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[Closed] Kim Jung Un's fate

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Eben Alexander's book Proof of Heaven is wonderful.  My cousin who was a scientist and an atheist and I read this book not too long before he passed away several years ago.  We both found it to be compelling and resonating.  How lucky you are to have this treat lying ahead of you!  Your posts have been fascinating, my dear friend.  Much love to you.

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@vestralux Once again, so much to think about, thank you! I agree that the “afterlife” we will face is shaped by our cultural norms, beliefs, consciousness levels and thought forms. What I found interesting was how much of a hold the non-living can have on the living. In T’s example, I am not surprised his father is in his biofield but you are also seeing that he has  attracted spirits who have an unquenched thirst for power. Are you saying that they are there because his own power hunger has opened a door through which they have come in? Would be interested, when you have a breather, to hear about your formal training to help guiding spirits wake up the living. 

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Thank you for sharing so much amazing information!

Question for you regarding this passage: "I meet a lot of earthbound spirits in The Liminal who are standing in the dark, unaware of one another or anything at all."

Do you see any spirits/angels/loved ones working to get their attention and wake them up from their "nothingness" delusion?

I would like to think that there is a level of hope for every spirit, including the ones who believed that there would be nothing more when this life was over. Thank you!

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@bluebelle Oh, I've "met" this cousin! I will definitely put this book on my list. Thank you for telling me about this. ?


@pikake Yes, I believe that T's own intense craving and win-at-all-costs desires opened the door to countless hungry ghosts and worse. I also don't doubt that he's bargained and negotiated with characters in the physical dimension who were actually representatives of another one. It can get absurdly mythic, but he's a figure about extremes. 

And I didn't mean to imply that I already have a lot of formal training. I've finally begun studying for accreditation through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, based on the work of the late anthropologist Michael Harner. There are other programs and individuals I'll work with along the way, with a specific focus on death, dying, and psychopomp support, as well as healing "extractions" and spirit releases.   

My "informal" training has been with spirits, shamans, medicine women, and many other guides, healers, and helpers in The Liminal. Although most of the time I feel I've been encouraged to try things on my own. That said, I know they're always present with me; I'm just not always aware of them until afterward.

For example, for many years I've been having lucid dreams about climate disasters, in which some terrific chaos is occurring and there are dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of people rushing all around in terror. In these dreams over the years, I've been steadily learning how to:

1. "wake" myself and a few other people up (by becoming lucid, i.e., aware that we're dreaming);

2. gather this small group of lucid people together for the purpose of supporting the larger energetic field so that we can rapidly change or reduce whatever's happening in the scene around us.

In an ordinary lucid dream, you can change anything at all, instantly. Just by willing it changed. But in these large-scale scenarios, that doesn't work so well (I just get tossed out of the dream). I've learned over time that the key isn't to focus on the scene (i.e., the tidal wave, fire, flood, storm, landslide, etc.) but to focus the group's energy on calming, centering, and quieting our own fear while projecting love.

When I'm successful at 1 and 2, I always find myself holding hands in a circle with a small group of strangers. We don't have to talk about what we're doing; we just start to connect and calm ourselves. Interestingly, we always float upwards as this happens, which I believe is symbolic of the vibratory condition we're creating. And as we do that, absolutely everything in the dream instantly changes. A 100 foot high wall of water suddenly shrinks to a gentle little wave, for example. And all the people who were just running and screaming stop running and screaming. Everyone turns together to look at the quiet little wave and there's a feeling of jubilation and peace. 

This has taught me so much. It only takes a few to calm the collective chaos, climate or otherwise—a small cohesive deeply present group able to demonstrate energetic resilience and project love outward to the whole.  


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Posted by: @grace


Question for you regarding this passage: "I meet a lot of earthbound spirits in The Liminal who are standing in the dark, unaware of one another or anything at all."

Do you see any spirits/angels/loved ones working to get their attention and wake them up from their "nothingness" delusion?

I would like to think that there is a level of hope for every spirit, including the ones who believed that there would be nothing more when this life was over. Thank you!

Hi @grace! I can only report what I've experienced and witnessed, but to ease your heart, yes—there are always helping spirits nearby, attempting to be of service. They appear to come in absolutely every form you can think of, from other deceased spirits, living helpers who're traveling in The Liminal (like me), departed loved ones stepping over from the Other Side, personal guides or teacher spirits, animal spirits, ancestral spirits, angelic presences, celestial beings, what may or may not be interstellar travelers, and on and on. (There's seemingly no end to the shapes and forms and energies I've encountered there.)

