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[Closed] Pete Buttigieg

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I wanted to share this article because it goes to a lot of what has been said here. I'm seeing more and more GOP and Indies posting about Pete.

And if you read the comments, there are some amazing ones. Like this one:

"I'm 70 years old, hetero, married for 34 happy years. I’m a political junkie for most of those years. I have NEVER seen or heard a pol like Pete Buttigieg. He is a phenomenon that goes beyond the beyonds. Brilliant, AWARE, emphathetic, COMPASSIONATE, practical, and SPIRITUAL. This man knows about so many things it’s incredible! He is raising our consciousness to a whole new level. I support him wholeheartedly because he gets down to the core of my being, most especially when he talks about the Crisis of Belonging. He has been so open about his personal struggles and has invited his husband to be an integral part of the campaign. They both are lovely men. It’s about time we got some decency after all the mess with Trump. PETE BUTTIGEIG 2020."

I've never seen people talk about a candidate's SPIRITUALITY before. It's really interesting. There's something going on here worth watching. And I say: thank God given the nightmare in the White House.

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Great posts. Yes, we desperately need tbe spiritual, healing energies of Pete. I totally believe he'll be on the ticket.

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I like hearing that! I trust your instincts.

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The first night of the debates is tonight. It will be Pete Buttigieg, Warren, Sanders, O'Rouke, and Kobluchar, with other "also rans". Watch if you get a chance! CNN at 8pm.

Pete gave a great interview on CNN Cuomo last night. Very firey and righteous. He is up for it! He pushed back hard on Cuomo and came off very commander-in-chief:

Interestingly, after Cuomo I checked the #PeteForAmerica hashtag on Twitter. Lots of conservatives on there talking about how much they like him. Lots of stuff along the lines of "I don't agree with all of his policies, but I trust he would put the country first and I like him." 

He's got this.  

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I see a Warren/Pete ticket...not sure who will be as POTUS and who as VP...but then again that's MY dream ticket.  Does anyone else see this? This does confuse me a bit because Biden is so far ahead in the polls right now, however, I think if the Mango Moron is not on the ticket (because he leaves for some reason) then perhaps Biden would pass the torch and drop out.  Thoughts?

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Polling in the run-up to primary season is famously erratic and there's still a lot of time for Biden to stumble on the campaign trail. I think Biden won't be on the ticket simply because he will underperform in the primaries.

Whoever gets the Dem nomination next year, they will be under intense pressure to make sure there's racial and generational diversity on the ticket. So I don't feel too sure about a Warren/Buttigieg combo. Buttigieg/Harris might be more likely.  

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Update from conservative trump land on PETE- I recently heard from two fox news watching, trump voting, AOC-hating family members say they really, really liked pete (yay!!), and would consider voting for him. However they did comment that they fear “the progressive democrats wont like him get far- what a shame”.


for context: i haven't heard them say a positive thing about a democrat, let alone that they “liked” any liberal leaning public figure, in maybe 10 years- if ever. (Except maybe tom hanks lol)


My hope is that voters don’t underestimate how important and valuable it is that pete genuinely listens, takes responsibility for his past mistakes, and really sits down and works on how to change and adapt. He learned sign language solely because a disabled man reached out to him on twitter with a message for pete- signing to him his support.

Not even as an act- but just because he wanted to learn and to make this man feel heard and important. He is willing to do that work, and it feels genuine .. not just a campaign tactic.

Thats what we need in a president. Someone who, when the time comes, hears criticism and doesn’t pull a “trump” by deflecting or placing the blame elsewhere and ranting angrily about it and isolating our country further. Someone who says, “okay, i hear you- help me understand how to be better.” Then sits down, learns, reads up on it, and tries to figure out how to change to better suit that need. Im praying for this type of change.

i would never compare the left and right, nor would i compare trump to any other sitting politician (or living person)- but there seems to be a whole lot of blaming and calling people out in politics and a not a lot of acknowledging error, listening, and changing. And i myself am guilty of blaming instead of taking action and making a difference- not just by vote, but in my own community. Hopefully we are a bit woken up.

