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2019 Channelled Predictions by Jeanne

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While I was working on putting the June 6, Read the Future Predictions together with Bright Opal, I found this meditation on the future I did on 12/18/18. It was buried in my prediction files.

I noticed that the first six months of the prediction was quite accurate so  I thought I'd share the second six months with you while we are compiling the June 6 predictions.

NOTE: this was made six months ago, so timelines could change.  That said, a few people from The June 6, 2019 Read the Future Night saw Trump shut down in May 2020.  

 It began as a message from a deity that called itself the Sun that came to me while I was meditating one day. I realize the deity seems odd but that's how my meditations often go.  So here you go: 

2019 – A meditation done December 18, 2018

I come to you from the Sun, your father star. Look to him as he supplies you.  Your mother is the earth. People of the earth hear us. You have become lost, but you are going to come home again.  You are the prodigal child who your father will welcome back gladly.

This year will bring joy and sorrow.

Expect a year of great change in the public mind.. A year of your heads turned  around. 

Many of you have awakened and more still will wake up this year.  An exceptionally wet spring, an exceptionally hot summer. 

The U.S. nation has led in advances but has been taken over by ignorant dark forces.  Yours has been the country of freedom and innovation.  But darkness has swept over this land. 

A domed building in Washington D.C. has become occupied. I see dark angels ruling it. They are intelligent in one way – greed.

How will it play out?  --The Special Prosecutor will continue and will not be fired. Will he bring people to justice?  --Yes, some.

Me: What will he do to Donald Trump?  --“He will expose him.”  Everyone will know for years to come the criminal activities of this man. 

Me: What does the Special Prosecutor  think of Donald Trump?  --Trump is part of a criminal organization that is worldwide.  Donald Trump is the tip of the iceberg of criminal activity in this world.  They have a grab mentality that has morphed into world dominance. But it will not last.

By year’s end we will see a darkness beginning in Europe.  The UK will learn a lesson.  They will not be able to work out an agreement with the European Union. I see an eye of the pyramid and Italy as the next country to fall prey to the ultra-Right forces. 

Me: Why does the Right want the EU to fail?  --Divide and conquer.  Weaken the governments, the economies of these countries, then buy them up and make them beholden to you.  This is Putin’s plan.  He wants to become the last man standing in the way that robber barons of the 1930’s gained a stranglehold on desperate people. No minimum wage, no unions, it will look like Egypt with the Pharaohs and the slaves.  That is the oligarchs’, plan.

But the oligarchs themselves are not safe from each other.  Putin is watching his back.

Mueller’s investigation will help bring Trump down. 

When?  --December 2019 is a turning point for DT. 

Me: Will DT run for office in 2020?  --Yes. 

Oligarchs on the right: they have a plan for world dominion. Message from spirit:  Let them destroy themselves. There will always be greed and dark money. Do not allow your fear of them to consume you.  

The financial bubble of 2017-2018 may begin to deflate towards the end of 2019. They do not reflect the well-being of the people, but they can bring down economic activity to affect everyone.

Europe will see a lot of rain. It will also see commerce dry up due to nationalism.  People do not want competition from outsiders who might work harder than the insiders. Keeping out competition will harm the economies.

July 2019: I see parachutes -- a military operation..  Where?  Middle East.

In Italy I see bombs or explosions.  [perhaps a volcano?]

 U.S. economy fading, trembling, connected to crowns (elites) who are also faded and greyed. Not connected to vibrant commerce and the bigger picture, which will cause the US economy to falter.  GOP not about justice, chaotic. Also Russia inserts chaos everywhere using cyber warfare. 

These difficulties are preventable if more people will awaken in time and curb back the power of elites. 

So much fear regarding the economy in 2019

June 2019: U.S. in heavy fog with some light trying to get through. Reminds me of early morning fog.  Know that the sun will eventually burn away the fog.

July:  shades of the African Queen movie.  Just slogging forward in the deep fog. 

August: Trump is still there. Muller indictments in courts. Revelations are happening but the House Speaker does not  take on Trump, although she wants to.  She is too worried about political repercussions. Does not seize the moment.   New leadership is needed but won’t come this year.

