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Fake psychic copying this website?

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I was googling around and happened upon this page:  https://psychics-predictions.com/a-psychic-intuitive-predicts-the-future/


The predictions sound really similar to what's on this site.  For example, there is this text "Fish are swimming past New York City airport signs, which are under water in 2037"  I see this on this page:  https://www.jeannemayell.com/test/more-long-range-world-psychic-predictions-2016-2060/

Dina, Jeanne Mayell, Michele and 3 people reacted
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Oh wow!  There are a number of things that seem to have been pulled right of of this site, including her Texas prediction.  

Not good!

Thanks PracticalNihilist.


Jeanne Mayell, Michele, PracticalNihilist and 3 people reacted
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Haham Jeanne is far too smart and we are all far too talented here for anyone to need to go anywhere else for accurate predictions on the future ??

And besides, I have personal experience and knowledge of her advanced program that checks to see if we've overdone her standards for how close we come to copyright infringement just quoting other sites when still giving credit etc. Watch how long your quotes are! ???

But I do love a great ha! 

And please....sitting on my trigger fingerm don't click on the other fake link. Let Jeanne do it so she can verify and report them. 

Sending love to Jeanne and peace!!! 



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Practical Nihilist, Lovendures, and others .

I notified Jeanne of this issue first thing this morning. Bless all of you for your alertness,  awareness and examples and for posting here.

Jeanne wrote me and has asked me to look for specific examples and their locations on fake site to collate with hers.

I am working on it but appreciate all of you so very much.

This is a real copyright infringement. Jeanne has had issues from them in the past and needs lots of concrete examples to turn in to get the site dropped.

 Send me good thoughts ? and build an "energy " shield of protection. Hugs and gratitude!



Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Big oooops!

Hope everyone knew that "her" in my last comment was the witchy fake site owner.

I reread it way past my editing timed out window and thought "Oh my gosh, i had a pronoun that would logically point to last noun used and that was Jeanne!"  That's what I get for being in a hurry and not proof reading again. Hahaha.

Love you Jeanne!

Hope the copy cat site loses its residency forever and ever and never targets this site again!


Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Lovendures and 3 people reacted
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They used my predictions for 2016 and included a piece of magical art that my daughter had done in high school and that she allowed me to use on this site. I emailed and called them, and they ignored me. I gave up.  I put up a different piece  of art. 

But now I see they are getting more bold and impersonating me and that they are a right wing site. They changed my predictions that the GOP will die out by the end of the 20's -- used all the same predictions except they wrote that it would be the Democratic Party that would die out.

 They copied my words everywhere.  I know my words intimately since writing takes effort and you know your word choices.

 I can feel that these people are all businessmen who have no interest in intuition other than to exploit people.  They created a fake woman they say owns the site who writes things I have written, about her background and her beliefs that we all need to become more intuitive, and that she teaches classes.  

It's incredible to see your work stolen like that.  

Their host told me that if I can list all the violations they would take the site down. But it will take a lot of work to grab the lines and demonstrate it.

The creepiest part is that I don't advertise here and their site is jammed with ads. The whole site is one big profit-oriented and plagiarized scam. Yuk. 

I might try to run their site through a plagiarism-checking site, but those sites don't work very well, I have been told. 



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There is no love without justice.

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Sending you lots of love, peace, and happier thoughts dear Jeanne.

For all our interested readers so you can ignore that mean old bunch of men posing as a woman on a fake site,  here's my collation of "her" fake predictions as  compared to Jeanne's original wording as I mailed my list of collations to Jeanne yesterday by late afternoon. I leave out site addresses to not give fake site more hits. I call pseudo woman "Val".

My correlations are as follows:



Stress in the Capital, decadence, parties, drinking, they are out of touch.

Tears shed everywhere,  is it because of the market crash?)


2022 will bring stress in the Capitol. Politicians are out of touch. 

There’s widespread drinking, parties, and decadence 

Tears will be shed everywhere.


2023 Markets slowly moving up but not enough, have hit bottom.

2025 Markets have become the nervous system of capitalism.

2026: Europe upended, tilted, Chicken (France) sideways.

Val:  Europe will be upended in 2026.

I see France tilted sideways.

Meanwhile, the markets have morphed into capitalism’s nervous system.


An elephant is crying (Republican Party losing).

The fish is scaled and hanging upside down.  A symbol of the end of abundance, depletion.  This may also refer to the oceans.


 A donkey is crying in 2027, signifying a loss of power by the Democratic Party.

A scaled fish is hanging upside-down, symbolizing depletion and the end of abundance.



 U.S. capital is tiny, irrelevant and out of touch with life in most of America.

Shift in attention from Europe and Middle East to U.S. Heartland  and Western U.S. where the land looks parched.

Rockets ready.

People migrating, filling roads, people waiting in line for food.

The United States Capitol is tiny in 2028. It’s out-of-touch and has become irrelevant to most Americans. 

There’s a shift in attention away from the Middle East and Europe and towards the Heartland and Western United States, where the land is parched. 

Rockets stand at the ready to seed clouds.

People are filling roads, migrating, waiting in line, desperate for food. 



Concern over animals, cows need water

 Property is cheap

2030 Elephants sweating bullets.      (Republican Party stressed).

2031 Panels of white men talking, but they are irrelevant, no one is listening to them.


A donkey is sweating bullets, a sign that the Democratic Party is under significant stress by 2030. 


There are panels of white men talking, but nobody’s listening; they’re irrelevant.

2032 Statue of Liberty, Capitol Building, and elephant (Republican Party) have shrunk. Lost power. No one cares about them.


