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World War III?

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Something else the Turks have on Trump is his attempted cover-up of the Khashoggi murder. Their government had the tapes for a long time while Trump was siding with Saudi Arabia. There is also that agreement they made with the Trump Administration about not releasing pressing information on Manafort a long time back. Feels almost like centuries since that "tiny" scandal. No one (in any government) was allowed to release the info they had on Manafort, no matter who asked for it, per Trump. Manafort was in the room with Kushner, Don Jr, and the Russians during their conspiracy to... discuss adoption.

Having a bunch of thieves and amateurs in charge of our nation while they cater to Putin and other pychopathic autocrats is an annexation. For me, there are no worse fears than this. Putin's installation of Republican Christian Nationalists with the NRA money and zealous new beliefs in fascism is not the USA we believe in and love. It's a take-over from within, from the top. 

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I saw this message yesterday and thought of us when we have those difficult visions:  

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. --Og Mandin

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It makes you wonder how much "kompromat" is out there on Trump. 

Trump and Putin have their "secret" meeting with only the translators and agreements were made.  Later, Trump pulls troops from Syria and Putin applauds the move and mentions Afganistan.  Like that, a proposed 50% reduction in troops in tweeted from #45. 

Now Putin is talking about nuclear war/nukes.  Is this another subtle "hint" for Trump what to do next?

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Maybe just this suggestion of a nuclear attack is what we are picking up on. Not an actual attack, just the force of someone (Putin) trying to persuade another (Trump) to annihilate themselves and their country by using unspeakable force against someone else. But really, the old arms race? We don’t even know where to put the waste we have already or how to warn the people here in 10,000 years (or even in just 100 years) to stay away from it.

If you surround someone who is nearly completely darkness in light, what can you expect to happen to that person? I am reluctant to send my loving energy to someone like Putin or Trump because I don’t want to protect them from the justice they must face. I’d rather spend that energy on someone like Mueller or Ginsberg. When I look at Trump, I just get the idea of a meat suit inhabited by an entry-level demon. I’m not inclined to feel compassion for him at all - only for those from whom he has swindled their livelihoods and well-being.

When I think of what is happening to our country, like when so many Republicans and their voters went up in arms about NPR’s 7/4/17 reading of the Declaration of Independence, claiming that it was an attack against Trump, I have very little compassion for their ignorance and lack of curiosity. They will only listen to Russia Today (RT) and FoxNews and attack those who try to state the facts. Uncharitable of me, perhaps, but I get defensive about the founding ideals and the values we developed over the last 70 years. McConnell often sets off bombs on my head. What happens to me with that negative energy in myself? 

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I think I hunger for some sort of reckoning that brings humanity closer to source consciousness—hopefully a non-violent influence or event.  I often wonder what will be necessary for humans to think “outside the box” so that they can embrace the light and live with it in their hearts and minds.  Is it a given that some kind of violent apocalypse is necessary to allow this?  I don’t think so.   I do think humans will probably suffer from some type of horrible disasters at some point in the future—such as accidents involving nuclear power plants.  I don’t think the corporate mindset can imagine anything other than spending the least amount of money to keep the meltdowns from happening and that is very troubling to me.  The Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 is an example of this as well as others.  We have already needlessly contaminated this planet with radiation from nuclear accidents and nuclear bomb testing!   So we are accident prone and careless as a species and need to think more proactively and longer term than we do now.   At the present corporations just focus on how to make the most money for their CEO’s and decide to let someone else figure out how to fix the nuclear waste or other accident issues that will probably happen in the future.   Governments seem complicit in not requiring more safety.  Why allow the building of nuclear power plants in earthquake prone zones??

 I did a little reading about nuclear threat issues a year ago and read that most nuclear powers feel  military attacks using a nuclear explosion which releases radioactivity is just plain stupid, because the radioactivity not only poisons the immediate environment but can be blown around by the wind and reach all of the globe.  The article said however that they view using a high altitude nuclear explosion to cause an EMP pulse to knock out the electrical grid and destroy most electronics as much smarter because the radioactivity goes out into space.  If this is true than an EMP pulse event is more likely than a ground level nuclear detonation by any rational government.  That leaves irrational governments or terrorists who usually are not smart enough to handle any type of technology well enough to use it effectively.  The country most of us consider as potentially irrational and also technologically advanced enough to use a nuclear weapon is mainly North Korea.   This type of move would have to be seen as a life threatening situation if they were ever to try it.  It would be suicide--most likely--and NK’s military generals must know that.  Only a crazed person would attack another nuclear power with a nuclear weapon.  This increases the odds of a coup by the military to remove the leadership.   These facts make a nuclear bomb attack releasing huge amounts of radiation less likely.  I realize that such an event is still a possibility, however… but it should have a very low chance of occurring.  If I had dreams of a nuclear bombing occurring where I live I would hope I was picking up on a timeline that isn’t very likely in my own future, or that the dream self was using the idea of the bombing as a metaphor for me to figure out as opposed to a warning or premonition of an actual event.

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SDJ - Thanks for making me laugh today - "...a meat suit inhabited by an entry-level demon."

? ?  ? 

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I have seen WWIII as a definite possibility starting this coming year or 2020, with chances reducing over time after that.

But it is definitely not the idea people got during the Cold War of WWIII. There aren't massive amounts of nuclear weapons deployed, though some small tactical nuclear weapons are definitely possible. It's mainly a conventional war plus drones plus cyberwar in a scale difficult for us to visualize today. And it's very, very messy and confusing. The main impression I get from it is that people reach a point that nobody knows what to think any more, and also that at some point in the middle people wonder if it will ever end, mainly because they can no longer imagine what it would mean to "win". But it won't be any longer than the previous world wars.

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That sounds like an old KGB tactic made into full warfare. Authoritarians use misinformation like this to get people to no longer care what is true or not. Hannah Arendt famously described the totalitarian ruler’s ascendance this way: “In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. . . . Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.”

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What do you think will happen once the INF treaty is done with? I’m not really scared of it as I have health issues and I doubt I’ll be around if war kicks off, but I’d like to hope that things will get better, for everyone after I’m gone

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