September: a mess of obfuscation and Democrat inaction. GOP still in charge.

The President: I see a horse pulling a Santa sleigh.  He’s weak, but still going on, using Santa technique of offering gifts to anyone who will support him.  He is hold up in his castle, but he survives by playing the people and the GOP Congress with gifts and propaganda. FOX media goes along.

What do Republican politicians and voters  think of Mueller’s work?  -- The corruption is just the cost of doing business, they say to each other.  To the public they are silent.

October: same inaction in Congress. Pelosi still stuck.

By November, how am I feeling about it all? Disgusted.

Trump still there. Barricaded but safe by doing GOP bidding in every way that president can. He can’t leave office, or he faces prosecution. He feels he has to hang on indefinitely to stay out of jail. 

Dec 2019 – Markets showing weakness. 

Final words:  2019 will show a holding pattern in Congress. DT survives, economy is being eaten away from beneath.  When it finally falls, it will fall hard, just like the climate:   The oceans are protecting but when they become totally saturated, the heat will accelerate.   At that point the majority will awaken and the world will change quickly.   There will be migrations en masse as people leave hot cities to find cooler more leafy places to live. People will want to be near agriculture and everyone will clamor for some fertile land to grow food. 

P.S. Note:  this was made six months ago, so timelines could change.




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Jeanne, when you say December of this year will be the turning point for Trump, what can we expect? When you say the ultra-right will not last, are we expecting their downfall soon?

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Wow, it sounds like we have some tough, challenging and aggravating times ahead. My timelines have been a little different but my meditations were not as long ago as yours is and I am still inexperienced. The only thing that I can add to this is something that strongly came through during a meditation today:

The separate realities of people in the US merge again like double vision correcting itself. I heard a clap and then my vision snapped into clarity like during an eye test. When does this happen? 2020. I got the feeling that this is what helps the US to start healing and coming together again. It also gives people the resolve to put a stop to the very bad things happening right now. 

It looks like we will all need a lot more of those positive meditations together in the meantime!

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Baba, Keep in mind that I had this meditation six months ago, and timelines can change.  Also during Read the Future night on June 6 a number of people saw Trump done in May 2020. 

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Wow. I hope you will share this on your Youtube channel.

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Enka, I don't know why I got that Dec is a turning point. It just came to me as what felt like channeled information.  Some people who meditated with us last week feel he will be done in May 2020, so perhaps something changes in due to a combination of economic downturn and/or more about the Mueller report.

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Jeanne, this is such a reassuring channeled experience and we all need this to keep the current chaos in perspective.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

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Baba - going from double vision to 20/20 vision .... in 2020? ? 

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 In reading what you wrote Jeanne, I think it is possible that both December AND May could be  accurate.   The turning point might happen in December (think along the lines of an impeachment process beginning or a court ruling  finally dealing a huge blow to him which is not unrecoverable, or his kid(s) are arrested  or a bombshell of bombshells is reported).  Then in May he is finally out, for what ever reason, ( health, impeachment, an official agreement signed allowing him to leave without facing jail but admitting guilt). Just fill in the blank as the possibilities are endless.  

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This morning there is news about the murdered Saudi journalist which was something that had been  in the original raw version of this channeled meditation I did last December. I had left it out because it was mentioned for the part of the channeling that was already past.  So at the risk of being too repetitive, I'm posting  the whole raw channeled session here  and am including the predictions for January through May 2019 in case they turn out to be relevant for now or the future.

 Many intuitive readers do not predict by month but by year. We predict by month, but sometimes predictions can occur at different months than named. 

Perhaps there is something more in the raw version I hadn't noticed before that is important. 

2019 - 

This year will bring joy and sorrow. I come to you from the Sun, your father star. Look to him as he supplies you.  Your mother is the earth. People of the earth,  hear us. You have become lost but you are going to come home again.  You are the prodigal child who your father will welcome back gladly.

I will give you the events of your year and the years ahead:

Expect a year of change. A year of your heads turned around. 

Many of you have awakened and more still will awake this year.  A wet spring, a hot hot summer. 

The U.S. has led in advances but has been taken over by ignorant forces in the dark.  This has been the country of freedom and innovation, of creativity.  But darkness has swept over this land. 

