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Michele - thank you for your beautiful post. So true! I completely agree and can feel all of us reaching out in love and compassion to connect. It is an amazing thing that I am grateful to have found here and be a part of.

I also wanted to send my love to those of you who have posted recently (as well as before) with grief, illness, other struggles, etc. Sending lots of compassion and encouragement to buoy you up during these times.

In that vein, I wanted to share some pretty wonderful things about my mother's passing. I was back home for the funeral and had a chance to find out from my sister some of the details of last week. My mother was "seeing things" the last few days of her life and clearly (in hindsight) preparing to transition. She would have conversations with people not there, but also said that "angels were poking her" and trying to catch points of light with her fingers. Most interestingly, she kept insisting to my sister, "don't you see that thing on the wall?", "What thing? Mom, there is a TV, shelf and blank wall." "No - the opening covered in plastic where the people come through?", Mom said. She also told my sister, "you know, you and I are looking at the same thing, but we see it differently." No doubt in my mind that she was glimpsing the veil and getting ready to cross over.

Also, my brother-in-law said that she often had a broad smile and a look of "awe" or "wonder" on her face much of the time those last few days. She was a happy person, but he said he had not seen her smile that much or that big in the 15 years he knew her! My sister tried describing it and said that for a bit, she looked almost scared, then after a point, incredible wonder on her face from then on. So interesting!

From my perspective, last Wed. (her last full day alive) I had been busy in the morning, but had a rare opening of several hours in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day and I felt more relaxed than I had in ages and even baked a batch of cookies. What a gift.  Mom had been in a nursing home for just a few days and when the found her not responding, but sleeping deeply, they were able to call my family in. My brother, sister, brother-in-law and mom's cousin were able to sit with her until she passed around 5am Thurs. I am certain that it was all of the love and light from you all here as well as the universe in general providing a gift of a peaceful passing for my mother.

I know that passing is not always peaceful (my Dad went 15 years ago from a long illness and it was painful and not peaceful at the end, though fairly quick.) So, I share this not to make anyone who has experienced otherwise resentful, but rather just to share the beautiful gift that we were fortunate to receive this time.

Lots of love and continued light to you all.

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I felt my spirit being raised up as I read your account of your mom’s journey before she passed over.  It was so tender, sweet, and hopeful.  What a wonderful gift.  Thank you for sharing that with us.  

I'm sending you and your family lots of love and healing.

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CC21, thank you for sharing about your mother with us and her beautiful last days.  What an inspiring  story.  

Michelle, your post above (as all your posts actually) really resonated with me.  Rare it is to witness  someone with such an outpouring of love, compassion, hope and wisdom.  As your heart opens to us, it feels like a a warm blanket on a cold night, but the warmth you send fills  from the inside out. 

When I think of this community, I think of people extending a hand outward to raise others up, gently allowing them to continue to climb towards the mountain top.  That hand is welcoming to us in a time of need .  The light present here reminds us that  we are on the right path with the ability to  continue moving forward and upward .  When needed, we can unstick ourselves from the mud and find that beacon guiding us with hope.  We can even find joy.  

Grace and gratitude manifest here. 




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Cc21, Thank you for sharing these special moments in the days before your mother’s passing.  What a gift it was for your mother to have these beautiful experiences at the end of her life.  And what a gift to leave you this sense of wonder and comfort as you grieve the loss of your mother.  It’s a profound loss I know well, having lost my own mother eleven months ago.  I will think about these experiences you’ve shared in the weeks ahead.  You have my deepest condolences and love as you live through this transition time. 

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Thank you, deetoo, Lovendures, and BlueBelle.

And BlueBelle - my deepest sympathies to you on the loss of your mother last year. Definitely a journey, grief. Peace to us all who walk with it (recently or not.)