We dont need another leader who *only* knows how to defend themselves and call people out- right or wrong. Call out racism, yes- and Speaking truth to power is important, but if thats *all* they seem to be able to do, i dont think its a great sign either. Its part of where i feel the country is at psychologically, spiritually, etc....and perhaps why i like pete so much. We as a country need to start to listen to one another, hold ourselves accountable, and grow. Maybe in an energetic sense this is what I feel we are being pushed towards.

blaming others is part of what got trump elected. He was successful at complaining, criticizing others, and touting himself as a fighter who would tear it all down. He told his voters that not only was he never in the wrong, never made a mistake, but also always the victim. I do get why people gravitated to it, and why we still today want to see a liberal candidate who can “call trump out and stand up to him” - i really do.

but i think we all underestimate how  *tired* americans are of the blamers and the “burn down the system” types- no matter how momentarily good it makes us feel. Also, im not convinced any amount of calling trump out will get us very far. Many have tried, as clear as day, and he always uses it as fuel. Trump is a pro at this... why try to beat him at his own game?

Psychologically i dont think people can tolerate this type of energetic heat for much longer, left or right.  hopefully with someone like pete up there, that desire will begin to show in the polls too. I say- let trump continue breeding anger. Calling another candidate out for a 30 second soundclip might boost your polling for a few weeks, but i don't see it as sustainable overall. Harris went up in the polls after going after biden in the first debate, but that leveled out over the past week or so, and biden is still on top largely untouched.

My theory? Every time trump reminds us how evil he is and what we are truly up against- we are reminded of what we dont like, and what were really battling here- its like we come right back down to earth. Even though it feels good to call out other dems or establishment politicians on their mistakes or potential corruption— i dont know if it hurts or helps. It feels more like misdirected anger. we see phrases like “we need a fighter” and i often wonder if a fighter is what we truly need. Maybe what we need is a healer.

The battle of narcissism and inability to listen is a sickness in politics, and i think trump is the ultimate proof. Maybe this is why me, and so many others feel a great feminine energy emerging from the depths... feminine energy is not of personal profit but of strength in community and an ability to LISTEN. I believe that beating trump will take someone who is able to be the living breathing embodiment of exactly what he is not. Thats how you point out his weaknesses. simply get a candidate in there that acts as a mirror, not one who brings trumpian call out tactics and snide remarks to the game trump himself basically invented. He will out bully whoever comes at him this way. 

I’m praying that Trump’s persistent idiocy and hatred helps dems stay focused on the real problem- him. Im voting for the candidate who can win the electoral college, which will take a strong ability to heal and bring people together- not isolate. plain and simple. 

Some days its hard to stay optimistic. I hope more people start supporting pete, because to me, its a sign people are ready to heal. its a sign of spiritual growth as a nation. Im not totally sure our country is ready for it. It feels energetically so chaotic to me.- and perhaps it is because pete embodies this transformation in my mind, that is why i feel so emotionally connected and protective over him. 


On another note- i can vouch for younger people wanting to come out to vote! Take solace in that!

So as a millennial i can tell you- we did not come out to vote, and we did absolutely let our country down. Throughout 2008, 2012, and 2016 elections– not many millennials my age cared, let alone voted. Only about 5 out of 10 people my age would go out to vote at most, and this was even amongst the politically engaged and intellectual groups. 

Often you’d here “oh yeah i forgot to vote this time- oops.. whatever”. We laughed it off.

I even heard that sentiment when trump was the potential outcome in 2016. There was just no urgency, only apathy. My generation never saw american greatness. We grew up on 9/11, a pointless and brutal war on terror, an economic recession, the rise of fox news, and trumps election. We were told to chase our dreams and met with the cold reality of insurmountable student debt and extreme difficulty getting a job even with a masters degree. It was hard to feel like anything mattered- we were let down from the get go.

