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Another Crazy Dream Last Night

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Partly comic, partly scary:

I dreamt that I was "at" the Winter Olympics. I was kind of a fly on the wall, though, not an athlete. In my dream, I saw that the North Korean team (which is only 2 figure skaters plus 100 "cheerleaders" - fact not fiction) snuck Kim Jong Un in as a "coach". I was at a party with many people from different countries. Kim was there, and he was remarking to someone that his fancy coach clothes were a gift from Dennis Rodman. Then I saw Kim notice someone across the room - an Iranian woman in full black chador. I don't know if she was an athlete, relative or dignitary. Kim went over to her and they were flirting. Then I flash forward a couple of hours - they are in his bed together in the hotel.  Kim was giggling maniacally but like a schoolgirl. The woman, who still had her face covered, had kind of sad eyes. I heard  Kim say the phrase "New Axis of Evil". The woman nodded and hugged him. At this point I partially awoke and then sank back down into dreaming again, but I'm in my own body and place. I sense that the Olympics are over and it's now a couple of months later. I'm in my own house. I hear sirens a la WWII... and then a flash... and then we're gone...

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Hi, Laura: I just wanted to acknowledge that you posted this dream. It may be hard for some to read. You may have twigged onto a proto-timeline, but that doesn't necessarily mean WWIII will happen.  It could mean that some connection was made and trouble stirred up, though.

FWIW i did a little tarot spread. What it looked like is that the US has resumed diplomacy with both countries, but it is kind of US style eager puppy adolescent stuff, and doesn't have the centuries deep sophistication to work meaningfully with the Iranis. Trump's thud and blunder does engage the Koreans.  The US has no grounds for trust with either country. Trump's braggadocio is getting in the way. Both countries are heartily sick of dealing with this administration. The result is more like we shoot ourselves in the foot, there are cultural barriers and communications difficulties--but all this was minor arcana stuff, no majors, all coins and swords. IMHO, a fairly good likelihood some kind of payoff can resolve the tensions.

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Thanks, R1, for the acknowledgment and the tarot spread. Very grateful for your insights. Namaste`!

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Laura, I am taking your dream seriously. Dreams are sort of coded, and are like Japanese kabuki plays. It is sometimes almost comical. 

But I am VERY concerned about the present Korean situation, and the post Olympics fall out. What I am getting is dangerous elements in the Pentagon who are literally "plotting". Like a cabal. This is very dangerous. I have had repeated dreams of seeing, as from space, a great swarm of aircraft taking off from North American West coast and Alaska, and heading towards North Korea. I keep getting the phrase: "Everything that can fly". which are going to be carrying a large amount of non-nuclear advanced weapons. The plan is to strike North Korea, and to literally sever all land links to china, all bridges, roads, rail links, etc. Plus critical strikes on parts of the electric grid, and grid collapse. this would effectively collapse a functioning Korean economy. The plan is a very dangerous gamble, thought up by equally dangerous elements in the pentagon. It is labelled "Contingency plan", for a swarm non-nuke strike. if it happens, the North Koreans will strike back, with their nuclear stockpile. The koreans have no intention of otherwise striking America. So right wing elements in the USA are the key danger. I have to stress that this is a possibility, on a certain time line, but that at the moment, it all depends on the Pentagon, and Trump. he, in turn, is constrained, by the internal trump regime Junta of three ex-generals, who serve in Cabinet. (yes, it really is that bad). I am flagging this up in this post as an alert, with 20% probability, but hope that this connects with what others are sensing and reporting. It does have a capacity however, to escalate rapidly, due to the very unstable USA internal politics. So regard this as an alert/warning. Can others do a scan and see what they get. Thanks. Zoron.

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Zoron, I did a reading for MizMargo on Coming Disasters in the USA, where the last card gave me nuclear vibes in California. It connects with earth movements, potential tsunami. So, yes, I'm getting something icky, but I'm not pinpointing what, where. Feels like it could be a bomb setting off tectonic plates. Or it could just be Mt Mayon blows & sets off a tsunami.  **If we're lucky and dodge the timeline, it's just earthquakes.**

I truly do not want to see what happens if we joggle the Ring of Fire.


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Zoron and R1 -- OH MY STARS AND GARTERS!!! I do agree the dream was almost cartoonish in the way it telegraphed what it did, and I woke up terrified but also laughing at the comedy aspect of it (clothes from Dennis Rodman - lol!).