I see a domed building in Washington D.C. which has taken been over. I see dark angels  ruling this industry.  They are highly intelligent in one way only – greed.

Me: How will it play out? 

Muller will continue and will not be fired.

Me: Will he bring people to justice?  Yes, some.

Me: What will he do to Donald Trump?  He will expose him.”  Everyone will know for years to come the activities of this man. 

Me: What does Mueller think of Donald Trump?   Part of a criminal organization that is worldwide. Donald Trump is the tip of the iceberg of criminal activity in this world. 

They have a grab mentality that morphed into world power.

By year’s end we will see a darkness beginning in Europe.  UK will learn a lesson.  They will not be able to work out an agreement.  The European Union, I see an eye of the pyramid and Italy as the next country to fall prey to the right wing forces. 

Me: Why does the Right want the EU to fail?  Divide and conquer.  Weaken the governments, the economies of these countries, then buy them up and make them beholden to you.  This is Putin’s plan.  He wants to become the last man standing in the way that robber barrons of the 1930’s gained a stranglehold on desperate people.  Do what I say.  No minimum wage, no unions, it will look like Egypt with the Pharohs and the slaves. That is the oligarchs’, plan.

But the oligarchs themselves are not safe from each other.  Putin is watching his back.

Mueller sees the whole scheme.  He sees Trump et al. as puppets to these larger criminal organizations. 

Mueller’s investigation will help bring Trump down. 

Me: When?  December 2019 is the final turning point for Trump. 

Me: Will Trump run for office in 2020?  Yes. 

Congress/Oligarchs on the right :  they have a plan. Let them destroy themselves. There will always be greed and dark money. 

Me: U.S. Economy in 2019?

January: The markets December 2019: they do not reflect the well being of the people but they can bring down economic activity to effect everyone. The bubble of 2017-2018 will burst. China, (didn't get more on this)

Europe will see rain and a drying up of commerce due to nationalism.  Selfishness against immigrants will cause drying up of commerce. Selfishness is due to people who aren’t as willing to work as hard wanting to protect t their turf from those who are willing to work harder. 

Cutting off their nose despite their face.

Markets down, but back again.

Feb: The light in some hearts will shine the dark.  Generosity and kindness will be rewarded.

The crown prince represents the true dark money, he does openly and unabated what the others do secretly. The GOP Congressional leaders know this but they condemn him in order to save their reputations.  (was excluded in previous post)

Markets February 2019: back up why? Possible solution or delay of Brexit.

Markets March:  EU concessions save Markets.

July: I see parachutes, like in D day.  Where?  Middle East.

Italy I see something – like bombs going off. 

2019: economy:  U.S. fading, trembling, connected to crowns (elites) who are also faded and greyed. Not connected to commerce and the bigger picture, so it will cause the US economy to falter and barely hang on.

GOP: going along with Trump. 

2019 in action, Pelosi holds the line.  Queen of wands, but it’s not time yet. 

Focus on Europe and Brexit. 

2019:  U.S. connected to crown, U.S. in the grey, going along with GOP. 

GOP not about justice, chaotic, because Russia inserts chaos everywhere using cyber warfare. 

So much fear regarding the economy in 2019

January: Congress gets a foothold

I see an alt-right officer in Europe.  A right wing force in Italy.  Estonia keeps popping up for some reason.

I saw a Muslim veiled woman waiting in line.  She is the final reason why Brexit will happen regardless of whether it will break the UK economy.  People in the UK are anti-immigration.

June 2019: 

U.S. in heavy fog with some light trying to get through. Reminds me of late morning.  The sun will eventually burn away the fog.

July:  shades of the African Queen movie.  Just slogging forward in the deep fog. 

August DT is still there. Muller indictments in courts. Revelations are happening but Pelosi is not strong enough to do anything, not strong enough to take on Trump.  She is stuck.   Does not seize the moment.  People are getting sick of her and the Congress.  New leadership badly needed but won’t cone this year.

Sept: a mess of obfuscation; complete democratic inaction.

GOP still in charge.

DT: I see a horse pulling a Santa sleigh.  He’s weak but still going on,  using Santa technique of offering bones to anyone who will support him. He is hold up in his castle but he survives by playing the people and the GOP Congress with gifts and propaganda.