But I've noticed over time that deceased human spirits, wherever they are in the earthbound state, only appear to attract the service of active helpers when they're in certain emotional condition or vibrational readiness. It could be that they're finally feeling their grief or anguish or despair or loneliness, or any other feeling state. But they have to be in a feeling state. Many times, a spirit is actively weeping, crying out for help, so help is instantly there. Other times, a spirit may be involved in less than honorable behavior (influencing a living person to drink or use drugs, in the case of an addicted spirit, for ex), but there's been some subtle shift so that while they're doing this, they're now also feeling guilt, remorse, or just weariness. Suddenly, a helper is there and asks if they're ready to let go of this behavior and heal the pain that brought them to it.

Point being, to attract helpers a spirit must be in a feeling state. Even anger or rage. This sends out a vibrational signal. 

I can't say that "nothingness" is necessarily a delusion. There are infinite possibilities in an infinite universe. Perhaps some souls are creating a nothingness for themselves—a beautiful, dark, empty dissolution of self. I really don't know. But I do know that a number of the ones I've encountered in that condition feel nothing at all. (Emotions are readily detectable in The Liminal by the color and vibration of the energy body; feelings can't be hidden, ever.) There seems to be a kind of peace in what those spirits are doing (not doing), although it isn't one I recognize as wanting for myself. 

So, helping spirits aren't trying much to get the attention of such spirits because many of those spirits aren't in emotional need. Maybe they will be at some point, maybe not. Again, I have no idea.

It might interest you to know there are a lot of earthbound spirits who attract help but refuse it for all kinds of reasons, such as feeling a duty to stay in a place or with a still-living loved one. 

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"We don't have to talk about what we're doing; we just start to connect and calm ourselves. Interestingly, we always float upwards as this happens, which I believe is symbolic of the vibratory condition we're creating. And as we do that, absolutely everything in the dream instantly changes. A 100 foot high wall of water suddenly shrinks to a gentle little wave, for example. And all the people who were just running and screaming stop running and screaming. Everyone turns together to look at the quiet little wave and there's a feeling of jubilation and peace. 

This has taught me so much. It only takes a few to calm the collective chaos, climate or otherwise—a small cohesive deeply present group able to demonstrate energetic resilience and project love outward to the whole."

I feel like I've been presented with a precious gift in reading this. It's like a roadmap for the years ahead of us, as we work to heal the planet and ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing it.

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Haha, yes indeed, you have met my cousin.  He is often around me!  

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Posted by: @gbs

I feel like I've been presented with a precious gift in reading this. It's like a roadmap for the years ahead of us, as we work to heal the planet and ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing it.


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Posted by: @gbs


"We don't have to talk about what we're doing; we just start to connect and calm ourselves. Interestingly, we always float upwards as this happens, which I believe is symbolic of the vibratory condition we're creating. And as we do that, absolutely everything in the dream instantly changes. A 100 foot high wall of water suddenly shrinks to a gentle little wave, for example. And all the people who were just running and screaming stop running and screaming. Everyone turns together to look at the quiet little wave and there's a feeling of jubilation and peace. 

This has taught me so much. It only takes a few to calm the collective chaos, climate or otherwise—a small cohesive deeply present group able to demonstrate energetic resilience and project love outward to the whole."

I feel like I've been presented with a precious gift in reading this. It's like a roadmap for the years ahead of us, as we work to heal the planet and ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing it.

@gbs @vestralux My animal spirit guide, my cat Kealani who crossed the rainbow bridge nearly 4 years ago, often says that “language is too limited” to explain the concepts she’s attempting to share with me. Tonight, even as a ghostwriter, I feel language’s limitations powerfully because I cannot find the right words to adequately convey my deepest appreciation and gratitude to you @vestralux. For sharing so much of the unknowable with us, for helping us plumb the unfathomable and for generously giving us so much of your time and energy. I totally agree with @gbs and you’ll always have an audience in me. 

lenor, herondreams, deetoo and 17 people reacted
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@pikake, you've moved me to tears, for the shared gratitude and the resonance of connection. ?

Kealani is beautifully wise. I'm touched and inspired that you're able to perceive her guidance so clearly and well. I'm a ghostwriter by profession also, and I constantly feel the same. In the other realms, beings of all kinds can communicate a great deal of information very rapidly, sometimes instantly, through an energetic channel that transmits images, emotions, sensations, and impressions directly from one to another (just as your Animal Spirit does with you). You could share your entire life story with me in seconds, if "seconds" had any meaning.

Sometimes in waking life, I find myself growing impatient for that kind of immediacy. 

