow our breathing and exit any upsetting conversations or experiences ?

Tough cookies, indeed! ?


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Yes! I have Dr. Orloff's books on my Kindle, and the Empath's Guide in print as well. It's funny that you mentioned creativity. That's one area where I feel like I have no creativity at all! I just don't feel very creative. I've done yoga poses, which does help me feel better and calmer. Right now, I'm fighting the quietness I think I need to enhance my gifts.

For example, I told myself today that I would spend most of the evening tonight in quiet, but here I am, eating snack foods and watching the Phillies game. And the Phillies ain't even that good. But I think as time goes on, I will be embracing more quiet. 

It's ironic how, as an empath, I am a sponge, but I feel so empty when it comes to creativity.

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You're creative with your comments/quips -- quite funny.  I'm sensing that there's a lot more inside of you.   Do you do any journaling?   During a period of time when I had trouble even doing that, I journaled using my non-dominant hand -- it turned off the  judging side of my brain.  

I know that for me, when I've felt too encumbered with outside energies, I've had trouble accessing that creativity.  I was a terrified, screwed up art major in college, so it took a lot of years for me to reclaim that part of myself.  I've gotten help with that along the way.  I still struggle with it from time to time.  

I understand that you have social anxiety.  I'm wondering, though, if there are any empath support groups in your area?   Many years ago there was one in my neighborhood, tied to a Universalist church.   

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I have journaled in the past. I was a writing major so I know it does calm me. I need to do it more often.

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Life would have been so much easier in my younger years (I think!), had I connected with my star sisters and brothers.   At least I wouldn't have felt so alone.  So grateful to have this community now.  

Wow ... thank you for explaining about the energetic grounding technique.  It seems pretty straightforward.  I'm going to try that.  Have you heard of grounding sheets or mats?  You plug them into a grounded receptacle and lay (or is it lie?) on them.  I don't know if those would also help or cause me trouble.  Things that are meant to help sometimes have the opposite effect on me.  I once had a period of insomnia and my friend offered me her bed topper that contained magnets.  She said that she slept like a baby on it.  When I tried it I was up all night, totally wired, with enough energy to clean my entire house.  I had to pull the topper off the bed in the wee hours of the morning!  

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Hahaha! Earlier would have been easier on all if us. But its the challenges on the journey that hone and prepare us!

I'm like you in that respect that things that work for others/don't for me. Electricals are a big no no for me, mess up my circuits  as I do theirs. We run on different currents I suspect ?

I had many years of acupuncture in the past when i was much younger, when normal medical things weren't of any use and my acupuncturist wouldn't even consider the electrical form of needling on me, only traditional and cupping with moxibustion. 

Melatonin made me crazy, with almost nightmarish hallucinations instead of calming resetting as it does most people. Can't take or have side effects from normal medications.

My instinctive grounding is similar to the microcosmic orbiting with grounding taught by Mantak Chia. I have his original book Awaken the Healing Light of the Tao as that most resonated with my star connection symbology.

I would orbit energy curcularly then send all the old dirty energy out through my feet into the ground for recycling by Mother Earth.

See if this linked article article resonates with you 

And check out this orbiting graphic attached. Love this ?


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When I was attuned for Reiki, I learned a simple grounding technique that may be of use.

All you have to do is stand up (if you are able, if not do your best to get the bottom of your feet on the ground or on the floor, and if you are unable to do that, just visualize anyway). Close your eyes. Visualize roots growing down from the bottoms of your feet, through the floor and into the earth itself. Visualize the energy of the universe flowing in through the top of you head, through your chakras, and down through your feet. If there is negative energy of any kind, visualize the same thing (energy down through feet) and also align the palms of your hands downwards towards the earth (but not to your feet), and visualize expelling the negative energy out through your hands and down into the earth, kind of like a fire extinguisher.

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