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I agree, Jeanne.  This morning I realized I want radical change so badly, I've become a total anarchist. ... even projecting it onto the afterlife.   Cindy, about the Messages from the Masters, it does relate the concept of masters that seems to be shared by people who lead others through past life regressions.  

BlueBelle, Laynara, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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I hope us all make it to see all these changes. I know I would love to see them, but I feel like my safety is slowly slipping away. I have slowly been trying to stock up food but I maybe have a months worth.

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Folks might want to read a recent article by Ezra Klein. It's entitled "Donald Trump is not American democracy's worst threat."  He published it recently.  You can Google to find it. It made me feel better.  A good historical account of worse times. 

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I also recommend googling the Awake with Sam Harris podcast where he and Ezra Klein engage in some heated discussion.

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I'm beginning to develop my intuitive abilities. Every morning I meditate on the beach for an hour and have become accustomed to getting signs and intuitive hits either as I walk over or return from meditating. Signs being t-shirts, license plates, bumper stickers, etc. Words or images will jump out at me. I've always assumed they were personal directives, intuitive hits, about what was going on in my personal life. About two months ago "santa fe" began jumping out at me. I assumed it was related to someone I knew in Santa Fe, NM. Then Texas license plates started jumping out at me (left me feeling baffled because I don't have any real ties to Texas). I also got a strong hit around guns (I kept seeing a bumper sticker about gun control).  The morning of Santa Fe shooting- I was walking over to the beach and I saw a truck that had "2 guns/4 oops" written on the side of it and a single star. I also noticed Santa Fe and a Texas license plate- this was moments before the shooting. As I work on refining my intuitive abilities, I would love guidance and suggestions from the "pros" here on how to improve my accuracy and understanding of my guidance. How do you separate the directives meant for your personal life vs the collective, etc?  Many thanks! 

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Laynara and 5 people reacted
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Hey guys, here lately I have had a fear that I won't get to see my son grow up. It brings me great sadness and depression that all I want to do is hold him close and cry. I want him to see the world one day as the beautiful place it is, not the darkness and diseases. The love I have for this earth and my family is so strong, I could imagine anything happen in to them. I try thinking of the positives, but these thoughts coming to my head makes me think my loved ones won't be ok..I'm sorry if I'm bring in anyone down. Peace and love to you all.

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Hi Laynara,  

I remember being a young mother and being afraid of the world and fearing the future, fearing for my children’s safety.  The world was a scary place.  I want you to know that of all my terrible fears (and they were legion) only one came true.   One of my children was injured in an accident.  He suffered terribly and all our lives were changed because of it.  Yet he survived and we came through that tragedy.  

The majority of my lifetime fears never came true and my children have not only survived, they have thrived.   Against many odds, we have all dealt with the unfairnesses of life, with struggle and with disappointments and adversity.  My personal philosophy is that no matter what happens to you in life, you have a choice to make in how you deal with fear and struggle.  .  You can surrender to despair or you can go on and make the very best of the situation you’re in.  It’s the perseverance that gets you through; that and a positive attitude.  I always prayed when I was afraid and I still do in those moments, but I also am determined not to live in fear. 

Today we are living through another scary chapter of our country’s history and the world feels like a scary place again.  I have friends who have become so depressed about the current administration and state of affairs in this country, that they have had to seek counseling.  I know five intelligent, strong women who have done that in the past year.  They are each of them doing very well now.  They got through their depression and fear and are thriving again.  You can, too!

 Sending you much love and light.

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Hi, I think that you need to record your visions and thoughts.  This helps me.  When I positively identify a future event and am aware of it, it helps me feel good about it.  That is what these types of forums are for.  So we are here to support you. And, you us.  Keep allowing this to flow.  It will be less and less scary and more normal after a time.  You will someday wake up and know just what to do with your psychic viewings.

Jeanne Mayell, Laynara, Cerridwen and 3 people reacted
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Bluebelle, such words of wisdom.  Laynara it is natural to be fearful when you are a new mother. 

But I believe you will live to see your son grow up. We do what we can to stop the foolishness of men who drive the wars and the climate.  And then we must live our lives with love and optimism. 

I don't believe we will have a nuclear holocaust. As for climate change, we will deal with it as it comes. But you are not going to die from it. Not where you live. Since Trump came into office, the world is less safe, for sure. But we can stay in gratitude and peace in our hearts. We can focus on staying grounded.  

Wendell Barry's The Peace of Wild Things comforts me during these moments of fear:

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

Timo, Laynara, Paul W and 7 people reacted
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It has been little while since i posted on this site. It has been really scary watching everyrhing i have been reading on this site over the past year start to matrialize. Very scary times we are living in. I have been listening to my intuition recently and meditating more. I have been fearful and really want to see signs that everything is going to be ok.  I guess i should read the positive predictions and stop watching the news.  Today i just feel like our world is falling off a cliff. Just feeling sad this week listening to the news about politics, climate, economy and privacy issues with AI.  I feel like we as humans are losing our grasp on what makes us human. I don't know if that makes since.  Sigh. I think i am going to find funny animal videos on YouTube to cheer myself up.  Animals and nature always help. Sorry my post has a stream of consciousness feel.