Quite frightening, but I do appreciate the validation. I am in San Diego area, which is a known target because of all the Navy stuff here (multiple air, land, sea bases, shipbuilding, Marine air force, SEALs are based here), we know this partly because it's obvious and partly because we have all seen declassified Russian maps from the Cold War era. I so hope to be wrong, but ever since 11/9, I've had the strong feeling that we need to leave. Unfortunately, my husband does not agree, and so while he travels extensively for work, I am a bit of a sitting duck here. 

Moving forward, what can I do? I do my best to meditate on peace, to appeal to the higher natures of certain crazed individuals, but when I do, I get the overwhelming sense of impenetrable darkness surrounding the issue. As night falls, I get more and more anxious... Any suggestions appreciated.

Can I ask that those who are more adept at conscious scanning continue to do so, and if you see "the dark side" gelling the timeline, give a heads up? Personally, I'd risk divorce if it means survival (what's one more "I told you so" in a long marriage, am I right?).

Peace and love to all.


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I had a dream that the Great War is coming soon and is very unexpected, and nothing will be the same after it. I was feeling very sad in the dream, very emotional.

Then about a week later, I had another dream with a message that the war was put on hold. So we are safe for now.

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Bless your stars, Victoria!! 

FWIW, I used to have dreams about once a week of either watching a nuke hit my home town, or driving down a street while bombs are going off on either side of me. Those dreams stopped after the fall of the Soviet Union.  They haven't started back up.

Pretty cool how our awareness wanders around in sleep, taking the temperature of the world out there!

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I dreamed my husband and I were living back  in the Pacific Northwest, on an inlet of the Puget Sound, when we saw the water rushing back out of the inlet towards the sound.  We knew a tsunami was coming, so we started climbing frantically through a forest of firs to higher ground.  It was a remote area, because there were no other houses within sight.  I woke before the water came back.

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Laura, I was thinking about your situation while driving around.  This is what I'd do: 

Get one of those big plastic tubs with wheels (preferably in an obnoxious color) and park it in the front entry way. Call it your 'bug out box.'  Start gathering survival supplies, and put them in the tub. Off the top of my head: Axe, big roll of poly all purpose sheeting, duct tape, buck knife and sharpener, waterfilter straw, spare dry socks stored in sandwich bags, sleeping bag and camping mattress, survival rations, three days worth of water. Practice loading and unloading this in your vehicle.  Make sure hubby sees you. 

Get a good local topo map, make sure you know where high ground is, and the fastest, surest route out of town.  Between you, decide a meeting place if you are separated because he's out of town and you had to bug out.

There's no need to try convincing him.  If he sees you going about your survival prep with quiet determination, that will probably say more than any argument. 


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Thanks R1 - actually I have the majority of this stuff already in my car, since we live in earthquake-and-wildfire-land, and since we used to live in hurricane-world.  Hubby complains it takes up too much room in the car, or in the house if I'm sorting and restocking. But good idea- I'm overdue for a restock/throw out of perished items. We don't have a buck knife, but I have duplicate, high grade chef knives, including a scimitar and a large cleaver. I can pack the extras into the car... thanks for that idea. To add to the list for others reading: a first aid kit, mylar blankets, lighters, extra medications ( hoard a bit here and there to keep for survival kit), also potassium iodide pills (for radiation).

As for surest, safest route out of town, yeah well, it's SoCal, so there's no such thing. Our freeways are inadequate, and in comparison to other places we've lived, there are no good side or country roads or even open areas to off road (I do have a 4WD SUV, so that's a plus). I'm also trying to be diligent and not let the gas tank go below half.  And there's something you may have forgotten: depending on the distance from a detonated nuclear weapon, the EMP that results will make cars entirely inoperable.  Back in VA, we kept the bugout supplies small, and had agreed to bike up into the mountains if need be, on local trails.

I am very close to the Mexico border, so rather than drive north or east, I'd try to cross into Mexico and regroup there. (Side note: that border wall is clearly meant to keep fleeing Americans in.) I speak Spanish and share the culture, I can blend in until I figure out how to go forward, I even know a few people who have homes on that side of the border. In the interior of the country, I have relatives in Flagstaff, Nashville and Chicago, and I doubt Nashville or Flagstaff would be a target. So if I could get far enough away fast enough, those are possibilities, it's just that I don't see how an escape will be possible. "Sheltering in Place" became a thing after 9/11, but that's only effective for a small dirty bomb, not for modern nukes.