Well im here to tell you- not anymore folks!! We as a generation have done a complete 180. in 2018, What i heard was “you voted right? You have to!!! Even in new york- it matters. Do it. I’ll go with you!” In fact- it would be a point of shame to even admit you didn’t vote out loud. We are listening now, and were here to help. 

I hope this makes a difference in 2020. I hope WE make a difference. There are A LOT of millennials and they are overwhelmingly liberal. our apathy has cost us terribly in the past, and i will admit we let our older counterparts down. We let down the generations of women and progressives who had fought so hard for us decades before, and that stung.

But- our vote *will* make a difference this time around. I can guarantee that! :)


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One more thing to add! Sorry- i have a lot to say on this hot nyc day. 

I also think biden will not be on the ticket- nor sanders. Different reasons for both.

I see biden getting sick. It would take a lot to bring him down poll wise, because despite debates etc, as long as people have the idea that he is our best option to beat trump- as long as polls show this- no one will immediately or drastically back off of him until that changes.

Because of this- Maybe biden goes or fades if and when trump does too.. who knows.

Until that happens, and right now trump doesn't seem to be going anywhere.. I feel it would take something like an illness or health scare. On the contrary- it could be Something very damning that would have to come out that could bring him down.

Ultimately i see warren on top for a while followed by harris and buttigieg, then single out to warren and one other candidate. I think pete will be around for a while in this. Not sure about harris. And i think some others will rise- more moderate male candidates and some women like klobuchar. I have a very strong feeling this whole thing might look a lot different come early spring 2020. 


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Posted by: @triciact

I see a Warren/Pete ticket...not sure who will be as POTUS and who as VP...but then again that's MY dream ticket.  Does anyone else see this? This does confuse me a bit because Biden is so far ahead in the polls right now, however, I think if the Mango Moron is not on the ticket (because he leaves for some reason) then perhaps Biden would pass the torch and drop out.  Thoughts?

That's my dream ticket too!

Biden has stated in as many words that he will NOT pass the torch to anyone under any circumstance (in the last debate).  No one will drop out until they have to.

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@triciact @LauraF   I see them, too.  Just had a clearer feeling that they address many of the voters where they live and that they want to not only lead but include and educate so that many voters actually understand what is going on in their own life and how to lead themselves through the areas they are struggling with. Less as saviors and more as two candidates who want the country to feel empowered and connected. 

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Thank you for this post. Love to hear that about Millennials voting. We so, so desperately need that generation, and Gen Z and X, to stand up and be counted because they are the more multi-culuturally accepting and diverse.

Also loved to hear about your conservative acquaintances going to Pete. I'm seeing more and more of that and it's an incredibly hopeful sign. 

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RE: Warren/Buttigieg. I think it's quite possible. My gut says the ones that will be standing the longest, are Warren/Harris/Buttigieg. I think Sanders will continue to fall in the polls. He's simply too old, too "ranty grandpa", and as more of his young followers are exposed to the other options, I think they will fall away.

Biden is also too old. I think I saw he will be 87 at the end of an 8-year term. There is too much to be done to heal and repair our nation. We need someone who can do 8 straight years with strength and passion. If there's a change in guard in 2024, it opens up too much of a chance to lose. Plus, I think Joe's too old *right now*. 

There are some historic markers toward Pete. He's a young, handsome candidate ala Kennedy, Trudeau and Macron. He's got the "outsider" status and genial nature of Clinton and Carter. He's inspiring. That's just demographic stuff beyond what we've all pointed out about him in this thread.

Buttigieg would likely choose a woman of color as VP. I'm not sure that would be Harris. She doesn't really gel with him, I think. I see her more as AG. Other options are Stacy Abrams or someone like Tammy Duckworth.  However if, at the end of the primary, Pete and Warren are very close in delegates, and she has a ton of support, he might go for her. I don't think they would have trouble working together. She would bring a lot of experience in Washington. And he could put minorities in key cabinet posts. I could see him doing that as a way to unite the party for the general.