We had a cat for 19 years who died just two years ago. Toward the end, she couldn't see or hear very well and grew easily confused. If she forgot where she was or couldn't find one of us, she'd repeatedly send up the loudest, most heart-wrenching distress yowls until she was picked up and brought to wherever we were sitting or sleeping. She did this literally dozens of times during the day and night until I finally realized I could help her from a distance. As soon as she'd start to cry, I'd surround her with my heart energy and boost my signal so that she could track my location. It worked every single time. She'd show up already purring. 

Even if we still need words for most things, I believe we're already doing the most essential kind of connecting here. Sending our heart energy directly to one another and creating a web of safety and belonging. 

Kateinpdx, Share, lenor and 31 people reacted
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@vestralux So many threads of connection - cats, ghostwriting, the afterlife, finding community, I am moved to tears too!???.  Once again, your writing reminds me why I do what I do. Until we hone our energetic channels of communication, words can still inspire and stir people to transformation. Your words have lent wind to my wings tonight. ?

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Thank you for your detailed explanation! It opens up a fascinating realm to us. Very happy to hear that helping spirits do attempt to be of service, and that they come in all forms. I appreciate how you've shared so much with us ... heartfelt thank you!

lenor, VestraLux, Lilinoe and 11 people reacted
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Here's an article that analyses the situation if KJU's demise were true... and the way they analyses is not a pretty picture.

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My intuition tells me Kim Jung Un is alive.  But he is scared of the coronavirus and has gone into hiding.  He doesn't want to risk losing power.

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@pikake, @sistermoon, @vestralux, @hererightnow

I, too, am so fascinated by this whole discussion! I could read volumes on what Vestralux is discussing. I have had a long-time interest in near-death experiences, having read Eben Alexander's account and others. I have not read The Afterlife of Billy Fingers (will have to look that up.)


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My impression of Kim Yo Jung is that she's 10 times more dangerous and crazy than her brother.

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@cc21 I am rereading Billy Fingers now, probably for the third time. You’ll enjoy it - it’s a lighter take on the next dimension compared to Eben Alexander’s. In this case, Billy in the afterlife is “chatting” with his sister, who records his musings and descriptions of where he is in great detail. E.g. the holographic review of his life is carried out in a crystal chamber which forms around him as he’s surfing the Universe. As he reviews each choice and decision made and even the paths not taken, he is simultaneously healed. It gets even more richly intricate as he “graduates” to higher dimensions but one thing stands in common with Proof of Heaven - the prevalence of sound, music and celestial choirs. 

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Cool! Thanks! I just downloaded it on Kindle. Sounds really interesting.

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Posted by: @pikake

- the prevalence of sound, music and celestial choirs. 

Oh, man.

The tones, harmonies, smells, colors. The energetic sensations. The singing that appears to create new forms or open doorways or grow things! 

"Indescribable" is an inadequate word. 


My first memory from childhood happened when I was still young enough to be wearing a diaper. We're not supposed to be able to retain memories from that young, but I have a couple. Anyway, I'm sitting on a black and white checked linoleum floor and morning sunlight is streaming through the window in the kitchen door.

There's a little yellow and white gingham curtain on that window, and it's parted so that those morning sunbeams could rain right down over me. I remember how the light smelled, and that it tasted like pennies. A little tangy. And that it felt very, very soft.

My mother was still a teenager and highly traumatized, so she was pretty frightening (still can be). Not someone I've ever gone to for comfort, let's put it that way. As a baby, I'm sure she was terrifying to me, though thankfully I don't remember much of that. But I can vividly remember how comforted and happy I felt sitting in those rays of light.

Throughout the rest of my childhood I would self-soothe whenever I needed to by thinking about how that sunshine had felt. 

Still, it was the littlest, teensiest mote of dust relative to what Light is like outside this dimension.

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@vestralux I am such a dilettante at this. I am learning to speak to animals and communicate with plants and trees. I have grasped at tendrils of understanding in my readings that matter is frequency and vibration, which is what sound is made of. The Sanskrit term Nada Brahma means Sound is God,  suggesting that it is a musical universe. Eben Alexander refers to the infinitely loving divine source as Om, and shares, as you mentioned, that celestial songs and hymns open up portals to even higher realms. I have felt the “otherness” of cathedrals, churches and other places of worship because all the prayers and hymns and chants and words of love and power that have been offered through the centuries have altered their fabrics of reality. I understand all these - at an intuitive level.

I was wondering how you perceive/sense/feel this musical universe in your journeying and how does it impact you in your daily life.?

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