FOX goes along.

What do they think of Mueller’s work?  -- the corruption is just the cost of doing business, they say to each other.  To the public they are silent.

October: same inaction in Congress. Pelosi still stuck.

November: How am I feeling about it all? Disgustecd.

DT still there. Barricaded but safe by doing GOP bidding in every way that president can.

Dec 2019 – Markets down. .

2019 SUMMARY:  a holding pattern in Congress, DT survives, economy is being eaten away from beneath.  Post 2019: When it finally falls, it will fall hard. Just like climate:  The oceans are protecting but when they become totally saturated, the heat will rise fast and furious. 




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I have to point out that I personally felt DT will last longer than May although I had sensed in a previous reading that he is seriously rattled in mid 2020.

It's frustrating when we get different readings but that is the nature of doing a psychic reading. I feel it's because we mix into the reading our own preconceptions and vantage points, which in turn are based on complex factors.  It's like the old story of the blind men and the elephant.  Each man described an entirely different beast based on the part of the elephant they were touching.

Everyone has a different perspective and so we see different realities. 


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As for when DT is finally gone and the GOP is finally out of power (two different but related issues), I feel our civilization needs to hit bottom before we will give up the greed.  So how far down is our bottom and what will it look like?  For years I've felt it would be an economic downturn that would hit in the early 20's. But I'm not omniscient and the timeline for that could have changed by now.  I don't feel the downturn looming right now. 

No matter what happens in the short term to the economy, eventually, and within the next twenty years,  climate change will turn civilization upside down. 

To our community, i.e., you all -- it is clear that things are bad right now. But we are the canaries in the mine.  We feel the danger and pain now. Many people are oblivious because they live in a bubble. (A Fox News bubble perhaps). We have to be patient but it is hard.

I am encouraged by all of you and by the new blood coming into politics, exemplified by AOC. They  are the future (with their grit, their directness, and their honesty) that gives us hope. 

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At first, I was surprised that a channeled message would include something about Pelosi being fearful of impeachment, then I realized that we all interpret these signals just a little bit differently from each other. I have never sensed political fear from Pelosi. I get her plan. It’s just as brilliant as she is. No talking points for Trump, she is just going to unhinge him and expose him. She needs the hearings to get to the people, and “impeachment” will turn away the people who need to hear the truth the most. 

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In all fairness, we should probably be pinning the mass haze of obliviousness on the "corporate news bubble." Fox News might stand out for its obfuscation of facts, but most other mainstream outlets - CNN, WSJ, NYT, NBC/MSNBC, etc. - are also complicit in subtler ways whenever they choose not to bring attention to an issue. If those news firms were really allied with the public interest, then they would be running front-and-center stories about global warming and species extinction every single day. I also dream of the morning when I will open the New York Times and see that its editorial board has finally called b.s. on the corporate obsession with GDP and economic growth. 

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Big wow, Jeanne.  Thank so very much for sharing your insights from your meditation last December.  They really resonate with me. I'm once again back to being annoyed with Nancy Pelosi.  She squandered her momentum, and she diluted her power by worrying about the 2020 election instead of doing what's right.  When oh when will the dems stop being such damn woosies?   I want words and actions that have torque and teeth.  Instead, I see something that looks a lot like passivity, a lot like more waiting and a lot like mild actions that yield whispy results.  I also want a  strong, clear message and story line.   Look at how clearly you-know-who speaks.  No one has any doubt about what he's saying or where he's going.  All this stuckness makes me eager to bring some fresh, fierce, fearless folks to power.     

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Thanks, KB.  SDj, I hear what you are saying -- your words have been reverberating inside my head.

I threw a card on Pelosi back when she told Trump he couldn't give the State of the Union speech. The image I got on her back then stunned me.  I saw a viper in her with impeccable timing. I saw she had a sword (a sword of truth) which she would use to vanquish him with one clean stab.  Not sure it's relevant, but in my vision, she held the sword, straight up and brought it down vertically. I did this reading in front of my online Tarot class, so a bunch of you saw it.  [It was the Thoth Queen of Swords, if you want to see that sword and her holding it ready to thrust it.