As for Buttigieg as VP, I could see Warren picking him. And Biden too. If Biden somehow managed to hold on to his lead. Biden likes him a lot. He's said some nice things about him. There was a rally recently when, asked about his competitors, he talked about how he really liked Mayor Pete and knew his heart was in serving his country. "And then there are the others", he said. lol. And Pete, likewise, has complemented Biden's service to his country because that's the kind of person he is. He won't attack someone he thinks is honorable. IF this is the way it happened, it would have some advantages too because Biden is very strong in the south and with black voters and Pete brings the midwest, younger progressives, and a cross-over to blue collar workers. And Biden is so old, I bet Pete would be given unprecedented power as VP. And it would set him up nicely to later run again for Pres.

BUT. I really think Pete can take the nomination in 2020. As I pointed out before, his recent rallys have been electric. I expect his visible support to grow.


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I loved him tonight.   Every time he spoke I felt he was channeling spirit.

He opened with the reason he’s running for president: because we are running out of time. 

  He totally gets it—the urgency, that it is now or never for our civilization.  When I heard him speak I felt  he was the one we need. He is the  Messenger needed to turn our collective around.

Bernie was impressive too as was Elizabeth.  Bernie doesn’t miss a beat. He’s still strong and quick and has been a heartfelt activist his entire life.  I don’t think it will happen but I would love a butti-Sanders ticket.  

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Yes. The debate format drove me crazy. It was all about pitting one candidate against another and having them argue back and forth for far too long. But Pete never did that. Even when they tried to get him to go against Bernie about age, he simply didn't take the bait. 

They didn't give him a lot of time to speak, but every time he did, he sounded like the smartest and most mature person in the room. It's interesting that you say he was chanelling spirit. I saw a private photo earlier of him in an empty church that was near the venue. He went there to pray before the debate. I prayed for him too, that he be surrounded by light and protected and given strength. I could see that strength in him tonight. He is a warrior for what is right and truth and justice. 

Sanders, to me, seems too old and too ranty. I'm also not a fan of the French Revolution style demonization of the 1%. Or "evil corporations". I get that a lot of companies have behaved badly. But they're part of American too at the end of the day. And I don't see how our economy or innovation could continue without them. I picture Pete as more of a leader who could sit down with these big companies and say look, we want you to be successful, but you've got to do better by your workers, you've got to pay taxes. And be reasonable about it and make them understand why. Maybe that's naive. But I just am sick of division. I don't want to be against anyone. I want someone like Pete who can bring people together.

This is not the right format for him. He's best in longer interviews where his brilliant mind has time to unspool. But I think his measured calm and common sense are reaching new people through these debates. I just spend 3 hours retweeting posts on Twitter.

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@JHolmes I agree.  The format is too restricting.  Plus I hate the moderaters trying to pit the candidates against each other.  I love Mayor Pete.  Ididn't think he was as strong last nite as the last debate but that was just the lack of time to talk.  Plus there were two, I believe, new people.  Tim Ryan was strong but.....  Don't know didn't get a great feeling.  I'm afraid the Bernie rant is running out of steam.  I admire the man and think he is brilliant but I don't think a  lot of people understand what he is talking about with Medicare for all.  I was confused at times.  I love Warren and Harris is another strong candidate.  Whats up with this Williamson women?  I'm afraiid I don't know much about her.  Can't wait to see tonights debate.  

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Agreed. He did as best as could be expected with what he was given, but overall not a great showcase for him. Too little time. Though I think, in a way, The Delaney-Sanders-Warren fight took Warren and Sanders down a peg, at least with moderates and more conservative voters. Which makes Pete look like a better option. So who knows. 

I'm looking forward to the next month to see what happens and I'm so glad there are no more debates til September! I hope by then we're down to 5-6 candidates.

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I agree with @jeanne-mayell that Pete was channeling spirit.  I love being in his presence, even if it's only through the tube!  The fact that many die-hard Repugs -- some of whom voted for T -- would consider voting for Pete, speaks volumes.   He touches people in a way that no one does.

I agree with @jholmes that the debate stage  "is not the right format for him. He's best in longer interviews where his brilliant mind has time to unspool."

