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A lot of us have made predictions seeing turmoil or capsized boats or closed borders and inhumane treatment such as separation of families around the world.

I created a general topic for news and discussions as we don't have a primary forum for discussion.

Today's news was that 3,000 people which is being called "The Immigrant Brigade" was heading from Guatemala to the .Mexico/ U.S. border creating push back from noth leaders with aggressive threats.

Here's a link, there are many others.

Illustrious Member Registered
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Thanks Jessie 1978 !

Honduran Migrants broke through the Southern border into Guatemala.


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This is going to hurt the democrats on voting day. Republicans are going to say, "See we need to do more to keep them out".  Why did this caravan have to come now? Is it another ploy by the republicans?  The whole thing plays very bad on the news.

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Elaine G,

What a thought! And he is on the campaign trumpeting that very thing. Does make one wonder, doesn't it?

Think good thoughts that truth will come out and ultimately prevail!

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While there are many who are seeing this through the lens of an angry mob demanding human rights without going the slow application process, others see it as a humanitarian rights uprising of pure desperation.

Many are trapped on the bridge without food, water, toilet pots or diapers to even change their now filthy from naturally defecation little babies.

They are pleading and desperate.  But what do or can officials do without unleashing hordes of people without screening of any kind?

And how is it not inhumane when infants and children are involved?

Read about the immigrants from this update including political statements from U.S., Mexico, Guatemala leaders and officials.

Illustrious Member Registered
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In spite of Mexican efforts to stop them at the border, the original 3,000 border brigade members are now down to about 2,000 Central American migrants who swam or rafted across a river separating that country from Guatemala.

There, they re-formed their mass caravan in Mexico and vowed to resume their journey toward the United States.

Using your intuition do you see "very bad people" as Trump calls them, pawns in a political game, or desperate people who have somehow banded together to create this movement?

Just write the first thought that came into your mind.


BlueBelle and BlueBelle reacted
Illustrious Member Moderator
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I see desperation marking the lives of these people fleeing Central America.  They must know how badly refugees are being treated at our borders and yet they come.  It’s tragic that these poor people risk being detained and being separated from their children.  Now they are used as pawns by a dishonorable president trying to energize his base right before the midterms.

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I also feel that these people are desperate and, as bad/difficult as it may be, they feel that this is their only hope for survival and a possible shot at a better life. I also think that they are not fully informed about what they can expect if they arrive at the US border. 

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I won't use my intuition because I have first hand experience representing people from Central America, mostly women and children but some men too. I'd like to share it for anyone who's interested.  These people are desperate. Nothing that happens to them in the US can even began to approximate what they've been through and what they fear returning to. Gang-rapes, extortion, death threats, murder. It's horrific. I had a client who fled Honduras because of a rape and murder threat, was kidnapped on her way to the US, held hostage in Mexico, and gang-raped. The rapes were videotaped. Her child was in another room within earshot.  It's almost incomprehensible to us in the US that these things happen, but they are happening every day to thousands of people.

Very early in my legal career, in the early 90s, I represented Central Americans fleeing civil war, including the genocide that was being inflicted on the indigenous Guatemalans. The things that are generating the terror now may be different, but the terror is the same. It's disheartening to see that nothing seems to have improved. 

I know the folks who read this site are pretty well informed, so forgive me if what I'm saying is obvious, but the people who are coming into our country are doing so because of desperation, pure and simple. No one leaves everything they know and have for fun and giggles. They do it because the alternative is worse than the risk.

If you have a moment during your day, please send love and light to our refugee brothers and sisters throughout the world. There is so much suffering that needs to be replaced with love and compassion.

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Michele and 13 people reacted
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Exactly Lynn - No one leaves everything they know, their love ones, their home, their own children just for an adventure. As someone who is married to a South American, they leave their family knowing that maybe they will never get to hold their mom and dad and children ever again. If their parents die they can't go. They come here with the hopes of elevating their family. Helping them buy a house, buy food, clothes and being able to send their children to a private school to get a better education then what the public school gives them. They sacrifice everything even their lives. All the people who are against these immigrants by saying come the right way. They have no clue what it entails. It is very hard and it cost a lot of money that these people don't have. Also, what Trump and his administration does not tell them that these people that they put in their little concentration camps can get out if they pay a bond (some people are lucky) and they are able to stay in the united states and plea their case and those people then disappear and move and live in another state, so in the end they end up here anyways.

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Thank you all so very much for your  comments.

Lynn, bless you for everything you do. It's so heart wrenching but it needs to be known, talked about, and deepest pains shared for those reading here to even begin to understand.

Everyone, please continue to share your thoughts,  this is how we see many sides, hear many stories, and call upon ourselves to understanding different thoughts, ideas, or points of view as we learn through our differences as well as our similarities.