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Everyday I feel anxious. The world feels like it got an extra dose of chaotic and tragic. Or I am just feeling it more. I've been having dreams about massive tidal waves. I've had them my whole life. I try to warn people but no one listens. And yet, I still live by the sea. The ocean calms me. The salt air is healing. I've stopped watching the news on tv because its just too much insanity. I feel everything and sometimes I can hardly breathe. So, in order to function I interact with family, animals, nature and this too calms me. Then, cooking, painting, and music. These things calm me. Sometimes a cocktail works too! If I die today, I know I loved well and am loved. Life will go on without me. I went to a concert and this song made me happy!

Pretty Shining People
Me and Sam in the car, talking 'bout America
Heading to the wishing well, we've reached our last resort
I turned to him said, "Man help me out
I fear I'm on an island in an ocean full of change
Can't bring myself to dive in to an ocean full of change
Am I losing touch
Am I losing touch now?"
He said, "Why why, what a terrible time to be alive
If you're prone to overthinking and
Why why, what a terrible time to be alive
If you're prone to second guessing" and
Hey pretty smiling people
We're alright together, we're alright together
Hey pretty shining people
We're alright together, we're alright together, hey
Took it in turns to dream about the lottery
And what we might have done if we had entered and had won
We're each convinced that nothing would have changed
But if this were the case, why is it a conversation anyway?
Don't we all need love?
The answer is easy
Don't we all need love?
The answer is easy
Don't we all need love?
The answer is easy



Jeanne Mayell, Laynara, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Alice and Timo - I've had nuclear bomb nightmares my whole life too, from way before I understood geo-politics. Anyhoo - you're not alone. My only sources of news these days are: The Onion, Stephen Colbert and the Daily Show. I don't watch any of the news channels. Some stuff comes up on my FB feed, and there's nothing to do about that, but I try to scroll by and not take the bait. It's harder for those of us who are intuitive to cope, it just is. Come on here any time, we do our best to lift each other up. I also am sad about the world, I feel humans have become the parasite that is devouring its host (Earth). And even though many people say "Every generation thinks it's the end of the world" (Wilco, for example), I feel that things really are different this time. There are too many humans. There's too much technology that's not being controlled properly. Too much day-to-day destruction. It is what it is. I make an effort every day to focus on at least one positive thing - something small is enough, like a hummingbird coming to my feeder, or having lunch with an old friend and not talking about anything political. It really helps. Try to get out into actual nature - walking along a seashore or lake and walking among trees seem to have the most benefit for mot people. Hang in there. Sending you light and peace.

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Thank you,  Laura. 


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I feel like reaching out to this community tonight.  I feel like baring my soul but everytime I write something down I delete it because it is sad or depressing and I say to myself, "why put that out there for everyone to read?"  I am now chuckling at myself for even putting this down...but it is gratifying to know kind people like yourselves are out there, and I could bare my soul to you, and I don't think I would suffer for it...or feel shame.  I am sure someone would relate to my pain.  The general feelings I am dealing with tonight are feelings of isolation and feeling different and they are feelings I have had all of my life but sometimes some movie or something else triggers a stronger association with that deep well of sadness and then I just want to reach out.  I want to call out and get a warm kind voice saying,"It's alright.  You aren't alone and you needn't fear that you will be rejected or ignored".  I am sure my spirit guides are saying, "We are here...always.  We hold the light around you even when you are not able to see it.  We know who you are in truth.  Know thyself as whole, loved and admired for the you that you always are, even if you think you are not--even if you carry some weight that seems too heavy to lift.  Let us hold your  true self up to you as a beautiful painting that you have let the dust accumulate over until you forgot what it looked like."  Doesn't it feel to some of you that the people here on earth now are mostly like paintings that have all been shrouded in the dust that accumulates and now their colors are all faded, and underneath it all is some wonderful painting that we would all love to see, but can't?  I feel myself talking to people and trying to see underneath the dust to find their true self.  I am allergic to dust too!  I cough all day long in this world.  I sneeze around the super dusty type people who are overly narcissistic or just judgemental or whatever.  I see some dust come off another person's "painting" and I get excited and I marvel that they were nicer than I thought, more loving than I imagined...I feel better about the world for a moment.  I seem to feel some of my own dust come off for a moment--the dust that I don't want and can't wait to have come off.  I want to be my true spiritual self in this world someday without fear.  I want to have x-ray eyes that don't see the dust and can see the beauty in the person across from me.  I want to breathe and breathe and breathe with no sneezing or coughing.  No clouds of dust in the distance, not one mote floating in the air.