I saw Marianne Williamson last night and what she said was quite powerful.  She  received a lot of applause.   Apparently last night/this morning Marianne was Google-searched more than any other candidate.  I was also surprised to hear Joe Scarborough speak this morning about the power of Marianne's comments, and how she was so much on target with the root cause of our problems.  Scarborough is an ex-Congressman and life-long Republican who left the party shortly after T took office.  (Scarborough has also been proudly crowing that he came up with the nickname "Moscow Mitch." )

Also -- don't know whether any of you know that Tim Ryan is a regular meditator.  I don't think he stands any chance of winning the nomination, but he's an interesting guy.   I initially read about his meditation practice in Mindful Magazine a number of years back.  He's been practicing for 20 years, stating that mindfulness meditation is the only way he's able to cope with working on the Hill.  Back then he held a group practice at work, open to anyone who wanted to participate.   Not surprisingly, it's the Congressional staff members who generally joined him.   Back then a conservative blogger called him "Congressman Moonbeam"; now he's called the "Rustbelt Yogi."  Right now Ryan is traveling the country with an ex-Marine who is also a yoga instructor.  I heard Ryan state that he wants to revamp healthcare to incorporate mind-body practices into the coverage.  He said that in Ohio, one school included meditation as part of their curriculum until some parents protested, claiming it goes against their Christian religion.  (Sigh ....)  So to get people to listen, Ryan addresses the proven, cold hard science behind it.  Ultimately he believes that our capacity to be mindful is the natural pathway to addressing the difficulties we face in this country.  Ryan believes that becoming a mindful nation will heal us. 

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I haven't seen footage from last night's debates yet, and I'm not totally caught up in this thread, but I wanted to say that I resonate very much with the light shining on Mayor Pete from this community.

Sometime last fall, in the run-up or aftermath of the November elections, I got a vision (posted here somewhere, I'm sure) which is very similar to one I've just read @jeanne-mayell describing. I was tuning into the 2020 presidential election, and I saw a Knight of Wands riding forward and surprising everyone. 

The energy of this person felt distinctly male and relatively young (which generally describes the suit of knights). The wands at their highest represent brave and hopeful symbols of action, truth, and integrity to me (but then, I'm a double fire sign). ;) For anyone who cares, I just checked and Pete's moon is in the first decan of Sagittarius (incidentally, on the precise degree as both my sun and ascendant). Our moon represents how we inwardly think and feel and believe.

At the time I had this vision, I wondered whether this Knight of Wands could be Beto; there was no one else who fit it even a little. Then, when Mayor Pete stepped forward, I started to hope. In the Smith-Rider-Waite deck, the Knight of Wands has brown hair, and of course, knights are soldiers and Pete is a former military officer.

But there's still a strong element of surprise with this vision (which I think Jeanne is describing too), so although I hope, I don't feel a sense of certainty. Before Mayor Pete popped up, I would have loved to see Elizabeth or Kamala heading the ticket, and I still would. But I'm left with such a good feeling whenever I hear him speak.

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I recall (from my numerous poring over of the predictions section) that the President in 2020 would be a man (Jeanne's dark horse, Military) and in 2024, the President would be a woman. 

If both are true, I wonder what happens (assuming Pete wins) that the President doesn't seek a second term.

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I'm incredibly hopeful. But nevertheless concerned.

I don't know precisely what I see coming for our 2020 or 2024 elections, but I sense we're still just coasting our way toward the event horizon. Who knows what all kinds of warped weirdness we're yet to witness. 

But I will say that I was just taking a good look at Mayor Pete's astrological birth chart, and man, it's exciting. All the more so when you compare it to the United States' birth chart; there are so many powerful connection points! It's at once powerful and promising...and also a little concerning. I could easily be mistaken, but it looks like there's a fated potential for sudden harm. (Sadly, gunpowder blast came immediately through when I saw it.)

If anyone wants to know the details, I'm happy to say more (there's an astrology predictions thread too). Just don't want to risk putting any non-astrologers further to sleep. 

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