 In her other hand she holds a man's head - he's the head of illusion that she's cut off with her sword.] 

Has she got a viper plan up her sleeve?

I don't doubt you, SDj, but I need to see this myself if I am to own it. I threw cards just now on this question.  She believes, no, she is waiting for more information to surface on Trump. (We all know there is more information on him out there.)

She wants more damning information before she will proceed. She wants her effort to be 100% successful - a fatal stab or she won't proceed.  That's where I've differed with her. 

The House must impeach even if they can't remove him. I don't mind waiting  however if that is what they need to allow more to surface.

I did get one insight as I read her - she wants Trump to think he's safe so he will become even more reckless in his self incrimination; she wants him to walk into a trap. 

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I threw a couple of cards on Pelosi just to see what I would get. I got Seven of Cups reversed when I asked if she can get the job done. I understood it to mean that she is working her way in the direction of taking action towards impeachment (but methodically and not as quickly as we would like). I then asked if it would happen by Christmas and drew the Strength card - which as you know is a lady holding a lion’s mouth open. I take this to mean yes and that when she acts, it will be powerful. So, I think I am getting something along the same lines as what Jeanne said above. 

I admit to also feeling frustrated but also feel that to do it right, it must be planned and well thought out without losing the necessary momentum of support from the people. 

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The frustration over Nancy Pelosi not moving towards impeachment is palpable. I understand.  Everyone wants this nightmare to end. For years we've watched Trump deflect every charge against him whether immoral, illegal or just plain evil.  And therein lies the problem for Nancy.  She is carrying the weight of knowing that when she swings her sword, she can't miss. It has to be a death blow.  Anything less will only make him stronger and impeachment is not a death blow.  It may make us feel better because it will feel like something is being done, but it will force her to show her hand and dull her sword.  Her hesitation isn't that she's fearful (using the word fearful to describe Pelosi is laughable).  I believe any hesitation on her part stems from the fact that she only has one shot and our democracy hinges on her getting this right. Nancy has a plan and she is expending a ton of political capital holding democrats at bay so that it can play out. I believe she is the right woman in the right position for this moment in history.  That's not by accident.  I don't know if her plan will work but I do know that every move she makes is calculated and not for her benefit. Delaying impeachment is hurting her. Like a mother, she is looking at a much bigger picture and she can't give us what we want right now despite our cries.  IMO we just have to trust and pray that her calculations are correct. 

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Recently Putin stated that liberalism is obsolete and he mentioned things like LGBT rights and civil rights as examples of this. I couldn't understand what he meant by this? Did he mean that human rights were obsolete, or that economic neo liberalism was obsolete. I thought about this for a long time, it sat with me because I wanted to be able to refute it. Emotionally I can't accept the liberalism is obsolete because it's the system that brought me up and taught me my values. I realize that liberalism is a term that means an enormous amount of things, there are many different definitions of it and laissez-faire capitalism is ironically one of those definitions. But when I saw what he said I instinctively thought he means a world without kindness, a world where only the sociopaths survive, and they do so by subjugating and destroying everyone else. This is the world Putin lives in, has always lived in, he has no understanding of anything else and he thinks that those of us who wish for a kinder fairer world are fools and ripe for destruction. I remember that sentence above in Jeanne's channeling session that said that the oligarchs will destroy themselves. And I've seen similar things come up in meditation myself. The game they are playing is zero sum, and they will continue until only one person is left standing - and then that person's body guards will take him out. Because power is always fragile and people always think they are invincible until they aren't. 

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Hi Natalie, 

I read an article earlier today that might make things clearer about what is meant by Western-style liberalism (as well as what is not) and also indicates that the president does not understand at all what is meant when referring to it or anything else that was being discussed. ?

This more or less gives a definition of what is meant: 

“Democratic liberalism, of course, does not refer to the western United States, but rather the Western world — which generally includes the United States and much of Europe. And liberalism is a political theory that values the freedom of the individual. That term has come to be associated with left-leaning American politicians and political activists, but some right-leaning political thinkers still claim the term as their own.

Broadly speaking, democratic liberalism has been the leading political ideology across the western world since World War II.”

From the article:

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