Here's a handy tool that anyone can use to see what the effects of a detonation would be in any area they choose. You can even choose size of the bomb.   Needless to say, if a bomb similar to the one NK tested last year was detonated near our naval bases, I get vaporized in the fireball.  If I'm lucky. Or I get 3rd degree burns and radiation poisoning and die a few days later. 10 minute notification to evacuate will not get me out of the blast zone...

The only other thing I have toyed with acquiring and getting training on is a gun. My dad taught me to shoot a rifle when I was young, but I haven't shot in a very long time. I abhor violence, but as a woman who is either home alone alot or who will be fleeing alone potentially, and who doesn't have strong enough physical skills, I think an assault rifle may actually be warranted for self defense. Hubby is not opposed to this idea.

So yes, I will prepare anyway, mostly because it's useful for other emergencies. I'll try to travel more in April, maybe I'll luck out and be away if/when it happens. I'd be sad about my friends and my pets, and even unknown lives lost, but I don't care about any of my material possessions at all.

Thanks for thinking of me.



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Correction: On further thought, there is one potential escape scenario that's doable. If, as others have foreseen, the US does a full-on but non-nuclear attack on NK, I would bug out as soon as I heard we're doing that, rather than wait for notice of incoming ICBMs. Enough people here don't believe the US military could fail, or don't believe NK has true capacity to strike past Hawaii, that I might be able to get out ahead of the real $hit.

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I just had the strangest dream this morning, my computer was infected with a virus, but with more then one. I was told the first one was not the cause but rather the other one. They were pulling private information from it. I tried flattening it, but it did not work. So I borrow someone elses computer but the keyboard was small and I kept on making errors. All I thought was my computer is old and it had to die someday. lol. Anyone have any input on this? 

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Posted by: Laura F.

Partly comic, partly scary:

I dreamt that I was "at" the Winter Olympics. I was kind of a fly on the wall, though, not an athlete. In my dream, I saw that the North Korean team (which is only 2 figure skaters plus 100 "cheerleaders" - fact not fiction) snuck Kim Jong Un in as a "coach". I was at a party with many people from different countries. Kim was there, and he was remarking to someone that his fancy coach clothes were a gift from Dennis Rodman. Then I saw Kim notice someone across the room - an Iranian woman in full black chador. I don't know if she was an athlete, relative or dignitary. Kim went over to her and they were flirting. Then I flash forward a couple of hours - they are in his bed together in the hotel.  Kim was giggling maniacally but like a schoolgirl. The woman, who still had her face covered, had kind of sad eyes. I heard  Kim say the phrase "New Axis of Evil". The woman nodded and hugged him. At this point I partially awoke and then sank back down into dreaming again, but I'm in my own body and place. I sense that the Olympics are over and it's now a couple of months later. I'm in my own house. I hear sirens a la WWII... and then a flash... and then we're gone...

So... I dug around because I woke up with fragments of the above dream on my mind again this morning. At the time, I thought it was just a crazy dream, but others on here (thanks, Zoron!) thought maybe I was on to something. Now I get it - the party was the G7 meeting. The Iranian woman looks sad at first as an allegory for how the Obama-Iran deal was so highly criticized by the GOP and how now essentially, the best case scenario for N. Korea accord would be exactly the same deal. Kim is giggling because he knows he has won this round. The "New Axis of Evil" has to do with Russia pressuring Cheetolini into ceding power to the Asian block, which is not democratic.  As for the rest... well, I still hope I'm wrong....

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Thought I'd throw in a dream of my own, since I just woke up and it's fresh--and deals with aliens.

I dreamed I had some respectful doings with aliens that lived in a safehouse--it was a 1930's Craftsman style house, and there were aliens coming and going, looking completely human. We were waiting for one in particular, then something was to happen, preparations being made. I knew a flying saucer was overhead, but it was invisible. I was having a conversation with one outside about things appearing as of them riding a stick pony that was a unicorn, which if you looked at it with different eyes became powerful technology. The alien riding it that looked like a kid, through different eyes was something else as well.