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Yesterday while sitting at my desk at work my boss called out that Trump had raised a certain figure for his reelection. My boss is no fan of trump but he likes to stir the boat. The woman sitting next to me who comes from a Trump family said something about the wall, how it should be built, how he'll win reelection etc... Something snapped inside me, I brought the Nuremberg trials and said that they would happen again, I brought up the children in the camps, she was unconcerned as she always is. She is in person, kind, compassionate and loving, but has an incredible ability to pretend that uncomfortable things either aren't happening or are not as bad or are justified. I've seen this for years, and not just from her, but from so many women in my life who will defend their male family members to the hilt, no matter what, while throwing everyone who threatens that under the bus. I got up and went for a walk, somewhere behind a bush I collapsed and started crying. I felt something break inside me, I couldn't control it, I was in deep grief in those moments and I was so so angry about it. The reason I began to cry was because of the children in the camps, and the callous disregard I saw on the face of my coworker. When I came back to my desk, my boss gave me a long searching look , my eyes were stone, my disgust visible on my face. I can't hide it anymore, my manners fail me. I can't be polite in the face of such indifference to suffering, I just can't. 

I've been struggling with this for years, and it's not getting easier. When I see otherwise loving family members support Putin and treat him like a demigod disbelieving anything negative about him, or when I see my American family get behind a cousin running for mayor of a New Jersey town as an anti socialist trump voting republican, I just want to tear my hair out. I can't reason with them,  but I also can't forget where this leads. The Nazis did not have the support of the majority of the German public when they won their election, but gradually they wore away the opposition whether through violence, exhaustion or persuasion. Timothy Snyder is right in his warnings on tyranny. While we are all sleep walking to oblivion. 

What scares me the most is people who have manners, are kind, decent and loving, but yet are capable of looking away from the atrocities committed in their name. This might not be the place for this rant but I'm struggling, its hard, really hard to keep going some days. 

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Natalie, I completely understand. I feel so raw lately. I feel guilty worrying about my small problems when some people are fighting for their lives & children’s lives. The thoughts of children & families in concentration camps on US soil again ( Japanese interment) sends me. The thought that people are PROFITING from such misery & harm knaws at me. I donate to ACLU & Raices. I’ve been calling Pelosi, Nadler, & my rep- but I am losing faith in the Democrats. There IS enough information to impeach & prosecute. Those who say need more time are PRIVILEGED- more children will die while Nancy makes up her mind. Why did we vote a blue wave if they too will strategize with children as pawns? It’s Party over Country again! They need to do their JOBS. I am heartbroken... There is supposed to be a vigil on July 12th nationwide- Lights for Liberty - against the concentration camps & for impeachment. I will be participating in some way. Sending us both strength & perseverance ❤️

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Thank you Shawn. Your grief, mine and the grief of all those who feel must be worth something - I hope to god we can turn this world around in time. 

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I just read your post.  I wish I could have been there to walk with you, and give you a big hug.  I can totally relate to what you are saying.    I've been feeling the same way for the past week or so, especially about the children in the camps/cages.   It can sometimes feel unbearable.   I am retired, and I don't know how I would react if I were still working and had to interact daily with T supporters.  Probably not as graciously as you have.  You're living your life with your eyes wide open, Natalie.  It takes courage to do that.

It's very difficult to reconcile when some of T's supporters can be, as you described, "kind, decent, and loving."  Are they truly that misguided?   Or are they so angry and fearful, that they'd prefer to believe that a particular group of people are creating all of their problems?   If these people truly felt stable, centered and whole, then there would be no need for them to demonize anyone.

I've been thinking a lot recently about that Rolling Stones' song, "Sympathy for the Devil."   I've been playing it too.  Mick and Keith were probably high as a kite when they wrote it, but I see so much wisdom in the lyrics.  To me, that song speaks to our duality, e.g.  "Just as every cop is a criminal; And all the sinners saints"...   Keith Richards once commented on the lyrics, saying  "It's just a matter of looking the Devil in the face. He's there all the time.  Evil - people tend to bury it and hope it sorts itself out and doesn't rear its ugly head.  When that song was written, it was a time of turmoil. It was the first sort of international chaos since World War II. And confusion is not the ally of peace and love. You want to think the world is perfect. Everybody gets sucked into that. And as America has found out to its dismay, you can't hide. You might as well accept the fact that evil is there and deal with it any way you can. Sympathy for the Devil is a song that says, Don't forget him. If you confront him, then he's out of a job."   It's time for all of us to confront that evil -- not just externally, but internally.  