By 2032, the Statue of Liberty, the Capitol Building, and the donkey (the Democratic Party, of course) have all shrunk. They’ve lost power because nobody cares about them. 


2033 Capitol is censored (is this a kind of quiet revolution?)


The Capitol is censored in 2033, possibly signifying a type of quiet revolution

2034:  Baja Pennisula under water.  Stress  coming up from land.


Mexico’s Baja Peninsula is under water in 2034. 

Stress is coming forth from the land. 

2036 Robin Hoods – bands of green-dressed young men, bows and arrows, guns raised


2035 brings the presence of bands of young green-dressed men, like Robin Hood, with bows and arrows, and guns raised. 


2037 Statue of Liberty much under water – to her upper thighs


By 2037, the Statue of Liberty is under water nearly to her waist.


2038 Fish swimming past NYC airport signs under water, large fish swimming past sunken cars


Fish are swimming past New York City airport signs, which are under water in 2037.


Large fish are swimming past submerged cars. 

2040 Drought and Floods.


2040 brings drought and floods; 


2041 Bands of people, ragged animals, wandering, hungry


Bands of people and ragged animals are hungry and wandering in 2040,


2059: Man in robes and beard looms over Capitol in rage. Brings fire and brimstone down on it. Capitol burns.


In 2060, a raging man with a beard, wearing robes, looms over the Capitol. He brings fire and brimstone down on it.

Ending this here as it makes the copy cat point already doesn't it? Ha!

Interesting goings on as usual with lots of "new people" visiting us now.



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Michele, yesterday when I saw what they were up to my ego got all shaky and creeped out.

 Today, reading this list, and also seeing what you've compiled -- copying, the exact words, it makes me laugh out loud.  It's funny how childish their mentality is. 

It's also interesting to see that they are copying all the climate predictions even while obviously being part of the right wing establishment that has done its best for 30 years to deny climate change is happening.  

I believe they have lifted all of the articles they show, not just from me, but from all over the Internet. These are businessmen trying to make money.  

I will send your list to their host, Codero.com, who promises that they take sites off line that are infringing on other sites' copyrights. We will see. 

What's most important to me, thanks to your encouragement, is to continue to stay in the light and if others copy our ideas, then so be it.

Perhaps it is spirit's way of spreading around good ideas.

We are all connected and while copyright infringement is a crime, I feel blessed to live and work in true light, true inspiration from spirit that keeps on giving and guiding me and all of us.   Thank you all!

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If you get no response from them after contacting them, there are some other things you can do:

- First, you could try sending them a cease and desist letter (there are examples you can find on the web I believe)

-  If that gets no result, contact their ISP if you can find out who it is (might need to do a WHOIS domain look up) and provide them the information to show they have lifted images and text from this site, and copies of any correspondence such as the cease and desist letter.  If they are made aware that the person is breaching copyright they can shut the site down (doesn't stop them creating a new one of course with a different provider... )

- File a DMCA complaint with google and other search engines as the site is in breach of copyright, so they can remove the site from search indexes.

EDIT - sorry, didn't see you had done the second one already:)

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Blue, big thank you.  Will follow up.

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Oh man, what a bummer.  Just now saw you're dealing with this Jeanne.  Prayers that this is resolved quickly in your favor.  


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Laminata, these folks have been stealing content for three years which is probably how long they've been doing this business.  I knew about it in 2015 but hadn't learned until last week how extensive it is. I'm fine. I'm glad to have a path, ideas, an amazing community and a purpose. The copy-cats are vacuous with  no soul. You can feel they are vacant even though they have copied a site that is filled with energy.  If codera.com takes action then it would be nice.

Michele, mariad, LalaBella and 3 people reacted
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I hope codera takes action!  My brother is an artist - did the poster work for Starz Spartacus series.  They found out someone in India had taken the background of one of the major fight scenes ( which my brother spent blood sweat and tears on) and was using it with others in the foreground and sued them for copyright infringement.  Starz did the legal work, but if you need additional direction on how to go about stopping this, he might have some ideas.  


This kind of thing just makes me sad and frustrated that people think they're getting somewhere by ripping off someone else's hard work.  Vacant and vacuous is what they are.

And, you're right, the light and energy is here with you!  They can't get that by stealing it :-)

Michele, CDeanne, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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It is even possible that their copying is spreading the good energy we have, except that they put in some icky right wing stuff. 

mariad, Lovendures, CDeanne and 3 people reacted
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Maybe they are Russians spreading disinformation to mess with the US people  (she says only half jokingly).

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I would like to add we appreciate the love, light and truth here Jeanne. Always.

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They are just businessmen trying to make money peddling psychics.  The psychics either pay them rent to be on the site or they pay them a share of earnings.  They have other sites.  

I was approached last year by someone who wanted to buy the site. I didn't even return the phone call so I don't know if these were the same people.  And I deleted the message. I was offended by the thought. 

I don't think they are Russian hackers, just plagiarists who see the Internet as a supply house for them to take from.  They are also Republican men so they changed my prediction that the GOP would lose big in 2028 and die out by the end of the decade.   They said it would be the dems not the GOP who would disappear.   It's not a big part of their message (I mean my/our message).  Just a tiny change. I think it's because they are in a deep red state.


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Just an update. I notified that website's host (Codera) twice and sent a cease and desist letter that I copied from a legal document by a copyright lawyer who works on this issue. And weeks later I've  heard nothing back from the offending site. Next step would be to hire an attorney.  

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Yes Jeanne - you need an expert in Intellectual Property.

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