Then a commotion arose, the aliens bustled off, I could see that the city I was in was under assault. Structures were coming down, but no big bombs, more like little fire-fights. I rushed off to a big 1930's, barrel-vaulted, WPA shelter in a park at the top of a hill, but aliens had something to do with me getting there. I could see columns of the city's denizens climbing switchbacks up the hill and knew there were thousands, and they'd all make it.

Inside, I found a big table stacked with a lot of wholesale boxes of food. A woman was trying to figure out what to make for all the people, but all she had was a water-stained copy of a German cookbook from the 50's, which had large quantity recipes. She couldn't read it & didn't know what to do. I told her I was used to cooking for 300 at a time (IRL true), and she handed over the cookbook. I looked up to see a wall of commercial glass door refrigerators full of food and said first we had to take inventory of what we had. I could calculate quantities without that useless cookbook.

The shelter was getting crowded. I could see familiar aliens in the crowd out of the corner of my eye. But when I tried to focus on them, intending to get them to give me a hand dealing with organizing the crowd, they'd disappear out of sight.  I had a gut feeling they were involved in making shelter and survival happen, but were being real covert about it.

Make of it what you will...this dream didn't feel like the usual jumble of brain-farts. It felt kinda message-y. 


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Wow R1. First of all, you're a person after my own heart. I've frequently had visions of myself stepping up to cook meals of large groups of people, many of which I get to experience IRL as well. Mine never involve extraterrestrials, but do frequently involve "aliens" -- e.g., homeless immigrants.  I'd like to think that in a crisis my skills in this regard would come in handy, moreso than other skills I possess. I love your dream, it's full of hope, despite the aliens being cagey. Your description of the house and area made me flash on the San Francisco Bay Area...  I think of all the major cities in the US, San Francisco would be the least likely to overreact if they found out aliens were living among them (and helping in a crisis).

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I've been having dreams about alien starships arriving at Korea, right at the border between both Koreas, since last year. About half a dozen times. Not sure at all what it means, but I get the impression the aliens are well-meaning. Also that it has something to do with the nuclear weapons, but not sure what.


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Huh. It might be interesting to find out how many of us are having dreams about aliens, and what kind of things are seen in those dreams. Maybe we would find common threads that way? R1

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Oddly, I have never had an "ET" experience, and I never dream about aliens, not that I'm not open to the idea... it has just never happened.  So I guess put me in the "no" column. LOL

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Ah geeze … about a year and a half ago, I kept having these dreams of scanning this boxed grid of some kind (lots of rows of little boxes).  Then I saw a real flash in the sky of bright light during the day while I was driving.  Then I had this dream in which this woman was telling me how this alien spacecraft was jumping off of the earth to facilitate movement.  These dreams were followed by dreams of scanning unfamiliar symbols on differently colored transparent sheets.  Then I had a dream that somebody was operating on my shoulder and Zoron said it sounded like what people experience with aliens.  (I just found out I have arthritis in that shoulder.) Then I had a dream of playing this instrument that was multidimensional.   It was as if these fan blades made of some kind of plastic were placed in a circular form throughout a cone of empty space.  None of the blades connected to one another, but they all had the symbols on them and I played them like a cello with the left hand but I don't think I had a bow in my right hand, and they produced a music of different colors (I remember pink and green).  I was in total bliss playing this instrument and was very competent at it.  In real life, I played a viola when I was younger and had a terrible ear.  Then, Melanie wrote about her votex and I entered my own while I was laying down (I don't know if I was napping or not) and all of these symbols whirled around me very fast.  Then, I randomly ended up watching Alba Weinman's regression of Paul (#167), a man from Australia.  Under hypnosis, this guy, who represents the Intergalactic Federation of Light, said that the reason that Paul (who is also from the Intergalactic Federation of Light) was seeing all of these codes in his dreams is that he is receiving downloads from some sort of programmed matrix for this hologram.  He said that people are moving from carbon to crystalline natures.  The guy said that some day there would be one big gathering and Paul would emit codes to others, like a beacon and the codes would awaken people to a state of mind or being.  The guy said that all of these light beings were hiding Paul so that he was kept safe.  I felt uncomfortable, so I called in all of these angels to hang out with me.  Then, I just had a reading with Jeanne and she named every single angel I had called in as hanging out around me.  God only knows.  I never believed in aliens before all of this.   I sincerely doubt I have anything to do with the Intergalactic Federation of Light, but I sure would love to get to play that instrument again some day (dream)!

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