I sometimes deal with my pain by becoming very angry.  In a strange way, the anger feels more proactive -- although it isn't really, unless I choose to direct that anger into something productive.   Dealing with that pain ... it's so damn hard.  But for me, I'd rather deal with the pain than be in denial.  I spent the earlier part of my life living in a fog -- I now understand it was a form of self-protection, but I missed out on truly experiencing so much in life.   So I now choose to feel the pain, understanding that the flip side of that is joy.  And more importantly, that the two feelings can coexist.  Being an empath, I just need to work daily on more balance -- and more self TLC. 

Our sensitivities can make us feel so overwhelmed.  I just need to be mindful of that.  And mindful of one other, important thing:  as lightworkers, we're here, at this time, for a reason.    It's so important, especially now, that we lift one another up, and be there for each other.   May we never lose sight of that.  And I am truly grateful that we're traveling this journey together. 

Sending you peace, blessings, and lots of love.

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Deetoo, Shawn, and dearest Natalie,  I am with you on all of it.  I don't like to be around active Trumpers, when they are talking their Trump talk, and keep my distance, so I feel for you in that job. 

When I am around them, I focus on their good qualities, but never ever let them talk about Trump or Republican policies - I just stop the conversation or step quickly away from it.  

Still  the news gets me down at times, and I go through waves of pain and then I withdraw and get strong, work in my garden, walk in the woods, and regenerate.

I believe we came here to help raise the consciousness. I get dragged down and in despair when I start thinking about how obtuse other people are. The truth is just so obvious to me.  I have Republican friends (connected via family) who are scholars of WWII and who give Abraham Lincoln parties on his birthday.  Yet they don't make the connection between Hitler and Trump, the Republican Party and slavery.  

 I have felt like the Greek priestess Cassandra who uttered prophecies that were true but no one would believe her because Zeus had cursed her.  She was the one who said the Trojan horse would destroy Troy but they didn't believe her.  I have felt like her when for 35 years I've warned people that we have to stop destroying the environment.  After years of endlessly telling them what I knew, I stopped trying  to talk to these people about what I know and see, even the ones I love. 

We speak the truth and take care of ourselves. We try to help others and support our community and love our earth.  We have to withdraw from certain people and from certain activities when our boundaries are punctured.  Listening to Trump supporters, hell, just going to a social event of people who don't understand how dire the situation is is something I avoid most of the time. 

I read the beautiful thoughts and the observations of our community to feel safer and held in love. I read Deetoo and Bluebelle, Lovendures, Michele, Shawn, Coyote, Bright Opal, Pacosurfer, Cindy, Paula, Linda, Lynn, Laura, Yogagirl, stargazer, Jaidy, Baba, KB, Nj, and you, Natalie, and so many more from this amazing community.  You all keep me going. I hope we can keep YOU going, beautiful amazing Natalie. 

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Hi - With you all on this, too.  There was an interesting blog post on Daily Kos a couple of weeks ago, sorry I can't find the link, but the writer had a revelation about a Trumper relative that I believe is truly insightful.  It is this:

Because so many are personally UNaffected, they literally do not care. Unless and until they suffer personally, they have no ability to care about what's happening outside their personal bubbles. This can be part of human nature, even so it's disheartening.

None of us on here wish suffering on others, but I'm to the point where I see it as necessary. Until their water is poisoned, until there's a fracking-caused earthquake that knocks their house down, until there's a wildfire in their own backyard, until someone in their family or they themselves are stripped of rights and citizenship, they will not rise up. they will keep their heads down, like good little sheeple, go about their day to day existences, and will work only to support the status quo because their status quo is fine by them.  They have scales on their eyes, unfortunately I think it will take great tragedy for the scales to fall off.