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The hypocracy of the immigration "issue" is mindblowing and shows how truly self centered and egocentric this country has become. Unless you are African American or Native American, your bloodline came here as an immigrant fleeing criminal, economic, social, religious, or political obstacles in a foreign country. The reason we are here(and the reason that white is the majority) is because we are all immigrants. On top of that, the main reason we are a world power is because of immigrants. Without first generation immigrants such as Sergey Brin, Madeline Albright, Nikola Tesla, Werner Von Braun, Irving Berlin, Andrew Carnegie, Joseph Pulitzer, etc, we wouldn't be close to where we are today.

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I like how Trump is trying to scare people by saying that there are  terrorist with the caravan of immigrants. I just love how he makes up anything with no consequences 

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I'll be back when I have more time to read everyone and reply better, but I just quickly wanted to say this:

The current situation is not an "immigrant caravan." It is a refugee crisis.

People don't risk their lives walking hundreds of miles with only what they can carry—many of them with their children!—because they simply want to relocate. They don't leave their homeland, their families and friends, their entire lives and everything they've ever known, putting themselves through that kind of agony just to "steal" someone else's low-paying jobs. They do it because they have been forced to flee a war-zone.

They are in fear for their lives and their children's futures. They are running from a hotbed of collective trauma, and they have no better alternatives. 

Period. The end. 


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Counterterrorism official contradicts Trump: No sign ISIS or 'Sunni terrorist groups' are in caravan.

While the President insinuates terrorists have infiltrated the group that CNN crews have observed to include mostly mothers and their children, a senior counterterrorism official has also refuted the President's claim.

"While we acknowledge there are vulnerabilities at both our northern and southern border, we do not see any evidence that ISIS or other Sunni terrorist groups are trying to infiltrate the southern US border," a senior counterterrorism official told CNN.

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Sending love and light and safe passage to these poor people. Before I noticed Lynn's post, I meditated for a vision and what I got pretty much fit what Lynn wrote.  They are traveling in large numbers because they feel it's the safest way to do so.  I am very concerned about what the U.S. is going to do to them when they arrived.  I fear for them and I pray for everyone involved.

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This is so true, Jeanne and  Lynn. My heart goes out to them, especially the mothers and children and my awareness of evil and shadows coming out sees negative possibilities of power and control unchecked by logic and compassion.

Praying that the Mexican President steps up with a compassionate care processing center if our American President (as shown by his  previous major fail) is not capable of creating one.

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I honor your deep feelings and most compassionate intent of even your most quickly written posts. You are a true gift with inherently but hard-won/created archetypes. Your baring of wounds and sharing of your heart teaches all who are blessed to know you.

Your post brings up an important reminder for all of us. Whenever we touch up subjects involving our own most deeply held emotions and beliefs,  we all need to use our "spidey" senses of awareness to note our own triggers.

I see possibilities and probabilities and want to allow all people their own process of comments through the process of growth as we all need teachers about ourselves as well as of our responses to others.

Learning compassion towards all sentient beings is often the place many of our shadows hide and America is a major site in this dimension for the process of growth and evolution and often through revolution. We fight on the outside what we all fight on the inside.

It is painful and challenging but we are given many chances for growth and change, in our bigger world as well as in our smaller location and sites ones.

Trust the process and allow each other to express our thoughts as well as our fears and premonitions. Sometimes things truly do seem black and white, especially before the biggest storms.  But then the rainbows come out!

Call on the angels and the rainbows! Feel their beauty, tune into their frequency, and hear the beautiful music of the spheres.



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What upsets me is that America has had a huge hand in creating the problems in Central and South America.  We have meddled in their governments and economies forever.  US companies have exploited these countries for years and years.  We sell them guns and buy their drugs.  They come to America and are exploited by the farms or companies that hire them.  When they are caught in the country without documentation their families are torn apart while the people that hired them are rarely punished.  MS13 formed in the US by youth who needed protection, a sense of belonging, and a way out of poverty and hopelessness.  When we deported them, we also deported these gangs, and they continued to grow in numbers and violence as the hopeless situations in their countries increased. Now Trump is threatening to withdraw aid.  It will make a horrible situation even worse.  We are punishing people for a situation we continue to help cause.  This is karma coming to our borders.  It will continue until the root causes are fixed.

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Agree about America’s huge hand.  Of course, someone like Donald Trump wouldn’t even know about it because he is so ignorant.

For anyone who wants to know more  about how our country created the very problems that cause refugees to need to pour into our country to escape poverty and violence, you might want to read the book Overthrow: Americas Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iran (2006) by NYTimes correspondent Stephen Kinzer.  It is helpful in understanding the way the us overthrew and controlled governments around the world during the 20th century, to profit private corporations  

Kinzer lays out what we did in Central America as well as Iran to prevent these countries from having healthy democracies.  We did it in order to exploit their natural resources And enslave there are people. There  are likely newer books that cover more recent history on this issue But this book is excellent And giving you a perspective upon what is going on today.

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