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Starpath: I took up jogging several years ago, and as I live in a small rural town, I jog along a hilly country road with farm fields on one side and a railroad right of way on the other. As I jog I listen to music. One morning I was listening to the Eagles' song, "Learn to be Still" a particular lyric struck me - "You seem to have forgotten, heaven is lying at your feet". It was like my eyes were opened and I was able to see the small miracles all around me that I had ignored for the most part. The goldfinches, the blue birds, the wild flowers, and the feeling of peace I experiences as I jogged. 

I too am chagrined let's say by the way so many people I know focus on the unimportant and things that only serve to feed the ego. All I can do is to hold the light in my own heart, enjoy the experience, and help out where I can. You aren't the only one by a long shot. Hang in there.

Celticwitch, LalaBella, Timo and 9 people reacted
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Starpath, you just expressed everything you need, needed, and wanted to know, say, and share. You are already on the right path, you always were and you are right where you need to be. When you learn more, you do more, you reach out more and you share more. All of these you have done.

Keep listening to your own song and following your star. You and Paul are jogging down our roads not always taken much less recognized.  The fields, the train tracks, and the walls both seen and unseen. Particles and waves, molecules of non matter with light years between them. We see and feel the spaces and feel alone but light years are infinitesimally tiny in the true scheme of things and in the only real paradigm called love.

You know you are surrounded by love already. Let yourself glow. You are already enough, you are doing this, feel that awareness, go between the spaces join us in one big heart of being and feel how  we all love you.

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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

Bluebelle, such words of wisdom.  Laynara it is natural to be fearful when you are a new mother. 

But I believe you will live to see your son grow up. We do what we can to stop the foolishness of men who drive the wars and the climate.  And then we must live our lives with love and optimism. 

I don't believe we will have a nuclear holocaust. As for climate change, we will deal with it as it comes. But you are not going to die from it. Not where you live. Since Trump came into office, the world is less safe, for sure. But we can stay in gratitude and peace in our hearts. We can focus on staying grounded.  

Wendell Barry's The Peace of Wild Things comforts me during these moments of fear:

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

Thank you so much Jeanne you are such a blessing! We are grateful to have you here to help guide us.

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Timo, I love your poem.  Thank you for posting it!  And thank you all for posting in this thread. What an amazingly wonderful group of people have been posting on this forum.  We have a beautiful community! 

Lately, I've stopped reading any news about Donald Trump.  I did some meditations while walking my dog in the woods where I asked spirit to raise my vibration to a higher level.  The next thing I knew, I couldn't stomach reading any n news that involved DT any more. I found that the ups and downs of the North Korea summit, for example, were making me tired and depleting my energy.  Past presidents had enough diplomacy expertise to know how to minimize the drama with foreign powers, but not DT.  I just don't want to be on his manic depressive authoritative, racist, malignant narcism  rollercoaster.  Now when  a story about him gets emailed to me, my eyes instantly jerk away.   The information gets to me anyway via osmosis, if I need to know it.  I get the picture.  

While I have of course read all the predictions we get (I compiled and posted them today) and many included stories about Trump, including my own visions, I prefer to focus more on the positive predictions we have gotten.

The positive predictions are the direction we are going. They are the long term future.  They are the seeds of change that are being sown now.  They are not fluff, we spotted women rising, for example, long before the me-too movement hit full swing.

I notice also since doing those vibration-raising exercises that I do while walking in the woods, that I am addicted right now to my vegetable garden.  I can't wait to get there and put my hands in the soil. If it gets too hot, I take the garden hose and shower myself with the sweet water. Such a great feeling. I'm still there at night when the moon rises and the owls start in.

I believe that family gardens and community gardens and small farms are the wave of the future. I love learning how seeds grow.  They are just like raising infants - you have to give them a LOT of daily feedings and treat them like, well, babies.   

I also set up all my appointments by email now so that I don't have to answer the phone and deal with all the tele-marketers who disguise their phone numbers to make themselves look like someone I might know. My days are getting more peaceful.  My readings are becoming more soulful and more channeled.  There are so many spirits now trying to help us. 

I decided to launch a set of mindfulness, positive psychology and intuition classes locally for the fall, and am developing an online version which I'll post soon.  The classes enable me (and anyone who takes them) to get fully into a more peaceful state of well-being while keeping up our intuition.  

The wave of the future is not crazy roller coaster news and oligarch-funded government.  I see now that it is what I'd been shown by spirit in a meditation many years ago. The wave of the future is peace, and love of the land, and families, and community, and interconnectivity with all things.  This is very good news.  After the shock of DT's election, and the need to take it in, I think my own need to focus on inner peace may also reflect the Collective's needs to do the same.   

And I am so grateful for all of you and for our beautiful community. 

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Love, love, love, Jeanne.

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OMG you are all so amazing! We all feel the sorrow, sadness and love and laughter of life. Thank God! Light and love to all of you. We all rise together!

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