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Thanks for sharing about the Lights for Liberty vigil.  I will look into it.

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Sorry for an abrupt topic change. I have a favor to ask.  I am having a minor, outpatient, routine surgery on Monday morning (that I have put off for a couple decades and now has become rather necessary). I am optimistic for the final outcome and have full confidence in my surgeon. This is not due to a real disease process (i.e., it's not cancer or anything like that).

My concern is more for what may be a fairly brutal recovery, as it will be painful, and I am allergic to all opioids and also will not be allowed to take Motrin. There will be a lot of bruising, swelling, and possibly bleeding. Yes, I did take myself to one of our excellent dispensaries, and yes, I have in my possession a couple of CBD/THC sublingual tinctures. I am hopeful that will work (together with Tylenol) on my pain and the nausea I am 100% sure I will have from the anesthesia.

Lots of power in this group, if you don't mind and have time on Monday and for a few days after, please send whatever form of healing you are best at. I am a reiki practitioner, but out of practice, so I hope to be able to receive what ever is sent fully. Anyhoo, if enough of you kind folks on here bombard me, I'm sure it will help.  I will check in on here as soon as I feel up to it.

Thank you in advance for your loving kindness.


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Hi Natalie,

I am so sorry to hear about the pain that you are in from the people around you. I have no idea how you can stay calm being around people who so easily ignore what is happening. I have a hard enough time just staying calm talking to some of my relatives in the US and seeing some of the things that people who I grew up with post on social media. I hope that you can find some inner peace and strength to help you get through these very difficult times. I am sending you light and peace and I’m sure the rest of us in this group are doing the same. 

Hi Laura F,

I hope that your recovery goes swiftly and smoothly. Please don’t be afraid although I know it is human nature to do so. I will set myself a reminder to send you calming and healing energy for Monday. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. 

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Laura, may I suggest taking the homeopathic Arnica!  It helps greatly with bruising, swelling and pain.  You can find it in small vials in many natural food stores.  Best to not take it with food or mint or garlic as homeopathics aren’t effective with those things.

May your recovery go smoothly and with ease.


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I found this article tonight and believe it may be helpful to many on our site.  The Jewish author beautifully and logically explains why the migrant camps SHOULD be referred to as concentration camps.  She is a heart warrior.  After reading it I feel more empowered to make the case for referring to them as concentration camps.

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Be well, Laura F! Sending you lots of positive thoughts for a smooth surgery and recovery!

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Laura F,

If you're looking for some help to deal with the pain and inflammation, my integrative physician recommended Wobenzym PS when I was recovering after extensive knee surgery (I fractured my patella in 8 places).  The “PS” isn’t as easy to find, but it’s the one that doctors use.  It worked extremely well for my inflammation.  My husband now takes it for his hand arthritis.    He tried a series of acupuncture treatments, but Wobenzym PS is the only thing that has really helped him with the pain.  I don’t know whether it helps with other forms of inflammation besides musculoskeletal, but FYI.

I’m sending you lots of healing energy, and you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers on Monday.  Please keep us posted.

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Laura, I began sending healing, Reike-type healing, with my hands opened palms facing towards you and visualizing angels by your side.   I suddenly felt heat in my hands and flowing out of my hands, and energy flowing through the top of my head from above.   That doesn't usually happen when I send energy to someone, except when I'm reading a client when I almost always feel it.

 I trust something flowed your way! Best wishes for a smooth recovery. 

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Just so everyone is clear, I never said which body part, but it's definitely not my knee!!! Send towards the head, please and thank you! ? 

PS  - Jeanne - thank you anyway, because I do feel calmer a bit this morning, so it's working anyway, and in the past I have been told that when someone sends me reiki, they feel like they're getting some back, even if I'm unaware. That's one of the beauties of reiki.  Rock on!

PPS - I just got a vision of some confused angels, which made me laugh! So thanks for that too!

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